The Reluctant Villain

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The Reluctant Villain Page 11

by James Williams


  By the time he returned to the shop Matthews and Harry were back and his boss was in one of his predictable foul moods.

  “What the hell do you think you’re playing at Reynolds? I don’t employ you to skive off to take some old crone home when she pulls the wool over your stupid eyes by pretending to be about to kick the bucket!”

  For the umpteenth time Gerry bit his tongue to hold back from telling Matthews what to do with his job. Instead he spoke in a subdued tone,

  “Mrs Stockwell has helped a lot of people in this town for many years. It wouldn’t pay to ignore her call for help when she needed it, your local trade would disappear overnight if news got out that your staff didn’t at least try and help her”

  Matthews was still out for blood but changed his direction of attack.

  “I’m not running a charity here my lad, so if you’ve taken time off without permission you can lose a day’s pay for your ‘kindness’ so maybe you’ll think twice if this ever happens again. Now go and make drinks for me, Abigail and Harry, at least we’ve been doing proper work while you’ve been playing nursemaids”

  This last remark bought a smirk from Abigail as she spoke,

  “Mr Matthews, he also ordered me to phone for a taxi on the shop phone”

  “That will also come off your wages along with the cost of those drinks you’re about to make so get a move on before I fine you even more!”

  With a last glance at Abigail Gerry went into the kitchen. He had finally decided that he would follow Sally’s suggestion and visit Ernie Newsham to see if there was a vacancy for him. He couldn’t imagine Ernie being such a hard taskmaster as his current boss.

  Matthews and Abigail were in his office and when Gerry took in their drinks they stopped talking and waited until he had left before resuming their conversation. Harry was removing boxes from the van parked in the yard. He mumbled a form of thanks for the drink and said,

  “Told you that bitch was poison didn’t I. The boss said you can help me unload these boxes and store them in the unit in the yard”

  “What’s he flogging this time or is that a trade secret”

  Harry laughed,

  “If it’s going cheap he’ll find a market for anything. Sports stuff, mostly trainers and tops, just bankrupt stock from a place in the Midlands”

  Gerry tried to change the subject; he wanted to know something about the refurbishment of the workshop.

  “Who cleared out the workshop before the new stock was put in?”

  Harry pointed to himself as he took another mouthful of tea, so Gerry continued,

  “I found most of my kit in the bin but there was something missing that I wanted to keep. Did you come across a bunch of skeleton keys by any chance?”

  Harry shook his head and looked quickly away from Gerry before he put his empty cup down and motioned to his companion to move towards the van. He spoke quietly,

  “I wasn’t there the whole time; Miss Droopy Draws went in before me and she put your stuff in the bin so it might be worth asking her about those keys”

  “That will have to wait until Friday; she’s busy with the Boss now and tomorrow is my college day, thank God”

  Harry smiled,

  “He’s not going to let you carry on going to college, he wants you here so that he can extract every ounce of sweat from you remember this for future reference kid”

  “Well, if he does manage to stop me attending college then he will have broken an agreement with my old boss and it will cost him”

  Harry gave another sardonic laugh,

  “Breaking agreements with people is what he lives for, he will say or sign anything to get his way in a deal, then break it at the first opportunity. Mark my words, it won’t cost him a bean!”

  Gerry didn’t want to take the conversation any further so he kept quiet, but he made a mental note of checking on his ex-boss’ solicitor in case he needed advice.

  It was another late finish for Gerry, nevertheless he had decided to call at the Leisure Centre to check if Ernie Newsham still had a vacancy. However, he was out of luck. As he approached the car park at the rear of the Centre he saw Ernie drive away in a van marked Acme Security, in the passenger seat he could clearly see the other occupant was the man Sally had called Mark. This was the same person who had tried to steal from the shop when it was still owned by David Evans. Did Ernie know this man was capable of such crimes? Did he want to work alongside such a character? He remembered Sally’s description of Mark, and then compared him with his current work colleagues and decided he couldn’t do any worse by at least enquiring.

  On arriving home, he tried to talk to his grandmother about the incident involving Stella Stockwell but as soon as he mentioned Mrs Stockwell’s comments about the suitcase his gran stood up abruptly and spoke only to say,

  “I thought I told you not to mention that case to anyone, especially not her! And she left the room and called back to tell him she was going to bed and did not wish to be disturbed.

  His hopes for a more friendlier atmosphere at college were sadly misplaced and he could not understand why his tutor was very cool, almost hostile, towards him. By the time the morning coffee break arrived Gerry could take it no longer and confronted Lee, his tutor, after the rest of the group had left the room.

  “Lee, can I have a word with you please. I can’t seem to do anything right by you today, have I offended anyone?”

  Lee continued to clear books away from his desk before looking directly at Gerry, crossed his arms in front of his chest and said,

  “In view of what your boss told me I was a bit surprised you had the nerve to come in at all today”

  Gerry didn’t give him chance to continue speaking, he held up his hand and almost shouted back at his tutor,

  “What’s that conniving sod up to now. I want to know what he said about me!”

