Chasing Circumstance

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Chasing Circumstance Page 15

by Redmon, Dina

  “So, what were you thinking then?” Rick set the photos down and looked at me.

  “Well, this is for vintage clothing. I think we need women closer to my age. Beauty shown through the vitality of age and grace. Does that make sense? It still has to be sexy though because we both know that sex sells” Gazing at the photos one last time, I started putting the campaign together in my head.

  “Then why don’t you do it? I mean look at you! You are the epitome of what you just described.” Rick took me by the hand and spun me around.

  “Oh, I couldn’t. I would be too shy to do it by myself.” I blushed a little at his compliment.

  “Then don’t do it alone.” He started digging through a stack of photos. “Here, look at her. What about photos of the two of you?” Rick showed me a few pictures of a woman in her mid-thirties with a stunning smile and gorgeous skin.

  “Yes! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! How soon can we get her in here?” I took the photo from him and studied it closer.

  “Let me call her. I’ll be right back.” Rick stepped out to the reception area to make the phone call. I walked over and looked at the wardrobe for the shoot. I knew I fit the clothes I sent over because I had modeled them for Chace. Ugh… Chace. I couldn’t believe I fell for his lines. He was slick… I had to give him that.

  I heard the door open and Rick call out to me. “Amia? She’ll be here in ten minutes. She just lives up the avenue from here.” He stepped around the end of the wardrobe rack. “So, will you do it? Will you be in the ad?”

  “I’ll tell you what, let’s take some shots and see what we can come up with. I do want some photos of just her in case I don’t like the ones of both of us.” I picked out one of the dresses I had admired when I was trying them on in my apartment. “I think I’ll wear this.”

  “Yes! You’ll see, Amia. I know what I’m talking about.” He smiled softly at me. “You’ll look amazing in that. Go try it on.”

  “Oh, I know it fits. I’ve already tried it on before.” I smiled back at him. “Do you have a laptop in here?”

  “Sure, why?” He walked over to his desk and opened his laptop.

  “Because I had some pictures taken of me in these clothes, and I emailed them to Jo. If it’s alright with you, I can sign into my email and show you.”

  “Absolutely! Here.” He pushed his laptop across his desk toward me.

  I signed in and opened the email with the photos. After moving them to his desktop, I opened them to show him.

  “Amia, you are breathtakingly beautiful! Who may I ask took these photos? Whoever it is definitely has a thing for you. They captured your essence perfectly!” He scrolled through the photos, pausing at a few of them to take a closer look.

  “Oh, it was no one special. Just some guy I used to know.” I felt the blush rise to my cheeks as I thought about Chace and me that night.

  “Well, I am even more convinced now that you MUST be in this campaign. Hurry now, go get changed so it won’t take us long once Elizabeth gets here.” He playfully pushed me behind a dressing screen.

  “What, you don’t want to see me naked?” I laughed as I started to change my outfit.

  “Don’t tempt me. I’ve wanted that since the first moment I laid eyes on you.” We both laughed until I stepped out from behind the screen.

  “Oh my, you look ravishing.” Rick picked up his camera and began taking candid photos of me.

  “Stop that, Rick!” I held my hand over my face in an attempt to discourage him.

  “Hey, Rick, where are you?” Elizabeth called out from the reception area.

  “Back here, Beth!” Rick yelled loud enough for her to hear him. “I must have left the door unlocked. I better go lock up so we don’t get any unwanted interruptions.” Rick walked out to the reception area as Beth walked in.

  “Hi, I’m Beth. You must be Amia.” She stretched out her hand to shake mine. Her smile was just as stunning in person as it was in her photos.

  “Hi, yes I am. It’s nice to meet you. You are absolutely gorgeous!” I was a bit taken with her beauty.

  “Thank you. You’re very beautiful yourself.” She stepped closer to me and touched my shoulder. “Thank you for considering me for this campaign.” Her smile changed from sweet to sultry.

  “Considering you? You have the job. It’s just a matter of getting the photos now.” I felt a cool breeze blow across my legs.

