My Atlantian

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My Atlantian Page 18

by Alysia S Knight

  The man holding her let go, and she waded into the water to meet the men carrying Jerreon in. Water whisked away blood from dozens of cuts showing through his shredded clothes. Kallie caught a cry behind her hand at the sight of a knife protruding from his side.

  “No, Jerreon.” She grasped a leg helping to lift him as there was nothing else she could do.

  The man with her took the other side, and together with the lifeguards, they all carried him up the beach where a blanket had been laid out and rescue workers waited.

  It wasn’t until then she realized how many people had gathered around. Police and rescuers dotted the beach. Government people in dark pants with white polo-shirts mingled among them giving orders to keep people back. Kallie took it all in, then turned her attention back to Jerreon.

  Keeping a hand on his leg, she dropped to the ground as they lowered him down. Tears slipped free as she fought for calm, afraid any moment she would be forced away. She tried not to focus on the knife in his side, but the sight of it held her.

  Blood seeped down his side. She wanted them to rid him of the offending protrusion, but figured it was best to leave it there until they got him to the hospital. The paramedics must have decided the same thing because they packed the wound to stabilize the knife.

  Kallie could only pray what they were doing to him would be okay for his body. Jerreon had told her they had identical physical make-up. He’d said it to assure her when they had a child all would be well.

  She caught back a cry. Still, a tear slipped free to trickle down her cheek. She may never get to hold his baby. “Jerreon,” she whispered his name, repeating it in her mind, sending it out to his.

  His chest rose as he pulled in a breath. His eyes fluttered.

  “He’s coming around,” someone said.

  Jerreon’s gaze moved around the people. Panic coming off him touched her. Kallie rose up to her knees, stroking her fingers over his calf. His eyes met hers. She felt his relief.

  “My one,” he whispered the words behind the oxygen mask that had been placed over his face. Kallie felt them in her heart.

  “My one,” she repeated back.

  “It is done. Lysias is gone.”

  Relief hit her only to disappear as he tightened in pain. “My pack?” Before she could answer, he stiffened slightly then went limp.

  “Jerreon,” she cried out. Her eyes went to the patch visible on his arm where he’d been shot earlier that day. He’d said it would be healed by tomorrow. She needed to get to his backpack, to the healing pads he had.

  “Let’s get him loaded,” one of the paramedics said.

  Kallie was forced back as they lifted Jerreon onto a stretcher. His feet hung off the end. But that was only part of the reality of the situation. It was impossible for her to fathom Jerreon injured.

  Kallie went to follow him only to be stopped by a hand on her arm. “Mrs. Ander,” one of the agents said her name. Rigby, it took a moment to remember his name.

  She tried again to follow the men loading Jerreon in the back of the ambulance, but he held her back. “We’ll take you to the hospital. We have some questions.”

  “I want to go with my husband.” She pulled away, but before she could take a step, the doors on the ambulance closed, cutting off her view.

  “As I said, we’ll take you,” the man said forcefully from behind her.

  She turned to glare, but the intent of action was ruined as dizziness swamped her, and she almost fell.

  The next thing Kallie knew, she was seated on the ground and one of the paramedics was shining a light in her eyes. “Can you tell me how you got the bump on your head?”

  Kallie raised her hand only to have it caught and brought back down to her lap, but not before she realized the side of her head hurt.

  “I’m not sure, either the car accident or when Lysias hit me, maybe on the boat.” She tried to think back, but so much had happened. All she wanted was the backpack and to get to Jerreon.

  “Were you on the boat when it blew up?” the woman taking her blood pressure asked.

  “No. Please, my husband.”

  “The man they just took away?”

  “Yes, I need to get to him.”

  “Don’t worry. They’re doing everything they can. His vitals looked good. We’ll get you to the hospital to be checked out. You may have a concussion. We’ll have to wait for another ambulance though.”

  “I don’t need an ambulance. I just want to get to the hospital.”

  “You should be checked out.” The paramedic reasoned with her.

