My Atlantian

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My Atlantian Page 20

by Alysia S Knight

  “Have them arrested,” the man in charge ordered.

  “No!” Kallie twisted trying to break away but was held firm. “Jerreon!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. “Let me go. Jerreon!” She felt a shift in her awareness. “Jerreon. Where is he? He is here.”

  Kallie rammed an elbow into the stomach of the last man to arrive, forcing the air from him. He stumbled back. She tried to pull away from the other man, but he held on, twisting her arm higher.

  Kallie cried out as pain spiked in her. She started to drop to her knees, but an arm like a steel band wrapped around her waist, squeezing the air from her. Everything started to haze over in her mind.

  A groan rumbled up from the ground under them, and the floor shook.

  Everyone froze, looking around.

  “Earthquake!” Several people cried out.

  “Jerreon!” Kallie screamed.

  “Stop that!” the man in charge snapped.

  A second later, a small man with his white lab coat flapping around him burst into the room, panic flushed on his face. “He’s awake,” the man gasped. “We don’t know what happened. One minute we were losing him. The next −” The little man looked back over his shoulder, his eyes wide, breathing rapidly. “It’s not going to hold him.” His voice climbed several octaves.

  There was another rumble. The floor quivered. A grinding screech, like fingernails on a chalkboard, rent the air. A thunderous bang shook the building.

  Everyone jumped.

  “Stay calm.” The man in charge ordered, but it had little effect.

  Everyone turned to the two swinging metal doors.

  Stillness filled the air with baited breath. The door swung out, banging back against the wall and stayed open.

  A second later, Jerreon strode through the opening. Ramrod straight, barefoot, wearing only a pair of boxers and a bandage wrapped around his waist. A sheen of sweat gleamed on the wide expanse of his chest. Energy crackled in the air around him. His hands were fisted at his sides delineating his muscles. His eyes blazed with fury.

  “Release my wife.” His demand split the air, echoing off the walls.

  The man holding Kallie let go of her, backing away, continuing until he came up against the wall. The other security guards pulled back to join the first. A gasp escaped the receptionist.

  The scientists gaped, frozen in spot. Even Adam seemed too shocked to move. The only one not locked in place was Kallie.

  She rushed across the room. “Jerreon.” His name came out as a whisper this time.

  “My One,” Jerreon said aloud, reaching for her.

  Kallie slid her arms around him, aware of the bandage and other visible cuts. Tears ran down her cheeks as she pressed her face to his chest, placing a kiss over his heart. “My One.” She stretched up to kiss him.

  His lips caught hers. He kissed her fiercely then leaned back to frame her face with his hands, gazing down at her in reverent awe. “You found me.” He brushed his thumb over her cheek and dipped his head to touch his lips to hers again, savoring her.

  When the kiss ended, he leaned against her. Kallie took his weight, feeling the slight trembling in his body.

  “Let us leave this place.” He looked past her, daring the scientist or the guards to object. Those in the room remained silent.

  Kallie held him tight to help support him as they crossed the room. Adam fell in step with them.

  “Wait.” The head scientist squeaked out, regaining his nerve as they reached the door. “Please.”

  Jerreon stopped, halting Kallie. Together they all glanced back.

  It was Jerreon who answered. “You did try to keep me alive. I will consider talking to you in the future, but you never should have kept my wife from me.” With that, he touched his lips to her cheek, and they walked out.

  Edward had the car door opened before they reached it. Kallie went in first, reaching out for Jerreon as Edward and Adam helped ease him in. He sighed, collapsing back into the seat, totally spent. His eyes closed. Panic gripped Kallie. Jerreon’s hand found hers and he intertwined their fingers.

  “Do not fear, My One. I just require rest.” His words were measured with pain.

  “I have your medical kit. What do I do?” Kallie asked.

  He cracked his eyelids, shifting his head to look at her. “You have it here?”

  “Yes.” She pulled it from her purse.

  He released her and reached for it, but she got it open first. He removed a large patch. “Place this over the wound. It will help with the healing.”

  “What about the pain?”

  “The red container. Remove one of the thin strips and place it under my tongue. It will control the pain for a full day. In the yellow container is another slip to go under my tongue also. It will stimulate the healing process and regeneration.”

  “I can give you both at the same time?”

  “One right after the other. They dissolve rapidly.” He closed his eyes again.

  Kallie gave him the one for pain first. He didn’t look at her, just parted his lips and lifted his tongue. It was already gone before she got the second strip out of its container and to his mouth.

  The wrap on his ribs presented a dilemma until Edward handed back a multipurpose tool that had a pair of scissors. Kallie made quick work of getting rid of the bandage, though she was aware of the seriousness of his injury.

  She tried to be calm, but a cry still escaped her. A dark bruise covered his side. Almost in the center of it was a gash. Even tended it looked frightening to her, though the weakness in him was more so. It was something she didn’t associate with him.

  His hand rose to brush her cheek. “Have no fear. I will be well now that I have you with me.” He closed his eyes and slept.


