Exiled in Space

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by Fiona Thompson

  Copyright 2014, Fiona Thompson

  All rights reserved.

  Warning! This is attended for adult audiences only. Who enjoy some dark fantasy in their pregnancy erotica and do not shy away from extreme themes. It is all in fun and is intended for entertainment purposes only.

  Alice and Stud have been exiled to a strange planet that is covered with deep jungles bordering on a majestic city. Even though predators hunt for them, they dare not go into the city and look for help.

  Stud’s kind is an enemy there and Alice being pregnant with his triplets would put her life in danger. They would want to keep the babies and study them in their war against the aliens.

  But running is getting harder. Alice is days away from going into labor and child birth scares her. Stud forges for food between satisfying her growing sexual needs.

  And when he goes missing, Alice feels the first pangs of child birth. She sets out to find him and instead gets snarled inside a trap. When she wakes up, Alice finds herself being held hostage not by humans.

  But by a giant pterodactyl creature. A dinosaur. And what’s on his mind is worse than horror. It’s ecstasy.

  Chapter One: Exiled

  “I can’t run anymore, Stud.” I lean my arms over on the tree, huffing for air. It’s so humid in the jungle I can barely breath. My breasts are engorged with milk for my still unborn triplets, but my belly is so wide over the grass skirt I wear, it is threatening to pop. I’m not sure how much more I can take.

  Stud, my alien lover and father of my half breed babies, kisses me from behind. Right at the nape of my neck. His warm long hands reach out and lovingly stroke my moving belly. Hell, when isn’t it moving these days?

  These full terms babies are low and ready to make an appearance. Even if we are hunted. Even if it isn’t safe.

  But what can you do? When your body is ready, it’s ready. Nearly full term at seven months, my body wants the babies out.

  Too bad there are animals so dangerous in the jungle that don’t just want to kill us. They want to eat us. All we can do is keep moving and hope when labor strikes, we’re safe and the babies come fast.

  The animal after us is like a giant dinosaur with large fangs and wings that can span a football field. You can hear it coming from a mile away and it brings a big wind as it flaps it’s wings. I feel it now and know we have no choice but to move.

  But I’m so tired. My feet ache so bad.

  Stud grabs my hand and pulls me through the jungle even as I cry and sob. He just pushes on, using his hatch blade to cut us a path toward the caves we’ve used before. There we keep supplies and some water. Food.

  If we can make it there by night fall, we might survive. At least one more night, but I am starting to give up hope. My parents always said when that happened, it meant all hope was lost. Now, I saw my way out and it was only death.

  I had to ignore those feelings the best I could, but it was hard when you were nine months pregnant with a womb full of aliens. Stranded on a hostile planet.

  Maybe if we could find a way off. Maybe.


  I’m so tired I can’t even make it to the hammock that Stud has put together with old vines, grass, and rope he weaved himself. For a space alien he’s surprisingly good with his hands. Something I learned when on his clans space ship.

  The rock slab I lay on is damp from the condensation that drips down from the cavern above us. But I don’t care. It’s cool against my skin. And there’s only joy that I get to lay down again.

  My eyes are closed, but I’m not really asleep. Instead I’m resting on my side so my giant belly has a place to rest. It jets out when the babies—half breeds—kick me. A slight moan escapes my lips. I stroke the massive melon of a belly I’ve grown. There are stretch marks and they itch.

  Itch so bad.

  I begin to drift into sleep. I’m back on the alien ship where they probed my body. In life I screamed as the eggs were pushed deep inside me. Stretching my vagina wider than it should have been able to go. But in the dream I am in exctacy. My head rocks back and forth as the many alien hands around me grope my body.

  It’s like I am a thing. No longer a person. Only there to experience pleasure. “More.” I beg, nearly screaming at them. “Don’t stop, don’t!”

  My breath stutters and my eyes flutter open as I feel another hand on my belly. Stud caresses it like it’s a mighty gift, but at this point it’s a curse. It might also be my death. At this point, it’s hard to say.