  “Oops, sorry about that. I didn’t realize it was on high when I plugged it in.” Rick had come back in while Beth and I were chatting and had turned on a fan. “Here, Beth, change into this. Your make-up and hair are already perfect for this shoot, so we’re fine there.” Rick handed her another of my favorite outfits, a long, flowing, paisley printed skirt and a white, short sleeved shirt with ruffles around the arms and down the front of it.

  “Oh, that will look precious on you!” I watched as Beth began to disrobe and change into the outfit Rick handed her. “Um, don’t you want to change behind the screen?” Once again, I felt the blush rise to my cheeks.

  “No, I’m not modest at all.” She again looked at me with that sultry smile painted across her face and finished changing her outfit.

  “Alright, let’s do this ladies.” Rick waved us over to the photo area. “Okay, Amia, I need you to sit on that box, and Beth, stand between her legs, put your hands on her shoulders, look into her eyes and give me big smiles”

  “What? Really? Are you sure that’s the look we want to go for with this campaign?” I felt a bit flustered as Beth stepped between my legs.

  “Amia, who’s the professional photographer here? Have I ever let you down?” He stepped behind his tri-pod and began to focus his lenses.

  “No, you’re right. Okay, let’s do this.” I pushed the nerves from my body and did as he asked.

  “Amia, look over my left shoulder. Beth, that’s perfect. Hold that.” I heard the clicking of his camera. “Beth, get up behind Amia. Keep your knees to her back but turn your body and face toward me.” He paused. “Yep, just like that except I want your right arm over her shoulder. YES! Hold that.” He took a few more shots and then picked up a different camera from a table near him.

  “Rick, don’t forget we’re doing some photos of just Beth too. I was almost afraid to move without his direction.

  “Yep, I know. We’ll take care of those later. I’m loving what I’m seeing here. Shut up and let me do my thing.” Rick laughed as he looked over the top of his camera and smiled at me.

  “Buttoning my lips now.” I reached up and pretended to button my lips together.

  “Don’t do that, Gorgeous. Your lips are too pretty to do such a thing.” Beth had gotten down from the box and was standing at my side. She reached up, touched my mouth, and gently ran her finger across my lower lip. “I can think of better things to do with your lips than to button them up.” She looked into my eyes, licked her lips and smiled.

  “Down, Beth, down!” Rick laughed as he raised his voice to her. “We have work to do.”

  “All work and no play makes Rick a boring man.” Beth stood up, kissed her finger and brushed her hand across my chest, lightly grazing my breast as she moved.

  “Come on, Beth. Back to it.” Rick stepped closer to us with his camera in his hand. “Wait, you just gave me an idea. Beth, step to your right, put your hand back over her breast and your finger in your mouth.” He held the camera up to check the photo. “Yes, just like that except tilt your head down and look up innocently out of the top of your eyes. Yes! Amia, place your left hand behind you and lean on it. Put your right arm over her left shoulder.”

  I felt myself disappear into an intense fog void of thought. I was no longer Amia Durant. I became a piece of clay waiting for Rick’s instruction and Beth’s touch to sculpt me into a new piece of art.

  “That’s right, Ladies. Just like that.” Rick’s voice echoed through the haze.

  Beth moved in front of me, and bending at the waist, she pushed my dress up my
legs. Her hands rested at the top of my thighs as her tongue followed the path marked by the subtleness of her touch. She moved her way up my body, her lips barely touching the material of my dress as she breathed against me.

  My heart fluttered in my chest as the dewiness of her tongue skipped up the supple skin of my neck until it met my lips. Her tongue traced the contours of them before delicately piercing their softness in search of its mate.

  Placing a knee between my thighs, Beth lifted herself atop the box I was sitting on, forcing me to lie back. Keeping her balance with her left hand next to my head, she slowly lowered herself until she was lying at my side. All the while, our lips never lost contact.

  I reached to touch her face as her hand moved over my hipbone, up my waist and finally settled on my breast. Our lips moved feverishly against one another’s and I struggled to capture this moment and hold it in my memory. My mind was still lost somewhere between the smoke and mirrors.

