Saved by an Angel

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Saved by an Angel Page 10

by Virtue Doreen


  by Anonymous

  When I was five or six years old, I was awakened from my sleep to see a young man in a red choir robe with a red prayer book floating in my room. I screamed for my mother and father. The young man (I believe him to be my guardian angel) proceeded into my closet, and I ran down the hall to my mom and dad’s room, where I stayed for the rest of the night.

  Many years later, my mother and I were discussing the tear in the screen of my window that my brother and I used to climb in and out of. I told my mother that I always wondered how it got there. I knew my brother and I weren’t responsible for it. She said that someone tried to break into our house through that window the night that I saw my guardian angel. She didn’t want to tell me because she didn’t want me to be afraid to sleep in my room. Now I know that my angel protected me from harm that night.


  by Suzanna Lonchar

  The little fat baby always gave me such adorable smiles. I was about 11 years old and often stopped by to play with him at our neighbor’s house about three doors down. He was nicknamed Baby Butch, and I was taken by his charming smile and good nature. He was about nine months old—a beautiful infant with a head full of thick auburn curls.

  Baby Butch’s mother was desperate to go out one evening, but she couldn’t find a babysitter. She asked my mother if I could babysit, but my mom said that I was too young for the responsibility.

  Later that evening, I awakened from a deep sleep to see the most beautiful vision I’d ever encountered. Baby Butch was floating by the foot of my bed surrounded in clouds. This vision was so brilliant that it illuminated the room. He was wearing a crown; and it looked like he was surrounded by diamonds, rubies, and jewels sparkling like angel lights. He was gurgling, laughing, and happy. He had little wings and wore a little robe made of brilliant red velvet. It was the most magnificent sight! He resembled a picture of baby Jesus I had seen, with his tight auburn curls. The vision may have only lasted for a few seconds, but it was real, my eyes were wide open, and this was no dream. Afterward, I must have drifted back into a deep sleep.

  In the early hours, I was suddenly awakened by someone hysterically banging on our front door. I jumped out of bed and rushed downstairs. It was our next-door neighbor hysterically screaming, “Baby Butch is dead! Baby Butch is dead!”

  It was six o’clock in the morning, and his mother had just come home after leaving her children alone for the night. When she looked in the baby’s crib, she discovered that he was dead. It appeared that he had strangled or smothered, for he had somehow twisted the bedsheets around his neck.

  Baby Butch visited me that night to show me that he was now an angel. He was giving me the message to not grieve, because he was with Jesus. Since that time, I have known that death is not final, there is a heaven, and angels are real.


  by Pamela Weber

  Jessica, my six-year-old daughter, told me that the angels come to her almost every evening when she wakes up in the middle of the night, and they sing her beautiful lullabies to put her back to sleep. One night, she said that she asked the angels where they go when they leave her room, and they asked if she would like to see.

  When Jessica replied, “Yes!” the angels took her upward with them. She said that her surroundings became colored pink and purple and sparkly. She saw adult angels, kids, and baby angels there; and they were all singing beautiful songs. She said that they then brought her back to her room, and when the angels exited, they entered a bright light and went back up. She was so excited about this, and she looks forward to her meetings with them in her dreams.

  I told her she was a very fortunate little girl, and that she should never let anything or anyone come between her and her angels.


  by Mary Anne Luppino

  When I was seven years old, I had a dream that a snake bit my ankle, and it actually hurt so much that I awoke and sat up suddenly. I saw a figure in the doorway of my room who looked like my mother. I reached out for her, crying. When I did so, she slowly disappeared. In the next moment, my babysitter came in to see why I was crying. It turned out that my mother wasn’t even home yet.

  In later years, I realized that the spirit I saw was my mother’s sister, Belle, who had died when she was 18. Belle and my mother looked almost exactly alike. Years later, a psychic who didn’t know about my deceased aunt informed me that a woman named Belle was my guardian angel. She described Belle, and told me what kind of dress she was wearing. When I repeated the description to my mother, she started to cry, because that had been her sister’s favorite dress.


  by Luann Brown

  When I was 16, on December 20 at 2:10 A.M., the phone rang with the news that an ambulance had just been called for my grandmother, who was very ill. My dad met her at the hospital, and they admitted her to the intensive care unit, saying she’d had a heart attack. When he left, she had been okay and able to talk to him.

  My grandmother had lived with us since I was five years old, and she and I were very close. We shared many special stories throughout these years, and she was more like a second mother to me. When my dad came home, he told us all the details about Grandma’s condition, and said she was resting comfortably. The next morning at 7:30, I was drying my hair in my bedroom in front of the mirror. My parents had gone to work already, and I saw a man standing in my doorway. He said, “Your grandmother has passed away.” I turned around, but there was nobody there!

