Twisted Fate

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Twisted Fate Page 13

by Ashley Jade

  I shrug and look up at Tristan as he walks behind us.

  We turn a corner before Aaron stops and speaks again. “Someone purchased your painting. Well...someone is very interested in your painting and is offering a lot of money for it. An insane amount of money for it."

  “Who?” Tristan asks as he stands beside me.

  “Yeah who? And how much money are we talking about? Hundreds...thousands?” I ask.

  Aaron wipes the sweat from his forehead with his handkerchief.

  I've never seen him look so flustered. “Not hundreds...not thousands...millions.”

  “What's the catch?” Tristan asks as he rubs his chin and narrows his eyes at Aaron.

  Normally his brooding would annoy me, but for once I was right there with him.

  There had to be a catch.

  “Well I haven't officially talked to him yet...” Aaron began.

  “Him?” Tristan interrupts.

  Here we go.

  “Yes, it's a man Tristan...let me finish. Anyway, the woman I talked to...she's his personal assistant. She said that he would be willing to pay 50 million dollars for your painting..."

  It was my turn to interrupt then. “Ha, yeah right. Sorry honey, but I think this woman was pulling your leg. No one would ever pay that much for a freaking painting."

  I look over at Tristan. I expected him to agree with me, but he appeared to be lost in thought.

  “Yes I know Dev. No offense, but that's exactly what I was thinking. Let me finish though. I asked her what the catch was, she told me that the only thing the gentleman is requiring before the purchase... is to have dinner with you tomorrow night. Apparently that's when he'll be in town. At first, I just thought that it was some sugar daddy looking for a piece of ass...but then she returned again later that night. She handed me a check to give you for 50 thousand dollars. She said that you will get the full amount once you meet him for dinner tomorrow night. That’s his one stipulation. That's also when he will collect the painting. Now, don't get mad, but I looked at the check. I wanted to see if it was legit. The check is made out to you and it is just doesn't say who its from. The only thing written on it is something in Spanish that I don't understand...but here you go,” Aaron says as he hands me an envelope.

  I put out my hand to accept it, but Tristan quickly intercepts and snatches it from him.

  I’m about to protest, but Tristan cuts me off. “Look, something about this doesn't add up. Seeing as I work in investment trading and stocks, I know a little something about this. Let me look it over and make sure it checks out," he says as Nathaniel nods his head in agreement.

  I put my hands on my hips. “Gee, thanks Dad. However, I think I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

  He turns and glares at me then. “Well, excuse me Dev. I'm sorry that I'm not too keen on having the woman I love go to dinner with some unknown man who's offering her a shitload of money. Besides, you can't go to dinner with're supposed to be going on vacation with me. You know...the man you're moving in with!" he roars, as he stuffs the envelope in his pocket.

  Well...he had me there.

  Everyone around the gallery stops and stares at us then. It was mortifying.

  “Okay, you have a point. Just stop making a spectacle,” I whisper as I smile politely to the people still staring at us.

  After a few moments the murmurs continue and the party picks up again.

  That's when it occurs to ask. “Aaron...what painting does he want to buy? You never told me what painting you were featuring."

  He smiles as we all follow him and turn another corner.

  “I wasn't sure whether to put 'sold' on it or not. I wanted to talk to you first. That's why it's still featured and up for sale. This is the painting that he wants to buy," Aaron says as we stop in front of my painting.

  I look up as Tristan’s face pales.

  “Look, I'm not trying to upset you anymore right now Tristan...but that's my boyfriend that died. The one I told you about. That's Alex.”

  He stays silent as he reaches in his pocket for his cell phone. “Head over to the apartment now,” he says before he hangs up.

  “Tristan what's going on?”

  “I'm sorry, but we need to leave,” was his only reply as he yanks on my arm and tugs me outside.

  I look over at Aaron and mouth the words “I'm sorry,” as he nods his head in understanding.

  I'm glad he seems to understand, because I was beyond confused.

  His driver ushers us into the car and burns rubber as he begins driving away.

  “Please talk to me,” I say as Tristan holds onto my arm for dear life.

  “Do you love me Dev?”

  So, that's what this was about. He was jealous of a deceased person.

  I look in his eyes as I put his hand over my heart. “Do you feel that?”

  “Yes,” he whispers.

  “That's fate telling my heart that it belongs to you. I love you Tristan. No, you aren't my first love...but you'll be my last love. Please, believe me when I tell you that."

  He cups my cheek. “I love you so much. I'll do anything in the world for you. I'll do anything to keep you you know that?"

  I smile. “Yeah Tristan...I'm well aware by now. I love you too.”

  He pulls me into a kiss that leaves me breathless as the car comes to a stop.

  Chapter 29

  When we walk into the apartment, I’m immediately taken back.

  Moe was standing there. He appeared to be waiting for our arrival.

  I let go of Tristan's hand and take a step back. “I swear to god, you better tell me what the fuck is going on now. Why is Moe here?"

  Tristan ignores me, walks into his office, and closes the door behind him.

