Second Burn Cowboy (Second Chance Series Book 6)

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Second Burn Cowboy (Second Chance Series Book 6) Page 11

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “Whoa there.” He held her until she was steady on her feet.

  “These dang heels.” She reached down and slipped them off her feet, dangling them from her finger and swinging them. “Two-hundred dollar shoes are a waste of money.”

  “Then why wear them?”

  “Because they’re pretty.” She gave them a toss and they landed in the corner of the dance floor.

  “You could hurt someone with those weapons.” He smirked and shook his head.

  “Why are you here? Was Aspen busy?” she snarled.

  He chuckled. “Now who’s jealous?” He pushed his hat back on his forehead and slammed his gaze over her. Wild blonde hair framed rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes were framed with smudges of mascara. She was the sexiest damned drunk he’d ever seen. He wanted to be angry, but how the hell could he manage that when she looked like she needed a passionate kiss. His gaze darted down her thin shirt with the outline of her hard nipples pressing against the fabric, tight jeans that gave a new meaning to denim, and bare feet and pink-tipped curling toes. He wanted nothing more than to toss her over his shoulder and carry to his truck outside, but he guessed everyone deserved a fun night now and again. He’d had his fair share in his younger days.

  “Take a picture. It’ll last longer,” she snapped.

  The pulse in his neck quickened. “I haven’t heard that since high school.” He sighed.

  She gave him another glare as she folded her arms over her chest. Her lips lifted in a sultry smile as she skimmed her gaze over him. “And me? Jealous? Puhhleaze! Don’t flatter yourself, cowboy. Why should I be jealous?”

  He shrugged a shoulder, hearing a seam burst. “Because you want me.”

  Shock flitted across her features, but she recovered quickly. As she swept her tongue along the soft curve of her bottom lip, his cock jumped. He needed to readjust himself, fast, but he knew patrons watched them. Hell, they liked a good scene for entertainment. It kept the rumor mill turning around these parts.

  She didn’t want him here interrupting her evening, so maybe he made a mistake in coming. She’d told him she didn’t want him, although he was beginning to see she didn’t know what she wanted. He wasn’t a foolish man, but he knew for damned sure the look she’d given him after she’d met Aspen wasn’t a bless-your-relationship expression. If she’d had a weapon, he guaranteed she’d have shot him dead right on the spot.

  Nothing happened between him and Aspen and when the time was right, he’d explain it to Elsa. He hadn’t planned for the ladies to meet while Aspen was wearing his shirt, which he hadn’t loaned to her. She found it on the bathroom hook after he’d gone to bed. He wanted Elsa to realize that Aspen had slept in Dante’s old room.

  Elsa’s tense laughter pulled his attention to her. “I want you? Really? Your ego is overflowing this evening, Deckland.”

  “Call it what you like, but I bet your panties are turning wet as we stand here.” He went out on a limb, he realized.

  Something he couldn’t quite identify splashed through her eyes. Anger? Vulnerability?

  “You wish.” She turned and started to walk away, but he caught her waist and gently turned her back around to face him. She blinked and her bottom lip trembled.

  “How about that dance?” He lifted a brow. If she wanted to sashay around the floor, he’d more than happily oblige. He sure as hell knew he wasn’t going to leave her here for anyone else to hold.

  With only a slight hesitation, she walked into his arms and wrapped hers around his neck, pressing her firm breasts against his chest. He’d always been cool and steady in every circumstance, but right now, with her leaning into him and an image of her naked body flashing through his mind, he was losing the battle with his control.

  Bringing his hands to her waist, he bent his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Let me lead, sweetheart. There are times when I invite a woman to take the reins, but on the dance floor, I like to lead.”

  Her body relaxed—some.

  His fingers dipped a few inches below her waist, the mounds of her bottom in the tight jeans swayed to the beat of the music. He wanted to forget the dance and head straight for what his body ached for.

