There was an occasional volcano that erupted outside their bio-dome, but it was expertly contained and harnessed to provide a never-ending supply of energy to the numerous and linked tech cities that beautifully sprawled across its surface in a fashion that was pleasing to the eyes. She could see the web of cities, the dusty snow of Triton, and the glimmer of the sun, just beyond Neptune’s horizon as Triton made its orbit around its main planet, but everyone knew that even physiological optimization would be very little match for the brutal cold, if one were to journey outside of a city and then outside the see-through walls of a bio-dome, without the proper protections and optimizations. She knew optimized individuals could survive, but it would be a challenge, nonetheless. She also noted that many who had chosen this as a permanent domicile were also working together on their own missions, journeys, and quests to improve the environment and to develop, create, and raise an Earth-like atmosphere around Triton so that eventually the bio-domes would no longer be needed.
Once they soaked in the ambiance of the views from Triton, journeyed through the many tech cities’ forests, greeted the countless animals, and made friends with them and the other residents within, linking with them, they visited their Triton domicile again to soak everything in. They shared their Virtual Universe experiences with each other one more time and returned to their home in Kearney, Nebraska, through their jump gates. The property manager happened to be away, so Beverly called him and let him know they were home and that Erin’s treatments were a success. After their brief conversation was finished and other loose ends were tied up, they prepared themselves for their upcoming missions and careers.
Erin’s first mission was to be a first grader, to get to know her classmates all over again and to convince everyone that her catastrophic healing was normal. There were economic aspects that Eliza was taking into consideration, she didn’t want whole industries to be lost in too many changes too soon, at least too soon for the inhabitants of Earth to adapt to within their minds. She realized that much had to be done and her peers and their parents needed to work with her, as well as her parents, in order to ensure a better future for humanity.
Chapter 23: Pathway Industries, Section 1
Database Moon Archive, Celestial-Sol Entry Date: 2018 December 25. Yesha Alevtina trains Vesha Celeste. In this crucial part of her training after her awakening, Evan Bauer and several other highly intelligent scientists are introduced briefly. Together with Eliza, they explore the continued growth of Pathway LLC to Pathway Industries. To do this, they conduct private investigations, followed by large buyouts of corporations that are some of the biggest offenders of humanity. Eliza envisions and brings to reality the most significant overall influences and provides a pathway to citizenship in her LLC and grows her company to that of a major industrial complex, retaining the talents of some of the greatest titans of global industry. These memories are shared by the collective minds of the leadership of Eliza, Yesha, and James, Evan, and more than 800 million citizens of Pathway, within the Virtual Universe, interfaced within the Pathway Melrose Campus. Input by: Yesha Alevtina, President of Pathway Industries, 2015-2022.
Toward the end of 2010 and throughout 2011, Dr. Eliza A. Williams began looking into various companies, businesses, corporations, and each of the industries throughout the US and throughout the world with a lot of interest in buying them out, or at minimum investing heavily into them and becoming the major shareholder. Her first priority was the quiet and amiable investigation of every employment center or economic or consumer hub. She desired a fuller understanding of their hiring processes, management techniques, and treatment of employees and customers. Eliza would accomplish this by sending out swaths of Pathway LLC Representatives to apply for and work for each of them while providing continuous feedback from the ground up.
Her instructions had been to apply for these jobs, just as anyone struggling would, despite being optimized both physiologically and neurologically, and regularly report their progress with various necessary details and specifics so she could correlate and accurately interpret the data and information. She had a very educated and wise hunch as to what the source of the problem was for the economic downturn of the US, but she wanted to do proper and somewhat organic research before jumping to make significant changes in based purely on speculation.
Reports came in, like, “I applied, but I was overqualified,” or, “I applied, but did not have the vast set of specific skills they were looking for,” or, “I applied, got an interview, but never heard back.” Many reports arrived that eluded to trumped-up job requirements and the lack of honest willingness to train prospective employees on the part of so many employers throughout every industry. It became increasingly clear that her hunch was becoming confirmed more and more. Still, there was a lot more she wanted to know and evaluate before making her next move.
Eliza gathered prominent members of Pathway together in the Group Virtual Universe Interface and deliberated. “We need to know the culture of the many work centers, the real mission of each corporation, how the employees are being treated by their superiors, and the motives of the various management and human resources departments. Are they there to bring people into a team with a noble mission and a healthy and productive work environment? Are they there to do the corporate bidding? Are they there to squeeze more money away from the workers or resources from this Earth to drive up costs for revenue? What are they doing to fine-tune the necessary processes, the training programs, and benefits packages to raise the quality of life for those careworn most? Are these companies there because they genuinely care about the employee, the services or products they are providing, or the long-term viability of the mission and the industry?
