And Then He Saved Me

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And Then He Saved Me Page 3

by Red Phoenix

  “I beg to differ, bro. You can’t bring a little thing like Lauren to Mama. She would never allow such a mismatch.”

  Cyril swung at him again, but Demitri was ready for it and ducked in time. “Don’t kill the messenger, man. You know how Mama is.”

  Cyril put his fist down. “What I do is nobody’s business. I’m tired of you trying to screw with my life.”

  “Hey, I’m only here because I was told to take you out on a date.” Demitri walked towards Lauren. “If you would like I can be Lauren’s date while you go out with the other girl.” Cyril ran full force at Demitri. Luckily, the younger man had fast reflexes and escaped the deadly collision.

  Demitri grabbed Lauren from behind and put her between them, laughing as he begged for mercy. While holding her, he took a long whiff of Lauren’s hair and commented off-handedly, “Oh, she smells nice.”

  Cyril’s angry voice filled the room. “Get your hands off Lauren, now!” The look in his eyes hinted that there was something much deeper going on. “I’m serious, Demitri.”

  Although Lauren had enjoyed the brotherly chaos, she decided to end it with a swift backwards kick. Demitri stiffened and then fell to the floor. “Hands off,” she told him as she walked over to Cyril.

  Demitri gasped and coughed as he squirmed on the carpet. Cyril and Lauren looked down at him with morbid interest. Cyril chuckled. “Well played, Lauren.”

  “Easy target,” she replied.

  “What the hell, you two?” Demitri struggled back on his feet, keeping a safe distance from them. “Can’t I offer a harmless compliment to Lauren?”

  “You are not allowed to touch her again,” Cyril snarled.

  “I think that’s up to the girl, Cyril.” Demitri winked at Lauren. “Wouldn’t you agree, Angle Face?”

  Lauren wasn’t playing his game. “Listen to your brother, Demitri, and don’t ever touch me again.”

  “Fine. I accept that you want to play hard to get,” he said, backing towards the door to make his escape. To Cyril he stated, “I’ll just tell Mama that you refused to go out with the woman she lovingly handpicked for you.”

  Cyril smiled. “I have a better idea, little brother. Why don’t you go out with her?”

  Demitri grimaced. “Are you kidding? You know Mama only picks rotund girls so they can handle your immense… girth.”

  The mortification on Cyril’s face broke Lauren’s heart. She put her small arm around his waist and said proudly, “His immense girth is just perfect for me.”

  Demitri’s eyes widened in surprise. He looked at Cyril questioningly and opened his mouth to speak.

  “Not a word, Demitri. Leave now, before I am forced to kill you.”

  Demitri sputtered, “What do you want me to tell the family?”


  He glanced at Lauren with a look of admiration. “Until we meet again, Angel Face. Keep in mind, I’m only twenty-six.”

  Cyril grabbed Demitri roughly by the arm and pushed him out if the apartment. Cyril slammed the door and locked it. “Sometimes I really hate that guy.”

  Lauren giggled. “I don’t know, he seems pretty harmless to me.”

  “That’s exactly what he wants you to think.”

  She could hear the jealousy tinting his voice. It surprised Lauren and made her wonder about the history between them. “”What’s your beef with Demitri, anyway?”

  Cyril didn’t say anything for several minutes. It looked to Lauren like he was waging a war with himself. Finally, he sighed in defeat. “I guess it doesn’t matter if you know. If it happens, it happens.” Lauren put her arms around his considerable waist for reassurance when she noticed the pain in his eyes. “I lost my fiancé to him five years ago. Demitri looked at her the same way he was looking at you just now.”

  Comfort and Pleasure

  Lauren understood that she wasn’t the only one suffering from loneliness. She led Cyril to the couch and gently pushed him down. She straddled her legs across him. “Cyril, I don’t care for girly-men. I like my men big and strong and…huge,” she looked down at his crotch.

  He chuckled, but there was still an ache in his soul he could not hide. “Are you hungry for dessert?” he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

  “Um, sure.” She crawled off him, feeling a little dejected.

