Saved by an Angel

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by Virtue Doreen

  I almost cried in despair, but instead I asked the angels to bring her back in. I stood there holding the door open, waiting for the angels to help me. Immediately, the cat came out from under the bushes. She was walking very strangely, stiff like a puppet, with her eyes looking wild. She ran right in the front door without hesitating, and I shut it behind her. I couldn’t see the angels dragging her in, but both the cat and I knew they were there!


  by Anonymous

  It was a particularly difficult time for me. I had been divorced about eight years, my sons were off in college, and I was in graduate school. I felt isolated, lonely, and fearful. As I walked along the beach in the Cape Cod town where I lived, I tried to apply a nursing theory that I was studying to my own life. The Betty Neuman systems model states that if any one variable in a person’s life is disrupted, the person is at risk of illness. An evaluation of me revealed an overweight, out-of-shape, isolated, and spiritually deprived woman.

  As I thought about my status, I kept thinking of the influence that my early life was having on my current life. My dad had been a wonderful man when he was sober. When he drank, though, he became a monster, abusing my mother and frightening my three older sisters and me. Dad died when I was seven, adding to my feelings of loss, abandonment, and anger.

  I couldn’t help but resent the effect my father’s alcoholism had on my psychological development. However, I decided that day on the beach to make changes in my life for my general well-being. I decided to go on a diet, walk more often, and return to church. We had always been devout Catholics, but after my divorce, I felt abandoned, even by God, so I had given up any religious affiliation.

  The next morning, I got up early for church. I had a good, healthy breakfast and began reading a magazine with my coffee. There was an article about a medium who communicated with people who had passed on to another plane. I never doubted that there was life after death, so I was not as skeptical as many of my friends would have been about the communications she described. I sort of laughingly said out loud to the room, “If my father is around me, he has a lot of making up to do!”

  I went on to Mass. During each service, there comes a time where we pray for those who have died. You can imagine my reaction when the priest said, “We pray for all who have died, especially for [he said my dad’s name], for whom this Mass is being said.” I felt a rush so strong that I turned around to see if someone had pushed me. There was no one close enough to have done so. I was so stunned by the mention of my father’s name (even if there was another man with the same name in the area) so soon after I sent off my spoken message to him! The possibility of this being a coincidence does not exist for me. I know that my dad is able to see me and knows what’s going on in my life, and that God allowed me to receive this reassuring message.

  I’m now going to Overeaters Anonymous and am working with my angels daily. Dad’s heavenly message and my angels are helping me transform my life from victimhood to victory!


  by Laura Curran

  I have always known that angels were a part of me, watching me, protecting me, ever-reliable, sweet guardians. I have been blessed by so many miracles in my life now that I look back and say, Wow!

  One of the miracles that changed my life began on January 15, 2009. On this day I adopted a little boy dog—a six-pound apricot toy-poodle mix. He was three years old then. His coat had darker patches of brown that look like angel wings. He had no name, so my husband, Randy; my daughter, Lisa; and I called him “Lucky Angel.” I felt in love with him right away—we all did.

  Two weeks later Randy and Lisa took Lucky Angel for a walk. He got scared by another dog barking, the retractable leash fell, and he ran off. We live in the desert, where there are mountains, tumbleweeds, and dirt roads; as well as coyotes, snakes, and all kinds of other animals. Behind our house is the Edwards Air Force Base, with solitude and open land everywhere.

  I received a call on my cell phone: my dog had run away. My heart sank. We hurried to search for him before darkness fell. This was February 2, 2009. It was cold in the evening; we had flashlights; and we were screaming, yelling, calling for him. He did not answer our calls.

  I received a thought that evening: Go visit Doreen Virtue’s website and ask for help. I did so. I asked the Angel Therapy Practitioners® for assistance. The response was overwhelming. Everyone gave me hope, love, and kindness.

  The days went by; we posted flyers everywhere. We followed every lead. We did not give up. I prayed and prayed; and the angels stayed by my side, loving me and sending wonderful people.

  Sixteen days later I received a e-mail from a Angel Therapy Practitioner by the name of Ellany. She wrote: “Absolutely I am feeling that Lucky is in the desert and not with anyone at this time. I hope I am wrong. May Creator God keep him protected, and may he be returned to you, his loving friend. God bless and keep you. Keep me posted on how things go.” I still have her e-mail today.

  I called Randy and said, “You need to come home right now. He is in the desert.” When my husband drove up, I was ready to go. He wanted to walk behind the house to look for Lucky. I said no, we needed to drive back into the mountains where the water was. I had a vision of a small mud puddle behind Red Mountain where it had rained. So we started driving, and as we approached a puddle of water, there on the side of the road was my dog, alive!

  I thought he was a mirage, but I called to him and he lifted his head, so I jumped out of the car as fast as I could. I picked him up, and I let out a cry of gratitude. We took him to the hospital, and his recovery was so fast!

