She expounded upon why humanity needed to be driven by a passion for excellence and compassion toward each form of life we met along the way, and how we could stand to benefit from that approach. She also taught the need for each of us to have a vision for the well-being of others as well as ourselves, and to respect personal choice. She taught us to do things in the interest of raising the quality of life in general. She also made it clear that humanity needed to live in more than one location at one time, so we could preserve the legacy of our civilization.
“The Universe has worked diligently to create life in the hopes of seeing itself and its beauty through anyone capable of looking into the past to learn from and appreciate it, living in the now to appreciate all we see and all whom we meet along the way, considering the future and that which will give us the capacity to preserve it for the long-haul, while finding meaning and purpose along the way.” She suggested that we live on to have a legacy worthy of preserving for an indefinite period of time. Her book dug deep into the various layers of the many sciences, to include physics, neurology, and biology—a deep comprehension and unmeasured wisdom to integrate each science further than understood now, as necessary to make these dreams possible.
Even though Eliza, alongside the calming and loving guidance of her dear friends Yesha and James—who both complemented her own wisdom—had invested so much of her own time, effort, intuition, will, and money into Pathway LLC’s “extra-curricular” activities, it was all well worth every dime, every moment, and every concern spent. Financially, in Eliza’s purview, they had an amazing rate of return for Earth-based and societally sanctioned innovations, overtly dispersed via Pathway LLC.
By May of 2010, one month after the release of “Pathway to the Stars,” Eliza had a covert Earth value of more than 800 Billion USD in Swiss bank accounts, a value of 10 Billion USD within US banks, and a solar system non-liquid set of raw material and reconfigured assets that were of a germinating value of 20 Quintillion USD, which she in-turn reinvested through production of high-value infrastructure, research, development, upgrades, and services.
She had produced the nanotechnology which had the capacity to use cold fusion, act as mini-manufacturing plants with complexed architectural capacities to convert raw ore and materials into whatever it was programmed to create or do. She had used them to create luxurious, invisible (to those who were not read-in), self-sustaining tech cities, and so much more. There were twenty-thousand of these tech cities to be exact, and each with the capacity and capability of providing every manner of options to increase the quality of life to the equivalent of ten-million unique and extravagantly lush and individually designable domiciles per city. Each of these and every bit of support infrastructure to include the research and development centers, were inspected and improved by James and his crew, along with the Twelve Database Moons, the space elevator, the defensive and protective systems set in place for the solar system, each of its planets, dwarf planets, and each spheroidal moon of every planet, and so much more, all with a factored order of magnitude equating to 100 Octodecillion USD, her actual value. That is a lot of USD in value, not to mention, every second of every moment her value continuously increased.
Knowing all of this early on, due to the mathematical capacity of her dedication and her neurological optimizations, Eliza developed an economic system within Pathway LLC which operated off of Solar Credits, and wherein she set aside enough of the 100 Octodecillion (or 100 Nonilliard in European math) Solar Credits that her empire was valued at, based on all of the raw materials reinvested in all of its varieties of astounding and spectacular ways, merely to create true value, based on what she had done. If it were done in the US itself, this was easily valued at a 1:1 ratio with the USD to Solar Credit, during the timeframe of 2010, to give her LLC positive liquidity and to pay taxes appropriately, as per her LLC’s earnings based on infrastructure within the US and any national government they associated with. Although, off-planet, and thus in no way amenable to taxation in the US, and no possibility of perception, the amount she set apart for individual accounts from the overall value of her Pathway Solar Credit system equated to 100 Billion or 100 Milliard USD in each of the 20 Billion accounts for every potential human being throughout the world, times two, and it all totaled 1.5 Sextillion or 1.5 Trilliard USD.
Essentially, Eliza was very wealthy, and since she had made sure each person working with her was also very wealthy, she would reinvest much of her wealth, or the remaining 99.9 Octodecillion or 99.9 Nonilliard USD, per 2010 value, of Solar Credits into further advancements. Eventually, the value of Solar Credits would soar far and above the value of the USD. Hence, she had so much more wealth than the world itself could convert bank-wise, yet she had solvency, easy liquidity, and she had great plans for all of humanity in the not-too-distant future when it came to buying out or outwork and out-produce every company, business, corporation, as well as industry that was focused purely on money (and, may they have their money), rather than the well-being of those who worked for them or those they ought to have served. She wanted to do this for a myriad of moral and ethical reasons, but the most important of which was the fact that she wanted to increase the quality of life, health, and well-being of those who worked in the areas and industries she purchased and for all others in general. She cared deeply about others and her care was of high value.
To Eliza, she, Yesha, and James, as well as every member of Pathway LLC, were secretly the wealthiest people in the world or the entire solar system for that matter. It was quite an achievement to know that through their shared efforts, each tech city had the ability to luxuriously and spaciously house ten-million families, with expansive living and everything needed or even desired, with the capacity to house ten times more. Eliza would provide each person with a near-unlimited personal account in exchange for personal dedication toward the advancement of humanity and the preservation of life.
