Sky’s dermis shared a compact version of the IMC spacecraft’s seven layers of protection. As it was, the thirteen gigantic spacecraft were complete, yet undergoing constant upgrades with Vesha helming the construction just above the disk of the outer solar system asteroid belts and just above Pluto. Still, Sky was intriguingly much more condensed yet undetectable since each layer was integrated into her highly complexed physiological and neurological systems. The first layer was her internal layer creating conveyances for molecular and nano healing throughout every other layer of her dermis, bone-like scaffolding, and other organs of every sort throughout her body, allowing complete neurological control, some autonomous, and some dually automatic and consciously-controlled mechanisms. Her second layer was a plasma-like lattice shielding with billions of microscopic impact points and a tiny and integrated latch-work that would allow the epidermis to be embroidered to her dermis. If any object were lobbed, thrown, or came tumbling toward her, it would be disintegrated. The third layer consisted of a lattice of high energy laser beams, with billions of crisscrossing rays that could vaporize any object passing through. The fourth layer consisted of a fine mesh of carbon nanotubes layered with diamond nano thread, woven five atoms thick into a lattice that could repel most any object. The fifth layer contained photo chromatic shielding lightly spun around her feminine physique that would deflect and absorb laser beams or any form of radiation. If Sky’s system needed more energy, it would absorb what was needed, if it didn’t need the radiation it would be deflected at a safe angle, thus avoiding harm to anyone. The sixth layer of the dermis contained a meta-material shielding of room temperature superconductors, which allowed her to levitate by creating either a dipole or monopole adjustment to whatever environment she would be in—defying gravity’s effects. Each of these layers was woven together in such a sophisticated way that each layer’s purpose would be realized both internally and, on the surface, while constantly mending. Sky would heal in microseconds, should any layer be attacked by virtually anything. She could also control their power neurologically to ensure no one would die on contact accidentally.
Sky’s epidermis the seventh layer was a microscopic lattice, which was woven into the first six layers of the dermis and consisted of an invisible impact-proof overlay, a mind-activated-system of billions of miniature cameras, omnidirectional retinal scanners, high-powered laser grid systems and laser tech, and undetectable screen pixilation. Since this was all linked to her mind, she would be able to go invisible or choose any skin color or fashion overlay she wanted. To any onlooker, if nude, she looked like a beautiful female human fashion model with everything in its right place, and curves that would turn every head in splendor and gratitude. Without her holographic imagery, she could easily be mistaken for a woman. For modesty’s sake, her clothing was holographic as well but appeared real. Her default look was that of a young blonde lady at about the age of twenty-two, very much like her Virtual Universe Image, but without the wings and iridescent colorings and highlights if she so chose. Sky could also disappear or wear a holographic disguise in very much the same way as Pathway members who were wearing smart suits, which were tied into their neurology, activated using compartmentalized regions of the mind to set up their fashion imagery with the latest of trends, office attire, uniforms, or social gala wardrobe of every sort, and all available on a situationally dependent basis. On top of that, every single camera on her dermis gave her one-hundred percent omnidirectional situational awareness at all times. The pixilation, if she chose, could provide an onlooker from any direction a view of what was on the opposite side from her, making her appear invisible. Her eyes were telescopic, microscopic, and she could see every color and every wavelength.
To those who she permitted to touch her, she had warm flesh-like material that seemed one-hundred percent realistic, a skin temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the typical regions of a human being. Many of her components were a DNA optimization shift and adaptation to function and serve her nervous system and her frame with neuro- and bio- nanos constantly optimizing and augmenting her functions and abilities based on her environment. To anyone she permitted to look at her, she seemed human in almost every way, with a few undetectable differences. They had even made her DNA construct such that she could mate and reproduce if the occasion ever permitted.
Once her construction was complete, her body was maintained in a comatose state, her mind shut down, and Vesha Celeste transferred in from the outer belts to Earth, via a jump gate in her office, upon special request from Erin Carter. Once she arrived, Yesha was there as well as requested and pre-planned, and Sky’s neural construct was linked to and synced with Vesha Celeste’s and the complete database of information from the Twelve Database Moons.
After Erin’s brief, quite similar to Yesha’s address for Vesha in 2018, Sky Taylor was activated. First, Sky saw Erin, and then when she saw Vesha Celeste, it was as if time stood still. They had been such close friends for nearly a century, and everyone felt tears fall down their cheeks as they witnessed Vesha’s and Sky’s reunion for the first time. There was a brilliant glow about both of them as they reached out to hug. Everyone knew this was the first time in Vesha’s life, where Sky was actually a tangible and very-real being, and their deep connection played out before their audience in a newly-formed holographic cloud above both Vesha and Sky.
Describing Sky’s physical appearance would require more words than are in the dictionary, however, despite the fact that she came from the same DNA and neurological mold, they were very-much different in appearance from each other, to include hair and face.