  “We’ll take her and see she’s taken care of.”

  Kallie hadn’t noticed Agent Rigby standing beside her. The paramedic looked up and nodded. Obviously, the government man was pulling his weight.

  With the paramedic’s help, Kallie stood. Rigby took her arm, urging her toward the road where several black cars were parked. Halfway to the vehicles another agent intercepted them.

  “If you’ll wait here a moment, then we’ll go.” Rigby instructed, moving off with Truman.

  Kallie looked around, but figured there was no way she could get to the hospital on her own, so she waited.

  “What’d they find?”

  Kallie could easily make out Rigby’s question.

  “There’s no sign of the other guy. There’s blood and a couple big sharks in the water. I mean real big sharks. We don’t dare send divers down right now. They appear highly agitated.”

  Kallie looked up and down the beach, then over the water. There were two boats where the other had been when it exploded. Pieces of debris were starting to wash up on the shore. What she didn’t see was any signs of Lysias.

  “It’s done. Lysias is gone.” Jerreon’s words came back to her.

  Even though Lysias was as evil as he was, she hoped he was gone when he went into the water. She shivered at the memory of the fear she’d experienced before she realized it was a dolphin that bumped into her. Then the thought of a bleeding Jerreon in the water hit her. The need to get to him filled her stronger than ever.

  Kallie looked around for a way to leave, but she didn’t know where the hospital was. She didn’t have her cell phone. Johnson had taken it, and for that matter, she didn’t even know where the car was. She also didn’t have her purse. She guessed it was still in the government car. Mainly, she needed Jerreon’s pack and the medicine patches in it.

  The paramedics were loading gear back into their vehicle. “Excuse me.” She approached the woman who had checked her out. “Can you tell me what hospital my husband was taken to?”

  “That’s not necessary Mrs. Ander. We’re ready to leave now.” Agent Rigby came up behind her.

  The paramedic did a slight shrug, which Kallie interpreted as ‘there isn’t anything I can do’.

  “Thank you,” Kallie said before turning to the agent.

  A minute later, she found herself in the back of another black car. This time Agent Rigby was at the wheel. Agent Truman had joined them and was sitting in the back with her.

  “Have you heard anything of Jerreon?” she asked as soon as they pulled away from the curb.

  “Just that they’ve reached the hospital,” Agent Truman answered her.

  Ahead Kallie saw the remnants of the crash Lysias caused. “How are Johnson and Rhodes?”

  “They’ve been taken to the hospital to be checked out.”

  “Is it possible to get my purse and phone out of the car?” Kallie saw the two agents exchanged glances then Truman nodded.

  “Stay in the car,” Rigby said as he pulled the car to a stop.

  “I also need my backpack that’s in Jerreon’s car. Over there.” She pointed and held her breath. If they figured the pack was Jerreon’s, she was sure they would confiscate it.

  Rigby got out and went to talk to a couple other people at the scene before going to the wrecked car. He reached in the back and pulled her bag then, to her relief, she caught a glimpse of her cell phone before he dropped i
t in the bag. He next walked to the sports car and leaned in, snagging up Jerreon’s pack. Kallie watched him stare at it a second before he headed back. He climbed in before handing it over the seat to her.

  “Thank you,” she said, hugging the bags to her. She wanted to call Adam, but knew it would be better to wait to be alone first.

  “Can you tell us what happened back there?” Truman’s question took her by surprise, cutting through the silence in the car.

  “Lysias tried to kidnap me.” She went for the simple truth. “He ran us off the road.”

  “Who exactly is this Lysias?” Rigby asked.

  “All I know is he’s a criminal.”

  “And your husband was after him?” Rigby pressed.

  Pain slashed at Kallie, along with the image of the knife imbedded in Jerreon’s side. “Actually, I would say Lysias was after him.” She fought to hold back her cry. “He’s the one who came after me. To use me against Jerreon.” The sob slipped free. “I’d like to rest.” She turned her head to look out the window though she didn’t see anything.