Each tech city was equipped with beautiful forests and jungles, breath-taking parks, amazing and crystalline lakes and streams, self-sustaining organic and nutrient-dense farmlands, and clean meat laboratories. Each tech city also had unlimited cold fusion power, fresh water-mineral-microbial optimizers, every business necessary to keep a large tech city functioning, replete with research and development labs of every sort, and the best eateries one could ever have the joy to eat at which would indulge and excite the senses of every one of humanity’s 13,000 taste buds. There were unlimited resource production facilities, air scrubbers that made the air sweet and enjoyable, and scientific laboratories for even greater advancements and studies. Every tech city also had a plethora of space-ports with all means of space travel, to include minor zones for instant coordinated travel, using jump gate technology.
Each home was replete with biopods and jump gates for each family member and even more for visitors along with a series of individual zones for jumping to unique places of interest and back, quickly and safely via a safety-coordination algorithm. Their biopods interfaced with the Twelve Database Moons and the Virtual Universe provided so much, to include universal education, medical optimizations, entertainment and gaming venues, and correctional matrices, as well as the ability to instantly convert into escape pods, should the need ever arise. The invisibility, safety and security domes protecting these tech cities provided an Earth-like atmosphere with exhaustive environmental protections from the dangers of the regions wherein each city was located, constructed, and continuously maintained by her large clouds of armies of nano-bots, and quality controlled by James and his growing crew.
Robust and complexed arrays of shielding were now in place, although invisible from Earth’s ground-based and satellite telescopes, where the only thing understood was everything as it would have been had none of her advancements ever been developed. They had robust quantum computing technology that could predict with one-hundred percent certainty all of the factors of each unique environment and of outer space at any given moment as if they had
never been there, which helped to generate the images and emissions collected by non-Pathway LLC technologies.
Earth-normal technologies saw only the solar system planets, dwarf planets, and spheroids in their pre-advanced forms. The reality was such that, now, no non-Pathway technology could ever realize or expose the fact that all of the inner planets and moons, and all of the outer dwarf planets and moons could sustain life indefinitely, just like Earth. That included the greed-centric locations throughout the world, and places with growing and sprawling deserts, dying forests, and decreasing vegetation and wildlife, and where the inhabitants were focused more on the sundry monotony of the day, rather than advancements in technologies that could help to overcome those issues. While there were so many who weren’t aware that they were doing so, there were many doing a lot to thwart her goals, yet she did a lot to protect them too.
For now, every single one of the Pathway LLC activities was known only to Eliza, Yesha, James and their growing crews, which included a very large and increasing number of trusted scientists, engineers, and data analytics professionals. Regardless of how Eliza saw it, Yesha and James knew that all of this was the result of Eliza’s intent, she initially invested estate, and as such, she was the sole legal heir to the value of the whole of the investment. No matter what, however, Eliza thought of herself, Yesha, James, and anyone who worked with her as beneficiaries of the investment, their time, and their efforts. To Eliza, by rights, everyone on Earth could live well and retire for life, but she had much bigger goals than wealth and power. Through her biopods, she provided complete transparency to every member of Pathway LLC, of her political ideologies and aspirations, as well as the strength of her personal character. Advancement, learning, and preservation of life were far more important to her than influence or affluence, and she intended to prove it through generosity and compassion.
The people on Earth needed to accept the future, they needed to demonstrate compassion toward others, and they needed to care more about the sciences that could bring about the well-being of life itself rather than argue over small matters or fixate on distractions that had nothing to do with the greater goals. While wealth was necessary to expedite scientific advancement on Earth to provide publicly-trusted influence, and while the assumption of power was necessary to bring about the changes that demonstrated her compassion for humanity, her strongest desire was to bring the human civilization and all of its friends along with her and her dearest of friends on the journeys throughout the Universe for a myriad of noble purposes. She had her sights set on preserving the life of trillions of suns from the Great Attractor and quadrillions more from the great expansion, all of which would be made possible through these initial advancements and selfless investments.
To that end, Eliza, James, and her dear friend Yesha, ensured the solar system was duly protected, had been shrouded of anything related to that reality from terrestrial governments and organizations who had unknown intentions, had protected humanity from any extraterrestrial wanderers who might not have humanity’s best interests at heart, had secured her assets in a robust layer of secrecy, and continued to make breakthroughs, and in so doing many amazing things continued to be developed, while she spent time both humbly and unpretentiously writing legislation for her local representatives in Cambridge, MA. She lived modestly, considering her wealth, and encouraged anyone close enough to be read-in to her world, to do so as well.
Following the major aspects of Pathway’s infrastructural developments both in space and on Earth, James had confronted her as respectfully as he could, regarding her dog, Tyson. They had a lot more to accomplish, and he sensed that with him around, she would be fulfilled for the time being with that special spirit in her life. After many days, weeks, months, and even two years of holding back, he finally opened up through his link from outer-space, “Eliza?”
“Yes,” responded Eliza.
“I think it is time. Now is the time. We have the technology. Bring him back.”
“I will. I never thought I would ever hear someone else tell me that. It seemed I’d be selfish to do so.”