  Cyril got up and went to the kitchen. He riffled through his fridge and came back with a spoon and a can of whip cream. Cyril sprayed a mountain of cream on the spoon and handed it to her with an endearing smile. Lauren took it, overcome by a sense of love for the man.

  She turned the spoon upside down and licked the top layer of creamy sweetness. “Yum…” She placed the spoon in his mouth and dragged it against his tongue. “Good, isn’t it?”

  His eyes sparkled. “Yes.”

  “I bet I know what would make it taste better.” Lauren peeled off her shirt and undid her bra in two swift movements. She placed a small mound of cold cream on her nipple and presented it to him. “Tell me what you think.”

  He stared at her with astonishment and then a slow naughty smile spread across his lips. Before the whip cream had a chance to melt, he stuck his tongue out and licked her erect nipple. Lauren felt her groin contract in pleasure, the warm friction of his tongue was delightful. She purred as she ran her hands through his thick head of hair.

  He cupped her breast in his sizable hand and teased her nipple with his tongue. “It tastes a hundred times better on your breast,” Cyril mumbled between licks. He sucked on her hard pink bud and then lightly nibbled with his teeth.

  She squealed in delight. “Oh, Cyril that feels yummy.”

  “I’d like another taste,” he announced. Lauren happily complied and made an equal mound on her left nipple, holding her breath as Cyril tenderly licked it off. He started sucking on her breast while his fingers pinched and tugged at her other nipple. Lauren whimpered in pleasure. Cyril created delightful pulses in her loins with the attention he was lavishing on her breasts. It made her body ached to be filled again.

  “It my turn for a taste,” she told him. Lauren undid his pants and struggled to get them off. Cyril protested at first, saying that she would be too sore to take him a second time. He eventually gave in to her demands, realizing she wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  Cyril’s cock was already hard and intimidating in its bulk. Lauren swirled the whip cream on the tip and watch him squirm in distress as he reacted to the cold temperature. She took tiny licks at first, just barely skimming off the top layers of cream. Then she dragged her tongue along the ridge of his head. She glanced up and saw that Cyril was watching her intently.

  She smiled and then opened her lips wide, taking the head of his considerable cock into her mouth and flicking her tongue over the smooth surface. Cyril shifted and groaned in appreciation. Lauren was still amazed at the size of his manhood. It seemed almost super-human. She stroked his length with both her hands encircled together, enthusiastically licking the precome that resulted from her efforts. Cyril tasted of salty bitters, and much like the spice in his sandwich, it had an addictive quality she wanted more of.

  But Cyril turned the tables on her. He picked her up as if she were a rag doll and laid her on the couch. Kneeling beside her, Cyril removed her clothes and then spread her legs wide open. He admired her womanhood, touching it in reverence. “Lauren, you have a gorgeous mouni.” Lauren wondered if that was the Greek equivalent of the word pussy. It definitely sounded prettier the way he said it.

  He teased her clit with his fingers. “Such an inviting pink color…” Cyril bent down and ran his tongue over it. Lauren gasped. Her clit was already sensitive from their recent coupling. Giving it even more attention heightened her arousal to a new level. It was such an intense sensation that she tried to squirm out of his clutches.

  Cyril grinned as he held her down. He pulled away the protective hood and flicked his tongue against her vulnerable clit. She cried out from the heat he ignited, making her even wet
ter between her legs. He slipped two fingers inside her as he continued to eat her pussy with relish. His long fingers stroked her from the inside, adding to the fiery pleasure. “It’s too much,” she whimpered.

  He stopped and reached for the can of whip cream. With a wicked glint in his eye, he sprayed a large mound of the cream on her hot sex. She jumped when she felt the cold touch her sensitive areas. Cyril held her down again, showing her no mercy as his mouth began a vigorous assault on her pussy. Lauren squealed loudly when his fingers reentered her moist tunnel. Soon she was thrashing her head back and forth, trying to escape as the fire grew into an uncontrollable mountain of flame. Lauren moaned loudly as the flame suddenly transformed into powerful waves of pleasure. Each one coursed through her, stealing her breath away with the intensity of it. By the time the last one faded away, she was gasping for air.