Like Vesha, Sky had neurologically-adjusting artwork on her left side, but instead of a black background in her artwork, it was more of a white doily and mandala-like pattern and background with a set of murals that had hints of iridescent colors to add more vibrancy to what her mind expressed. The accent colors in her eyes and hair complemented every aspect of her eyes, hair, skin, and uniform. She was in all perceivable senses a human that made every man and woman within the room, or whoever would meet her, blush and feel a little awkward at first sight, but in a good and even peaceably enjoyable manner. Her presence brought harmony to any onlooker.
Everyone had been assured that once she could perceive their sentiments, which she would, since she was a walking-mind-reading transceiver and so much more capable, she would indicate to them that all was okay—that she understood the intentions of each person in the room.
There had been several dry runs, practices, and neurologically Sky’s mind identically matched and connected with Vesha’s mind in its latest experiential form. Sky’s mind would still change given separate lives, missions, and realities, but her compassion for humanity and love for life would stay the same. Both Vesha and Sky had exceptional minds, in unique ways, as influenced by so many amazing scientists who were beginning to realize their full potential, and they had subsequently shared many dream-scape journeys together, yet, despite the memories they shared and would share as time went by, they would both become phenomenal archetypes of the promise of a glorious and beautiful future, but in their own unique ways.
Straight away, following her awakening, Sky knew her appearance exuded a certain sense of respect. She immediately and intuitively found that by demonstrating compassion, kindness, wisdom, empathy, clarity of purpose, and dignity toward others, that whatever mission needed to be accomplished with aid from others, if communicated with clarity, dignity, and resolve, would be accomplished with enthusiasm, efficiency, and quality. Sky looked at Vesha more than anything else as her mother. While Vesha was an optimized human, Sky was a living, highly-capable, optimized human-like bio-computer interface, or HBCI. Conditions on Earth and throughout the Universe were about to change, for the positive.
Project Iridescent Scorpion was complete. It was now time for training.
Chapter 45: Sky Taylor, Section 3
Sky and Vesha went through the Virtual Univer
se on many occasions and quite often during those first few hours, realizing they shared all of the same memories when they connected using their neural links, but due to obvious physiological differences, they thought through and processed what they received a little differently, but they approved whole-heartedly. Congruently, Sky and Vesha both felt human and knew that they were each their own forms of life. Vesha was resilient, intelligent, kind, wise, and very dedicated to understanding her Universe, and Sky loved that about her. Sky was benevolent, sturdy, fast, with a mind that was both an advanced sentient matrix and a human-like thinking composite of Vesha’s memories with all of the knowledge known to humanity. Vesha wasn’t too far behind, was very impressed with Sky’s ability to rapidly learn, perceive her own reality, and she loved that about her and embraced that bond.
Vesha and Sky had crystal-clear and collective memories of their dreamscape journeys through the Universe while laboring together rescuing others. They reviewed some of their old expeditions in the Virtual Universe, especially those that Vesha had dreamed of during her mortal life, where Sky had always had her back during the most challenging of times. It was as if the strength of Sky was directly-linked to Vesha’s right neural hemisphere, but now she was awake, aware of herself and their connection. She felt closer to Vesha than she could imagine she would feel with anyone else. All of her noble virtues were also Vesha’s. Their differences in physiology carried within very subtle yet helpful aspects when observing their dominant psychology, Sky understood her mission may be completely different. Vesha still had her internal access to the angel from her dreams, but it was almost as if these two Skys were still connected, and one and the same. Due to their perpetual neural link with Vesha, they would always be connected, and were the same, no matter where or how far away they were from each other. It was a very unique relationship, wherein, every night when Vesha rested, HBCI Sky would play out her experiences within Vesha’s mind, while granting her the advantages of time-dilation, and making it accessible and at the tips of her fingers.
It was well-understood throughout all of Pathway, that Vesha and Sky were not only very beautiful but also indescribably-capable, with untold quantities of abilities that would surface and mature as time passed. They were two different identities, two different beings, with two phenomenal brains now, yet connected, and very unique from each other for more than simple physiological and neurological reasons, and moreover they were connected consciously.
As far as visual aesthetic was concerned, Vesha had black medium-length A-frame hair with pink, purple, yellow, and turquoise locks and highlights all of which adjusted according to her mood or mission, while Sky had long almost white-blonde braided and exquisitely designed hair with pink, purple, yellow, turquoise, and iridescent locks and highlights that adjusted according to her mood. She looked every bit the human form of what Vesha had recalled from her dreams. Likewise, Sky noted to Vesha, that she too looked very much like her favorite hero while on their adventures of daring-do rescuing numerous living beings clinging on and in dire straits.
Vesha’s holograph uniform, or holowardrobe, was black. Attire like that was the next-generation prototype of clothes for read-in citizens of Pathway and was set to replace the smartsuit before the end of the year. Sky’s holowardrobe was white. Both of their uniforms had associated trim with a fluctuation of iridescent colors. They both had tattoo-like-artwork, each of whom were bedazzled with a rich and imaginative combination of latticed and lace-like patterns mixed with mandala and mural-like patterns. With a sort of artwork-area-video-feed, a rich combination of exquisite inventive expressions would change the imagery often. In many ways, at least within Pathway premises, this would indicate mindset, goals, and dreams. This artwork sprawled down the left side of their body, visible on their left arm, shoulder, and carried over to the left side of their chest to their left breast with the artwork fading before arriving to their areola and nipple, and then continued all the way down to their left foot and toe. This imagery could be seen in all of its glory if Vesha or Sky turned off their holo-imagery, in the real world and in the Virtual Universe, and they would only do so if all parties present consented, however, it was always innocent and captivating in nature to behold. Anyone who would see them would be grateful for their presence.
