Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars

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Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars Page 69

by Matthew Opdyke

  “Thank you, Vesha. You’re right, Yesha may have a little suspicion, but I haven’t shared anything about this with her, yet. I believe I’ll talk to her soon. I’ll try to iron my mind out a bit, and maybe do some meditating. It’s been a while. That usually keeps me pretty grounded. Plus, we have so much to do, so much to focus on. I can’t get lost in romantic worries for now. Maybe, just maybe, after I’ve served as POTUS for eight years, or when the time is right, I will let James know how I feel. Please also note that the only reason why I intend to serve is that I see a broken system and I have clarity on how to fix it. James has a lot on his hands right now, and I wouldn’t want to fog his focus.”

  Chapter 38: Solar System Operations, Section 1

  Database Moon Archive, Celestial-Sol Date: 2019 March 27. Erin Carter, Yesha Alevtina’s Vice Commander, summarizes the experiences of Pathway-hierarchy involved in the Solar System Operations that lead to the construction of the IMC. These memories are from many Pathway Leaders, recorded within the Virtual Universe, interfaced within Pathway Melrose Campus. Input by: Erin Carter, VP, 2018-2022, and President of Pathway, 2022-2029.

  It was late March of 2019 when after the last ten years James Cooper had worked with an ever-growing cadre on Solar System Operations, and he received the virtual notice from Eliza that Vesha would be working with him for a while. He noticed something a little different about her tone, but he didn’t mention anything. James had always had her in the top spot of his heart since the first day he met her, yet he didn’t want to press the issue, so instead, he aimed to please. After all, Eliza was pretty iron-clad and inspiring. He saw the pureness of the intentions of her heart and mind many times in the Virtual Universe, and none of it suggested romance or a love affair. They were working together to save humanity, to prepare humanity, and then to send humanity with Vesha Celeste through all ends of the Universe, observable relative to Earth, with hope in mind.

  James thought about how things had come along so well over the years. It was through a structured collaboration of linked minds taking advantage of Virtual Universe time as compared to real-world time, Eliza’s well-placed sensors, her upgraded and re-encoded clouds of nanos, and the use of her jump gates to visit any location from any location that he had kept the twenty-thousand tech cities running so smoothly. He and his crew had grown to twenty-million Pathway citizens by 2010 while still in a minimally governed yet neurologically linked populous, and the collaborative mindset afforded him a cohesive workforce, while also ensuring that all other projects within the solar system were developed and verified with the same high level of quality and precision.

  Perhaps the most enjoyable aspect of it all was the ability to move around as often as desired, if not for the missions and work orders, quite simply for the ability to step out from the rather large and beautifully-landscaped balcony to see Jupiter, or Saturn, or any of the planets depending on where their home was at the time and enjoy the spectacular sky-scape from the balcony of his tech city suite. Things had gone well for James; he was proud of his progress.

  Living in a tech city was abundantly enjoyable since everyone seemed to know and understand one another with a profound and understanding point of view and in a kind and gracious manner. One could jump-gate to pretty much anywhere in a tech city from any point to any other point, with minor coordination, or one could walk, or one could use their new jump watches to jump from their luxury suite to their own work center office. If a flavor of food lingered in the mind long enough, despite optimization, one could go to a nearby restaurant, and the chefs, through neural linking, would send something your way that would please the taste buds beyond belief. It could be delivered, picked up, or as most people preferred, they could dine out and converse with friends, family, and co-workers at the dining facilities. Everyone and anyone who worked anywhere, from the vast arts, cultural, sports, and performance centers, to science labs, innovation centers, and much more all seemed to know exactly what the taste buds, neurology and physiology as a whole needed, the chefs would pick up on it and always and successfully aimed to please.

  Every restaurant in every tech city was as magnificent as the T.O. and each in its own creative and unique way. Even walking on the smart sidewalks and looking at the buildings as they waved in and out and in sound infrastructural, astounding, and creative ways were breath-taking. Flowers, statues, gardens, rocks laid out ever so aesthetically pleasingly and breathtakingly in terraces and walkways, with gazebos, swings for two, and ample space for anyone walking their dogs, or any other muse, was all part of the charm of a walk through any tech city. There were a lot of white buildings with black and iridescent accented trim, and green multi-colored flower trees surrounded every edifice. Life was pleasant and full of shared artistry and music that seemed to culminate toward the end of each day in a concerto of shared humor, laughter, joyful pleasantries throughout each block of each city, and untamed smiles.

  After the eight-hour time-frame for work was done each weekday, everyone would go through their private jump gates, hop in their biopods for five minutes, for a range of ten to forty years of Virtual Universe time, almost always shared the last few hours together, stepped out, and then had a real-world block party, concert, rave, trance dreamscape, with the best edible spreads and beverages known to exist. Life was amazing in the tech cities. At night people would either party until ten minutes prior to the next day, hop in their biopods for a quick one minute real-world, eight-hour Virtual Universe rest, and then return to work all nano-washed and walking through their jump gates with minutes to spare, or they would rest for eight hours, since the walls were highly sound-rated, they would get up, shower, get ready, and then step through their jump gates or activate their jump watches to work, as well, and with several minutes to spare. Work was all focus, dedication, work-related coordination in the Virtual Universe, full of brainstorming, sharing ideas, considering the Universal Ethics of each projected plan, and implementation of the plans coordinated and applied afterward in the real world.