“We need to know the source of the downward spiral of the various industries that have led to revolving doors and people being treated as replaceable things rather than valued potential. Oh, I know the core of the cause, because I have come here to the Virtual Universe and melded minds with every citizen that has been fully read-in, and I have seen enough to make many lose hope.” The leaders there, the scientists who had been involved with so much of Pathway’s growth thus far, along with Yesha, James, and his first two-hundred-thirteen Pathway LLC crewmembers witnessed as she glowed with the desire to help humanity. “We cannot let them wallow away as empty husks of themselves sauntering on in mundane biddings and treated like cattle.
“Why can’t every country prosper through fair trade, proper education, and the sharing of resources? There are certainly enough minerals, nutrients, possibilities for fertility in the soil. There are more than enough people who can work together in a network of diverse skills and abilities to lead to a healthy mindset that will assist humanity in moving forward and seeing through to taking care of the much bigger picture.” Sharing all of this, Eliza was determined to document, analyze, and create simple solutions to reverse the current decay of society.
Everyone in the Virtual Universe bore witness that day, mind-to-mind, that Eliza wasn’t one to stand idly by. She was someone who would find a peaceful, brilliant, effective, and efficient way to solve each of the problems plaguing the terrestrial public.
She continued, “What had happened to the idea and the actual building of products to last? Can they not build products with versatility and the capacity for added options rather than engage in complete restructuring or replacement with little thought for intuition? Can they not build with quality, longevity, and appreciation in mind? Can they not build products, services, and processes with the capacity and space to provide updates and improvement without throwing away a particular product altogether? Why all of the irresponsibly discarded waste? What has caused so many industry leaders to change things merely for the sake of change, rather than for the sake of the improvement of the quality of the process, the product, or the service? Where has the desire to raise the quality of life gone? Why is infrastructure so outdated and crumbling? With all of our knowledge, why aren’t products much more capa
ble now than they currently are? How is it that leaders have failed to think long-term and instead they have gravitated toward immediate satisfaction while forsaking quality, longevity, upgradability, and satisfaction for the consumer? Satisfaction and well-being can always be had if proper vision, mission, health, training, compensation, loyalty, morale, and thus innovation drove these industries. So, what is it that has failed and what can be done?”
Doing this, asking these questions of her neurologically gifted representatives was in no way intended to be corporate espionage, subterfuge, nor anything of the sort. Eliza’s request for intense investigations was designed for statistical feedback regarding the actual climate of the various factions of the many industries she was interested in understanding. She hoped to get to the bottom of the decaying economy, turn things around, and get humanity back to where it needed to be, so we could take the steps necessary to be worthy to journey the stars. Eliza continued.
“To be worthy to journey the stars, conditions have to be such that if a group of explorers were to return home many millennia later, humanity would not have faded away into nothing. Instead, they will have preserved the home world and home solar system, and even improved upon the beauty, the abundance, and the ability of longevity of life in every way that is positive and possible. This is necessary, and if done now, instead of crumbling into chaos we can evolve to use the chaos of the firmament to cause the Universe to breathe, and thus preserve and raise the quality of life so we can be worthy of the advancements the Universe already made possible.”
Eliza went into the Virtual Universe again, after identifying eleven young individuals with naturally gifted traits of intellect, kindness, leadership, and the ability to persuade. She talked to them for hours regarding the ideas shared with Pathway’s leadership and what she was looking for as a result of her inquests of industries worldwide. Eliza’s inquiries related to well-being, rather than the serving of egos, of greed, of lust for power, or of mere negligence to do what was right.
“Lucia Tsu, Stafford Gaines, Hanz Schultz, TJ Demitri, Bobbie Gahan, Jeremiah Voltaire, Lexi Lancaster, Ariela Reina, Christian Coriolis, and Krystal Brightway, please work with Evan Bauer on this. We have a lot to do in a short period of time. I assure you your efforts will be worth every moment that passes by. You’ll be rewarded handsomely with the simple knowledge that your efforts are driven by nobility in your personal ethics. It is also important that we get to the core of what is going on to cause such a pox on our economy driving innovation and prosperity to such a crawl. In contrast, I need to know why the stock market is surging, inflation is continuing, yet wages are staying the same or dropping.” Eliza deliberated a little longer, and then met separately with Evan.
Evan Bauer was a pale-olive-skinned man, with dark and wavy hair on top. He was clean cut, with a well-trimmed dark beard that faded and blended with the hair on the sides and back of his head. Golden fiber-like highlights in the dark irises of his eyes made him look as wise as he indeed was. He looked in every way every bit the genius he was touted to be. His father was from India and had met and married Evan’s mother on a diplomatic assignment in Israel, who happened to be from Bethlehem. Neither had been religious, but both had been enveloped in the cultures that sprung from the regions within which they were raised. When they decided to move to the US well before Evan had been conceived, they took note of their genealogy and changed their last name to Bauer. Evan grew up loving science, and many years later he had specialized in non-invasive studies, treatments, neurosurgical procedures and neuroscience as a whole for more than the last decade. Over the last few months, Evan had worked as part of Eliza’s elite team to bring clarity to the positive results of the small little details as they affected the mind. He did this, all-the-while updating and upgrading those read-in as preferred, promised, and agreed upon within the Virtual Universe, but had also begun to translate his knowledge and studies of the established neuroscientific advances for proliferation into and throughout the real world.
