Beholden to You

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Beholden to You Page 13

by Sexton, Carlie

I didn’t let Mac know it, but the whole Cassie thing kind of freaked me out. It seemed like I saw her around every corner or expected her to jump out of the bushes and do…I don’t know what. She knew where I worked and most likely where I lived. But, she hadn’t come around or made any threats, so all I could do was be on guard. I had always wanted to learn a martial art, so I would be signing up for classes after the trial.

  My shift on Christmas Eve I was scheduled to work from seven to four and I hoped to be out of work on time. Mac was going to pick me up around five so we could go to Christmas Eve services at my church before having dinner with the Millers. I had been looking forward to that all week. Since Daniel and Beverly knew we were married, I didn’t have to be careful around them like I would be with Neil’s family.

  When I arrived home, I found a box on my welcome mat. A rush of heat coursed through my body just thinking about how romantic Mac had been the whole time. I brought it in, placed the box on the table, and opened the card. It simply said, Nothing lasts forever.

  I opened the box to find black roses. These weren’t from Mac…they were from her. Bile rose up in my throat…the threat of Cassie was now very real in my mind. Mac had warned me about Cassie’s instability. Before this, I probably wouldn’t have been so sure of his assessment. What kind of woman does this? Why? Is there more to this than Mac is telling me? Is this anything like Kate must have been feeling? I am not made for this.

  I called Mac. He said security would be on my doorstep and he was on his way. Within a moment, Streeter was at my door, introducing himself.

  “I’m Natalie. I guess you’ve been looking after me,” I said, extending my hand.

  “My pleasure Miss Mason. May I see the card?”

  I handed the card to him and he read it, slightly nodding.

  “What do you think?” I asked.

  “I don’t want to alarm you, but we definitely have a problem.”

  I didn’t answer him or ask any more questions. My problem had just delivered herself to my front door and was making it clear that she wanted to scare me off to get Mac back.

  I walked into my kitchen and took out a bottle of wine. I offered some to Streeter, knowing he wouldn’t take it, but he did accept a glass of water.

  I sat on my sofa and waited for Mac. Before I knew it, my glass was empty, and Mac was knocking on my door. Streeter let him in and he came directly to me and covered my body with his as he sat next to me. He practically crushed me. But I didn’t care. I needed him to feel safe. Being in his arms meant everything to me at that moment.

  The stress of the situation overtook me and I ran to the bathroom. I began heaving and finally threw up. Mac was at the door to see if I was okay. I knew he could hear me which made it all the worse. I didn’t want him to see me like that. I swished my mouth with mouthwash to remove the horrible taste and wiped away the mascara that had smeared from my eyes watering. When I came out he asked me if I had ginger ale or 7 Up on hand.

  “7 Up,” I said.

  “Go lay down. I’ll bring you some.”

  I peeled my clothes off, tossing everything onto the chair in my bedroom. Climbing into bed, my bones felt heavy; keeping my eyes open was a struggle. I was so tired from the last few days and the episode with the roses had undoubtedly pushed me over the edge.

  Mac came in and put the glass of 7 Up on my nightstand. Then he went to the bathroom, returning with a wet washcloth, placing it on my forehead.

  “Baby, you look exhausted. Do you want me to call the Millers and cancel?”

  Looking at my alarm clock I thought if I could just sleep for a little while I would feel as good as new. “My phone’s in the living room. Maybe we could just postpone dinner and go over later after I take a nap.”

  “Okay. I’ll grab it.”

  Mac retrieved my phone and I called Beverly. She completely understood and said to just call if we were going to come over. Hearing the love in her voice made me feel better. Ending the call, I placed my phone on the night stand, and picked up my drink. I took several sips while Mac stood there hovering over me. A beautiful man stood before me and I could barely focus my eyes on him.

  “Scoot over,” he said. He lay on the covers and spooned me from behind, warming my body with his. I began drifting…

  Kisses started at my shoulders and trailed up toward my neck. Mac whispered, “Baby, I love you so much. You’re my world and I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to date you any longer, I want you to move in with me and be my wife. Let me love you.”