  Eighteen hours later, Kallie came awake to the reassuring sound of Jerreon’s steady heartbeat in her ear and the feel of him pressed securely to her. He still slept peacefully. In the faint glow of the morning light, she could see his breathing stronger and more regular, and his coloring appeared better.

  She’d been so worried when he had collapsed in the limo’s back seat. He hadn’t even stirred when Sam, Josh and Edward carried him inside and up to bed. Twice he’d awakened just long enough to eat and drink a little before sliding back into a deep sleep.

  Kallie reached for him in her mind as she stroked her hand lightly over his heart, making sure not to get anywhere near the bruise on his ribs. It had been so close.

  Warmth flowed through her and one of Jerreon’s large hands settled over hers, pressing it to his chest. There was a slight shift and his lips brushed her temple.

  His chest rose and lowered with a deep sigh. “My One.” The endearment sounded slightly hoarse and gravelly, but never better.

  Kallie rose up enough to look at him.

  Jerreon smiled and touched her cheek. “Have no fear. I am well.”

  “Are you, really?” She searched his face for the answer.

  “I am. It may take a couple days to regain all my strength, but the healing is well on the way to complete. Remember, I can never lie to you.”

  “I was so afraid I’d lost you.” The fear she’d been holding onto slipped out to be brushed away by the gentle touch of his fingers.

  “I came a long way to find you. With my duty done, I am free to make my life, and it looks greater than I had ever hoped.”

  “Government men came here again last night. I met with them briefly. They requested that you contact them in the future. I told them that it would be your choice, if they gave us some space,” she added.

  “I will meet with them.” His lips twitched. “After we have had some space. This is my world now, too. I have much to learn before I make many ripples in it.” He ran his fingers over her chin, tracing the sensitive skin of her neck. “You found me.”

  “The dolphins helped,” she whispered as she got lost in his aqua eyes.

  “Most interesting creatures.” His gaze drifted over her,
lingering when they touched her lips. “We shall have to go visit them later. I would like to swim with them.” His mouth lowered slowly. “For now, I would like to celebrate the life I never thought I would have.”

  Their lips met, forging a new place, made only of their love.


  Jerreon gripped the ladder, pulling himself smoothly out of the water, sending a final mental farewell to the pod of dolphins that he’d been swimming with. It had become a weekly event to take the boat out to swim and interact with them. He enjoyed the bond they shared.

  His gaze settled on the figure sleeping on one of the couches. His pleasure soared. Sun kissed Kallie’s skin making her glow. She was so beautiful, so gloriously perfect. His bond with her also became stronger every day. She was the most precious thing to him.

  He would marvel forever at how his life turned out. He’d truly thought in going after Lysias, he was giving up his life. Instead, he’d found it. He’d found love and a home here. A place he fit, maybe even better than his own world.

  To his relief, the government had backed off after he agreed to do some development work for them. They had even agreed to let him pick his projects. They had assigned him a handler he found pleasant to work with, and Adam stepped out of retirement to be his manager. It made life convenient since they’d moved into his house, giving Adam the family he longed for.

  Family. Kallie shifted as if feeling his gaze on her. Her hand went to the slight swell of her abdomen. Unable to curb his desire, Jerreon reached out with his mind and picked up the flutters of life growing there. He hadn’t told Kallie yet there were two of them, twins, a boy and a girl.

  The doctor said that on the next visit she would take a picture of the baby. Kallie would find out then, but until that time, he decided to keep the knowledge to himself since Kallie was already worried about so many things.

  He picked up a towel and dried his shoulders and chest, rubbing it over his hair before draping it around his neck. His gaze locked on eyes the color of the sky. Kallie’s lips curved up as joy filled her face.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” She stretched.

  “It’s all right.” He settled beside her. “You need your rest.” His hand moved lightly over the gentle mound.”

  “I probably should have swum longer.”

  “It was long enough. You do not want to over-tax yourself.”

  “Not much chance of that with everyone watching over me.”

  He leaned down and kissed her nose. “I enjoy watching you. It gives me pleasure.” He stretched out next to her, kissing her again. “You give me pleasure.” He let the truth of his words flow from him as he eased her into his arms.

  “My love. My One.”

  About the Author Alysia S. Knight

  I grew up in a small town in Wyoming loving the outdoors, sports, art, and reading Hardy Boys books. After reading them all at least a half dozen times, I started writing my own stories.

  I married a wonderful, honorable man. I’m mother of five children and grandmother of eleven. I love traveling. Through my husband’s work and vacations, I have visited much of the United States, all over Europe, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, China, Thailand, Cambodia and Australia, giving me many intriguing locations and experiences for my stories.

  I am a storyteller. I write the classic hero story because I think there’s a need for more heroes, love, and adventure in our lives. I’m not out to change the world with my writing; I’m just hoping to make your day a little better.

  Alysia S. Knight

  If you enjoyed My Atlantian feel free to drop by my website .I would love to hear from you.