  In 2010, Eliza had set up a system of governance for the tech cities based on what she called the laws of Universal Ethics. Since then, the population within the twenty-thousand tech cities had grown to two-billion and more people were being read-in and moving in each day. Everything Eliza had set up seemed to work, and thus far, for James, everyone seemed enthusiastic about life, and there had been no need whatsoever for law enforcement, and to add to that, highly advanced protective systems were already in place and continuously upgraded and maintained in a way that would provide the solar system as a whole a robust defense if it was ever needed.

  During Eliza and Yesha’s first journey through the Virtual Universe and ever since they peered into the vastness of space at the very beginning, they dared not send humanity outside the solar system until they were ready for journeys into the unknown without knowing what they would be running into, or at least being prepared for any of the possibilities that genius minds could conjure up. That was one of the reasons why the Entertainment Matrix had been set up, to allow creativity to forge methods for overcoming the worst aspects of space, aliens, and humanity itself. As such, Eliza and Pathway as a whole had peered many times into deep space and had prepared substantially for some of the greatest and most odious of threats. They had prepared humanity without humanity even knowing it. Perhaps they would someday.

  After years and even generations on Earth under laws that had little to do with well-being, governance through Eliza, Yesha, and James via Pathway’s Tech Cities had been more or less a piece of cake. Negative forms of stress were lower for this shared population of two-billion-plus than it had ever been for them in any other community throughout Earth. Stress was lower than it had been for anyone in any civilization throughout the history of humanity. She knew that when people were of a healthy mind, they were kind, and they contributed through innovation, achievement, breakthroughs, progress, due preparation, and action, they did not need punishment for mistakes nor someone
to enforce laws since the laws observed remained steeped in common sense and were even Universal. The people of Pathway worked to improve longevity, quality of life, clarity of mind, and they governed themselves. James knew this and was beloved as well.

  With the complexity of the enormity of population, workforce management, living needs and requirements, city infrastructure maintenance, spaceport operations, terraforming operations, and much more, through Eliza, James’ specific management style and expertise had been ideal. With all that James was doing, however, he often looked to his original crew from YY Corp, which was now a subsidiary of Pathway, and known as Pathway Construction, had been delegated to him, and he had in-turn delegated as much as was possible and necessary to his very first crew of ninety-seven and their families. Each of his crewmembers and their families had also become quite seasoned and shared many ideas when it came to updates, repairs, and improvements to the infrastructure throughout the solar system. They each had crews as well and worked cogently with 2.2 billion people as well as with a complex network of sensors paired with billions of clouds of maintenance nanos, and all of this was undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. He had quite a trustworthy and sizable cadre working with him, and so many projects had been completed throughout the ten years that he was Solar System Operations President, but he was due for a little bit of a break. Although that break wouldn’t happen for many years, to a certain extent Eliza saw this, had never forgotten about him amidst everything that was going on, and had sent Vesha Celeste his way to help.

  Until Vesha had arrived, as time went by, even though the population had certainly grown exponentially, the Intergalactic Mission Contingency, or IMC, which was going to be a series of thirteen command spacecraft and all that they would contain, was still in the brainstorm faze and was not even yet a blueprint within the Virtual Universe. Not a single part, not a single weld, and not a single piece of spacecraft had actually been created with regard to the IMC. Regardless, James’ mental capacity had grown in spades and had shined many times over and over again and in a very huge way, yet he needed an additional powerful mind and an extra hand to begin production on the massive IMC. There were a lot of factors to consider, each command spacecraft would be a miniature world, and talking to Eliza, they both agreed that Vesha Celeste would be ideal to head the project.

  As noted previously, earlier on, in 2010, Eliza had worked with James, Yesha, and a population that had at that time grown exceedingly with a simple system of governance that favored well-being, quality of life, clarity of mind, and longevity combined with productivity, fairness, kindness, and ingenuity in order to ensure that all off-world populations were ruled with as much simplicity, benevolence, and common sense as was possible. In exchange, each person was given unlimited Solar Credit Accounts, and anything they needed was provided upon simple request, whether verbally, via a neural link, or in the Virtual Universe. Everything wasn’t solely about science alone, but artistic craft, exhaustive sports opportunities, creativity, and soothing frequencies were woven in and out and extensively throughout everything they did. Through it all, they would in-turn be involved with a myriad of projects to ensure the solar system’s defense mechanisms were updated and upgraded as soon as updates and upgrades were available. The buildings of the tech cities were so beautiful and intricate that with their nanos they were practically alive yet were held up via robust diamond-carbon nanotube column and beam scaffoldings that could buffet any conceivable form of attack or quake or anything else within the many environments they were in throughout the solar system, that could be thrown at them. The nanos that were integrated throughout out each building and city and paired with them regularly carried out maintenance orders mending damage or making appropriate updates.