  Cyril kissed her clit gently before looking up at her from between her thin legs. “Your mouni tastes delicious when it comes, Baby Girl.”

  Lauren had never experienced an orgasm before, even though she’d had sex with several boys. The orgasm left her feeling deliciously weak. Her legs were still shaking from it. “Cyril…”


  “That was my first.”

  “You’re first climax with a guy?”


  He crawled up between her legs and kissed her on the lips. “You have been a very deprived young lady.”

  Lauren wrapped her arms around him, pushing herself against his cock. “My turn to please you.”

  Cyril lifted her off and sat her beside him on the couch. “I hate to disappoint you, but we can’t. I only had one condom.”

  She smiled in answer and stood up on the couch, straddling Cyril. “You can pull out before you come.”

  “That really isn’t smart,” he protested. Lauren ignored him as she slowly descended onto his enormous shaft. His protests stopped as soon as her eager pussy touched the head of his cock.

  Lauren gasped as the huge head stretched her inner lips to their limit. Then slowly, like a snake swallowing its pray, he disappeared into her quivering depths. It was easier this time. Lauren wasn’t sure if it was due to her just climaxing or the position of being on top. Whatever the case, she felt his solid rod inch its way into her aching depths. She closed her eyes, needing to be filled to overflowing.

  The demands his cock made on her body comforted her. Lauren had to relax and give him everything. She handed him the control and in return, he filled the void inside her.

  When her pussy had fully engulfed his giant shaft, he took her buttocks and lifted her up the length of it. When her swollen outer lips almost crowned the top of his head, he pushed her back down. Her body resisted, making her delightfully tight and the experience that much more pleasurable.

  Cyril groaned hoarsely, “I almost can’t bear to watch, it’s too damn sexy.”

  She agreed, staring at her pussy sliding up and down his massive dick. It was visually erotic to the extreme. “Faster,” she breathed, unsure if she could handle it but wanting to try.

  He tightened his grip and moved her up and down more rapidly, adding a thrust of his own at the end of each stroke. She cried out, struggling to take the new pace and depth.

  “I’m hurting you,” Cyril stated, trying to pull her off him.

  She locked her legs around him, refusing to budge. “No, you’re challenging my body to keep up with you. Don’t stop. I like you taking me this way.” Lauren kissed him on the lips, hungrily darting her tongue into his mouth. His cock twitched inside her. She lifted herself up the length of his shaft and slid back down it slowly. Cyril threw his head back and let out a deep groan. Then, with conviction, he grabbed her hips again and started pumping her on his manhood.

  “Yes, Cyril, yes!” she cried. The force of his thrusts caused a peaceful tingling throughout her body. She relaxed as she bounced on top of his huge pole, taking every part of it. He filled her past capacity and she loved it. “Harder,” she demanded.

  He let out a deep-throated growl and gave her what she wanted. She could feel herself starting to float. She’d never felt such peace. Suddenly, Cyril lifted Lauren off and laid her on the couch. He lay on top of her with his cock spasming in-between them. She felt hot liquid cover her stomach as he christened her with his passion. Cyril grasped the back of her neck and pressed his lips against hers while he finished coming. She groaned into his mouth, cherishing the intimacy of the moment.

  When his climax was over, Cyril lifted himself off not wanting to crush her. After he cleaned her off, he sat back on the couch with his legs spread wide, a contented look gracing his serious face. “I believe you are a real live angel and this right now is a little taste of heaven.”

  Even though his words were meant as a compliment, Lauren had a sense of foreboding. She tried to shake it off, but it shattered her joy.

  Cyril noticed and caressed her cheek. “What’s wrong, Baby Girl?”

  “You reminded me of the subway just now.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  She turned away from him. “I know, but it’s foolish to pretend that everything is okay. I’m a mess, Cyril. I’m not any good for you.”

  He was silent for several agonizing seconds. She was afraid of his words, but waited with baited breath for him to speak. “I don’t believe that for a second, Lauren.”

