Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars

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Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars Page 57

by Matthew Opdyke

  The IMC, was, in its current iteration, a series of listed recommendations and suggestions for gigantic spacecraft and their design teams and plans, but they were not as yet drafted in the Virtual Universe, and not even as far as shape and aesthetics were concerned. Each of the thirteen gigantic intergalactic spacecraft would require the abilities to explore, to document the history of, to terraform, and to colonize the entire observable Universe. Each spacecraft would also need to be capable of improvements, augmentations, and enhancements as journeys continued throughout the Cosmos.

  While the proposed crews and brainstorming of each spacecraft was going to be merely the tip of a great big iceberg when it came to plans for the Cosmos, what they would be doing would become gargantuan when it came to the beginnings of Universal History. The Universe, as relative to the Earth would be divided into twelve equitable zones. A thirteenth zone would not be visible from Earth since the IMC would travel beyond the limits of the observable Universe to expand our knowledge and influenced by several orders of magnitude. Before beginning the final plans and construction of such a massive project, which interestingly enough was an even greater project than protecting our own Sun, a sufficient enough population would need to be helping in one way or another. Eliza had always preached kindness as the first step, and that would be the first step no matter how many other steps there would be. She promised to lead the way.

  Eliza had taken it upon herself to begin preparing the world’s nations for all of this, and it began with making any necessary changes in view of the public in how operations were run within the House of Representatives.

  By the end of 2017, multiple cancer-combating gene therapies had been approved by the FDA, which provided smooth economic transitions for some of the largest employers worldwide. Gene therapies were finally being released. Industry was in full swing. In 2018, after a string of successes in so many ways within the House of Representatives, Eliza strategically backed a delegate from the UP to run for the House of Representatives in her stead, and she ran for a position in the Senate to make further and important adjustments to how the Senate was run.

  Chapter 29: Eliza and Politics, Section 1

  Database Moon Archive, Celestial-Sol Entry Date: 2018 December 25. Yesha Alevtina trains Vesha Celeste. In this crucial part of her training, after her awakening, they explore Eliza’s rise as a politician, from United States Congressional Representative to United States Senator, as well as the activities leading up to Vesha Celeste’s awakening. These memories are shared by the collective minds of Eliza, Yesha, and James, the countless Citizens, and Delegates of Pathway, and the Representatives of the UP, within the Virtual Universe. Vesha and Yesha are interfaced via biopod within the Pathway Melrose Campus. Input by: Yesha Alevtina, President of Pathway Industries, 2015-2022.

  It was during the Massachusetts state caucus when Eliza approached the podium to give the following speech as a Congresswoman, with a bid for the Senate in 2018. While she typically ran a positive campaign, she realized that many nations were still struck with prejudice toward women, their education, and the potential for their contribution toward the advancement of society and civilization. She could also see that reflected still within her own state. After seeing large swaths of money mismanaged and given to one country after another, all of whom were notorious for growing the privileged class on the backs of the underprivileged, along with a large laundry list of human rights and ethics violations toward even their own people, she issued a rebuke to the leaders and friends who promoted this sort of behavior, or who somehow supported the behavior of those who had lost their way:

  “I stand by my previous and unofficial statement, after I introduced my first iteration of the tax policy to Congress last year and will address it again as Senator this coming winter,” Following which, everyone in the caucus applauded and cheered. Ever since she took office as a congressional representative people had followed her enthusiastically and looked forward

  “The address I gave, wherein I stated that universities for women in countries that oppress them, and more than half of the rest of their population would be a far better investment than what is being batted about now. Leaders, whose countries have built high-tech skyscrapers and cities meant only for the elite few, or the favorites of any “king,” dictator, or tyrant, would find within themselves a more reasonable argument toward ethics if they shifted their focus toward building universities rather than engaging in secret arms deals. I presented on my website evidence of where weapons were proliferated to terrorists in exchange for one-hundred-billion USD of US generosity within countries who take our generosity and do nothing to raise the well-being of those they are called to serve, but instead blame us for their greed and harm their own and other people.

  “Countries showing negligence toward the populous they’ve assumed the mantle to have stewardship over, who impoverish their masses, who do nothing to bring the lifesaving qualities of the forests, jungles, and agriculture, as well as well-being and beauty to their land, countries who keep their education far from the grasp of their women or dignity away from people who otherwise should have the right to claim their own unique identity, or governments who teach to their citizens that it is the United States, the Western Nations, Asia, and all of its allies that are to blame for all of the indignity within their societies built up from systematic inhumanity, are in fact to blame, and now stand duly chastised.

  “A fair education, where people learn true world history as well as respect within reason for the leaders, whether governmental or through social influence, of yesteryear, understanding that if it weren’t for their influence we would not have the freedoms we share today, where people can actually learn from social science, the arts, physics, neurology, biology, and all things that truly relate to this physical Universe—all of which could still complement any religion of benevolence or a strong core of well-being-based ethics, would be something that merits our efforts and our energies. Something that teaches kindness, compassion, and consent would be the highest form of an answer to reducing terrorism to virtually nothing.