  Pushing her long hair away from her neck, she laid her head on one shoulder and gazed up at him. Her eyes penetrated every pore. She moved and her breasts brushed his chest. He’d like to knead each mound until she cried his name. He knew she would because she’d done it before. “Why are you such a good guy, Deckland?”

  “We’ve been through this, remember?” He stared down at her.

  She gave her shoulder a slight roll. “You can’t always be nice. I know there’s a locked away tiger somewhere in your body.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “Is that what you want in a man? A bad-ass?”

  Bringing her fingers to the inside of his elbow, she followed thick veins, smoothed them along the sensitive skin. “No, that’s not what I want.” She moistened her lips. “But it seems that’s what I always get. I’m a magnet for the wrong men, until now.”

  “And you find it difficult to believe that a good guy can actually find you attractive. Wow, you don’t give yourself much credit, do you?”

  Her eyes filled with mystery and he wanted to read each page, like a novel. “There are things you don’t know about me.”

  “That’s true. That’s why I want to get to know those things. Trust me, I’m not an open book.” He lowered his face and inhaled her sweet coconut-scented hair. He loved her smell. “I should nickname you Cupcake. You always smell like a sweet treat.”

  A smile curved her lips. “I think I have you pegged pretty good, cowboy.”

  “I bet I can surprise you.” He slowly smoothed his palm along her spine, drawing her closer, nuzzling his chin along the slender curve of her neck. He wanted to lick the pale skin—and he did. She tasted like a heady combination of honey and chocolate. A low moan escaped her lips.

  “I. Like. Surprises.” The words rode on an exhale of breath.

  “Are you sure.” He lifted his gaze, molding his with hers. She nodded. “I have a heart condition called Valvular Heart Disease. It’s a mild form and I take a pill every day. I will for the rest of my life.”

  She blinked. “I knew.”

  “You saw my bottle in the medicine cabinet, didn’t you?” He lifted a brow.

  “I did.” Her eyes filled with moisture. “I would never have known you have an illness.”

  “I don’t call it an illness. I’m as healthy as a racehorse. But don’t you dare pity me, darlin’. I’ve gone all my life as strong as an ox and nothing will get me down.” He smiled. “Now it’s your turn.”

  “My turn?” Her voice was thick.

  “Tell me what demons lurk in your past. Let me help connect the dots to get you over the chains that keep you from giving fully.”


  ELSA’S HEART WARMED. She felt so good. Deckland felt so good. She couldn’t imagine anywhere else in the world feeling safer than being in the arms of a cowboy who coaxed her into revealing bits and pieces of herself. He trusted her enough to reveal his heart condition, so why couldn’t she divulge secrets? She longed to spill her past, expel the demons that, like he said, chained her.

  Sighing heavily, she looked up into his magnificent blue eyes. They filled her with calm and serenity. Or maybe the alcohol soothed her apprehension. Whatever it was, her wall crumbled, at least enough to disclose some. “Deckland, I was married before.”

  He kept a poker face. “You and about half the population. No surprise.”

  Deckland wasn’t her normal type of man, but the description of what she found attractive blurred. She’d had a pattern of dating bad boys, over and over. It was time to break that pattern. There was a helluva lot of sparks between her and Deckland. What woman could resist a man as good-looking as he was? Beautiful eyes, charming smile, shoulders that were broad enough to carry the world. But there was more to him than his looks—a lot more. He was a man that could make a pr
omise and she could trust him. Trust was a strong word, something she knew nothing about. He treated her so well and he was so kind. She’d never met a man like this and it scared the hell out of her.

  Once upon a time, she wanted the American dream. Marriage, kids, dog and a happy home. It didn’t take long for her to realize there was no dream happiness. At least for her. Yet, Deckland made those old feelings surface again, made her wonder if it was possible to have everything she’d wanted—even children.

  When loud laughter came from behind her, she jumped. Deckland chuckled. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”

  His words threaded holes through her resistance. She melted into him, soaking in his warmth and protection. “I could lose myself here, with you.”

  “No worries. I won’t bite, but I’ve been known to nibble at times,” he whispered next to her ear, sending shards of desire through her. His words made her remember what it’d been like lying naked in his arms as he brought her to orgasm.

