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My Dirty Janitor Book 2: He's Got Tissues: An Oral Sex Adventure

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by Toni Mozzie

The janitor knew what was happening and where she was about to be. It made no difference what language she was speaking, so at that moment he slipped a finger into her as he sucked her pulsating clit that was burning her up from the outside in.

  The moment before, her eyes fluttered in her head, and she stopped breathing for a second before the crushing waves of blissful release washed over her hard and fast like waves crashing onto a stormy beach.

  She came so hard that her bladder dropped on her list of priorities, and she couldn’t be sure if any pee had trickled out of her while the janitor slurped and sucked.

  “Mmm,” he moaned, his soft plump tongue caressing her pussy. “God, you taste like sweet spices, sweetie,” he muttered, as his index and ring finger formed a ‘V’ and rubbed Tae’s outer lips together, gently pinching her inner lips. He gently kissed her pussy lips like he would her mouth as her body still pulsated, then he softly blew on her pussy as if to lull it to sleep, while stroking her damp pubic hair.

  Chapter Four

  When Tae returned to earth, she heard voices arguing outside the restroom.

  She looked questioningly at the janitor, and he grinned back at her.

  “Are we in trouble?” she asked.

  “Don’t be silly,” he said, getting up from his knees and leaving the stall. Tae remained sitting on the toilet, her legs still slightly apart, unsure if she should wait until he left before she did. She suddenly remembered that her books were still out on her table and hoped the librarian hadn’t collected them. She had no idea how long she’d been in the restroom.

  The janitor returned with more of the soft tissue paper. He knelt down and gently wiped her pussy, being more thorough than the first time.

  “There, sweetie, all clean,” he said, staring lovingly and longingly at her now tender pussy. She could tell he wanted more. He played with her black pubic threads, stroking them as if he were a hairdresser sculpting a hairstyle after a cut.

  “Excuse me, is there a problem here?” a stern female voice said.

  Tae flinched, fearing they’d been caught. The worst that would happen to her would be that her parents would find out, but this young man might lose his job and maybe the opportunity to put himself through university. Tae waited. Could the janitor make this a perfect happy ending instead of a happy ending with a nasty epilogue?

  The janitor sighed and reluctantly got up, closing Tae’s stall behind him. She got up and reached over and locked the stall door.

  “The toilet was clogged,” she heard him say, “but everything’s ready now. Sorry for the inconvenience, ladies.”

  Tae heard someone mumbling, then the creak and banging of the door as the cleaning cart squeaked away. A moment later, she heard the footsteps of a woman go into the adjacent stall.

  Tae sat on the toilet seat frozen, holding her breath, willing herself to remain deathly silent.

  Thankfully, the woman did not take long. As soon as it was quiet, Tae stood up, pulled her panties up and fixed her miniskirt. She gently took her bag off the hook before opening the stall door. She didn’t want to get in trouble, or have anyone get suspicious about what had just happened, but more importantly she didn’t want to get the janitor in trouble, especially not after doing such a thorough job.

  She didn’t bother to wash her hands. She fled straight to the exit and escaped the restroom. No one was around, which was a relief, though she was expecting the janitor to be hanging around. She wanted to give him her number.

  She went back into the restroom and washed up. Another lady followed her in.

  “Jesus, I had to wait forever to take a pee,” she said. “Someone should complain about that janitor. He takes so long. God knows what he was doing in here. He could have been jerking off. Can you imagine? That’s a thing with male janitors and ladies’ restrooms.”

  Tae nodded politely, and then forced herself to speak. Her voice was crackly; she was still not entirely herself. “I was here earlier, and one of the toilets didn’t work. It was horrible, like a Dokkaebi, a very scary monster. I think the janitor fixed it, and it smells very nice in here and reminds me of Korea.”

  “A clean restroom that smells like bleach reminds you of Korea?”

  “There is bleach in Korea.”

  “Yeah, well, whatever. I guess I shouldn’t be too hard on the guy. I mean, who would want his job?”

  Tae smiled and nodded.

  “Or are you being so easy on him because he’s cute?”

  She giggled shyly.

  Back at her table, she was relieved the books she’d requested from the stacks were still there. She fired her computer back up and looked over her paper. She strained her eyes for errors but couldn’t see any. Was she that tired? Then it occurred to her: There weren’t any errors, and that it was ready to hand in.

  Her confidence surged. She had a paper good enough to get the mark she needed. She’d just needed to apply herself. She realized that somewhere along the way while obsessing over it, she’d lost track of what good enough really was.

  She packed up her things, left the library and headed over to the printer’s to print the paper out. Her body still tingled like it was foreign to her, like it belonged in some dream.

  Later, she wondered often about this experience, and it occurred to her that it was partly the where and the who that had made it so exciting.

  Her apartment, which she shared with a girl from China, was a short walk away. The relief from the release was making her tremble with the excitement. Might it happen again? But the moment she was home, her mood changed.

  A tiredness smothered her. Suddenly it was all she could do to keep her eyes open long enough to set her alarm for tomorrow morning and undress, before collapsing into bed and disappearing into the sweet emptiness of slumber.

  About the Author

  Toni Mozzie has been writing mystery, romance and erotica for over twenty years under various pen names while traveling to exotic locations such as Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Hungry, Romania, and Brazil. Learn more at:

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