  “Weapons in the hands of allies we trust may serve to temporarily stop the dystopian reality of the malevolent but giving or selling weapons to those who have demonstrated negligence on the part of the well-being of their own people, the very people they have been entrusted to serve, should no longer, if ever, be looked at as the proper course of action. Without proper changes and without the well-being of wonderful people in mind, the greed that is already prevalent within their scope of command and concern, the elitism of a class hierarchy, and so much more, all of which to the greatest degree, will create a ripple effect, that once the dust of war has settled, will only serve to foment even more terror.

  “To combat the type of mentality that leads to murder, oppression, and terrorism we have to be strong, we must build step-by-step processes beginning with an education that will provide a higher quality of life, and we must do all that we can to foster a supportive and innovative environment. Therein is an essential pathway to trust, clarity toward creating a legacy of kindness and of compassion, and even passion for the kind of greatness that for an untold time into the future is worthy of preserving. A legacy worth preserving is one where you, I, and all of us are valuable, are worth having around to share experiences with, to stumble through the struggles of benevolent life with, to plan for a better future with, and with whom it will be an honor to create that legacy that deserves to bring its biology to the numerous planets orbiting and traversing the Cosmos.

  “In a benevolent society, murderous tyrants hold no sway, they hold no ground, they are removed from society and are given intense counseling in a healthy environment conducive to imparting to them clarity of a better way of life, a purpose in which maiming, and murder are not part of the plan. In a benevolent society, you are safe, I am safe, everyone is safe, and our potential for innovations that reduce unnecessary suffering can know no bounds. Only in a benevolent, ethical, and mo
ral society—a society and a worldwide civilization that seeks to preserve life, will we possess the mentality and the evolved capacity to preserve our Earth, our solar system, and our Humanity.

  “A malevolent society will never see humanity expand throughout the Cosmos because malevolence is a zero-sum game, a game devoid of a win-win solution for the problems that arise, a game that will see through to our end, our extinction, with an unknown legacy of mediocrity, malice, anger, hate, and fear, that only serves the uncontrolled chaos that will lead to the end of our civilization and even the end of our Universe. Each of these things will lead to a pointless existence as the next worldwide cataclysm snuffs us out forever.

  “Those who justify the behaviors of those that truly oppress, they know who they are, yet I believe that they too can change. No matter who you are, no matter your past, no matter what you have done until now, you can still grow, you can breathe in and you can breathe out. You can slow down the visceral thoughts of malice raging within your mind, you can gain compassion for others, you can preach ideas of hope and of kindness, rather than push the agendas of greed, elitism, and dissension. In a benevolent society, there is no problem with well-earned gains and successes—enjoying the fruits of your efforts, your energies, and your diligence. However, stealing, cheating, and manipulating the masses so you and only your progeny can do well is a result of nothing but ill-gotten gains.

  “If a leader from a somewhat benevolent country goes to another country with leadership that oppresses its people, it is upon them to find ways to alleviate the suffering existent in their society. It is important to evolve their culture to reduce the effects of hatred and violence. Leaders, who blame their own oppression on the countries that give, give, and give, are to blame. Not the countries who try to help. A leader who is from any benevolent country, however, who sells mechanisms with which to prosecute more oppression is to blame as well. In this case, it is the leader who is to blame and not their masses because it is they who have exhibited either malevolent individual character or demonstrated that they are a fool without the ability to properly assess and perceive of the results of their actions. It is they who will do more harm than good. Those that support this behavior are guilty of the same.

  “But, just as I stated before, even you who are clowns, you who have proven that you are buffoons, or you who are malevolent sociopaths—you who are living and breathing, you who yet live, and you who yet try, you can still mend your mind, you can still shift your mindset, you can still regroup your cognitive frame-working to analyze ways to improve your intent and redress your actions based on key experiences from the past. So, breathe in and breathe out, and think with genuine thought toward the well-being of others and innovate ways to improve life.

  “If we can hear from your lips and into our ears, ‘let’s create a legacy of kindness, of compassion, of innovation with passion toward longevity; let’s create a legacy that we will be proud to preserve, a legacy where you, I, and everyone else can explore the Cosmos and preserve life! A legacy where the Universe does not look at us is in terror as a destructive force, but one that brings abundance, life, and beauty. You, my friends, can still come around and are still capable of honor and can plan for a brilliant future.

  “A life of meaning, a life of purpose, a purpose that is imbued with diligence, joy, fun, and happiness, a purpose of freedom, of consent, of clarity, and the kind of clarity that will lead each of us to be a part of the great force that will preserve the Universe through promise, with answers to the greatest challenges that will and can be found, and where resolution to them lies still just ahead and just beyond the horizon, and those of us who live breeding benevolence, the kind of benevolence that no matter our circle of influence in life, makes us true leaders, you, I, we, have much to look forward to.