  Other books by Alysia S. Knight

  Temperature Rising

  Kare For Me

  Blind Witness

  Beauty and the Chief

  Trail to Her Heart

  His Governess

  The Ruins – Out of Time

  My Spy

  Aurora Rising



  Where There’s a Will

  Beautiful Heart

  Past to Die For

  Survive the Night

  The Olympus Game

  Excerpt from The Olympus Game


  Alysia S. Knight

  Heroes, legends and myths are no longer part of common conversation, but it’s time for the game to begin. The problem is, good has forgotten how to play, and evil is out to take the prize − the world. Can humans learn to play again and heroes rise to become legends, or is it all just a silly myth?

  Chapter One


  Andra jumped, glanced at the bell over the glass panel door and wondered why it didn’t ring. She forgot about the bell as she ran to hold the door for the man to wheel in the large, flat, wooden packing crate. As a gallery owner, she was used to receiving such crates, but she wasn’t expecting any shipments today.

  “Who’s it from?” She didn’t recognize the extremely good-looking delivery man with curly, golden hair.

  “Can’t say.” He stopped the dolly in the center of the gallery floor, slid the crate off then held out a clipboard to her in one fluid motion.

  Automatically, Andra signed her name in the graceful loops that fit her artistic sense.

  He tore off a copy and handed it to her. She glanced down at the paper, but all it said was − one painting. The question she was about to ask died on her lips as she looked up and found the man gone. Again, she didn’t hear the bell. Andra walked over and pulled open the door and was rewarded with a cheerful tinkling sound.

  “Okay, that’s odd,” she said aloud to herself as she turned back. “What have we here?”

  A wave of trepidation hit her as she stepped toward the crate. Another step set her heart to pounding. She took a deep breath and pushed the thought away. She needed to see which one of her artists sent the painting and forgot to put their name on it.

  Emerson, she thought. It would be just like him. There was no shipping label on the outside of the crate which meant it must be inside. Andra was tempted to leave the uncrating until she finished her morning prep, but for some reason, she just couldn’t.

  She changed direction and headed to the back room for her dolly. Andra paused at the swinging door thinking about moving the crate into the back before removing the painting which she normally would do but again, for some reason, it didn’t feel right. She grabbed the crowbar instead.

  The instant she slipped the prongs under the edge of the wood, trepidation slammed into her once more. She felt as if she was on a precipice, teetering on the edge of destiny.

  “Enough of this, you’re not Pandora. Let’s see what’s in the box.” She pushed her weight down, and the end came free. She pulled the packing material out of the way to reveal the gilded gold edge of a frame.

  “Well, it’s not from Emerson. The man’s never framed anything.”

  Andra carefully lifted the painting free. A silk cloth was draped over the front. She stepped to an easel, which she’d removed a painting from when she first came downstairs that morning. Reverently, settling the painting into place, she returned to the crate, digging down for the shipping label or letter. When at first look she didn’t find anything, she removed the packing, going through each piece, finding nothing.

  She turned to the easel. “Okay, so the plot thickens. Let’s take a look.” She’d barely touched the cloth when it came free, floating forgotten to the ground.

  “Oh, wow.” Andra’s breath caught as she saw the characters that looked so real they might leap from the canvas. Chills ran over her. “Oh. Wow,” she managed again.

  The painting was big but not huge, twenty-four by thirty. It was done in oils – rich, vibrant oils, with details that had an utterly surreal look. Starting at the bottom, she didn’t see any signature then got lost in the painting.

  She recognized the sunset silhouette of the skyline that stretched across the bott
om as her own ocean-side city. The fiery oranges, pinks, and lavenders of the sunset faded into mist which, in turn, faded into a pond where the next section of the painting began.

  A stream bisected the middle of the canvas spilling into the pond. Each side was like looking into a world of its own. Both sides were done with a fanciful flare of mythology.

  The left side encompassed a harsh, scorched wasteland. A massive monster, the cross between a sea serpent and hydra, loomed over the land, though unlike a hydra’s seven heads, this one only had six. Below the monster, by the edge of the stream, were three other creatures which were smaller but no less frightening.

  One was a woman, too beautiful to exist in real life, but something about her made Andra feel cold. The woman’s thick red hair shimmered with black, burgundy, and purples like it was alive and moving, tipped with snakeheads like Medusa. It was her eyes, though, that were truly snake-like in their vivid green, with slashes of soul-stealing black.

  To her side towered a man whose sharp features cut a harsh handsomeness with a sardonic gleam in his eyes, and a cruel tight-lined mouth that said he knew everything. His arms were crossed over a well-defined chest, bare under a breastplate of interlaced bone. His hands lay over his biceps accentuating fingers tipped with what looked like razor sharp claws which were easily the length of his fingers.

  Andra pulled back. Her gaze landed on the hound at the demon-man’s side. Instead of Cerebus’ three heads, this one only had two. It stood almost as tall as the man, with massive shoulders curving down to smaller, but no less powerful looking haunches. Hackles spiked out on the neck of each head. Snarling mouths displayed saliva-dripping fangs that rivaled images of a saber-toothed tiger.


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