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When a Cowboy Loves a Woman

Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  Standing in the barn office, Max was holding a map and explaining how she could find her way to the nearby swimming hole, and though she was staring at the piece of paper in front of her, all she could see was Caden.

  “There is the swimmin’ pool area of course, you’ve seen that I assume?” Max asked.

  “Yes, it’s gorgeous,” she nodded. “I love how it’s decorated like a tropical island.”

  “Our female visitors prefer it, but a few of our male guests like to be a bit more adventurous. The swimmin’ hole is as safe as any, but we still don’t like anyone to be there by themselves. Since they have to walk past the barn to get there, we keep an eye out. If anyone ventures down there alone we don’t stop ‘em, we alert the house and someone zips down there.”

  “What if they don’t want company?”

  “It’s written in the information that’s sent out when they make their reservation, that everyone must be accompanied when going to the swimmin’ hole. It’s just the way it has to be.”

  “I see.”

  “If you notice anyone amblin’ by and they start headin’ down that path, you let me know, or if I’m not here, call Celeste right away.”

  “Got it,” she nodded.

  “You’ve got about an hour before Caden and Richard get here. Why don’t you head on down there now. You need to know how to get there, and you also have to be familiar with it so if anyone asks, you can describe it. You’ve got your pager?”

  “Yep, right here,” she said pulling it from her pocket.

  “You run into trouble, page me. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “The kind I was talkin’ about before. You know, snakes, or you trip and twist your ankle, anything.”

  “Oh, right,” she said, vaguely recalling him mentioning such things. Thanks for nothing, Caden. All I can think about is you. Why did you have to show up here? This is impossible. At least you’re leaving soon. One more day and you’ll be gone.

  “You okay?” Max asked, seeing the faraway look in her eye.

  “What? Yes, fine,” Bridget said quickly. “Just trying to take it all in. There’s so much to this place, so many things I have to remember.”

  “It will click once the guests start arrivin’,” he assured her. “If in doubt, ask. The only stupid question is the one that isn’t asked.”

  “Thanks, Max.”

  “You have plenty of time, so don’t hurry. Enjoy the hike.”

  “I will. I’ll be back soon.”

  She left his office, and as she walked outside and started along the trail that would take her through the wooded area then down a gentle slope to the swimming hole, his words loitered in her head.

  The only stupid question is the one that isn’t asked. Shit. Should I have listened to Caden, let him tell me about that girl? I didn’t even ask who she was, I didn’t ask him anything. Is it possible I’ve been totally and completely wrong about him? But they were together, he was holding her. Everyone told me he was a player, so…? I can’t stand this. Maybe fate has brought us together again because I’m supposed to hear what he has to say. This is so difficult.

  She’d been so deep in thought she hadn’t been paying attention to where she was walking, and as she scanned her surroundings, she realized she was about to enter the woods. As she fell under the lush, green canopy she broke into a smile. The air was cool, and the sounds of the birds, and the rustling of the leaves under her feet, brought forth a heavy sigh. The trail was easy to follow, and staring at the well-worn path under her feet, she wondered how many celebrities had preceded her.

  At lunch Richard had read through the list of guests they’d be hosting for the month, and she’d learned the lunch was customary. It was held the last day of the four day hiatus so he could gather his troops together for an informal meeting and give everyone the opportunity to raise any issues they might have. As he’d called out the names of the visitors that would be coming in, she’d recognized most of them, but the girl arriving the next day was the most impressive; Heather Chadwick.

  She was tall, willowy, blond and gorgeous, and at twenty-two, one of the youngest Oscar-winners in history, but she was not only a star on the screen, she was a hugely successful singer. Her latest album had gone double-platinum, and three of the songs were at the top of the charts.

  Heather Chadwick. How can a girl be born so lucky? She’s been given so much. I’ll bet the men here will be falling all over her. Huh, I wonder if that’s why Caden is staying over. Probably. I’ll bet he won’t be able to take his eyes off her.

