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My Atlantian

Page 15

by Alysia S Knight

  Jerreon threw out his hand and it stopped. With a flick of his wrist, the car careened toward Lysias who had to jump back to miss it. Alarms went off in cars. Jerreon darted forward, closing in on the man.

  An energy ball hit Jerreon, throwing him back several feet against the hood of a car. Few had the strength and talent to fight like that. Jerreon wasn’t surprised Lysias could, though he hadn’t shown his extent of ability before. Jerreon rolled off the car just in time to miss another bolt of energy that streaked a scorch mark up the hood of the car and melted a furrow in the window. He turned and sent back his own burst of energy.

  Lysias spun away, barely missing being fried by it, but it was close enough to stagger him.

  He recovered quickly. “Think about it,” Lysias said forcefully. “With what we can do, no one here can stop us from anything.” His voice dipped into a persuading hum.

  Jerreon felt the pull. This was where the man’s true talent lay − manipulation. With just his words and a push of talent, he could influence people when he chose.

  “I do not think so.” Jerreon pushed back with his mind bursting the bubble of numbing compliance Lysias was weaving around him. For some reason Jerreon’s talent made him immune and allowed him to see Lysias for what he really was – evil.


  Kallie walked with her family, but didn’t hear what they were saying or notice any of the sights. She scanned the crowd for Jerreon, hoping any moment to see him returning. She also kept an eye out for Lysias. Unconsciously, she raised her hand to the crystal pendant and her unease rose. Danger crackled in the air making her heart pound.

  Kallie tried to fight down the panic that assailed her and concentrate on the otters doing their playful water acrobatics, but she could still hear whistles from the dolphins, then the air was split by another sound, sirens. They sounded at a distance coming closer, and by the volume, there were quite a few.

  “Jerreon,” she said aloud. “I have to go.”

  Her brother grabbed for her arm and missed. “I thought you were to stay with us.”

  She shook her head. “I have to find Jerreon. He could be in trouble.”

  “Kallie, he wanted you with us.” Her father used his forceful voice, the one he reserved for only the most important lectures.

  She knew it was true, but the need to see Jerreon tore at her. She looked out toward where the sirens blasted, then back.

  “You have to trust him.” Her mother’s soft words won out. Still, it was the most difficult thing she’d ever done. She let her mother slip an arm around her and turn her away from where Jerreon had disappeared and the wailing ended.


  Jerreon pulled energy from the air around him and raised his palm toward Lysias. Energy shot through his hand intersecting with the ball that came from Lysias. The ball of energy impacted and burst apart. The concussion of the blast sent them both tumbling back. Jerreon hit into a car and fell to the ground. Lysias was thrown back and rolled across the ground.

  Around them, cars with flashing lights on top approached as they pulled themselves up. Jerreon took a second to glance toward the police cars willing them away, but it didn’t happen. He recognized the uniforms, but he didn’t have time to deal with them. Though, he did experience fear for them. Lysias wouldn’t hesitate to harm them.

  The thought was hardly through his mind when Lysias turned and focused on the lead car. Energy shimmered around him as he pulled it in. Jerreon had little time to draw in enough energy to deflect Lysias’s. His counter wasn’t strong enough to burst the other apart, but it was enough to send the ball of power smashing into a light pole instead of the officers getting out of the car. The pole sheared off and toppled in a volley of sparks.

  The officers instinctively ducked down behind the cars.

  “Hands up!” someone yelled.

  Jerreon raised his hands slowly knowing what was coming if he didn’t obey. He met Lysias’s gaze.

  Lysias’s lips pulled back in a sinister smirk.

  “Stay back.” Jerreon hardly got the words out when one of the cars between them and the officers started to shift toward the police. He spun and leapt. A sharp report cut the air. Jerreon felt a pain slice across his arm as he cleared the car. He landed crouched and took the impact of the car with his shoulder as he tried to draw energy up to shield him. The blow hit him hard, sliding him across the ground several feet before coming to a stop.