  Tom’s bitterness pushed through her bliss.

  “You’re cold and useless in bed!”

  He’d spoken the words enough that they’d grounded into her brain. She didn’t want to allow her ex to take up space inside of her mind. He didn’t deserve it. But she wasn’t sure how to extricate all of the bad things. Deckland seemed to like her in bed, but Tom’s words remained fresh in her thoughts.

  She pulled away. “I—I should go.”


  Without a glance his way, she started for the door. Once outside, the humid air made sweat moisten between her breasts. A few seconds later, she heard heavy footsteps and knew they were Deckland’s.

  “Forget something?”

  Turning, Deckland held her shoes in one hand and her purse in the other. “I don’t need you to take care of me.” A gust of wind swept across her, sending grit over her face and in her mouth, making her sputter.

  “So you say. Let’s get in the truck before you choke on dirt.”

  As stubborn as she was, she knew when it was useless to argue. She couldn’t walk home, wherever that was, because a crack of thunder warned a storm was brewing. He opened the passenger door and waited. With an exhale of pure frustration, she marched the short distance and slid in. She was hot, buzzed and tired. Now she was coated in a layer of dust. Could things get any worse?

  When he slid into the driver’s side, she lifted her chin and caught his grin. Yes, they could get worse. “What is that look about?”

  “What look?” He stretched his gaze across the seat.

  “The one of gratification. I think you like being the hero.” She knew she should be grateful that he was helping, and yet she couldn’t control the anger that sliced through her. Relying on someone else wasn’t easy.

  “Damn, Elsa. Accept my help for what it is. Would you rather I let you walk in this?” Just as soon as his words left his mouth, the sky opened up and unloaded a waterfall of rain.

  “I guess not, but I could have gotten a ride with Tucker,” she snapped.

  “Tucker left, remember? And he was the one who called and told me where I could find you.” He didn’t make a move to start the engine.

  “I’m not a child. I can take care of myself.” His brow lifted in doubt, and more frustration raced through her.

  “When a woman says that she can take care of herself, when it’s evident help is needed, she’s usually hoping someone will voluntarily help.”

  Huffing, she rolled her eyes. “I’m capable of doing things myself!”

  He took off his hat and tossed it up on the dash. She could see the harsh line of his jaw in the dim outside security light. “What I’m saying is that you have had a string of bad luck here. It’s not a sign of weakness to allow others to help. Do you always take things in a negative way?”

  “Pretty much.” She laid her head back on the headrest.

  He started the engine and a burst of cold air washed over her heated skin. “Feel better?” he asked.


  He leaned forward and adjusted the vents. Lightening lit up the night and thunder boomed. The inside of the truck took on a new atmosphere. “When will you stop pulling away?”

  She swallowed the constriction in her throat. “Never. It’s who I am.”

  “No, it’s who you choose to be as a method of protection. You’ve been hurt and you think by keeping others out you can keep from getting hurt again. Being alone isn’t the answer.”

  “Deckland, you have no clue why I am who I am. Trust me when I say, you should make things work with Aspen. She’s beautiful and it seems she has her life in order. And I’m, well, not.”

  “Fine!” He threw the truck into reverse, backed out, throwing rocks. “I’m done trying to convince you that you should do a lot more feeling and a lot less thinking. Have it your way, Elsa.” Her name sounded like a curse on his tongue. He slid into drive and slammed the accelerator.

  They drove in silence. Staring out the window as the raindrops pelted the window, she dared not look at him. If she did, she knew she’d bleed every word of her pain. She’d probably expose too much.

  From here on out, she needed to be careful. She didn’t want anything bad to happen to Deckland at the hands of her maniac ex. Deckland didn’t deserve the cobweb she had spun around him.

  She clasped her hands in her lap, wringing them together as frustration dribbled across her nerves. Tom had possessed her with his cruelty, and she was tired of living under his thumb. He’d hypnotized her into believing she was nothing. It had to stop!