  I turn around and bolt for the front door. Moe swiftly blocks me.

  “Let me go Moe,” I scream, as I try to get past him.

  “That's why Moe is here,” Tristan says when he walks out of his office.

  I follow Tristan into the bedroom as he removes his suit.

  “Tristan, I'm begging you to talk to me. Please.”

  He continues to ignore me as he pulls jeans over his hips and slips a black t-shirt over his head.

  I throw a glass from the nightstand against the wall. That finally got his attention.

  “I have to leave. I'll only be gone for an hour or so. After that we'll leave and go on vacation,” he says as he takes a step toward me.

  I start laughing to keep from crying. “What makes you think I'm going anywhere with you right now Tristan? You won't even talk to me. I know something is going on...I'm not an idiot. Tell me, please."

  He leans in and presses his forehead against mine. “Just trust me Dev. That's what I really need from you right now. I love you. I'll be back soon."

  He sweeps his thumb across my cheek before he turns around.

  “What about what I need from you Tristan?”

  He stays silent as he walks right out the door.

  I guess that answers my question.


  I pace the floor of the bedroom for the better part of a half hour.

  What in the world could be happening right now?

  Why was he shutting me out again? Where did he go?

  Why did he want to go away so suddenly?

  What was he hiding from me?

  The safe.

  There had to be something in that safe that could give me some answers.

  Problem do I get in that safe?

  What would be powerful enough to break through the lock?

  A gun.

  I could shoot through the lock on the safe.

  How would I get a gun though?

  I'm almost certain Moe has one on him...but I'm also positive that he's not going to hand it over to me.


  Tristan's from Texas...he was damn near bragging about being a good shooter while we where playing th
at game.

  He probably has a gun or two stored around here somewhere.

  The nightstand.

  I check the first nightstand. It was empty.

  I check the second nightstand.

  That was empty as well.

  Just my luck...apparently Tristan isn't a supporter of the 2nd amendment. Maybe he's not that much of a good ol' boy after all?


  I feel around behind the nightstand on his side of the bed.


  I found a glock 17 handgun taped to the back of the nightstand.

  Not too shabby.

  I creep down the hallway and into the office.

  I only had one other problem now...Moe.

  Obviously he would tell Tristan what happened. Tristan would be furious, but he wouldn't be able to teleport himself here from wherever he was right now.

  All I needed was a few minutes to see what the heck was in that safe.

  I have to figure out a way to stall Moe for a few minutes so I could grab the file.

  Duh Dev...barricade the door.

  Moe would be able to break through the door...but it would halt him for a moment or two. Hopefully.

  I lock the door to the office and begin to move a large filing cabinet in front of it.

  A few minutes later I’m standing in front of Tristan's safe, ready to go.

  Then I hesitate.

  Should I do this? Do I really want to know his secret?

  I draw in a breath and try to stop my hands from shaking.

  Stop hesitating Dev...he's obviously hiding something huge.

  I told him my horrible secret.

  I told him everything.

  The least he could do was give me the same courtesy...especially since he claims to love me so much.

  Remember the last time someone claimed to love you that much?

  That was all the push I needed to continue.

  I aim the gun for the lock and pull the trigger...three times.

  A loud alarm goes off.


  I maneuver the lock and open the safe.

  The manila file was missing. Of course.

  All this for nothing- good job Dev.

  I hear the sound of Moe trying to unlock the door.

  Then I saw it...a photograph. Two of them.

  The first photo causes me to do a double take.

  It looked like Duncan his younger years.

  The woman with her arms around him though...she looked just like me.

  Who was she?

  The next photo almost causes my heart to stop.

  An attractive man with piercing blue eyes just like Tristan's, gives the camera a cocky smirk as he holds a baby in his arms.

  Beside him there was a boy...perhaps a teenager, with blue eyes. His eyes weren't nearly as piercing as the man’s or Tristan's...but they looked familiar nonetheless.

  His eyes…were eyes that I've seen before.

  Those were the eyes of the man that I killed.

  Holy shit...that's Diego.

  I flip the photo over. 'Padre' is scribbled on the back.

  This can't be happening.

  My thoughts were soon interrupted when Tristan comes crashing through the door.

  I point my gun at him as fear flashes across his face.

  “Who the fuck are you Tristan?”

  Chapter 30

  “Baby, put the gun down,” Tristan says as he takes a step forward.

  I take a step back. “Not until you give me a damn good reason to. Now tell me who you are Tristan."

  He takes another step forward. “Dev you know who I am. I'm the man who loves you. Please, put the gun down...we have to go."

  I aim the gun for his head. “Take one more step and I'll blow your head off.”

  He shakes his head. “You're holding a goddamned handgun Dev, it's not powerful enough to blow someone's head off. Now put it down."

  “It could still kill you.”

  He takes another step forward. “Dev, you're not a killer. We both know that.”

  He was right...I never wanted to kill another person again. The first time nearly killed me. I couldn't let him know that though.