  I didn’t labor the other pregnancy naturally. What is my uterus erupts? Or what if the babies won’t come out. I’m so scared, I push the thought from my mind.

  “I’m sorry I did this to you again. I never meant to get you pregnant.” Stud’s large black eyes somehow look sad.

  I stroke his hand and push to down lower on my body so he can relieve my aching female parts. “I don’t regret it, Stud. No matter what it means for me, I love you and our babies. You have to know that.”

  “I do.” Stud rolls me onto my back and straddles me. His hands caresses my wrists and he holds them over my head. My back arches and I moan . He leans down to kiss me and my eyes flutter close as his hot breath meets mine.

  My chest stretches from the angle of my arms. My heavy breasts laden with milk elevate from my chest. Stud can’t resist the call of my engorged nipples, glistening with water. The individual pores of my breasts seem to glisten.

  His lips play with a nipple. They rub against it. It tingles and I suck in my breath as he runs his cheek against my breast. He’s being so soft, so gentle. I want to scream at him to take it further. Just to keep going.

  But I’m his. If he wants to go slow or go fast, I’ll do whatever he wants.

  Stud takes it up a notch, his teeth grating against my nipple. His wet lips plant down and his teeth tug hard.

  “Ahh…” I nearly scream. I tug my arms to get them free, but Stud is stronger than I am. He barely strains to keep me still.

  He’s careful not to let down my milk. The last time we did that, animals found us. The smell of the milk brought them to us. Instead he moves away from the nipple. His tongue tracing my breast tissue down toward my abdomen.

  Finally my hands are free. I stroke his elongated head. So different from a human’s, but I love it. At first I thought he was strange. Ugly. Now I think I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.

  His hands hold my giant globe like belly. He kisses the belly button and we watch as my skin rises and falls with the movement of the three aliens growing in me.

  There’s love in his eyes as he watches it. From the way his hips begin to thrash against my leg, I know he’s ready.

  I’m ready too. My nipples are burning and my pussy is so wet, I can’t resist its call. I’m so horny and if I want to keep the babies healthy, we need his semen. Almost nightly I need it.

  “Get me to the hammock, Stud. Before I burst.”

  Stud takes my hands and pulls me up to the ground. I groaned as we make our way to the back of the cave. Shooting pain up my calves and feet makes every step painful. But it’ll be worth it, I’m sure. Stud never disappoints.

  I grab the hammock and slide my ass onto it. Sitting with my legs and feet dangling off of it. It’s one of my favorite ways to be fucked now that I’m so large.

  Stud grabs the hammock and swings me back and forth a few times, almost like a kid at the park. The last swing, he grabs the grass of the hammock and holds me up to him so we were nose to nose.

  “I love you, baby.” I whisper and kiss him. My hands travel down the length of his hard body and I find his full, hard cock. I remember on the ship when I thought I’d never survive and now I crave it so much, I know nothing else will do.

  I wrap my hand around
it. I feel it’s warmth and the way it throbs in my hand. A few quick yanks send Stud into ecstasy. He groans and he grabs my hair, kissing me like a drowning man.

  In some ways I feel like a drowning woman. I open my legs and guide his cock over to my pussy. Stud gathers the hammock around my ass and uses it as a handle to pull me to him.

  I open up and swallow his cock thoroughly. My head rocks back and my mouth falls open. My arms brace behind my back on the hammock. It stretches my torso out so I’m all glistenin giant belly and swollen breasts.

  My toes curl. My legs point. I forget where I am and what I’m doing except for the absolute pleasure that exists in my body.

  I even forget that I’m in a cave.

  Stud’s hip gyrate violently into me as he pulls me closer in time to him. I’m out of breath and can’t even breathe. I usher a quick order. Sex seems the only time I find the courage to do it. “Harder. Faster. I need it so bad.”

  So there we were. Close to orgasm. My legs opened wider. And when my tremor started deep inside me. My body shook and Stud’s semen flew into me deep and wide.

