Beholden to You

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Beholden to You Page 8

by Sexton, Carlie

  “Unfortunately, yes. I’ll be seeing her tomorrow, and I will make sure she doesn’t visit you again. It’s getting late and I have an early morning meeting. I should get going,” he said, kissing me on the top of my head.

  “You really have to go?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got some pressing matters to take care of at work. I hate to cut our date short, but it can’t be helped.”

  “Okay. I’ll walk you out.”

  I walked Mac to the door and before I opened it he took both my hands in his. “This might sound strange, but I don’t know what your plans are for Christmas. We are going to spend it together, right?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

  “I would love that,” I said, hugging him. “What do you do for Christmas?”

  “I spend it with the Statton’s, at their home. Even before my parents died we always spent Christmas together.”

  “That sounds perfect. I just hope Mr. and Mrs. Statton don’t think I’m an idiot for running out on Thanksgiving.”

  “I’m sure they don’t. They’re down to earth people and they’ve both lost people they loved.”

  “It’s hard to believe it’s almost Christmas. Everything is going by so fast.”

  “How about in the next couple of months we take a trip together and slow time down a little bit? We could sail to Hawaii on my yacht.”

  “You have a yacht?” I asked, surprise engulfing me. I knew Mac had money, but I no clue how much.

  “Yeah, I love to be on the water. I haven’t had the time lately to spend on it, but once I get the issues squared away in London, I’ll be able to take a vacation.”

  I looked up into Mac’s ruggedly handsome face. “A trip to Hawaii with you would be heaven.” How did I get so lucky?

  “Good,” Mac said, kissing me again. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow,” I said. Then he left.

  Chapter 14: Mac

  I called Neil first thing in the morning. “Neil, any word from the hacker?”

  “Yes, he just called me a few minutes ago. He found the pictures on Cassie’s computer, sent her a virus, and has destroyed every file. Cassie will have no clue how it happened. The only problem is if she saved it on a thumb drive or has hard copies.”

  “Yeah, that is a problem,” I said, annoyed to have to deal with Cassie.

  “I’ve got it handled. When you’re at lunch, I’ll have someone search her place.”

  “You’re always thinking ahead, man. You’re not going to believe what she did. She went to visit Natalie at work.”

  “That woman has some balls, man. She’s not going to go easily,” Neil said.

  “I know. I’m furious and I hate that she’s investigating Natalie. I have no idea how Cassie knew where Natalie works.”

  “They just met the one time, right?” Neil asked.


  “Do you think Cassie wrote down Natalie’s license plate number when they were both at your house?”

  “That could explain it.” It didn’t sound like the Cassie I dated, but the woman pursuing me so urgently, was vastly different from the girl I went out with, anyway.

  “Don’t freak, but maybe she’s had Natalie followed. The info from the license plate would only give her Natalie’s name and address, not where she works,” Neil said.

  “Yeah, it crossed my mind. I’m going to hire security to watch over Natalie. I’m just not telling her.”

  “Good plan. I’d say hire Paul’s firm, but Natalie has probably met most of the guys when she’s been with Kate. It can’t be anyone she would recognize.”

  “I’m already on it. I have a meeting with Silverstone Securities this morning.”

  “When are you taking care of Harold?”

  “I’m seeing him first thing when I get to the office, so I better go.”

  “Alright, later, bro.”


  When I arrived at the office, Harold was already waiting for me in reception. He sat across from Alice because I had instructed her not to let him into my office alone. His story didn’t resonate with me as being completely truthful, and I wasn’t certain of what he was capable of doing.

  We exchanged the common pleasantries and he followed me in, taking a seat in the first chair.

  “Harold, you dropped a bomb on me yesterday. I’ve thought a lot about how to handle this. It’s going to go like this. You are going to retire with a severance package. You and your daughter are going on a long trip wherever you want, but there will be no contact with anyone. Under no circumstances is anyone to know where you are going. Time to disappear for a while.”