  Although most of what Eliza had designed and developed in 2008, through an automated process of creating and encoding nanos within the Virtual Universe to build all of the infrastructures throughout the solar system and had at that time been completed. All of this, because James had worked with her, for her, and had furthered her progress through updates and collaborative thinking with his crews, as well as the creativity of the many individuals that through time had become a part of Pathway. As time went by, more projects always surfaced to append what was already amazing and the population over the last nine years had grown exponentially.

  Throughout the existence of Pathway, the population growth had been derived in large part from rescuing others from toxic environments and situations on Earth, healing them, and providing them a beautiful place to live as well as clearness as to what they could do to assist our Earth-based civilization in progressing to the point of having a legacy we could, in essence, be proud to share with other civilizations throughout the Universe. They took up the task, once optimized and read-in, and with unlimited Solar Credits to help where they could, they had fluidity when it came to undeterred ingenuity and creativity, within the scope of Universal Ethics, of course. In many cases, these ethics actually freed them up, because a lack of them always ruled out a promising future. When Pathway members considered updates and upgrades it called for climbing into biopods, meeting, and counseling with one another in the Virtual Universe.

  For example, following any of Amber Blythe’s and her team’s latest upgrades to physiological and neurological optimizations, all two-billion citizens and growing of Pathway were more capable of braving the exceedingly harsh climates outside the tech cities and spaceports than ever before. During the three months since she had been revived, Vesha Celeste had also worked with Amber on the latest final touches, and upgrades were always on the ready. All that Pathway members needed to do was enter their biopods and sync up with the Twelve Database Moons, and in under a minute their body’s nanos would receive the appropriate upgrades and refurbishments as needed or requested, the same would be true of their living quarters. They would also receive any necessary schooling, training, supplies, tours, and work experience through shared interfacing and have countless opportunities to visit the Entertainment Matrix, where imagination was the limit. Once the nanos were updated, the cells in the body would work in overdrive to carry out the nano upgrades, and likewise the nanos would help the cells carry out their functions to strengthen every sinew, muscle, and fiber of the flesh, to create more agility, elasticity, and clarity to both the body and the mind.

  Two-billion strong and continuously growing, every member of Pathway who had been fully read-in was a force to be reckoned with. As such, their shared culture, societal richness, and art were enjoyed for every bit of uniqueness that was expressed and prevalent. Pathway had a love for diversity, and the twenty-thousand tech cities reflected that in the most beautiful of ways. Amber Blythe had finished her doctorates in the most humble of ways, and then multiplied her talents, and had recruited countless new Pathway citizens. She had added a profound effect to each optimization, upgrade, and update, when it came to genetic improvements, interfacing through biopods, and actualization and experiential application through the Virtual Universe. In many other cases, the people throughout Pathway were each doing rescues, developing new ideas and achieving potential unknown to those outside of Pathway, yet even still, they were beginning to yearn for a journey to other stars and galaxies.

  Everything, as far as physiological and neurological requirements were concerned for the IMC building operations teams, was ready. The crews had been selected and were prepared in every way for designing, nano programming, and the building of each of the thirteen gigantic intergalactic spacecraft and all of their support craft and component parts. Vesha had been given the task of working with James on all aspects of Solar System Operations, but this would be her pet project over the next few years. As the years would go by every possible environmentally or technologically advanced issue that could possibly come their way would be considered, and as a result, Pathway would see to it that Earth-based civilization would succeed in protecting and bringing life and healing to the Universe, and with the capacity to improv
e as we learned more.

  After visiting Eliza on Capitol Hill, following the assault on her life, and after healing miraculously, surviving in front of everyone’s eyes, Vesha Celeste had been more than willing to accept Eliza’s request and Pathway’s approval for her to become commissioned. As such, she would engage in several projects leading up to and including the design and building of the IMC, while sharing governance of the twenty-thousand tech cities throughout the solar system, and more of these tech cities secretly cropping up in places on Earth that were once thought uninhabitable, and she did this with James Cooper, who was linked often with Eliza. Vesha had throughout her life demonstrated resolve, grace, and a very unique ability to lead, the kind that, like James, would scarcely be found in anyone else in the public sector, all of which had measured up to the gargantuan aspect of what would entail the evolution and missions of the IMC.

  While they could build each spacecraft quickly, it would be a while before humanity was sped up on all of Pathway’s technologies, so they had plenty of time. Regardless, Eliza, Vesha, and James as well as Yesha, Amber, and Erin had all agreed that the sooner the spacecraft could be designed, the sooner they could prepare them to withstand any plausible or even implausible reality in space and the reality that existed outside of the perceived norm on Earth would be faced and overcome, well and in advance. Had the public on Earth been aware of this immense project they would have found themselves mind-boggled at best.


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