  I was so scared that I called my father, who told me to phone the police and said that he would be right home. He worked about five minutes away, and the police were there when he got home. They searched our house and found nothing. After they left, my father drove me to school. Nobody ever asked me if the man had said anything. After school, my parents were there to pick me up, which they’d never done before. We got home, and my father then told me that my grandmother had indeed passed away.

  All I said was I that I already knew. He asked me how I knew, and then I told him what the man had said. Dad began to sob. To this day, he swears it must have been his father who told me. My grandfather had passed away when my father was just 14.


  by Jenn Krejci

  I remember the day an angel saved my life like it was yesterday! I must have been about five years old. I was in my yard in Poughkeepsie, New York. Hearing laughter, I ran to the white picket fence. My neighbor friend and his mom were splashing around in their pool.

  They saw me staring at them and yelled over: “Jennifer, would you like to come swimming with us?”

  Of course a second later I ran into my house, asked my mom’s permission, and changed into my bathing suit. I didn’t know how to swim, and the safest way for me to play in the pool was with one of those doughnut-shaped inflatable inner tubes. It must have taken all of 20 seconds for me to cross the alley, open the gate to my neighbors’ house, dash up the metal stairs to the pool platform, step into an inner tube, and jump in.

  As the afternoon went on, lounging in the pool, I found myself wondering what would happen if I let go of the tube. Should I do it? My arms were getting tired—what if I just let go for a second? Nobody was looking. The mom’s back was turned; she was in the water at the other end talking to someone standing at the pool’s edge, and my little friend was inside taking a bathroom break.

  So, I let go for a second and kicked my legs, and I stayed afloat … for about three seconds—then I went under. I couldn’t grip the wet tube. I remember not panicking, but just wondering how I was supposed to stop sinking. I was holding my breath, seeing the surface of the pool getting farther and farther away. I remember how pretty the wavy sun looked from under the water, and the beautiful blue sky, too.

  I hit the bottom and reached for the inner tube. It was too far away. I tried jumping up to grasp it.
I couldn’t. I was still holding my breath, not panicking. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be underwater like this, but how would I get to the surface?

  As I stretched my arms up again, someone grabbed my wrists and quickly pulled me straight up out of the water. I saw brown hair and the blue sky and thought for sure it was my friend’s mom and I was in trouble for letting go of my inner tube! Up, up, up I quickly came; I was pulled straight back through the tube; and my hands were placed around its sides. It was as if I’d never let go.

  I took a giant breath as I quickly wiped the hair and water from my eyes, and I looked around to thank my friend’s mom … but her back was still turned, and she was still talking to the same person. My little friend had just come out the back door of the house. I thought, Who was that brown-haired person who grabbed me and pulled me back up through my tube? I never said anything, because I would surely get in trouble for letting go in the first place!

  Today, as a babysitter for multiple families, I tell every child I watch about how a brown-haired angel saved me from drowning, but disappeared before I could thank her! I tell them that when an accident is avoided, you say have to say, “Thank you, angels!”


  by Lee Lahoud

  When I was 11 years old, my father killed himself, and my mother developed a drinking problem, rendering her emotionally unavailable to help me understand or deal with this tragedy. I had learned in Sunday School that suicide was the worst sin there was, so I was really concerned about what had happened to my father. Was he in hell? Was it somehow my fault?

  The only place I knew to go for answers was our church, so I shared my concerns with my pastor. Yes, I was told, my father was definitely in hell; and what’s more, I too was going to hell, as were my children, and theirs, for four generations. The sins of the father must be borne by the children, I was told. Someone must pay, and that someone was me.

  I was devastated. There seemed to be no reason for me to continue to live—no hope, nothing. Why would I ever have children, knowing that they were condemned from birth? I went home, sat on the floor in my bedroom, and decided to die. Then I saw a light. At first I thought it was sunlight filling the room, but actually, there in the light, sitting cross-legged on the floor with me, was a very happy, smiling man. He had beautiful long, glowing hair. I was fascinated with his hair, and the fact that he was so happy! We had a conversation that, at the time, seemed to be the most normal and natural thing in the world.

  He told me I could die if I wanted to—that it was entirely my choice. There was no judgment attached to this, no right or wrong—just consequences. Either way I chose, I really was okay. But I also knew that if I did decide to die, I would come back and be in that same situation, making the same decision, all over again. I was sure that I didn’t want that, so I decided I would stay.

  The angel then urged me to decide how I would live. I saw two distinct paths—that of a “giver to life” and that of a “taker from life”—and I was to choose one. Again, there was no judgment in this decision. It was completely my choice. I was shown a vision of where each path led. I considered both … and I chose the path of a “giver.”


  by Mary Ellen

  When my daughter, Ariel, was eight years old, I learned that she had many spiritual gifts. Ariel could see auras, hear her guides and angels, and tell you about the integrity and intentions of people.

  One night, Ariel called to me from her bedroom. In her sweet and gentle voice, she said that her grandfather was asleep in the extra bed in her room. Ariel’s grandfather had died six years before. I was a little nervous about why he was there and if it “spooked” her.