  And that’s when I felt him pull my panties from my body. His touch was discerningly rougher than hers as he tore the material from my legs. A deep moan escaped with my breath as he buried his tongue in the wetness that Beth had created.

  Lifting my hips to meet his mouth, I invited him to devour me, drink me in and take all that I had left to give. The sensation of his tongue against my clit sent me to a place that I didn’t want to leave. All thoughts ran screaming from my head except for the awareness of the two of them enjoying my body.

  He stood, tightened his grip on my hips, and pulling me down to him, I felt his erection fill my body. Beth pulled up her skirt and moved herself over my face, almost suffocating me with her moist center. The flavor of her body rested exquisitely on my tongue and I enjoyed the creaminess of her offering.

  I reached with my fingers to feel Rick driving in and out of me. His tempo quickened and he began to pant as though searching for his breath. I heard him make a low sound, the kind of sound that let me know intuitively, and by the feel of him softening inside me, that he had become useless to me.

  Rick pulled away and watched as Beth took his place. Sliding her hand between my thighs, she parted my lips with her fingers. She flicked her tongue against my skin, gently at first and then increased in pressure and speed as I did the same to her. She ground her pussy against my mouth and cried out in orgasm. I felt the rush of her warm juices flow over my face and down my neck as her body shuttered atop mine.

  Her fingers moved inside me and slick sounds filled the studio as her fingers probed the wet folds of my skin. An intense tingling started in my toes, rushed over my entire body and I quaked with exhilaration. She skillfully licked deep inside me and brought me to the same dizzying heights I had just delivered her to. I inhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath as she got up and sat next to me.

  “And that’s how it’s done, Rick.” She wiped the wetness from her face and sneered at him. “Did you get enough photos?” Beth laughed as she jumped down from the box and got dressed.

  “Have I told you how much I love your sense of humor, Beth? No, we’ll need quite a few more photos. I’ll call you on Monday to set it up.” Rick stood up, embarrassed by his performance and put his jeans on.

  “You didn’t take any non-essential photos, did you?” I stood and walked behind the dressing screen to change into my own clothing.

  “No, I promise.” Rick answered me as he put away his cameras.

  “Good. Look, this was a very private thing. I trust it will stay between the three of us?” I stepped out from behind the screen.

  “Oh, Honey, you don’t have to worry about anything. After a performance like that, Rick won’t be bragging to anyone, and I don’t kiss and tell. Ciao, Bella.” Beth grabbed her purse and walked out of the studio.

  “You know, I didn’t have this planned.” Rick fumbled with his camera equipment.

  “I know. Just get me those photos as soon as you can.” I gathered my things and stepped toward the door. “And let’s never speak of this again.” I shut the door behind me as I left.

  I drove home and was happy to see there were no lights on except for the one on the porch. I quietly walked in and upstairs to my room. Seeing no signs of Jo, I figured she had gone to bed.

  I put my things down and took another quick shower. Wrapping up in a towel, I went to my desk, picked up my laptop and sat on my bed to write.

  “Dear You,

  We all have secrets that we share with no one. Maybe it’s because we don’t have people to trust to keep our confidence, or our secrets are simply too personal to share. It might be that we simply want to keep a little part of ourselves just for us.

  There is nothing wrong with having a secret. Maybe it’s a secret desire or wish. Maybe it’s something that makes you feel weak, or a memory that breaks your heart. Maybe it’s just the thought of something that makes you smile.

  Your secrets are a part of who you are. They helped form you into the person you are at this very moment. If it is painful, forgive it. If it’s healing, love it. If it’s fun, laugh, but never give it away. Hold tight to your secrets for they are the one thing in this life that can never be taken away.

  So tonight, dear readers, I leave you with this question…

  How have your secrets changed you?

  ~ Amia”


  “Good morning, Sleepyhead.” Jo sat on the side of my bed.

  “What… Oh, good morning.” I sat up and accepted the tray from her. “What’s all this?” Picking up the cup of coffee from the tray, I breathed in its rich aroma before taking a drink of it.

