by C. D. Gill
Gia stepped into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. She was the main reason he felt the freedom and peace to his core. His little curly-haired girlfriend changed his world. Now together, they were going to change the world for others. In a way, he found the ending he’d dreamed of, but with it came an incredible new beginning.
With a very grateful heart…
I get to say thanks to all the many people who helped build Undefeated into its current form.
Thank you to Kyle McVey who took the time to talk me through a lot of the college coaching world realities. His voice of reason was immensely helpful in deciding the crimes, punishments, and who to blame.
A huge shoutout to my very first reader of this book, Cindy McVey. Your tips, comments, and love got us through.
I had great company along the way of writing this book. Authors Brandy Heineman and Sherri Wilson Johnson encouraged, brainstormed with me, and listened to my whining about how the story needed to change. I do so love our monthly masterminding sessions. Sherri was the first to fall in love with Xander from a few versions ago and instilled that confidence that his story was worth telling.
Also, thank you to amazing lawyer Chuck Hervas for lending your expertise and insight into some of Xander’s litigation situations.
My beta readers are so vital to this process in their opinions on how readers will enjoy the book. Their encouragement is life-giving! Thanks to Sherri, Cindy, Isla, Connie, and Regina.
A written thank you is never enough but it will have to suffice at the moment for my incredibly supportive husband and sweet girls. You are the reason I both write and don’t write. Our love and laughter and sweet moments make life the happiest.
To my amazing friends and readers, your interest and excitement are the reason I keep putting my stories out there. Your support means the world to me. I appreciate every review and every comment. Thank you for continuing to read and telling your friends about my work!
And I publicly want to thank God for the stories He gives me, the grace to write them, the burdens He puts on my heart, and the way He weaves these stories together. I never dreamed of being an author growing up. I’m overcome with the immensity of the mission He’s put on my heart—to give a voice to those without one. I pray daily that my voice never leads others astray.
I’m looking forward to going on another adventure with you soon!
C.D. Gill
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Also by C.D. Gill
Against All Odds
Undefeated (Coming Soon)
On Wings of an Avalanche
The Apricot Underground