  When he looked up, Lysias was gone.


  A groan of frustration built deep within him, changing to one of pain before it made its way out. He gripped his arm and looked down to see blood trickling from under his sleeve that was already soaked.

  “Hands up! Drop your weapon!” One police officer ordered.

  “I have no weapon,” Jerreon said, easing his arms up, wincing at the sting of pain.

  The thought of Lysias’s favorite weapon came to his mind. He’d been surprised at Lysias’s strength in pulling energy. It had to be because of the closeness they were to an energy point here on earth. That, and focusing through the piece of the crystal he carried. But Lysias’s true talent was persuasion. He could make people forget they even saw him and even make some weak-willed people do what he wanted. That was why he had almost gotten away with what he did on their planet. Here on this world, with that ability, he truly could set himself up to be a god.

  Jerreon pulled energy into his will. “You will let me go.” He pushed out the thought with the words, letting his gaze slide over each man and woman. “You did not see me,” he said slowly and started to back away as a blank look descended over their faces.

  You did not see me. He repeated over in his mind. Making it behind a large vehicle, he bent down out of sight and hurried among the cars staying low.

  Behind him he heard a commotion and several questions arise. “What happened?” being the prominent one.

  He sprinted until he reached a group of parked buses. There he straightened and looked down to investigate his arm. He hadn’t been hit with the same projectiles as the day before. This was different. It scored and tore at his flesh, and he decided it was lucky it hadn’t hit him straight on. As it was, pain ripped through his system.

  Jerreon groaned, pulled his pack from his shoulder and searched for the medic kit. He drew out a cloth, cleaned away the blood, then opened a pad and placed it over the wound. On contact, the pain eased and the area began to heat with a restorative warmth. Jerreon sighed and leaned back against the side of the bus.

  Taking the crystal shard he carried from his pocket, he focused on it, trying to locate Lysias. There was no contact. Not even a stirring.

  He’d lost him again. Frustration burned through him. He needed to figure out how to draw Lysias away from others to face him where he could challenge him without a fear of anyone being hurt.

  Unfortunately, the only thing that seemed to draw Lysias was Kallie, and there was no way he was going to let him near her. His resolve to send her away strengthened. There was no doubt Lysias showed up here because of Kallie.

  He didn’t understand how Lysias was able to locate her. Jerreon knew he would have no problem finding her, but she was his One. Was the link between Kallie and the crystal so strong it allowed Lysias to trace her?

  Jerreon shifted and groaned. He looked down at his sleeve and the blood staining his shirt. He needed Kallie. The pain in his arm had eased, and the wound was well on its way to healing, but if he walked around in a bloody shirt it was sure to bring notice.

  He pulled out the replacement phone Adam had given him for the one he ruined jumping in the bay, but when he tried to activate it, nothing happened. He knew he was doing it correctly, but it was dead. He shoved it back in his pocket and forced out his mind, though he didn’t really expect to reach her.

  “Jerreon!” The cry that answered was a mixture of relieve and fear. “Are you all right?”

  “I am whole. Lysias got away. Your police officers showed up.”
  “Have you been arrested again?” Fear eased in her voice, replaced with another type of panic.

  “No, I got away. Can you bring me a shirt? I have ruined this one.”

  “What? Never mind. I’m on my way.”

  “I will meet you outside the entrance.” He started to make his way that direction, swinging wide of the police. His One was amazing. He thought of being able to link with her. Few on his own world could have done it from this distance, but with Kallie it seemed to come naturally.


  Kallie became aware she’d stopped in the middle of the walkway with her family staring at her, while other people worked their way around the group. “I have to meet Jerreon.”

  “That’s not −” Her mother caught her hand.

  “Lysias got away.” She cut her off. “Jerreon needs me to meet him. It’s true.” She pressed on the ending, seeing the looks of doubt.