  She was reaching the end of the trees, and as the grassy meadow came into view, she could easily imagine a horse leisurely grazing.

  I’d love to bring Valentino to this spot. I bet he’d enjoy that walk through the trees and coming out here to munch this wonderful grass. If it goes well today, I’ll ask Caden if I can ride him out here. I guess I’ll have to be civil in front of Richard anyway. May as well crack a smile. It’ll be worth it if I can get a trail ride out of it.

  Walking through the field, she followed the bank down and could see the river on either side of the swimming hole. It was obvious the warm weather lowered the water level creating the unique, natural swimming pool, and reaching the bottom of the gentle slope she discovered two picnic tables tucked away under the shade of several trees. Securely covered trash cans provided a safe depository for people’s garbage, and following a narrow path, she came across a small green shed surrounded by bushes. Opening the door she saw hooks on the walls, and a wooden plank bench in the middle.

  “A changing room. How great is this?” she muttered.

  Returning to the picnic table, she sat down and sank into the serenity around her, then closing her eyes she focused on the subtle sounds of nature. Birds were singing, she heard the distant croaking of frogs, and the rustling of small creatures in the undergrowth.

  I wish things were different. Oh, Caden, I wish you were here with me. I wish we were sharing this. I wish things were like they were before I saw you with that girl. I wish you hadn’t shown up here. I wish, I wish, I wish. I’m still so crazy about you. It hurts so much.

  Large droplets began to spill from her eyes as the pain bubbled over, and dropping her head in her hands, she sobbed out her frustration and anger.

  How am I ever going to get over you? Will I ever get over you? Am I going to walk around with this ache inside me for the rest of my life? How could you have done it? Did you ever love me, or was it all just a joke to you, a game? Why, why, why are you here?

  A fresh wave hit, and clutching her stomach she doubled-over as her salty rain continued to fall. She let it flow, then finally straightening her body she wiped her wet face with her arm.

  “I’ve cried too many fucking tears over you Caden Price,” she declared. “I’m not doing it again, but I am going to ask the questions I never did. Max was right about that. The only stupid question is the one that isn’t asked. You may or may not tell me the truth, but I have to ask, and I will.”

  Rising from the picnic table, she had another wander around to make sure she hadn’t missed anything, then started back, climbing up the slope to the meadow. Reaching the top she turned around for a last look before heading into the trees and back to the barn. The sun was shimmering off the still water, and she thought it one of the prettiest views she’d ever seen.

  “This is a magical place. It has everything. The people who can afford to come here are very fortunate. I wonder why Caden never mentioned it. That’s another question I want answered,” she murmured, then turning around, feeling calmer than she had in weeks, she headed into the woods.


  Whenever Richard needed to be somewhere on the property, he’d take himself there in a golf cart, and when he and Caden rolled up to the barn, Bridget was standing beside Valentino talking to him softly and stroking his face. The handsome gelding was tacked up and ready to ride, and to Caden’s surprise she welco
med them with a happy smile.

  That’s probably meant for Richard, but hey, I’ll take it. It’s the first smile I’ve seen since I arrived.

  “Good Lord, Caden, you weren’t kidding,” Richard exclaimed. “That is one beautiful horse. I’m looking forward to watching you ride, Bridget.”

  “Thanks, Richard, and I’m excited about getting on this big guy.”

  “No time like the present,” Caden said. “Let’s walk him out to the ring and I’ll give you a leg up.”

  “Sounds good,” she sweetly replied.

  Caden had expected her to rebuff him, to tell him she didn’t need his help, and as she moved ahead of them, Richard fell beside Caden and shot him a grin.

  “See, you’ve made some progress,” he suggested under his breath.

  “A smile, yep that’s progress,” Caden replied, “but I’m sure it’s for your benefit,” and if she thinks bein’ nice to me will get her out of her spankin’, she’s very much mistaken!