  “Mrs. Ander, witnesses said it was like they were throwing lightening at each other. How did your husband do that?” Truman pressed.

  She looked at the woman. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I don’t feel good.” Kallie closed her eyes. Letting her mind drift out, she tried to feel Jerreon though she knew it was useless, still the need for him pulled her to try. Her call echoed back in the dark void.

  Tears threatened again to wash over her as ocean water had moments before. “Jerreon. My one.” She wrapped her fingers around the crystal and cried out in one more futile attempt.

  A brief flash of blue sparked in her mind. A faint glow of awareness touched her. Jerreon was close. She clung to the knowledge and it grew stronger. Kallie opened her eyes to find them pulling around the hospital. She reached for the door handle as they came to a stop, but it was locked.

  Neither agent said anything as they helped her out and led her in. Truman waited with her while Rigby talked with a man at the admitting desk. A minute later, Kallie was taken directly back into an exam room and left there with Agent Truman.

  “Am I being detained?” she asked when the woman leaned back against the wall and folded her arms.

  “No, I’m just waiting with you.”

  “Please, can you find out about Jerreon?”

  “Agent Rigby will let us know if there is any word.”

  Kallie sank down in a chair, closed her eyes and attempted to feel for Jerreon again. He was there in the back of her senses, but it wasn’t the strong vibrant presence she’d come to know.

  A moment later a doctor entered. He looked at her briefly and asked for x-rays. When he left an aid came in with a wheelchair. Truman remained at her side all the way down the hall, but was forced to wait outside while Kallie was wheeled to radiology.

  “The tech will be with you in a minute,” the man said before leaving her alone.

  Kallie could see a woman in a small room off to the side, but took the opportunity to pull out her phone.

  “Kallie,” Adam answered immediately.

  “Thank heavens. I don’t think I have long. We’re at the hospital. Jerreon’s hurt. Lysias came after me, and they fought. Lysias is gone, but he stabbed Jerreon, then the boat they were fighting on blew up. Jerreon’s alive, but I don’t know how he is. They haven’t let me see him.”

  “How are you?” Adam asked when she stopped to breathe.

  Tears caught in her throat. “They think I have a concussion, but I’m fine. I’m just afraid. They won’t let me to him. There are a lot of agents here. They’re asking questions about him.” She saw the woman stand. “I have to go. Someone’s coming.”

  “I’ll be right there,” Adam said right before she disconnected.

  Kallie sagged, relief leaving her weak and shaking.

  “Not feeling well?” the woman said in way of greeting as she approached.

  Kallie looked up and blinked. “I just haven’t been able to find out anything about my husband. I’m so worried.”

  The woman frowned. “Did you come in at the same time?”

  Kallie felt maybe she had an ally. “They brought him first. He’d been stabbed.” Her voice trembled saying the words.

  “Big guy. Real good looking?”

  “Yes,” Kallie let out. “Jerreon Ander.”

  “I handled his x-ray. They wanted a full scan on him, but all I saw was a broken rib. Let me call the nurse and see what I can find out.” The tech went back to the other room. Kallie watched her through the glass as she picked up the phone.

  The tech came back a minute later. “They’re being real hush about him. All I could find out is, they have him stitched up and have moved him into a room for recovery.”

  Kallie sagged in relief. “Will they let me see him then?”

  “You’ll have to talk with one of the doctors. I don’t know what’s going on.” It was obvious what was happening had perplexed her.

  “Thank you so much.”

  She smiled. “Let’s get your x-rays.”

  Kallie was finished in a few minutes and taken back to an exam room with Agent Truman following. “Can you tell me about my husband?” Kallie broke the tomb-like silence that filled the room. “Please,” she added when the agent didn’t look at her.

  The woman glanced her way. “I’m sorry. I haven’t been made aware of any information.” A look of annoyance passed over her. “Someone else is taking over.”

  What did that mean? Who would be taking over? Kallie didn’t like it. She reached for Jerreon and felt a weak contact, but he didn’t acknowledge her, which heightened her fear. He would’ve been medicated, she tried to reason. Perhaps that was why she couldn’t reach him.