  “I see,” said Harold. “I know I have completely failed you and if you want me to leave, it’s the least I can do.”

  “I know you’re worried about your daughter and I can assure you I’m doing everything in my power to locate the pictures and have them destroyed.”

  “I appreciate that very much.”

  I pulled out a folder with paperwork Neil had drafted. I slid the folder across the desk. “I need you to sign these. I don’t want any problems.”

  “Of course. I’ll just read through them and get them back to you as soon as possible.”

  “I want this wrapped up today. Your resignation, and the paperwork signed.”

  Harold nodded. “It will be done.” He stood and walked out.

  I was glad to see him go. His betrayal was like a noose around my neck, suffocating me. I was so disappointed, but I could understand him wanting to protect his daughter. I understood more, now that I had someone to protect, too.

  Alice buzzed me. “Mr. Silverstone has arrived,” she said.

  “Please send him in, Alice.”

  “Mr. Silverstone, thanks for meeting me on such short notice,” I said, extending my hand to shake his.

  “Please call me Gavin. My firm is at your service.”

  “Yeah, call me Mac. Let’s get down to business. The young woman you will be protecting, Natalie Mason, is very important to me and I don’t want her to know you are following her. I need invisibility.”

  “We are more than capable of blending in. She’ll never know we are there.”

  “Good. Also, here’s a picture of the possible threat,” I said, handing him a picture of Cassie. “She has been blackmailing my lawyer and she paid a visit to Natalie yesterday at work.”

  “Okay. Do you want me to have someone tail her as well?”

  I thought for a moment. “Yes, I do. I have a feeling Cassie could become dangerous and I have no idea what she is capable of doing.”

  I gave Gavin all of Natalie’s info along with Cassie’s, and he was on his way.

  I had a mountain of work to do, so I sent Nat a text letting her know I wanted to take her to dinner tomorrow night—anywhere she wanted to go. I knew I would be at the office late to finalize everything with Harold, and the deal I had been working on in Europe. Excitement and frustration both, poured over me knowing I would be going to London in a few weeks. The trial prevented me from taking Natalie along. I’d have to plan a wonderful honeymoon for us in the very near future. She was all I could think about. Not just how much I wanted to make love to her again. She was just so much more to me. She was mine and I would do anything to protect her.

  Chapter 15: Natalie

  Work had been hectic with all of the Christmas shoppers. My feet were killing me, and I was looking forward to a night to myself to regroup a little after a whirlwind weekend with Mac. Mac and I had been together many nights in a row and as much as I loved his company, I had grown accustomed to being alone. Not that I preferred to be alone, it had just become my norm.

  My phone began ringing and I saw it was Kate.

  “Hey Kate.”

  “Hi Nat. How’s it going?”

  “Good, just tired from work. We were so busy today. I only took fifteen minutes for lunch.”

  “I know. I miss being with all of you at Nordie’s. In so many ways it was fun.”

, sweetie. We’d love to have you back. Any word from the police about Roger? Have they found him yet?”

  “No, he’s still out there somewhere. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder. I just want him to be caught,” Kate said with a sigh. “I’m also terrified he’s going to do something to Neil. Roger is seriously deranged.”

  “I can’t even imagine what you are going through. You both still have security, right?”

  “Yes, as we know, security is not a hundred percent guarantee of safety. Roger is on a mission and he is so much more cunning than I ever imagined.”

  “Oh, Kate. I hope he is caught soon.”

  “Me, too. I had a great time last weekend with you, Charlie, and the guys. Have you heard from Mac?”

  How was I going to get out of this question without lying? “We’ve been in touch.”

  “That’s good. I think you two would be great together.”

  “Well, we’ll see what happens.” Hopefully being vague would get me off the hook for answering any more questions. I didn’t want to burden Kate with my worries. She had enough on her plate.