  “Clearly you don't know me very well then Tristan,” I say as I look him dead in the eyes.

  He takes a deep breath and stills.

  “Why does that woman in the photo look like me?”

  He stays silent.

  I fire a gunshot directly into the wall behind him.

  Moe enters the room then. “Fuck,” he says as he takes in the scene unfolding right before him.

  “Oh...he speaks. Leave Moe...unless you want a piece of the action.”

  He stares at me wide-eyed before he looks at Tristan. “You want me to take her out boss?"

  “No Moe... what I wanted you to do was watch her. Just get everything ready so we can leave,” he says as Moe shrugs and leaves the room.

  “I'm not going anywhere with you Tristan. Not until I get some answers.”

  “ is not the time. We have to leave.”

  I fire another shot...closer to his head this time.

  He ducks and takes another step toward me. “You're gonna be out of bullets soon.”

  “It only takes one to kill a person.”

  He exhales sharply. “Not always.”

  “Why does that woman in the photo look so much like me Tristan? Please, don't lie to me.”

  “Dev, lets not do this now. This isn't the way you were supposed to find out. We have to leave and I really don't need you acting like a fucking homicidal maniac right now."

  I fire another shot. It barely misses him.

  “You've only got one left Dev. Give me the gun.”

  “I told you...I only need one. Now answer the question.”

  He sighs. “Will you leave with me willingly if I answer the question?

  “No, but I'll let you live.”

  “She looks like you because she is your mother.”

  The room begins spinning then. I hold onto the wall with one hand as I point the gun toward Tristan with the other.

  “Baby please, just give me the gun.”

  Then, the horrible reality hits me like a freight train. “Were my mother and Duncan an item?”

  “Yes. Your parents were very much in love with one another.”

  “Parents? You mean...Duncan was my father?”

  He nods his head, seemingly oblivious to what he’s just admitted.

  Nausea and bile work its way up my throat as I become so dizzy I drop the gun.

  I try and calm myself...but it’s no use.

  The ugly truth had reared it's head. The impact is so sickening that I begin to dry heave and sob.

  “No wonder we have such a strong're my brother. Oh god...I can't believe I had sex with my own brother,” I cry out through sobs as I bend over and clutch my stomach.

  Tristan looks horrified as he walks over to me. “No. Christ, Dev. I am not your brother.”

  “But Duncan is your father. If he's my father...then that means you're my brother.”

  “Duncan isn't my father Dev.”

  I spring up and look at him. He kicks the gun away.

  On one hand, I’m relieved that I wasn't tricked into participating in some kind of 'Flowers in the attic' fantasy with him.

  On the other hand...the truth was even worse now.

  If Duncan's not his father...that means.

  Oh shit.

  “Is that man in the other photo your father? Is that boy in the photo your brother?” I ask as I quickly scan around the room.

  Tristan grabs my wrists. “Yes.”

  “That means Alex was your brother too?”

  “Yes Dev...this isn't the way I wanted you to find out.”

  Fear like I had only experienced one other time in my life explodes through my body.

  If they were his brothers...and I had killed one of them.

  That can only mean on
e thing.

  He was out for revenge.

  Everything was a set up. That's why he was trying to get me to go away with him. It was all leading to this.

  He was going to hold me hostage somewhere far away before he killed me.

  Just like Diego.

  “Help! Oh my god, somebody help me!” I begin to scream out at the top of my lungs.

  “Please, stop screaming baby...” Tristan says as Moe bursts through the room. “What happened boss?”

  “I've got this under control Moe. Just get the helicopter ready.”

  Helicopter? No...I can’t let him take me.

  If he takes me...I’ll never return.

  “Somebody help me. He's going to kill me!” I scream louder as I struggle against him.

  “I'm not going to kill you Dev. I would never hurt you. I love you.”

  “Liar! Somebody help!”

  “Dev I really need you to be quiet. I can't take you out of the apartment kicking and screaming.”

  Now where have I heard that before?

  I begin to scream as loud as my lungs and vocal cords will allow.

  Tristan tries to put his hand over my mouth to silence me, but I bite him until I draw blood.

  “Please stop fighting me Dev. You're going to make me do something that I really don't want to do,” he says.

  He then reaches in his pocket and takes out a needle.

  Panic and dread fill my heart as I continue to scream.

  “I'm sorry,” Tristan whispers as he plunges the needle into my thigh.

  “You're a monster,” I scream, before everything fades to black.

  Keep on the lookout for “Twisted Wrath”- Coming out late October 2015! For now, enjoy a few excerpts from the upcoming book.

  Epilogue (Tristan)

  (Excerpt from “Twisted Wrath’)

  I looked around the cold, dark cellar. Who was I kidding? This place was more like a dungeon.

  Now that the drugs had finally worn off I was able to see my surroundings.

  Cement and emptiness. Awesome.

  I look down at the short chain attached to a pair of cuffs that keep me prisoner.

  There was no escaping. My father had finally won.

  How he had managed to track me down in my dorm room at college was anyone's guess.


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