  Lee hesitated for a moment and invited Gerry to take a seat before he spoke,

  “Well, I shouldn’t be repeating this but as we’ve known each other for a few terms I’ll be straight with you. In his exact words, ‘Gerry says he is fed up coming here, learning nothing and being treated like a thirteen year old and he doesn’t want to continue on such a crap course’.

  “I’ve never treated any of my students like thirteen year old kids and apart from a couple of minor bloomers you’ve been my star pupil, in that time you’ve been keen to learn and never given any indication you were unhappy attending. He also went on to say that in view of your so called ‘feelings towards the course’ he will be contacting the Principal to have the rest of your course and exam fees refunded. He did that late yesterday evening and I had to face the Principal this morning to explain why a student had such poor views of my course”

  Gerry sank back in his chair, suddenly feeling as if his whole world was crumbling around him. Lee watched his student closely for a minute before asking,

  “Gerry, tell me, is any of what your boss said true?”

  Shaking his head, Gerry replied in a husky voice,

  “Lee, I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher and a more interesting course and I’ve never felt liked you were treating me like a young kid. All he is after is claiming the course and exam fees for himself. Mr Evans paid for them and warned me to be careful of him doing just that”

  It was Lee’s turn to sit back in his chair but instead of looking defeated he banged his fist on the table and swore loudly before apologising. Then he stood up and beckoned Gerry to follow him.

  “Come on Gerry, we’re off to the Bursar’s office. I just hope they haven’t sent that payment through to Matthews. If they have, then there’s not much I can do”

  On their way, Gerry told Lee about the letter David Evans had given him and the instructions relayed to his solicitor.

  “Hmmm, that could prove interesting, we might have to talk to the Principal in that case as well”

  It was not good news from the Bursar, on instructions from the
Principal himself the payment had been sent to Matthews own account that morning. By now, the morning break would have finished and the tutor returned to tell his assistant to take charge while he talked to the Principal on an urgent matter.

  It took several minutes to convince the Principal’s secretary that the matter required his immediate attention, and another ten minutes while her boss finished his current appointment.

  “Mr Bradley, I hope this is as important as you make out, I am very busy this morning and I believe you should be taking your class at this moment. Who is this with you?” he finished with a nod in Gerry direction.

  “This is Gerry Reynolds, the person we were discussing this morning. He has given me some very important information that you should be aware of Mr Spires”

  At the mention of the Principal’s surname a sudden thought came into Gerry’s head, but he kept quiet for the time being.

  Lee then proceeded to tell his boss about his conversation of earlier that morning with Gerry, including the mention of the possible involvement of Albert Parker, the solicitor. He finished by saying,

  “If you check Gerry’s class record and achievements it should indicate to you that he is a hard working student and has been a model pupil who has given no indication of being unhappy in his time at the college”

  The principal sighed and opened a folder on his desk. Gerry could clearly see his name on the front cover. The first couple of pages were read before he spoke,

  “Why should a solicitor be involved in this matter, I fail to see the connection”

  Gerry took this as a signal to speak out,

  “Mr Spires, I used to work for David Evans until Mr Matthews took over the business. It was Mr Evans who paid for my course and exam fees and he was concerned that Mr Matthews would try something like this, so he drew up a letter with the aid of his solicitor to state that if the course was cancelled for any reason the money would be paid to me. Mr Parker is supposed to have written to you on this matter”

  Spires held up his hand for silence and pressed his intercom button on his phone,

  “Miss Partridge, can you check if I had a letter sent to me by an Albert Parker, a solicitor in the past couple of months please?” and he turned back to Gerry,

  “Are you saying those comments that Mr Matthews attributed to you are false?”

  “Completely. I’ve always looked forward to, and enjoyed learning new skills with Mr Bradley and you can ask the other students if I’ve been disruptive in class at any time”

  Spires tapped his fingers on his desk several times before speaking,

  “This leaves you with a problem then young man. Unless you can get Mr Matthews to return the fees, or alternatively you can find other funds yourself, I cannot see any way of re-instating you on the course. Correct me if I’m wrong Mr Bradley but I believe there is a list of several capable students waiting to join your class

  Bradley looked at Gerry and then asked his boss,

  “How long has Gerry got to find any alternative funds?”

  Spires looked at Gerry,

  “You have until the Bursar’s office closes at four thirty tomorrow afternoon. Oh, you must also have an employer who will give you a reference stating you will complete the course and attend on a regular basis”

  Gerry slumped back in his chair and his tutor looked away. There was a knock on the door and the Principal’s secretary entered the room with a letter and handed it to Spires. He read the letter carefully and then repeated the process before announcing

  “It seems that your former employer, Mr Evans, did try to protect your interests. However, Mr Matthews assured me he had a legal right to those fees and was prepared to go to court to get hold of them. I think you should go to speak to Mr Parker to seek advice and find out if Mr Evans is willing to fight Matthews in court.

  “In the meantime, I have to consider the college’s position and if you can find other funding by tomorrow afternoon and stay in employment you will be re-instated on Mr Bradley’s course. I have other matters to attend to so this meeting is at an end”.