  I turned toward him and whispered, “Yes.” I looked into the eyes of the man who loved me as he descended toward my mouth. He tugged on my lower lip with his teeth and began sweet, slow kisses that caused a jolt between my legs. Flashing back to the morning I woke up in his bed, my body heated, I felt myself begin to pulse slightly. My heart was pounding in anticipation of what would happen next. Mac’s hand its found way to my bare breast and began swirling his fingers over one of them. As my nipple responded, he tugged on it, causing it to become hard and making me gush between my thighs. His kisses were sweet perfection and my body started to tremble, my desire for him coursing through my veins. My hand slid up his arm, found its way to his neck, finally running through his sandy brown hair.

  Mac moved on top of me, kissing me all the way down my neck, to my breast that he had been teasing and tantalizing with his hand. The closer his mouth came to my breast the more ragged my breathing became. I thought I was going to scream out when his tongue began swirling around my nipple, the sensation was so powerful. He used his knee to get between my legs and I could feel his erection against my thigh. Mac moved to my other breast, making sure not to neglect it, as his hand slid down my body, over my stomach, into my panties. I moaned again when his fingers glided between my tender folds of flesh, becoming sticky from my arousal. He lightly scraped and licked my nipples while his finger made a circular motion over my clit. My muscles clutched deep below as his fingers mastered my body.

  “Oh…oh, Mac,” I uttered.

  Mac’s eyes met mine. He exhaled sharply. “Natalie, you’re so beautiful. I want to make you feel things you have never felt before.” He slid a finger into me and I thought I was going to convulse, it was so intense. He licked and kissed his way down toward the apex of my thighs and before I knew it he was removing my panties. He maneuvered between my legs, spread me apart and gazed at me. He made a primal sound as his tongue made its first lick of my clit. Moaning, my fingers gently grabbed his hair as he began the onslaught of swirling round and round. He slowly slid a finger in and out of me as he kept licking. In and out…in and out.

  “Mac,” I cried out. Sitting up in bed, I realized I had been dreaming. My bedroom door was shut and I was completely alone. The one thing that wasn’t a dream, were my drenched panties and I flushed at the thought of what my mind had been doing in my sleep. I turned on my lamp and looked over at my clock. It was nearly seven, so I must have been sleeping for a few hours. I could hear soft voices coming from the other room and I assumed Mac and Streeter were talking.

  Getting up, I went to my dresser to don fresh panties and bra. I put on one of the sets I got in Vegas with Kate and Charlie. I got dressed and went into my bathroom to make myself look presentable by touching up my makeup and styling my hair a little.

  Coming out of my bedroom, I found Mac watching the news. He looked over at me and asked, “Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes, I feel back to normal. I haven’t thrown up in years, but with everything that’s been happening, I’m not surprised.”

  Mac reached his hand out, “Come here, baby.”

  I took his hand and sat beside him. My sex dream had unearthed many emotions and I simultaneously wanted to rip his clothes off and run away from him. I was still all over the place and didn’t quite understand my range of feelings.

  “Do you still feel up to going to the Miller’s house?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I do. I’ll call them rig
ht now.”

  As we made our way to Beverly and Daniel’s home, it occurred to me that I forgot to ask about Streeter.

  “Mac, where’s Streeter?”

  “I told him he could take the rest of the evening off. Westin will be guarding you during the night.”

  Parking in front of the Miller’s home, Mac turned toward me. “It means so much to me to spend Christmas with you. I know the way things started between us made you a little scared… but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be or anyone else I’d rather be with. You have my heart, Natalie Carter.”

  My eyes teared a little. He was so transparent and I had been wary of returning his sentiment. He seemed to strip me of my defenses every time we were together. I was choked up by his words and stupidly didn’t say anything back.

  “Natalie, I need you to say something. Am I making a fool out of myself here? Do you feel anything close to how I feel?” he asked with a slight crease between his brow.