  She wanted to cry in gratitude, but kept her tears to herself. She moved towards him and laid her head on his strong shoulder. “I got fired, Cyril. I’m worthless.”

  He stroked her dark curls. “Getting fired does not define who you are. You will find another job. Today it feels hopeless, but tomorrow you will feel different.”

  “I don’t see how.”

  “Don’t forget, Lauren, you have your mother in you.”

  She searched his dark eyes wanting to believe him. “Do you really think so?”

  “Yes. I see a light inside you and I know my asshole of a brother saw it, too. I bet it made that waitress jealous, which is why she got you fired.”

  Lauren suddenly felt vindicated. “Yes. I didn’t do anything wrong.” She giggled, “I did get better tips than she did.”

  “I’m not surprised. You have your mother’s gift, Lauren.”

  Lauren felt the tears come and this time she let them flow. “Thank you, Cyril. That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  Midnight Passion

  Cyril carried her to bed, knowing that Lauren’s body was sore from their lovemaking. He covered her up and kissed her forehead. “Sleep well, my beautiful angel.”

  “Hey, Cyril. Given the circumstances of our first meeting, I’d rather not have you call me angel anymore.”

  He chuckled softly. “Okay, is Baby Girl allowed?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t elaborate why she preferred the name.

  “Sweet dreams, Baby Girl.”

  Cyril turned off the lights and joined her in bed. He automatically turned on his alarm for 5:00 AM. “I don’t mind taking the day off tomorrow depending on how you feel. I never use my vacation, so I have plenty of days stored up.”

  “I’ll let you know tomorrow,” she answered, curling up next to him. The safety she felt in Cyril’s arms rivaled nothing she had experienced. Lauren fell asleep easily, drifting into the peaceful darkness.

  Partway through the night, she dreamed of her mother. In the dream, her mom was healthy and young. Lauren, however, was the age she was now. They were at a park, playing on the swings. The goal was to swing the entire way around the bar - it didn’t matter that it was impossible. Try as she might, Lauren couldn’t make it over even though her mom had no trouble.

  “You think too much, sweetie. Just let go!”

  Lauren was laughing. “I’m trying, Mom. I just can’t do it.”

  “Yes, you can!”

  Lauren pushed with her legs and closed her eyes. She felt herself rising higher than she had before. It was going to happen…and then
she opened her eyes and her momentum screeched to a halt.

  “That’s it, Lauren. You had it that time.”

  “I’ll never be as good as you, Mom.”

  “You are going to be better than me. Haven’t you realized that yet?”

  Lauren giggled. “Sure, better than my own mother.”

  “Try again. This time, let go and don’t look back.”

  Lauren closed her eyes as she pumped harder and harder with her legs. The feeling of floating made her stomach flutter, but she didn’t open her eyes. “That’s it, Baby Girl!” he mom cheered. It was happening; she could feel it. Lauren was swinging over the top, but she didn’t stop there. She swung around a second and a third time. “I told you that you could do it!” her mother shouted.

  Lauren was laughing with childlike joy. She opened her eyes and looked straight into the eyes of Cyril. He was staring at her in the darkened room with a pleased look on his face. “Good dream?”

  Lauren smiled and scrunched the pillow up against her cheek. “Yeah, a very good dream. How did you know?”

  “You were laughing.”

  Lauren blushed, but figured Cyril couldn’t tell in the dark. “I was with my mom.”

  Cyril pulled her closer to him. “I’m glad. I fully believe that our loved ones remain with us after they die.”

  She wrapped her arms over his. “I’m starting to believe that myself.”

  They lay together in the darkness. She listened to the sounds of the city just outside his window - cars driving past, a honk in the background, a lone dog barking. Simple noises that held life. “Thank you for saving me, Cyril.”

  “You weren’t supposed to die. I think you have a guardian angel watching over you, Lauren. I just happened to be there.”

  She kissed his large arm. “I think you are my guardian angel.”

  His laugh was low and manly. “I’m no angel, Baby Girl.”

  “Well, you are to me.” She ran her hand over his muscular chest and stomach. He truly was a fine hunk of a man. “Are you tired?”


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