“You’d be selfish not to. You’ve set in motion systems for personal reflection, personal maintenance, as well as for peace, love, and joy. This is what you need right now, my friend.”
“Thank you, James. You don’t know how wonderful it is to hear you say that.”
They had maintained a connection together, conversationally, for quite some time, and Eliza trusted in James’ advice at the same level as the advice she received from Yesha. It was early January of 2010, and on Tyson’s birthday, she revived him through use of his preserved hairs. In the public world, this was only possible using a live tissue, but she had perfected the tech.
Time passed by, and together, she, Tyson, and her team did so much more.
For the sake of the masses, Eliza behaved as if all that she had done was to merely write a sci-fi fantasy dream, while she would slowly and incrementally enlighten others further and release advancements based on societal acceptance, and all out of a lack of desire to completely devastate any economic system or retirement-set of anyone. She also considered this as a sort of practice of kindness, consideration, and compassion for when humanity finally graced the great stage of the expanse and quite possibly met many other civilizations, whether great or small, throughout their journeys and discoveries of the mysteries of the Cosmos.
Eliza did not want to create a large and detrimental impact on anyone or the economy by a sudden ability to heal everyone in moments. Ever since she had been briefed by Harvard, MIT, and anonymous governmental representatives she felt this could potentially weaken humanity’s resolve, their sense of team-work, and their push toward compassion and thus, if all was given without any effort on their part advancements might result in a hollow sense of reality—she didn’t want to create dependencies, she wanted to inspire, motivate, and enlighten.
While she would rescue the far too many who had suffered enough, she did not want to remove the sense of personal dedication, productivity, personal investment, or motivation from anyone, instead she wanted to reward humanity as they worked hard, studied hard, and collaborated with clarity in achievement toward advancement—the kind of advancement that would lead to joyful and fulfilling ways of life. Instead of cashing in all of her chips, buying armies, and ruling the Universe, she instead chose to help the medical industry to receive specific advancements in societally acceptable increments, introduce entertainment that would cultivate a society that was more accepting of these advancements, set up a system to develop many amazing and benevolent leaders, and all while igniting the fire within for people to freely build and improve upon the things that she had set in place. Meanwhile, she pursued her goals one-by-one. Yesha, James, and their rapidly growing teams of scientists were with her every step of the way.
During her meeting with Agent Epstein in May of 2010, all of her advancements had been, unbeknownst to Agent Epstein, essentially cart blanch cleared for research, development, and proliferation in an “as Eliza, Yesha, and the new Pathway LLC sees fit” basis. Her company, Pathway LLC, was effectively legal within the US via Pathway LLC’s government branch, giving the government full intellectual access to any science or technology they created or even needed after Pathway LLC had properly vetted them and set them up with fail-safe mechanisms to prevent the malevolent use of their technologies. The ANSSI had confided in Eliza and Yesha the trust they had in their goals toward the preservation of humanity in exchange for updates via briefs on an annual basis of technologies that were at one-hundred-percent capabilities with failsafe and safety mechanisms. For all of this, Eliza would not charge the government or the US Taxpayer a single dime. Instead, their wallets would slowly fatten. For her, approval and legal coverage were more valuable.
Eliza thought about how Angela was in her own unique way, inspired too, as she talked to her. Agent Angela Epstein, before dismissing herself from that one and only meeting that day had told El
iza, “Humanity is greater than just one nation or just one point of view, and has more promise if we work together, rather than by ourselves solely based upon the limitations society seems so quick to create when it comes to personal preservation, alone.
“We need to consider each other and think beyond just ourselves. We trust you, and as such, please feel free to work your magic. As you do and as needed, while we know you’ve probably done more than we have the capacity to understand right now, we will provide legal coverage to you and the teams and industries you will build, as you may have already done, are currently doing, and will yet do. This is a many-faceted form of societal advancement, and our country is one of inclusion and freedoms that don’t unnecessarily undermine the rights of others, so in the long-haul, we know what you do will benefit the world and everyone in it. Thank you for all what you are doing. Here are the seals and authorizations; if you need us for anything, please don’t hesitate to call. Oh, Eliza… please consider legislative and executive offices, every person in the ANSSI knows you’ll do well, no matter what it is you set out to do.”
With that, Agent Epstein left Eliza and Yesha in Eliza’s office at Harvard, knowing they would begin to build their team, or rather reveal what they had already built in small or even large increments, based on humanity’s ability to accept them. Agent Epstein also had a strong sense that within 14 years, Eliza would be POTUS, and a new Space Revolution would begin.
Chapter 15: Building a Party
Database Moon Archive, Celestial-Sol Entry Date: 2018 December 25. Yesha Alevtina trains Vesha Celeste. In this crucial part of her training, after her awakening, they explore the foundation of the Universal Party, its use in the tech cities for governance, and its adaptation for use in global politics. This training is conducted within the Virtual Universe, interfaced within the Pathway Melrose Campus. Input by: Yesha Alevtina, President of Pathway Industries, 2015-2022.
Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars Page 33