  I swallowed hard. “I do have feelings for you, Mac. I do want to be with you and I’m sorry I haven’t been as expressive as you about how I feel.”

  Mac grinned. “It’s okay. I just needed some confirmation.”

  He got out of the car and came around, opening my door. I took his hand as I got out and Mac embraced me, pressing his muscular body against mine. I could feel his love for me radiating in his touch. I hoped the gift I made for him for Christmas would demonstrate my feelings, since I was having trouble saying them.

  We knocked on the Miller’s front door. Daniel answered with a big smile on his face. He was such a kind man and I loved him like he was my own dad. I couldn’t remember a time that he had ever been cross with me, and he always made time for me.

  I hugged Daniel and he welcomed us in.

  “Daniel, I’d like you to meet Mac Carter…my husband,” I said, astonished that I had just used the word husband.

  Daniel extended his hand. “Glad to meet you.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” Mac replied.

  We walked in toward the great room. Beverly was just finishing setting the table.

  “Mac, it’s wonderful to meet you,” she said, giving him a hug. Then she hugged me and whispered in my ear, “He’s hunky.”

  I giggled and Mac raised his eyebrows at me.

  “Everything looks amazing. Have you been cooking all day?” I asked.

  “Not all day, but you know how I love to cook. Daniel, would you open the champagne?”

  Daniel proceeded to get the champagne while Beverly had us sit at the table. She went into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses and Daniel brought in the other two.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” Beverly said, raising her glass. “May you both have all the happiness and love that you each deserve.” We all clinked our glasses and took a sip.

  “Thank you, Beverly,” Mac said. “I’m going to do everything in my power to make Natalie happy. She’s a very special woman.”

  Beverly reached out and took my hand. “Yes she is,” she said, squeezing it.

  We passed around the roast, potatoes, green beans, and rolls. Once everyone had their food, Daniel said grace.

  We ate dinner and talked. Daniel told us about the time he and Beverly were in London and they saw Ringo Star from the Beatles walk right past them. My parents had loved the Beatles, so I knew most of their songs. Mac shared one of his childhood Christmas memories about finding his wrapped Christmas presents in the closet one year.

  “Neil and I found my Christmas presents when I was eleven. My mom had gone shopping and we had the house to ourselves for about an hour. We carefully unwrapped all of the presents to see what was inside. Then we carefully put the wrapping back on. Of course, when Christmas morning came and I opened my presents, my parents were expecting me to be surprised and excited. But I had already seen everything,” Mac said, shaking his head.

  “Did your parents figure it out?” I asked.

  “Not at first. But my dad kept watching me, knowing that I should have been bouncing off the walls. Finally, when my mom was in the kitchen, he pulled me aside and asked me what was going on. I tried to lie my way out of it, but he knew me too well. He didn’t want to disappoint my mom, so he secretly grounded me. My mom never found out.”

  After dinner, I helped Beverly clean the kitchen while Daniel and Mac talked in the living room. I figured Daniel would be pulling the dad card and grilling Mac a little. Strangely, knowing that was possibly happening made me feel special. I was so blessed to have these two wonderful people in my life who looked out for me.

  Beverly pulled me out of my reverie. “I think you’ve found a good one, Natalie.”

  I smiled. “He is a good man.”

  “Are you still planning on staying married to him?”

  I looked into Beverly’s loving eyes. “It’s all happened incredibly fast, but I’m about ninety percent sure I am staying Mrs. Mac Carter. As you know, my parents were married quickly.”

  “I know. I was there. Every relationship develops in its own time. Daniel and I dated for a year before he proposed. Your parents dated for like a minute.”

  “They loved each other so much, didn’t they?”

  “They sure did, honey. I do see some of your dad in Mac. He has a certain warmth about him. I can tell he is completely in love with you. It shows on his face when he looks at you.”

  “You really see that?” I asked. “You can see he loves me?”