  He rose from his chair and opened the door for his two guests and watched them leave. Once they had left he closed the door and went to his phone and dialled a number. When the call was answered he spoke quickly,

  “Abigail, tell Percy the money has been transferred to his account but the lad Reynolds has a solicitor on the case so be prepared for trouble”

  Lee took Gerry into a small office next to his classroom and invited him to sit down.

  “I’m really sorry Gerry, I wish there was something else I could do to help but since the principal is involved I have to step back from any involvement. But as he said, go to your old boss’ solicitor and find out if he can come up with anything”

  Thanks Lee, even if I get some money back Matthews will find a way to sack me and that means I couldn’t attend the course anyway. One thing, the Principal, does he have a daughter called Abigail?”

  Lee shook his head,

  “He’s got two sons but he does have a niece, and I’m sure her name is Abigail. Why do you ask?”

  Gerry explained the connection and Lee let out a low whistle.

  “You’re really up against it; chances are Spires has already warned her of our meeting. Look, I have to go back to the class now but if there’s anything I can help with, a reference of something, let me know. Do you want to say cheerio to your class mates?”

  Gerry shook his head, said nothing and left the college, feeling the weight of the whole world on his young shoulders.

  He walked to the local park and sat on a bench for the next half an hour trying to find something positive to concentrate on, oblivious to the steady drizzle and increasing wind. It was only when the rain became heavier that he decided to find an indoor venue, he headed for the library, hoping Sally would be there to give good counsel to him.

  No such luck! The woman on duty told him Sally had a pre-arranged appointment with her doctor and would not be back on duty until later that afternoon. Where now! He was so preoccupied with trying to think of any solution he bumped into another person walking past the library as he came out. This person was of solid build and Gerry bounced back a couple of steps, the man gave a slight laugh and said,

  “Take it easy lad, you could do yourself, or somebody else a mischief charging around like that”

  Ernie looked carefully at Gerry,

  “What’s up Gerry? You look as if you’ve lost a tenner and found a penny, why the glum features”

  It took a few moments for Gerry to register what had happened,

  “Oh, sorry Mr Newsham, are you ok?”

  “In a lot better state than you lad. Anything you want to talk about or is it too personal”

  Before Gerry could reply, an ambulance, sirens blaring and blue lights flashing roared past. Both men watched the vehicle speed away towards the centre of town. Only when it was out of sight did Gerry speak, first checking nobody else was within hearing range.

  “Thanks to my boss, Matthews, I’ve been kicked off my college course and will probably lose my job”

  Ernie suppressed the smile he was aching to expose, this was just the situation he had bargained for, he said quietly,

  “I can’t talk now Gerry, but if you come to the Centre at about three o’clock you can tell me what’s happened, is that ok?”

  Remembering what sally had repeated to him just a few days ago, he sighed and nodded his head,

  “Thanks Mr Newsham, I’ll be there”

  Ernie let out a smile, tapped Gerry on the shoulder and walked briskly away.

  Gerry decided he would go home, making the excuse that his tutor was ill if his gran started asking awkward questions. He was beginning to think his troubles were being resolved but events nearby would unfold to shatter that illusion.

  Jenny Potter looked out of her living room window and was shocked to see an ambulance, rear doors open, parked outside the Stockwell residence. She had been baking in the
kitchen at the rear of her house and had heard approaching sirens but decided not to investigate as her cake was due to come out of the oven at any moment.

  Having surveyed the scene, she grabbed hold of her coat and was about to cross the street when the two medics came out of the Stockwell’s, followed closely by Robin. The stretcher had a prone figure laying on it, which could only be Stella, Jenny surmised.

  She was about to call out to Robin when he followed the stretcher into the rear of the ambulance, doors were closed and the driver sped away at speed, once again sirens blaring and lights flashing. Jenny was left standing on the pavement, unsure what to do or think.

  She stayed in the same position for at least five minutes not comprehending quite what she had witnessed. Ernie found her standing on the pavement next to her gate, staring into the distance. He called her name but got no response so he gently tapped her on the shoulder. She let out a stifled scream and looked round at him, visibly relaxing as she looked into a familiar face. Ernie repeated his unanswered query,

  “Jenny, is everything ok, you look as if you’ve, well seen a ghost”

  Oh Mr Newsham, something terrible has happened, Stella has been taken away in an ambulance. What could be the matter with her?”

  “Was Robin with her or is he still at home?” he asked.

  “No, no. Mr Stockwell got into the ambulance with her, I don’t know what to do Mr Newsham!”

  It was obvious to Ernie that Jenny was in a state of shock so he gently, but firmly, took her arm and led her back to the open door of the house. She hesitated at the entrance and then spoke,

  “Would you like to come in for a cup of tea Mr Newsham?”

  It was Ernie’s turn to show hesitation, he didn’t want to get drawn into a long conversation with Jenny, he knew that once she started talking it could prove a little difficult in withdrawing. He said,

  “I will come in for ten minutes but I do have an appointment to attend, so I can’t afford to stay any longer”

  Jenny appeared happy with that compromise and invited her guest into the living room. Her two cats were waiting but as soon as Ernie steeped into the room both felines dashed past him into the hallway. Jenny looked a bit puzzled until Ernie announced,


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