  Standing, Kallie paced the small room, her gaze going to Jerreon’s pack. With Truman in the room, she didn’t dare go through it. She also didn’t dare use her phone again, afraid they might take it from her. She was on at least her hundredth lap around the room when a cell phone chirped in an annoying upbeat, popular song.

  Truman pulled the device out. “Yes,” the woman answered and a second later stepped out of the room.

  Kallie followed her to the door, but when she pulled on it, it wouldn’t budge. She smacked her hand against the offending obstruction, then leaned her head against it as dizziness swept over her.

  Jerreon, she cried in her mind, but no answer came, just a bone chilling emptiness. After a moment, she made her way back to the exam table and settled down. Closing her eyes, she brought up a clear image of Jerreon, but her mind felt too muddled to reach for him again.

  A few minutes later, a doctor finally came in and told her she was being released, but cautioned her to take things easy for a couple days.

  “What about my husband?”

  “Sorry, I have no information about him. Try asking at the desk.” He left the room, not giving her a chance to press, and a nurse came in to wheel her out. Agent Truman was not waiting in the hall. There was no sign of the government people.

  “Kallie,” Adam called her name as she came through the doors. Kallie scrambled out of the wheelchair and ran to him. He circled her in his arms. The tears she’d been fighting flooded out.

  “How’s Jerreon?” he asked when her crying eased.

  “I don’t know. They haven’t let me see him yet or won’t even tell me anything.” Another sob escaped her.

  “Let me see what I can find out.” He patted her hand then led her to the desk. He waited for the woman there to give him her attention. “I’m hoping you can help us. We’re trying to find out about my nephew. His wife was just released, but she hasn’t been given any information about him and would like to go back and see him.”

  “His name?”

  “Jerreon Ander,” Kallie answered first.

  “A-N-D-E-R.” The woman spelled the name.

  “Yes, J-E R-R-E-O-N.” Kallie supplied.

  “I show no record of anyo
ne by the name of Ander.” The woman looked up. “Maybe he was taken somewhere else.”

  “He was brought here. We both were by Homeland Security.”

  The woman blinked in surprise, obviously she’d heard of something. “Let me call my supervisor.”

  A moment later, a slightly haggard looking woman came up to the desk. “May I help you?”

  “Yes,” Kallie burst out. “I’d like to see my husband.”

  “Easy,” Adam said softly, patting her hand. “We’d like to see my nephew. This is his wife, and she hasn’t been able to find out anything.”

  “I’m afraid he isn’t here,” the woman said.

  “Don’t tell me that. I know they brought him here.” Kallie gripped the counter, her body trembling with tension. “He was unconscious. He had a knife wound and a broken rib.”

  “Yes, well, I know nothing of that. I just know he was not admitted and is gone.”

  “Gone? How?” Adam squeezed down on Kallie’s hand, taking over the questioning.

  “I don’t know the details. I’m sorry.” The woman started to back away. “He’s not here.”

  “Can I talk to Agent Rigby or Truman, please? Can you call them for me?” Kallie asked before she could leave.

  “All the agents have left.” The woman twisted her hands, clearly agitated.

  “What about agents Johnson and Rhodes? I was told they were brought in with injuries to be checked out,” Kallie tried again.

  “I’m afraid I can’t give out any information to a non-relative.” She stiffened.

  “I am a relative. I want to see my husband,” Kallie cried.

  “Your husband isn’t here, and if you’re going to make a scene, I’m afraid I’ll have to call security.” The woman turned and disappeared back through the door, leaving the other woman at the desk looking helpless.

  “Come on.” Adam slipped his arm around her waist and directed Kallie away. She went with him several feet then froze, wrapping her hand around the crystal. Once more she reached for Jerreon. There was nothing.

  “He’s gone. They’ve taken him.” Kallie covered her mouth, holding back a sob, then buried her face in her hands and cried.


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