  “It’s an I’m sorry, let’s not fight anymore breakfast.” Jo took a piece of toast from the plate and dipped it in her coffee.

  “Shouldn’t I have been the one that brought this to you then?” I sat my coffee down and smiled at Jo. “I’m so sorry about the way I talked to you yesterday. I have no excuse except that I was in a bad mood because I hadn’t heard from Chace, and then with everything you said, I just found myself in an ugly place. Forgive me?” I scooted up and leaned against the head of my bed.

  “I’m sorry too, Amia. I shouldn’t have been so blunt. It’s just that I love you like you were my little sister and I didn’t want to see you hurt in any way. Forgive me?” Jo reached across my bed and held my hand.

  “Of course! There’s nothing to forgive.” I picked up the tray and set it aside before I stood up to hug her. “I love you too! Now, let’s enjoy this amazing breakfast you made.” I sat back down and placed the tray between the two of us.

  “Are you going to tell me what caused the change in mood, or do I have to guess?” Again, Jo dipped her toast into her coffee before eating it.

  “Let’s just say I had a very cleansing experience last night. It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, it’s simply that some secrets need to remain secrets.” I stuffed a bunch of the mango Jo had cut up as part of our breakfast into my mouth to give myself a reason not to speak.

  “Fair enough, I don’t need to know all your secrets.” She winked at me before continuing. “So, I don’t know if you want to hear this, but Chace called me last night.”

  “Really? Why would he call you?” Even though my mouth was full of fruit, I had to ask. I was shocked that he would call her.

  “He said he had tried calling your cell phone, but it went straight to voicemail every time and he was worried about you. He said he left you a message, and when you didn’t return his call, he called me to make sure you were alright and weren’t mad at him.” Jo reached over to my bedside table and handed me my phone. “You might want to listen to your message.”

  “Why? So he can lie to me and tell me some bullshit story explaining why he didn’t get a hold of me earlier yesterday when he was supposed to?” I tossed my phone on the bed next to the breakfast tray. “I’m really not interested.”

  “I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to, but you should trust me when I tell you that you need to hear the message.” Wiping s
ome crumbs from her face, Jo smiled at me and drank her coffee.

  “Fine, but I’m tellin’ ya, he’s just like all the rest of them. I’m SO done with men. We should just become lesbian lovers and be happy the rest of our lives.” I laughed as I picked up my phone and turned it on.

  “Um, as beautiful as you are, you don’t have the proper equipment to satisfy me.” Jo winked and smiled at me again. “And, he’s not like every other man. Give him a chance.”

  “Do you know something you’re not telling me?” I dialed the number for my voicemail and put it on speaker phone.

  “Yes I do, but you need to hear it for yourself.” Jo stood up and moved the tray to the floor.

  “You have one new message. Hey, Amia, this is Chace. Please, call me so I can explain everything.” I hung up my phone without deleting the message.

  “Really? That’s all he had to say? Why would I call him after he stood me up and didn’t call me before hand to tell me why?” I stood up, put on my robe and walked into the bathroom.

  “Amia, he told me what happened, but I think it is best that you hear it from him. Look, I don’t know what you did last night that brought all this on, but I really think you need to calm down and call him.” Jo raised her voice so she could be heard over the running water in the bathroom. “Amia?”

  “Sorry, I was brushing my teeth.” I wiped my face with a hand towel as I walked out of the bathroom. “Fine, Jo, I’ll call him after I get dressed. If you would please excuse me, I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes.”

  “Hey, I was thinking. There’s nothing going on at work until we get those photos from Rick, so I want you to take a few days off and just relax. That’s a direct order.” Jo was standing by my bedroom door.

  “Honestly, I would normally argue with you about this, but I really could use a few days off. Thanks, Hun.” I hugged her tight before closing the door behind her after she walked out.

  I felt this deep seeded need to get out and go for a drive. It was a beautiful autumn day and I knew the leaves would be changing colors. I needed some time to think, to put things into perspective, and this would afford me the perfect opportunity to do just that.


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