  “How?” her father asked.

  “Part of a long story, but I have to go. We might catch up to you or we might be leaving. I’ll call and let you know.”

  She turned and ran for the entrance before they could marshal any other objection. She wove her way through the people until she reached a shop just inside the entrance. Quickly, she bought the first shirt she saw that would fit him, a blue polo with a small dolphin embroidered on it that would be over his heart, and hurried out the gate.

  “Over here.” The words reached her the moment she cleared the exit. Kallie turned to the bus parking area. She wanted to run, but at the sight of the police cars across the parking lot, she kept her pace to a walk as she let the feel of him guide her.

  Kallie fought to keep in a cry when she saw him. He leaned back against a bus looking tired and disheveled. He straightened on seeing her. She’d almost reached him when he turned enough to see the tear in his sleeve and the dark-red stain she knew was blood. Kallie dropped the bag and rushed the last couple steps.

  “I’m all right.” He caught her, snaking his uninjured arm around her waist and pulling her into him.

  Kallie felt him take in a deep breath as if soothed by the contact with her. He held her tight a moment before easing her back to kiss her. On breaking the kiss, he tipped his head down to rest his forehead on hers and sighed. She ran her hands over his back in strokes that were to be comforting and assured herself that he was all right – except for his arm.

  She pulled away. “Let me see.”

  “It is all right. I already tended it. It will be healed by morning.”

  The certainty in his statement shocked her, but when she pushed the cloth up all she could see was a bandage covering the muscle. She accepted his word.

  “What happened?”

  “Your police showed up.”

  “You were shot!” Her hands stilled as fear surged through her.

  “Yes, but it was not the thing they used before.” He was irritatingly calm, but his words didn’t calm her.

  “Is the bullet still in there?” She looked back at his arm not sure what to do.

  “No, it just skimmed my arm.”

  “Skimmed? Maybe I better take a look.” She reached for the bandage but he caught her fingers.

  “There is no need. It is better it stays in place now that the healing has already started.”

  “Healing? That helps healing?” She studied his face hoping what she was thinking was true.

  “Yes. By tomorrow it will be mostly healed and I can remove it.”

  “That’s amazing.” She eyed it again but didn’t try to touch it.

  “It works well except on serious wounds.” He started to remove his shirt and flinched.

  “Here, let me help.”

  Together, they eased off his shirt and stuffed it in his pack, then she helped him get the other shirt on. He touched the dolphin over his heart and smiled. She shrugged meeting his gaze. He slipped an arm around her pulling her close again, kissing her. When the kiss ended, she lowered her head back to his chest, taking in the comforting beat of his heart as his hand stroked up and down her back.

  “Come, My One, let us go find your family.”

  He kept his arm around her as they made their way back toward the park entrance, keeping an eye on the police officers in the parking lot. They were clear of the buses and halfway to the gate when three identical, dark sedans followed each other through the parking lot heading for the police car. Kallie saw them first and pulled Jerreon behind a van in the handicap spot near the entrance.

  “What is wrong?” Jerreon went on alert.

  “Government guys are here, probably the same ones from yesterday.” She glanced around the front of the van. “And maybe the guys from the house this morning.” She shifted so she could see through the windows and watch as people got out of the cars. Three people approached the officers as the others fanned out.

  Kallie felt Jerreon’s hand rest on her back. “I don’t think we should try for the park.” She glanced back over her shoulder at him.

  “Agreed. I don’t want to chance them seeing and detaining you. Let’s go to the car.”

  Kallie was so shocked at him using contractions she almost missed what he was saying. He took her hand. They made their way around the buses then ducked low, hurrying to where they’d parked at the far end of the lot.

  The bright red sports car waited off by itself. So low to the ground, Kallie was still surprised Jerreon could fit in it, but it seemed perfect for him. She’d been even more surprised that morning at his confident, natural ease in handling it. The engine purred to life, deceptively quiet considering the power she knew was under the hood just waiting to be called on.