  I wasn’t ready for it to end. I lean up, grab his ass and push him even deeper inside me.

  “Alice.” Stud moans and our open mouths find each other.

  I’m out of breath. Can barely think, but I know he makes me happy. I have no idea how many more pregnancies I’ll be forced to endure because of my sex addiction. But I accept it.

  Just like I accept him.

  Chapter Two: Making Love

  We sleep woven together in the hammock. Our legs criss cross over each other and his arm drapes under my chest right before my belly balloons up. Even when asleep I can feel the constant movement of the aliens inside my womb.

  I feel something else. My hips ache. I can feel them expanding. I groan, rub my belly and feel a definite shift inside myself. I struggle to sit up with a gasp. I rub my belly and moan with displeasure—and fear.

  “What’s the matter?” Stud sits up. His hand on my shoulder.

  “The babies.” I swallow hard. “They’ve sunk lower. I think one is getting ready.” I didn’t say to be born. I couldn’t bring myself to even if I knew it was the truth.

  Stud understands. He rubs my shoulders. “We knew it would be soon.”

  “What if we need to move again?” I shudder in fear.

  He hugs me closer. “We’ll deal with that when we have to.”

  I lean against him, but I can’t ignore the growl of hunger much longer. I take in fewer calories than I should, but the last week my eating has reached a new high.

  “I’m going to go out. Collect you some breakfast.” I start to argue with Stud, but he kisses my lips. “You need to keep up your strength.”

  Defeated, I nod. “Be careful. Hurry back.” I caress his neck and pull him down for a deep kiss.

  He loves me. I can tell from how he holds me, runs his fingers up my arms. “I’ll be as fast as I can. See you soon, darling.”

  Stud collects his things and I lay there on the hammock, staring up at the cave. I lock my hands behind my head. The hammock rocks slightly. I open my legs and feel it. Deep inside me something tremors.

  I don’t moan, but I take a deep breath.

  My first contraction? I deny it, but even I know the simplest twinge brings labor just that much closer.

  If God listens to prayers in space, I hope he hears mine. God help me.


  Nothing else happens for what seems hours. Maybe I wasn’t ready for labor yet, but I know it can’t be much longer if I have any hope of birthing the babies. I’m anxious that Stud isn’t back yet.

  Plus I’m hungry. And horny.

  I manage to get out of the hammock and waddle over to the cavern entrance. I hold onto my baby belly, cradling it like it might fall right off if I don’t.

  The light is shining bright so I know it’s morning. The vines covering the cavern keep me from seeing much. I push them aside and I cast a glance around. Nothing much is going on. I heard birds, but little out.

  I know I shouldn’t go out to find Stud, but I’m worried. What if he’s hurt? So I do. Timidly at first and then after a while I get more bold.

  “Stud?” I call out quietly when the trees rustle not far off from where I am. I waddle over to the spot. The tree has berries. I love berries. Stud knows that.

  “Are you here?” I heave for air. I’m already so tired and I haven’t gone that far.

  A contraction.

  I groan and grip my belly while another hand hangs onto the tree. I go down into a deep squat even though I don’t mean to. The pressure in my body builds as a baby deep inside me slides down. I can feel the pressure on my cervix. Birth could be at any time, but at least my water hasn’t broken yet.

  Thank God.

  Something snaps. A metal noise from above. I gaze up and see a giant dome rushing down to meet me.

  It’s a trap.

  I yelp as I fell to my knees. The small trap is tightly woven. I can barely get my finger through a hole. But I can hear the sound of wings flapping. And then footsteps.

  The animals have me.

  I’m about to be lunch. Or so I think, but what happens is actually much worse.

  Chapter Three: A Deal

  The next time I wake up I’m in a cage.

  There’s not enough room for me to sit up, and I’m stuck laying on my side in a fetal position. I blink my eyes and push up on my arm. But doing so causes me incredible pain. It surges in my extended baby belly. Now it’s so full of life and so tight, touching it hurts.