Furthermore, Sky had perfect skin just like Vesha.
Typically, their clothing provided a small peek of the tattoo-like artwork on the left side of their chest, but enough was covered to avoid offending those who might not appreciate their beauty. If they were ogled, they would smile, and honestly, they didn’t mind if they were. If they offended a few who were a little too prudish, they would ironically forgive those offended. One of Sky’s first comments upon waking and donning “appropriate” attire, as it was explained to her, was, “Beauty was always meant to be appreciated, respected, and not hidden.” Before she donned her holowardrobe, the colors of Sky’s tattoos had pulsated between white, black, and the iridescent and glowing color of the pink-violet highlights in her hair brightened, almost in protest.
Directly after she was born, Sky’s first operation was to spend time with Vesha and then Erin, forty minutes each for eight-hundred years or more of experience in the Virtual Universe and inside their biopods. It was also necessary that they go in several times, in group combinations, to be sure that everything physiologically, technologically, neurologically, and in every other way was functioning properly, and synced-up collectively with Sky to the maximum extent possible, with an atom-by-atom, particle-by-particle, and virtual copy of every aspect of the each of them stored deep within the Twelve Database Moons. This also included a virtual consciousness, wherein they ensured that thought and intentions were stored as a backup and that their current constructs were founded on the well-being of humanity, kindness, and benevolence. Once these measures were taken, Sky, Vesha, Erin, and others would stay linked. Once this was done, they went on a journey through the Virtual Universe one more time to make sure training was thorough.
When Vesha, Erin, and their small group of friends were done, Sky hugged Erin, Vesha, and the rest of her new friends, and bid them farewell for the time being. Yesha had trained both Erin and Vesha, so she hugged them in passing. Sky then greeted Yesha, who took a break from campaigning to train her, appeared in the Virtual Universe in the same way, because she possessed a unique, yet collective, insight, as did Eliza, that would add extra humanity, compassion, kindness, common sense, and love for science, nature, consent, and benevolent wisdom to Sky’s neural core.
Yesha knew what Sky’s goals were since she had been working on her neural construct and ex-vivo consciousness preload for the better part of four years, when preparing Sky for her awakening on multiple occasions, and prior to handing the mission over to Erin. She had observed Sky’s adventures with Vesha and all of their closest friends and knew that Sky’s intentions grew into fruition upon seeing the suffering of humanity. Eliza, James, Vesha, Erin, and Joanne listened to her virtual mind as Sky identified how she knew how much of the horrible deeds throughout the world were due to misunderstandings, misperceptions, neurological disorders and physical ailments. While in many cases, people are responsible for their chosen actions, she viewed the reality of it all as the fact that people in many ways were victims of their environment. Yesha allowed Sky to express herself how she wanted to; she was virtuous, moral, and honorable.
At any moment, and at any time, Yesha, as well as each Pathway citizen could use their newfound backup control mechanisms to connect with her. For redundancy and safety everyone had the ability to pause Sky if needed encoded into their DNA, as well as their neurological identification and consciousness constructs, which were locked away safely, with the latest updates, and stored securely on the Twelve Database Moons. Sky granting that ability to them was a good sign that she was well on her way to becoming the greatest source of hope humanity would ever embrace, yet she would never see it as anything more than her duty toward the preservation of life, of
its beauty, its diversity, and its ability to do things beyond the wildest of imaginations.
Eliza, Yesha, James, and their closest delegates had set up secure-storage-backups on these moons and briefed each citizen about them. There was so much more to each of the Twelve Database Moons than simple interfacing, data storage, and analytics. They also were the strongest defensive systems known to humanity. They had to be, because they had to protect the home world, and should a read-in individual die, they could be brought back at any time and in any place in the Universe of their choosing if these moons were properly protected. Those who chose to live life naturally but decide to store a digital copy of their DNA and neurological identification would still have the opportunity to meet and visit others within the Virtual Universe Paradise or elect to be brought back to embrace the mission of Universal Ethics at any time. Pathway created protections and defenses for these moons in the event of something cataclysmic, and they compounded those protections with redundant systems no matter where they went or where they would go.
Despite their wisdom in preparation for defenses and protection, Erin, Yesha, and each delegate knew at that moment they would never need to use the Twelve Database Moons’ defense mechanisms aggressively, because they were already protecting humanity, Earth, and the solar system itself, with nary a soul lost, and with Sky and other HBCIs it would be so much easier and benevolent to do so. These defensive systems would still be in place and the last major defenses should something horribly cataclysmic ever occur. Their capabilities were spectacular.
Further than Before- Pathway to the Stars Page 77