  The storm had passed as they pulled into Brooke Creek. She stared through the window as the clouds passed and the moon had a special glow.

  “Stop, Deckland!”


  “Pull over here.”

  He barely had the truck in park before Elsa opened the door and jumped out. Barefoot, she raced through the wet grass.

  “What are you doing? Where are you going?” Deckland yelled from the truck.

  “You coming?” she called over her shoulder.

  “Where are we going?” He was next to her in no time.

  “I’ve never skinny dipped, but I’ve always wanted to.” Laughter bubbled up in her chest.

  “Skinny dip? You have bad timing. The air’s a bit nippy.”

  “I don’t care. For the first time in a long time, I want to feel—just feel and not think. This was your idea, remember?”

  He sighed. “Yeah, I did say that. But I wasn’t referring to a midnight swim.”

  She stopped and turned on her tiptoes, crossing her arms over her chest. “Are you chicken, Deckland Brooke?”

  Laughing, he shook his head. “Chicken? Nope, not the problem.”

  “Then what is it?” Cocking a brow, she waited, tapping her foot against the grass.

  “You’ve been drinking. Hell, you might drown.”

  “Pathetic excuse. You know as well as I do I’m only tipsy, not drunk, and it’s fading fast.” She dipped her fingers to the hem of her shirt and dragged it over her head. “So, let’s make this quick before I sober and think this through.” She dropped the shirt at her feet. “Unless you’re scared.”

  “Is that a challenge?” His husky voice sent goosebumps across her skin. He bent and picked up her shirt.

  “Call it what you will, but I’m going in—with or without you.” With a saucy flip of her hair, she swirled and took off for the edge of the water. Once there, she undid her jeans and slid them off her legs, giving them a toss with her big toe. Casting a quick glance over her shoulder, Deckland was standing a few feet away. Testing the water with one foot, she shivered. “Yup, it’s cold.”

  “Told ya,” he said grumpily.

  “But not too cold.” Without further ado, she stepped in and, at a turtle’s pace, walked until she was swathed to her hips. “Aren’t you coming?”

  A frog croaked and crickets chirped.

  “This was on your bucket list, not mine, sweetheart. I’ll watch fr
om the sideline and let you get your fill.”

  “Fine, suit yourself. That means you can hold this for me.” She reached behind her, unclipped her bra and gave it a toss. He caught it against his chest. With a wink, but uncertain whether he saw it, she dunked into the water.


  Thank you, moonlight.

  Deckland skimmed his hungry gaze over her almost-nude body. He couldn’t see much but a silhouette, but he’d explored her body enough to know every curve, every dip and cranny. Once she removed her bra, his imagination worked harder and his mouth watered. He brought the wisp of material to his nose and dragged in her sweet scent and his cock twitched, stretching the confines of his jeans.

  To hell with cold water…

  He dropped her intimate garment and quickly removed his clothes, including boxers. He hesitated at the edge of the water, knowing his gonads were going to shrivel like raisins, never a good thing for a man. The only way to do this, just like when he was a kid, was to dive in and suck it up.

  So he did.

  The initial shock of cold on his warm body took his breath away, but once he adjusted, he waded up next to Elsa and grabbed her thigh. She squealed and splashed him, but he was already ducking his head and swimming around her, pinching her bottom.

  When he emerged, she was still standing in the same spot, laughing. “Don’t go under like that. It scares me.”

  He laughed. “Really? Can’t you swim?” She gave her head a shake. “Seriously? And you wanted to get in the water and swim?” He swam back to her side.

  “I didn’t say I wanted to swim. I said I wanted to skinny dip. Big difference.”

  “None at all.” He rolled his eyes. Her teeth clattered and he smiled. “Let me ask, have you fulfilled this adrenaline rush for tonight?”


  “Good. Let’s go.” He took her hand and together they walked back to the grass. Once they were on dry land, he gave her a side-glance. Her teeth were still chattering. Without thinking, which was the theme for the night, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the truck. “I’ll turn the heat on and we’ll warm up in no time.”


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