Even though in Pathway, biopods, nanos, the Virtual Universe, and so much more were already developed, in the real world they were not. No one in the public eye knew about any of these advancements. Evan sought to help society mature and become educated enough on these types of technologies to assist them in becoming as well-versed and capable as Eliza had been over the last decade. He shared with Eliza what he had proposed to write in a book and publish in the coming years regarding the aspects of a collective mind and experiential interface.
“Our minds are a bit chaotic, so perhaps that is how we can conjure up so many great ideas. It is through the chaos we control, understand, and can make sense of that great discoveries and capabilities unfold to benefit all who are bound by the laws that govern its ripple effects. As far as translating a computer-brain interface into everyday living, it is possible. Connecting the corpus callosum and other essential cortices to a Virtual Universe or a Realistic Experiential Cyber Matrix interface by way of opsin, optogenetics, other tools, and an encoding to translate it to a soft transceiver within the mind amplified by strengthened physiology, would allow a person to wander around a cyber-environment within the matrix engaged in a way to where it is acting much like we are in a memorable dreamlike state. However, now we will be able to do this with an addition to the brain, in the form of a neural layer wrapping around it, much like a placenta around an unborn child, but more sophisticated in scope. An individual user will still be bound to the left brain but have access to the right brain allowing for conscious choices to be made, minus acting them out entirely in physical form. Muscle memory in the Virtual Universe can be built by flexing the various regions of the brain, interfacing with an exponential capacity, given this new layer, and allow us to gain knowledge, experience, and wisdom without moving the body.
“Perhaps a neurological link of this nature, via the corpus callosum and the new layer, will afford us the beauty of shared awareness. We will be able to have a shared moment with anyone we desire to link to. Many shared moments and happenings, shared memories with billions of people connected at the same time will increase our collective wisdom and capabilities exponentially. In the University Matrix, within the Virtual Universe, professors can give life-like and real world seeming lessons filled with tangible and tactile experiences while still in this sub-unit connected to the Virtual Universe, with studies, research, and laboratory environments that no longer harm animals or other humans.
“There could be small moments of structured guidance which afford coherent structure toward learning a new profession or skill, wherein the university itself may act as the master brain for small unnoticeable moments every few seconds, to guide and coach the mind. Doing this will allow for complexed development, training, stimulation, and both physiological and neurological growth. In the right kind of interfacing system, the brain will not overheat or become crammed within the head. Instead, unused areas will develop new neural pathways and synapses into an expanding prefrontal cortex and hippocampus for memories, thalamus for the gathering of signals and sending them to the various cortices. The hypothalamus will receive these signals to regulate our body temperature, circadian rhythm, hunger, thirst, aspects of reproduction, and pleasure.”
Evan then paused and continued, “All of this can be optimized by your nanos, Eliza. Your nanos can communicate throughout our DNA-bound neurological particle nanosystem giving us real-life experiences combined with optimized memory and cognition without causing brain damage. All of this while engaging the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, parietal lobe, and the orbitofrontal cortex, allowing the growth of new layers of the brain. These new layers can expand our neurological capabilities and create the necessary links to enable us to engage in collective learning, understanding, and complete internal process control while going about the day.
“This connection would also allow us to graduate to other levels of consciousness, because we will have begun to receive double, triple, and even quadruple layers of the
brain that allow us to have multi-brain capacities tied into a master hemisphere and our prefrontal cortex, as well as a growing hippocampus, thalamus, parietal lobe, and hypothalamus. Our skulls may actually grow slightly larger with more energy, warming, and cooling capacities, yet the growth that results will expand in circumference overall and will be virtually unnoticeable. It will afford us a higher quantity of mental processing power as well as heightened speed and clarity of thought. We will have a heightened ability with increased energy capacity to forecast and act upon the best overall outcomes with assertiveness in decision-making processes. With these advancements in-toe, they’ll be designed to maintain the integrity of compassion, resilience, innovation, and Universal Ethics.”
Going through and listening to Evan’s presentation in the Virtual Universe, it became apparent he was the remarkable individual his reputation, which preceded him, indicated he would be. Furthermore, his skills made clear to Eliza which industries she would coordinate with James to have him investigate and eventually lead. The medical, health, and most certainly the neuroscience fields would be his domain, and extraordinarily.
“Evan, I can see your compilation of observations, studies, and developments will be a wonderful way to integrate Pathway’s current knowledge into Real-World public studies. I am proud of you and your efforts. This will also provide several added layers of capacity to each of us throughout the solar system who have been fully read-in. Thank you for your diligence.” Eliza talked with Evan for quite some time, shifted focus to the new project, and then James Cooper appeared within the Virtual Universe, to work with Eliza on how to integrate Evan into her leadership teams for investigations of the various Earth-bound companies, businesses, organizations, corporations, and industries.
Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars Page 49