  There’s no denying labor now anymore. What a time to get captured.

  I lay my head down. I’m going to die in this cage. I hear a noise and turn my head. There’s a cage not far from where I am.


  “Stud!” I cry with tears in my eyes. “Stud, what are we going to do? I’m scared.”

  “Just do what they say. Do what they ask. Promise me you’ll save yourself.”

  I shake my head hard and grip my belly. “The babies are coming, Stud.” I groan. “Faster than I would like.”

  “They’ll help you. Just do what they want.”

  My eyebrow creases. “What do they want?”

  Stud’s voice is solemn. Serious. “You. They want you.”

  I didn’t know what that meant, but as my cage was unlocked, I suspected I was about to find out.


  They drag me out. At first I fight against their giant wings and try to pull away back in my cage. But the more I struggle, the more contractions I feel. I groan and fall to my knees.

  “Alice!” Stud screams and it helps me catch my breath.

  I let out a deep slow breath. My hair is in my face. I roll my head back so I can see. The pterodactyls that have me are babies in comparison to the giants I have seen on this planet. But they are strong. With beedy little eyes and strong jaws. They snap at me and cackle. A warning to get back up on my feet.

  My feet shake as I do and the pterodactyls drag me toward a throne nest. On it lays one of the largest of the beasts I’ve ever seen. He’s blue and the way he lounges on the nest there is something majestic about him. I think he’s their ruler. Their king.

  They force me to kneel. My ankles are bound in metal straps. Even if I could stand, I’d never get away. The position thrusts my giant protruding belly in the air. Like the pterodactyl wants to see it. Inspect it.

  I’m heaving for air. “What do you want with me?” I don’t know if they can understand me, but I have to try.

  My eyes squeeze shut with another contraction. They’re getting closer together. I’m terrified. I might give birth while these beasts, these dinosaurs watch me. If I can’t get their help or get them on my side, I might be dead soon.

  Suddenly a masculine and deep voice is in my head. I’m startled at first and my heart skip a beat. “We mean no harm to you. Your children, but we need you. I need a mate.”

  A mate? He must be crazy. I
’m about to interrupt him, but he goes on.

  “I know what you’re thinking. But there are no females left of our species. And no other humanoid can carry my children to term. They are too large. You, judging by the fact you can mate with an alien such as him, is proof you can do it.”

  The pterodactyl king leans his head to one side. “And the size of your belly closes the deal.”

  I rub it protectively and groan in pain.

  “You’re close.” The pterodactyl king says. “We can help you give birth. Otherwise it won’t be easy.”

  “And if I refuse?” I huff, my breasts rising and falling with indignation.

  “Then we will let you suffer and die. If your babies are born—well they’d make a nice snack.”

  My eyes flash. “How dare you!”

  “How dare you.” The pterodactyl king’s tongue rolls out and he hisses at me. “But if you do what we say, your alien lover will be under our protection. He’ll be free to raise your children. And after a few of our own, Alice, you will get to see him again.”

  How can I agree to this? To have sex with this beast? A dinosaur of the old age? And bare him children? It is just about the worst thing I’ve ever heard.

  But, my contractions are getting closer together. And soon I won’t have a choice.

  He’s not done with me yet. The pterodactyl king goes on. “If you don’t agree, your alien lover will be the first to die. We’ll force you to watch as we pull him to shreds and eat him. Then, you’ll be next. We’ll rip your belly open. And we will feast---.”

  “All right.” I sob, my chin to my chest. “All right. I’ll do what you say, but please let them be safe. Please.”

  He crows with happiness and his wings flap. “See her to the birthing chamber which has not been used in a hundred years. We will christen it with her alien baby.”

  “Babies.” I whisper as the Kings servants work to unchain my legs. When they do, they grab my arms and drag me away.

  The king is happy with a hefty flap of his wings. “Then I was right about you. And don’t worry, Alice. I know exactly how to please a human. After two hundred years without a mate to love, I’m looking forward to this more than you can know.”


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