  The ring was a short walk, and as she entered Richard stayed by the fence while Caden followed her in. Taking the reins in one hand at the withers, and standing by the saddle, she lifted her foot and waited for him to give her a boost. She felt her pulse quicken. The moment brought back dozens of memories. He’d helped her up so many times before. He used to plant a kiss on her cheek, or send a whisper to her ear, and as he approached she held her breath.

  “Don’t worry about Richard and me. Just have fun,” he said softly.

  She felt a warm shiver, and swallowed back the emotion that was threatening to swell back up.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled, then his hands were around her calf and he was hoisting her into the saddle.

  She gently lowered herself on to Valentino’s back, and with a soft squeeze of her legs she asked him to move forward. In a few minutes she’d progressed into an easy trot, then a lope, and having gained her confidence she pushed him into a hand gallop. Watching from the fence, it was obvious to Caden the horse loved her, and the immediate comfort between horse and rider was remarkable.

  Slowing to a walk, she decided to try some advanced moves, and found the horse more than up to the task, performing roll backs and quick stops like a champion. Trotting back to the fence, her face beaming, she saw Max had joined Caden and Richard.

  “He is unbelievable,” she declared. “A dream.”

  “You looked fantastic,” Richard said admiringly. “How would you feel about giving our guests a demonstration some time.”

  “I’d be happy to, but I thought he was leaving?”

  “Nothin’’s been decided yet,” Caden said thoughtfully, “and you did look terrific, Bridget. You two looked like you’ve been together for years. It’s amazin’ how you’ve gelled.”

  “I gotta say,” Max chimed in, “I haven’t seen ridin’ like that in a while.”

  “He’s so finely tuned,” Bridget remarked petting his neck. “Not for a beginner. They’d be lost on him, and he’d get very confused.”

  “He’s not for our guests, so no problem there,” Richard assured her.

  “I find him super responsive, but I haven’t done any of what you just did. You’re right, he shouldn’t have a novice on his back,” Caden agreed.

  ”Thanks so much for letting me ride him, Caden. It was great. Would it be all right for me to take him for a walk through the woods behind the barn?”

  “Sure, he’d love that. Don’t go down the slope to the water hole though, just to the edge of the meadow. I wouldn’t trust that bank on horseback.”

  “Okay, no problem. Thanks.”

  Max had already started back to the barn, and as Caden watched her ride away, he couldn’t help but feel her attitude had been sincere.

  “I don’t think her pleasant mood had anything to do with me,” Richard said as if reading his mind.

  “I was just thinkin’ the same thing,” Caden frowned. “How could she have done a one-eighty like that?”

  “Maybe we’re wrong. Maybe she’s just a good actress. Look, she’s getting off.”

  “Huh, that’s weird. I’d better make sure there’s no problem.”

  “I’m heading back to the house,” Richard said walking towards the golf cart. “I still have things to get finished before tomorrow.”

  “Okay, Richard, I’ll see you later.”

  Seeing Bridget lead Valentino into the barn, Caden broke into a jog, and catching up to them he found Bridget bent over looking at the horse’s foot. As concerned as he was, he couldn’t help but admire the view of her bottom so lusciously presented.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “Loose shoe,” she sighed standing up. “I heard the tink sound.”

  “Ah, the dreaded tink. I have some tools in the van. I’ll take care of it.”

  “You do? That’s great.”

  “Put on his halter and take him to the cross ties. I’ll be right back.”

  “Will do,” she replied.

  Shaking his head, he chuckled as he left the barn and headed to his van.

  “Yep, she does, she thinks she’s gonna get outta that ass whippin’,” he mumbled. “She’s a smart girl. I’ve gotta give her credit for tryin’. Sure is nice though, to have her act like the girl I used to know.”

  Reaching his van he gathered up his tools and carried them back to the stable, but walking in he saw Valentino in the cross ties with Max watching him, and Bridget nowhere in sight.

  “Where did she go?” Caden asked moving forward.