  “I wanted to ask you, and of course you can say no if you’d prefer not to, but would you like to spend Christmas with us at the Statton’s?”

  That was perfect. Now I didn’t have to explain that Mac had invited me. Plus, it made me feel so good that Kate was inviting me again after I abruptly left on Thanksgiving. She was always there for me. “I’d love to.”

  “How are you holding up with everything? I know you were a trooper over the weekend.”

  “I’m doing okay. I just want to get the trial over with so I can begin to move on. It’s hard to grieve when I still have to face Jessica’s killer in court.”

  “I wish I could be there with you. I hate that you are facing this alone. Have you had a chance to talk to the girls at work? I’m sure whoever is off will go with you.”

  “It’s been so busy, I haven’t had a chance. But something will work out.”

  “It will. It will be hard, but at least it will give you some closure.”

  “Thanks, Kate. I’m so glad I have you and Charlie.”

  “Nat, you and Charlie are my best friends. I just want to get through this and I want you to be happy.”

  “I know, Kate. I have a feeling I’ll find my happiness soon.”

  “I think so too, Nat.”

  We talked about wedding details and the rehearsal dinner. I was so happy for Kate and I was surprisingly happy for myself for a change. After our call, I got into bed with my Kindle, and fell asleep reading Eyes Wide Open. If Brynne could find her happily ever after, then so could I.

  When I woke up in the morning, I thought two things. One, I was going to see Mac, look into his beautiful eyes, kiss him senseless, and feel his arms around me. Two, he was having lunch with his ex-girlfriend, a very beautiful woman, who wanted him back. That thought was very unpleasant, especially since she’d paid me a visit spewing her web of lies. I had downplayed my feelings about her visiting me at work so Mac wouldn’t think I was jealous or insecure, but the reality was, I felt ill knowing he would be spending time with her. It was going to be a long day.

  Chapter 16: Mac

  I woke up dreading lunch with Cassie. How was I going to sit there and not tell her off for being so despicable? I kept telling myself it was the only way I would get the upper hand. If she thought this craziness was going to work, she was sadly mistaken.

  My morning was busy and lunch seemed to arrive instantaneously. As I drove to the restaurant, I kept replaying Neil’s words. Stay calm and don’t tell her a thing. Seeing Cassie was the last thing I wanted to do.

  Walking into the restaurant, I spotted Cassie sitting at a table she and I had shared many times. She had ordered a bottle of wine, and was already drinking it when I walked up.

  “Mac, so lovely to see you,” she said in a sugary sweet voice. I never noticed that about her. Was she like this before?

  “You indicated when you came over to my home, that we needed to talk. So, here I am.”

  “There’s no rush. I took the liberty of ordering our favorite appetizer and wine,” she said, pouring me a glass. She lifted her glass to make a toast. “Here’s to us finding our way back to each other.”

  I shook my head slightly. “I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen.”

  “Mac, I forgive you for impetuously breaking up with me. I shouldn’t have pressured you into marrying me. Why don’t we just pick up where we left off and put this whole stupid break up behind us?”

  “Cassie, I appreciate your candor, but I don’t want to get back together.”

  “It’s that other woman, Natalie, isn’t it?”

  My blood began to boil even more when I heard Cassie say Natalie’s name. “Let’s leave Natalie out of this. She’s a friend of Neil’s and you don’t need to be concerned with her.”

  “I see. So you’re not romantically involved with her? She’s an awfully pretty friend,” Cassie said, making air quotes when she said friend.

  The waiter brought the appetizer and asked for our order. I was seething, but I kept hearing Neil in my head, so I stayed composed and ordered a sandwich. I popped a stuffed mushroom in my mouth so I didn’t have to respond right away.

  “Mac, I don’t want to argue about an inconsequential girl. I want to discuss us getting back together. I have something to tell you that might come as a shock.”

  I sat there, staring at her, knowing she was about to tell me her dirty little secret—at least part of it.