  Ever since then, my heart keeps opening up to love. My life has changed. I met Ellany—and she is a wonderful, loving, caring person. Things just keep getting better and better every day. I am deeply grateful to my angels and the Creator God for bringing me a dog who taught me how to feel love.

  Chapter 11



  by Nelly Coneway

  We had a very intense experience on New Year’s Eve 2009. My son and two of his friends went to a party, and I drove to pick them up at 3 A.M. I was very tired, but I asked the angels to protect and guide me.

  On the way to drop off one of the boys at his house, I entered a narrow street with no lights and zero visibility. The road was empty—but then suddenly a huge SUV drove right in my path. Everything happened so quickly that I couldn’t do anything, but I heard Archangel Michael’s voice: “You are safe … just let go.” At the moment when I thought that we would have a head-on collision, something grabbed the wheel out of my hands and turned it to the side so we escaped the crash.

  It was unbelievable that we didn’t have an accident. Even the kids in my car noticed it, saying, “Wow, that was close, a true miracle.” Thanks to God and His mighty angels, the four of us survived.


  by Victoria Granados

  One day I was heading out for my usual early-morning hike. I said good-bye to my son, and let him know I was going to Mission Trails. As I was walking downstairs, I heard an angel say, clear as day, “Go to Lake Murray today; there will be more people there. It will be safer.” I listened.

  Later that night, my son called me from his father’s house with panic in his voice. He wanted to know if I was okay. When I asked why, he said he’d just seen on the news that a woman had been attacked at Mission Trails around the same time I would have been there. I credit that angel voice with protecting me from danger that day.


  by Verlain Lane

  It was winter, and the weather in Kansas was cold and clear. I had a medical appointment at the hospital two hours from our home.

  My two-year-old son sat on the passenger side of our 1986 Toyota four-wheel-drive truck. I noticed that the sky was clouding over and getting dark, even though it had been sunny just an hour earlier when we left home. Before we got to the I-
70 ramp, it was like a thick curtain suddenly fell in front of us.

  I was surprised that the snow was coming down so fast and thick that I couldn’t see anything. I slowed down and thought about turning around and heading back home, but I kept going because I’d waited over two months for this appointment. Besides, we were almost halfway there. So I slowed down, and we crept along until we got to the on-ramp, because I felt sure it would clear off any minute. But it didn’t.

  Heading east on I-70, I saw cars off the road everywhere, and 18-wheelers slowed to a crawl. I had locked in my four-wheel drive, and I told my little son we’d be okay. I was coming up on an overpass bridge, and just as I hit the small drop-off seam of pavement, the Toyota skidded on the ice.

  As this happened, I looked over and saw that my toddler had unfastened his seat belt! I reached out with my right hand and grabbed his wrist as I steered into the skid with my left hand. I couldn’t bring the car out of the skid, and I couldn’t let go of my baby son.

  I heard a male voice plainly say, “Hold on to the boy, let go of the wheel, and close your eyes.” I didn’t stop to think about who was talking to me; I just did it.

  When I opened my eyes, a man jerked open my driver’s door and asked if I was okay. Our Toyota had jumped the overpass railing and skidded along the entire length of the concrete rail as if it were on a track. I assured the stranger we were fine, and he said he’d call for help. Most miraculous of all was the fact that my pickup didn’t have a single dent or scratch!

  The first words out of my toddler’s mouth were, “Wow, Mama!” as he clapped his hands. Waiting for help, I tried to figure out who had spoken those words when the truck skidded out of control. It was the most serene, controlled, masculine voice I’d ever heard. So calm and soothing. I remember doing as I was told; and a peaceful, loving feeling wrapped around me. It was as if my son and I were being held tightly in a giant hug.

  We made it to my medical appointment, and when I told the doctor (who was a golfing buddy of our family priest) what had happened, he said, “You understand you met an angel today, don’t you?” I could only nod.

  Although it has been 14 years, I’ll never forget the loving guidance spoken to me on that icy March morning.


  by Rebecca Thrasher

  I was driving home from work early, feeling overwhelmed. My youngest son, Tyler, was home sick, and I was getting married the next day. I felt totally unprepared. If that wasn’t enough, I had company coming to my house for the wedding.

  Tyler’s doctor had said that my son had a virus, and all day long he had kept calling me to say that he felt increasingly worse. I wondered if I needed to take him to the urgent-care center. I called his doctor, who said the complaints my son was experiencing were part of his virus. I wondered, Should I take Tyler to the medical center anyway? I didn’t want to take any chances with my son’s health. But on the other hand, I had so many things to do that night, and the doctor had reassured me that Tyler’s symptoms were normal.

  That was when I heard a voice say, “It’s his appendix!” in a loud and stern way. So I took Tyler to the clinic. The doctor began telling me that he thought it was the virus, but I said that I just wanted to be sure it wasn’t his appendix. He did another exam and went to get another doctor, who did the same thing. They then sent us to the hospital to see a surgeon. Tyler had his appendix removed that night just before it burst. I thank God and His angels for saving my son’s life.


  by Diane Smith

  One morning around 5:30 while driving to work, I was on a road where there were woods and no lights other than car headlights. All of a sudden, I heard a voice telling me to start putting my brakes on. I did, and out of the woods a large deer appeared right in front of my car.