  “Yes, honey. He can’t keep his eyes off you. But, it’s more than that. He just seems tuned to you and your every need.”

  I nodded, taking in what Beverly was saying. I felt that I needed her motherly insight. We joined Mac and Daniel in the living room for an after dinner drink. The Miller’s had always been my family, but having Mac here sitting next to me made everything different, brighter somehow.

  We said our goodbyes and the next thing I knew, we were in front of my place and Mac was waking me.

  “Baby, you fell asleep,” he said, gently rubbing my arm.

  I halfway opened my eyes. “I don’t know why I’m so tired.”

  “Nat, you’ve had so much stress between work, your sister, us…it’s not surprising that you are completely exhausted.” I sighed, knowing it was true, but also amazed at how the man cared for me so attentively.

  Chapter 26: Mac

  Westin was waiting for us when I brought Natalie home. My poor girl was so exhausted from everything and I knew she needed to sleep. I’d see her in the morning when we had breakfast together and I could give her the little blue box from Tiffany’s. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she opened it.

  I drove home knowing that Natalie was safe, but not happy that about Cassie and her antics. I wasn’t sure if Cassie was being dramatic or seriously disturbed. Considering I had no proof that Cassie was the culprit, going to the police would be a colossal waste of time.

  Waking up early, I reached over in bed groggily, thinking I would feel Natalie’s body next to mine. All I wanted for Christmas was her to come home with me and be my wife, but until Neil and Kate got married, she was going to use them as an excuse to hide from her feelings. The fire in her kiss told me she wanted me. If I didn’t have an idea of what she was going through in losing her sister, I might have considered giving up.

  Arriving at Natalie’s door, I expected to see Westin standing outside. When I didn’t, my heart began racing and panic set in. I knocked briskly on the door and just as I was about to take out my cell to call 911, Westin opened it. I know I hired the guy and I wanted him to protect my girl, but son of a bitch…I didn’t want him spending the night inside her apartment with her.

  “Good morning, Mr. Carter,” Westin said.

  “Good morning,” I managed.

  Natalie was in the kitchen and the aroma of coffee brewing invited me in. When Westin closed the door behind me, I decided he and Streeter could have the day off. As long as I was with Natalie, I could protect her.

bsp; Natalie came toward me with a sweet sexy smile on her face. How did she always look so gorgeous? Seeing her sent all of my senses into overdrive.

  “Good morning, Mac,” she said, kissing me on the cheek.

  “Good morning,” I replied, grabbing her at the waist, pulling her close to my body. “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

  “I did. I feel better.”

  I glanced over at Westin who was looking in another direction, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Maybe he could sense that I was feeling territorial, who knows. “I can take it from here, Westin. You and Streeter can have the day off. I’ll call you when we need one of you to come back.”

  “Okay,” he said. He began to leave.

  “Merry Christmas,” Natalie called out after him.

  “Merry Christmas, Miss Mason, Mr. Carter.”

  I watched him leave without uttering a word. My annoyance must have come through because as soon as he shut the door, Natalie looked at me with raised eyebrows.

  “Is something wrong?”

  I exhaled sharply. “I wasn’t expecting him to be inside with you, drinking coffee, hanging out.”

  “Where were you expecting him to be?”

  “Standing outside your front door, not in here ogling you.”

  “What? He was hardly ogling me,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  My jaw tightened and she was pulling away from me, but I wasn’t letting her go. “Natalie, I’ve never been the jealous type before…I want you all to myself.”

  “Mac, don’t you think you’re overreacting a little? You hired him to protect me from your deranged ex-girlfriend.”

  “Natalie, I know I hired him. I just don’t want him getting cozy with you.”

  Natalie’s face relaxed. “Mac, I wasn’t with Westin. I just gave him some coffee. Nothing else.”

  I put my forehead to hers, knowing I was acting like a teenager. “I’m sorry. I’m just used to things being different.”

  “What do you mean by different?”

  “Most women make it clear when they are interested in me. I’m not used to the guessing, like I have been with you.”


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