  “I found out some very important information about your trust. Your parents put in a clause stating you have to be married when you are thirty to keep your company. That’s why I suggested we get married. I was looking out for your best interest.”

  “My best interest?” I said, raising my eyebrows.

  “Well, of course. You know how much I love you and want what’s best for you.”

  “I see,” was all I could muster.

  “So, when do you want to get married?”

  “Like I said earlier, I’m not getting back together with you. Your disclosure changes nothing. I’m not the one for you,” I said, beginning to rise. “You deserve someone better than me and I hope you find him soon.”

  “Mac, you’re the one I want. No one is better for me than you. Besides, this is a win-win. You get to keep what is yours and I get to be your wife.”

  “I’ll take what you have said under advisement. Right now, I need to get back to work.”

  “But you haven’t eaten anything or…”

  “I’ll take it to go,” I said, flagging down the waiter. I asked him to wrap up my food and then I paid the bill. “Take care of yourself, Cassie.” I then turned and walked toward the entrance of the restaurant. The waiter brought me a bag and I was out the door. I knew if I hadn’t left when I did, I would have lost it.

  I got back to the office and immediately called Neil to fill him in. I honestly didn’t know what to make of Cassie. She was more unstable than I realized.

  “She sounds so fucked up. Did the security start today?”

  “Yes. I have two men covering Natalie at all times.”


  “I need to convince Natalie to go public with the fact we are married and move in with me.”

  “Yeah, but somehow I don’t think that will detour Cassie. She’s been blackmailing your lawyer, after all.”

  “This is worse than I anticipated.” Then it hit me. Neil had his own mental person to be concerned with—Roger. “Neil, I’m so lame. You don’t need to solve my problem with Cassie. You’ve got your own irrational lunatic to deal with.”

  “Don’t sweat it, bro.”

  “But what you are dealing with is so much worse.”

  Alice buzzed me that some board members were here to see me. “I’ve gotta go. I need to talk to some of the board members.”

  “Alright, later.”

  Alice ushered the board members into my office.
Mrs. Langstrom was the first to speak. “We’ve been informed of the clause in your parents’ trust. When are you planning on getting married?”

  Damn, Cassie worked fast. She had a master plan and I was beginning to understand I needed to start playing offense instead of defense. “Soon, Mrs. Langstrom.”

  “Well, we haven’t seen any announcements in the paper. So what does soon, mean?” Mr. Billings questioned.

  “I’ll let you all know when I am ready. Is there anything else?” They all just stood there staring at me. “Okay then, I have work to do. If you will excuse me,” I said, motioning toward the door.

  The day couldn’t end soon enough. I had texted Natalie about dinner at seven. She replied that she’d be ready. Putting the day behind me was easy, knowing I would be spending the evening with her, and I had planned, what I hoped, would be a memorable one.

  Chapter 17: Natalie

  When I opened the door, Mac’s face lit up. I was wearing my black dress with a low V-neck, showing off a little bit of cleavage. Hearing a slight groan escape from him, I knew my outfit was just right.

  “Hi, baby,” Mac said. “You are looking very beautiful this evening.” Seeing him react like that to me, and call me baby, almost had me swooning. Mac was good for my heart. I hoped.

  “Thank you,” I said, blushing. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise, but you’re going to need your coat.”

  After I grabbed my leather coat Mac extended his arm to me. On the drive over, we briefly talked about his lunch with Cassie. Without saying too much, he explained Cassie had become accustomed to a certain lifestyle…a lifestyle he could provide. It seemed she wasn’t willing to give up without a fight. He had made it clear to her at lunch they weren’t getting back together.

  “How did she take it?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure. Somehow I have the feeling that it’s not the end of things. But maybe once we go public with being married, she will give up.”

  Mac pulled up to the harbor and said, “We’re here.”

  I looked around a little unsure of where here was. “Okay,” I said.


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