  So I asked Ariel what he was doing there, and she replied, “He has come to see how I have grown.”

  From that moment, I was at peace with her gifts. I knew that they were from God and would protect and guide her in life in a way I never could. When a mother knows that her daughter is guided by angels, it makes child rearing a joy and not a worry.


  by Doreen Wetter

  Bedtime was my two-year old daughter Brittany’s least favorite time of the day. At night, she would beg us to stay with her until she fell asleep. This was very taxing on my husband and me.

  One night I was all prepared for a struggle from Brittany when she said, “Mommy, you don’t have to stay here until I fall asleep—the angels will tuck me in.” Brittany went on to describe beautiful people in long, shiny white coats. These beautiful people sang her to sleep.


  by Diane Lynn Willard Zarro

  I was nine years old when my grandmother died of a massive heart attack. I had just found out about her death, and I locked myself in the bathroom so I could be alone. I had never known anyone who had died before and began wondering where she had gone, what really happened to her soul, and similar concerns. I had only been to church a few times as a child, but I had a deep belief in God and talked to Him through prayer every night. So in the bathroom alone, I began praying, asking for some kind of sign that my grandmother still existed and that she wasn’t alone or frightened in the dark, feeling pain.

  Almost immediately, my grandmother appeared across the room, in a shimmering translucent cloud. It looked as though I were peering through an aquarium full of water. My grandmother, usually plain, looked so beautiful and happy. She was dressed in a pretty turquoise dress, and her hair was done up as if she were going out to a special event.

  She spoke. She wasn’t actually moving her mouth, but her voice was clearly projected into my mind. She said, “Hi, honey. I only have a little time, but I want to let you know that I’m okay. I’m here with my mother, my sister, and the rest of my family who has passed on.” Tears welled up in my eyes, and I became afraid. Her image instantly started to blur, and she said, “I don’t want to frighten you, so I’ll go now.”

  I said aloud, “No, don’t go. I’m sorry. I’m not afraid.” Oh God, please don’t take her away yet. “Please stay!”

  As my grandmother’s image disappeared, she said, “I can’t stay. I only have a couple more moments with you. I really shouldn’t be here now. But I wanted to be sure you knew that I’m all right. I’m happy, and I have no more pain. I’ll be here waiting for all of you when it’s your time, many years from now.” And she was gone.

  This experience helped me know that God has a direction for each of us. I’m not afraid of death for myself, and I know that when my other family members pass on, they will go on to a greater place.

  It was a precious moment in my life, and I’ll never forget it.


  by Janette Rodriguez

  My son, Matthew, had just turned five years old and was ready for kindergarten. I was concerned about him because I knew that he was clairvoyant and clairsentient.

  In our home, we’d always talked of angels and God. We shared our visions and dreams, and we would see angels in our home throughout the day. My daughter, Faith, had gone through a few situations when expressing her spirit at school that led us to believe that many people aren’t willing to accept who they truly are. As a result, Faith shut down her gifts of clairvoyance and claircognizance. Children can be very cruel to one another, so Faith learned what not to share at school.

  So, this was my concern for Matthew, because he is even more verbally expressive than his sister, which could have made him a target for ridicule. So I prayed continually about the situation.

  My prayers were definitely answered! When I came to pick Matthew up from his first day of school, he ran into my arms, exclaiming, “My teacher believes in angels, Mom! And she wants to talk to you.”

  I met Matthew’s teacher, a very pleasant woman. As we went into deeper conversation, she mentioned how wonderful it was having my son in her class, and how funny it was that she also had six other students that talked of angels so openly. She said tha
t this had never happened before, and what a wonderful blessing it was.

  Now when I take Matthew to school each morning, there is music in the classroom to create a tranquil mood—his teacher plays CDs that have “Angel” in the titles. Matthew tells me that the class even has a special chair for the angels, and they all get to have snack time together!


  by Brenda Colling

  I was babysitting at the Sydney Hilton while the mother of baby Carly attended a conference when an amazing thing happened.

  It was late in the evening, and Carly was fast asleep. Everything was going well—or so I thought! Then something startled her, and she began to cry. Carly was now awake.

  I crept into her room, and there she was, standing up in her porta-cot, rubbing her eyes. She looked a little stunned to see me there instead of her mother. Hoping she wouldn’t be alarmed by the sight of me, I quickly called in the angels to help settle her down so her mother didn’t have to come back early.

  I summoned Archangel Chamuel’s loving energy to help me with the situation. With that, Carly lay down, still rubbing her eyes, but in a surprisingly calm state. I softly asked, “You can see the angels, can’t you?” and with that, Carly pointed behind me!

  Yes, the angels were there, and she could see them. They were looking after us and soothing beautiful baby Carly back to sleep. And sleep she did, soundly through the night. Thank you, Archangel Chamuel, for your loving assistance.


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