  “I’m not sure,” Max replied. “She poked her head in my office and asked me if I’d keep my eye on him until you got back.”

  “Huh. Maybe she got paged and had to go up to the house.”

  “I don’t think so,” Max said as he watched Caden pick up the horse’s foot. “I could be wrong, but I thought I saw her headin’ down the trail towards the swimmin’ hole.”

  “Ah, thanks,” Caden smiled. Silly girl. She thought she could make herself scarce. That place is the ideal spot to put her over my knee.

  Valentino stood like a perfect gentleman as Caden pulled out the loose nail and tapped in a new one, but as he put the horse’s foot down and dropped his tools into the carry box, he let out a grunt.

  “What is it?” Max asked.

  “He needs a farrier. I wanted to get him shod before I came up here but it didn’t happen. My guy got sick. Do you have anyone comin’ here anytime soon?”

  “Nope, but we can call Butch in.”

  “Let’s do that. I like Butch. I’m gonna chase up Bridget. Would you mind makin’ that call?”

  “I’ll pick up the phone right now,” Max promised, “and I’ll put him back in his paddock. Bridget’s a helluva rider. Glad to have her here. Seems like you two know each other. Don’t mean to pry, but…?”

  “Yeah, we know each other,” Caden nodded. “I think I’ll just leave it at that.”

  “I thought you might,” Max grinned. “Leave the tools. I’ll have them taken back to the van. You go chase that girl.”

  “Thanks, Max.” I’m glad she bolted. I’m gonna find her, put her over my lap and spank some sense into her right now.

  Walking quickly through the barn he started down the trail, and as he entered the woods he broke into a jog. He loved the smell and the coolness of the air, and as he approached the meadow he continued running until he reached the edge. Staring down the bank he saw Bridget sitting on the grass throwing stones into the pond, and glancing around he spied no other signs of life. Knowing exactly what he was going to do and where he was going to do it, he moved quietly down the gentle slope and stood behind her.

  “Tryin’ to hide from me, Bridget?”

  Jumping to her feet she spun around, then took a few steps backwards.

  “You scared me,” she said angrily. “You shouldn’t creep up on people like that.”

  “Bridget,” he began, moving forward, “you and I are gonna have a serious talk,” and suddenly, before she could speak or react, he was
scooping her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

  “What the hell? Put me down” she demanded pounding her fists into his back. “Put me down right now!”

  “I will in a minute,” he replied as he walked towards the small changing shed she’d found just a short time before, “but you’d better stop your squawkin’.”

  “I won’t, put me down,” she yelled, kicking her legs as hard as she could.

  The hard, shocking slap that hit her backside made her gasp, but it stopped her protests.

  “One good swat and you’re already listenin’. Maybe this won’t take too long after all.”

  “You’re a beast and a bully,” she wailed.

  “Maybe, but you’re stubbon and a brat, so perhaps that evens things out.”

  He’d reached the shed, and opening the door he set her on her feet and sent her inside with another sound smack.

  “Stop doing that,” she hissed, twirling around to face him.

  “I told you I was gonna spank you, and I am, and that’s just the way it’s gonna be.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she growled shaking her finger at him.

  His hand shot out, grabbing her wrist, and before she could blink he had dropped on to the narrow wooden bench, yanked her over his lap, and placed his large leg over the back of hers.


  Her objection was met with another hot slap.

  “If you keep this up, all this yellin’ and carryin’ on, I’ll spank you real hard, you hear? So hard you’ll be eatin’ your dinner standin’ up.”

  “Why are you doing this?” she bleated.

  “It’s real simple, darlin’. First, ‘cos you’re a brat and you need it. Like I said, if I’d done this sooner I think we could’ve avoided all the crap. Second, because you pulled that childish prank and snatched my underwear and socks. You think I’m gonna let you get away with that?”

  “Apparently not,” she sniped.

  “Damn, girl,” he retorted landing his hand.



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