  Jerreon shifted into gear and headed for the exit. Kallie kept her attention across the parking lot. No one paid them any attention as they headed out. Still Kallie didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until they were clear. Jerreon moved his hand from the gear shift to rest on hers, giving it a squeeze.

  “All is well,” he said when she looked at him.

  “I don’t know if we dare go back to Adam’s. They may be watching there.”

  He looked back at the road and was quiet a minute, then pulled over to the side, behind a row of magenta-colored bougainvillea and stopped. “You are right. They may be watching for me, but you could go.”

  “What? No!”

  “Kallie, you know this is so. You already said this morning you knew how to drive a shift, so there should be nothing stopping you.”

  “A shift, yeah, but I’ve never driven anything like this before.”

  He arched his brow and she knew he wasn’t buying her objection, though it was the truth. The car, Adam had blithely handed over for them to drive, was worth way more than she made in an entire year.

  Jerreon smiled and cupped her face in one palm. “It is not the car that worries you. You also can see the wisdom as I can see the love behind your protest. So just say the words and kiss me.”

  Tears threatened Kallie as she complied, going in for the kiss. She gasped when he lifted her over the gearshift and into his lap to continue kissing her.

  “I love you,” he said, when the kiss ended. He brushed back her hair with a gentle caress, then kissed her again letting the heat in it grow.

  “I love you,” she repeated the words, dropping her head on his shoulder, her heart pounding.

  “You give me pleasure.” He held her tight for several minutes more. “Promise me you will go straight to Adam’s. He will see you to the plane.”

  Kallie didn’t want to agree but the need in him was so strong, she nodded. “Please be careful.”

  “That I will promise.” He opened the door and slid out leaving her in the driver’s seat.

  “You’re getting out here?”

  “I will have you drive me just ahead, just so I know you can drive this car.” His lips twitched into a smile.

  “Funny. I am not going to leave you stranded. Why don’t we go to the next hotel? I can get a taxi and that will leave you the car. I will go
straight to Adam’s,” she added. “It will be just as safe as driving myself.”

  After a second, he nodded. “Yes.”

  Instead of helping her out, he closed the door and walked around getting in the passenger seat. “I know you wanted a turn.”

  It was enough to make Kallie smile. Adjusting the seat, she pressed in the clutch and brake, started the engine, then slipped it into gear. Letting out the clutch the car started forward smoothly.

  “Oh, this is some car. I still can’t believe you learned to drive it so quickly.” She forced lightness into her voice. Unfortunately, it wasn’t far until they came to a hotel. She pulled in behind a cab with a couple getting out.

  Jerreon got out. “Are you for hire?” he asked the man while coming around to open the door for her.

  “In one minute.” The man eyed the performance car curiously. Then when he looked at her, he stared openly.

  Kallie wasn’t sure if Jerreon had noticed the man’s attention and was staking his claim or what, but as she rose his arm wrapped around her, and he hauled her to him.

  “Have care, My One.” There was nothing subtle in the way he growled his words or the way he captured her mouth.

  Kallie traced her finger down his cheek. “My One.” She poured her love in the words.

  His eyes brightened to a feverish point. “I will be with you when I can.”

  “I will be waiting.”

  Jerreon walked her to the car and held the door for her to slide in.

  “Where will you go?” She sat on the edge of the seat, looking up.

  “I will go back and see if I can pick up his trail.”

  Panic flared in her.

  “I will use caution,” he assured.

  The driver returned. Kallie drew in her legs so Jerreon could close the door. Love flooded her mind as he stepped back. She pressed her fingers to the window while her other hand grasped the crystal.

  “Where to?”

  Kallie had to fight to look away from the man that had become her life in just a few short days. She gave Adam’s address, her gaze returning to Jerreon as the cab pulled away. He stood like a sentinel − straight and tall.


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