  “One of the greatest purposes of leadership, both among the masses and right through to our own individuality, is to lead with kindness, integrity, love, compassion, passion for quality and innovation, and since an even greater purpose may come along as we sojourn through time, we will find that each of us can grow to be a leader, and each of us can help to break open the gates of so many other mysteries currently unknown. Perhaps parallel Universes and connections to different dimensions at a quantum level are something that might become a reality far off and far away and into the future, and perhaps we may be able to discover that once again we can see and embrace all of those whom we’d ever thought we’d ever lost in life. We each can bring promise, meaning, purpose, drive, motivation, and passion if that is the direction of our focus.

  “By using the tools Nature, the Universe, or God, or whoever He or She or They are has given us, which, among the greatest, are our unique minds, we can find within ourselves so much more promise and joy along the way than what we could through any other means. So, I tell each of you, that the suggestion of my honored associate, ‘giving Universities to women in an extremely subversive and oppressive country instead of weaponry is like giving roses to the hungry,’ is indeed off-base, tactically-minded rather than strategic, and a pox on reason.

  “Education is a gift that can teach generations how to plant crops, extract pure water from the ground, the ocean, and the skies, feed the masses and cure all manner of diseases, and quell all kinds of destructive forces and uncontrolled chaos. Education can inspire greatness and all manner of well-being-infused innovations and a high quality of life for each of us, filled with the splendor of the exploration of our Cosmos. Only together can we ever dream the realistic dream, the kind of dream that is a vision of longevity, prosperity, and joy. Only together, using as much mental capacity as we have been given by Nature, God, the Gods, or even possibly the Universe itself, will we be able to evolve to a greater and more hopeful future—a future filled with joy, greater purpose, clarity, and excitement.”

  When Eliza finished her charge forward, everyone in the caucus stood, clapped, cheered, and continued doing so as Eliza got down from the podium. She looked upon the crowd before her, shook each of their hands, listened to their questions, and provided context to each promise she made to them. All her promises and suggestions were said with guile.

  The crowd seemed to love her for many reasons, but no matter, Eliza was determined to do the right thing, because quite simply it was the right thing to do. Having done so much, that night she went to her estate, grabbed her sleeping bag, laid down by the statue of the angel overlooking the pond of coy fish and frogs, and fell asleep singing some of her favorite songs.

  Chapter 30: Eliza and Politics, Section 2

  Dr. Eliza A. Williams easily won the race for Senate. The changes that were still very much needed gave even the first two months of service a whole lot of work to do, and she visited her biopod often to head into the Virtual Universe to draft policies that were rich with common sense, yet thoughtful enough to consider each aspect necessary in a complex society and an even more complex set of environments, that would change the tax codes and eventually enable her biopods. Her biopods were the one-stop-shop for so many things, to include education, research, development, entertainment, and even correction. Since the current tax code was due for an overhaul—a disaster from the year before, her biopods most likely wouldn’t be implemented for some time. Yet, it could be pretty soon that they would be, all things considered.

  Christmas Eve was yesterday, she had celebrated with her senatorial team, and before going onto the Senate Floor, she caught up with Yesha, James, Amber, Erin, and her major delegates. While doing so, she viewed their progress, and linked minds with each of the growing populous throughout the tech cities and those read-in and on terrestrial missions, and listened to their desires, hopes, and dreams while in the Virtual Universe, where she could do hundreds of thousands of years of projects and events with billions of people, in just a few hours. She would see new developments unfold as discoveries were made from the Sun to the Oort Clouds and Yesha and James would update her when they had something new.

was the evening of Christmas day, Holiday decorations were on display throughout the Senate and adorning her office, and a sense of cheer seemed to be natural despite all else when her neural link pinged. Yesha was linking to her from the Melrose Laboratory Auditorium, not far from the Melrose Campuses. “It’s about that time,” she said. “Vesha Celeste is about to be revived. Will you or can you be here for the event?”

  “I very much want to be, but we are trying to make changes to the tax code that will reduce the national debt substantially, or at least set up mechanisms to allow anyone to invest in national asteroid mining for annual dividends, combined with national debt payments, dividend-compensated benefits that include medical, retirement, and sabbatical aspects. Essentially, if we can pull this off, after conducting more biopsies for terrestrial historical data, we will mine at least three asteroids the first year, as a fool-proof example, and split the value 50/50 between the taxpayers and governmental program maintenance and pay off the national debt. Hopefully, we can finish deliberating soon. I will turn on my Virtual Universe sub-link, so I can get a sense of what is going on, and when I am done here I will meet you as soon as possible. However, please press on with what you need to do and don’t wait up for me. The timing for Vesha’s revival is essential.”


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