  When I started to drive again, I heard the same voice telling me not to, because there was another deer. I stopped again, and sure enough, out of the woods came another large deer.

  If I hadn’t listened to this voice both times, I would have hit the deer and probably injured myself, too. I know this was my guardian angel keeping me safe. This was really the first time I had heard my guardian angel, and now whenever I hear that voice, I listen.


  by Jim St. Onge

  The weather was a mess in New England that day. Snow, sleet, freezing rain. Yuck! I was out on an errand and found the road conditions worsening as I made my way home. Up ahead in the distance, I could see two police cars and a car that had crashed into a telephone pole.

  I slowed down, but my car began sliding toward the other vehicles. I quickly visualized white light surrounding my car, and I mentally yelled for the angels to bring it under control. All of a sudden, I heard a voice say, “Take your foot off the brake!”

  I obeyed the instruction, and the car, which was about to lose control, slowed miraculously and stopped just before I would have crashed into a police car. As I slowly drove by the accident scene and saw the driver, I sent many angels to this woman, who seemed to be unhurt, thank God.

  I give my angels much thanks for their help in this situation. They saved me from potential injury!


  by Arlene Martin

  I had a habit of jogging in the evenings along Lake Michigan. One night as I was running, a “voice” told me to slow my speed. I didn’t listen. I started to jog a few feet, and my pedometer quit working. I stopped in order to reset it. When I returned to jogging, I again heard the voice tell me to slow down. I ignored it, and again, my pedometer stopped working. I slowed down so I could once more reset the device, and I continued my jog at a more leisurely pace.

  A few minutes later, a little distance ahead, an accident occurred between two cars. One of them became airborne and landed about six yards directly in front of me, right on the jogging pathway. Had I not slowed down, I would have been hit by the car. To this day, I know the voice was that of my angel.


  by Debbie Hoskin

  My son, Jason, had just gotten his learner’s permit. It was a Sunday afternoon, and he asked if we could go driving. I thought it would be a great way to spend some quality time with him, so I agreed and let him drive. We had been driving for approximately 20 minutes down a country highway. Jason was doing a great job, so I began to relax and look at the scenery. Actually, I became very relaxed and forgot that my inexperienced 17-year-old son was at the wheel.

  Suddenly something told me to stop daydreaming. It said, Pay attention to your son driving. Then, like a vivid daydream, I saw a flash or vision of a red car coming around the bend at us in our lane. I almost didn’t pay attention to it, but I gave in to a strong feeling urging me to give instructions to my son on what to do in the event of a potential head-on collision. He listened carefully and repeated the instructions back to me.

  Within a minute, a small red car came speeding around the bend of the highway, passing a slower-moving vehicle and heading toward us in our lane. My son knew exactly what to do to prevent what might have been a fatal accident. I was certain that we had been warned by a guardian angel. I expressed my gratitude many times that day and vowed to always trust my intuition.


  by Lorein Cipriano

  I was driving on Route 8 in Connecticut after visiting a friend. It was late, around 1 o’clock in the morning. The road was very dark.

  Suddenly, I saw a car parked on the side of the road. A voice said to me, “Stop! Stop!” Ordinarily, I would never stop on a dark road like this, but the voice created such an urgency in me that I slammed on the brakes and pulled over in front of the car.

  I looked back and saw a woman jump out of the passenger side of the car, and she started running toward mine. The driver, a man, also got out. The woman approached the front passenger side of my car. And the voice came again: “Let her in!”

  I opened the passenger door, and the woman, who was crying,
got in. The man then came around my side of the car and started banging on the window. The voice said, “Go!” So I put my foot on the gas and sped away as fast as I could.

  The woman told me that she’d been working late at a factory, but the person who was supposed to pick her up to take her home didn’t show up, and this man (who worked in the same factory) offered her a lift.

  However, on the way home, he had stopped the car and attempted to sexually molest her. She had been trying to fight him off when my car pulled over in front of them. She was grateful, to say the least, and I attribute this “rescue” to the help of her angels, and mine. I truly believe that God speaks to us and guides us through His angels.


  by Jane Anne Morgan

  Last year I was awakened by the sound of my CO2 detector (a device that detects gas leaks) beeping. Earlier that week, my neighbor who shared the duplex had experienced a similar situation. It turned out that both of our detectors had malfunctioned within the same week.

  Anyway, I was so sleepy that night that I got out of bed to unplug the detector to stop the beeping. I thought I would check on it in the morning when I was awake. Just then, though, the telephone rang. As I picked up the receiver, I heard a recorded voice say, “You have a collect call from …” and then a really deep and watery voice said, “You’re orange,” with these two words stretched out slowly.


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