DOUBLE DONKEY: A Twin Stepbrother Sports Romance (with BONUS book Twin Stepbrother Celebrity)

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DOUBLE DONKEY: A Twin Stepbrother Sports Romance (with BONUS book Twin Stepbrother Celebrity) Page 2

by Cassandra Dee

  I wasn’t expecting her to know anyone, photography is a casual hobby for most people, but Karlie took a moment and answered carefully.

  “Well, I like Arthur Morris and David Muench,” she said. “I think the depth of their images coupled with insightful captions makes for an interesting read. Maybe you’ve heard of them?”

  I chuckled inside. Little did she know, but Cain and I are amateur photographers as well, we’re into shooting with old-school cameras and posting our work to Instagram.

  And it’s kinda cool, really. We’re often at the beach, catching the waves, surfing and taking pictures of the sea and our surroundings. The swells are awesome, and if you get the right filter, it’s almost surreal. We’re hoping to get one of our shots into the Patagonia catalogue some day.

  But in the meantime, the girl had piqued our interest.

  “Sure, we’ve heard of them,” I drawled. “In fact, I saw Morris’s latest spread in National Geographic. Pretty awesome, loved the sharp-edged images of stalactites and stalagmites at Carlsbad Caverns.”

  It was turn for Karlie to stare at us curiously.

  “Oh you saw that cover?” she asked, cocking her head in the cutest of ways. “I thought he over-exposed it a little, but I guess it’s open to interpretation.”

  “It was a little overdone,” I agreed, nodding my head, “but it brings out the fluorescents. He couldn’t have captured those with a regular filter.”

  Growing respect dawned in her eyes, and she nodded.

  “I’ve never thought of it that way, but I’ll take another look,” she said. “Do you use a stop-flash?”

  But my dad interrupted, intent on controlling the conversation.

  “So will you be covering sports?” Jerry boomed. “Because I can get you a press pass to shoot from the sidelines.”

  My brother snorted under his breath, Jerry was needlessly pompous, offering press passes to a high school game. And Cain’s guffaw wasn’t lost on Karlie either. She shot a swift look at us before replying, “Mr. McKesson, I’ll talk to the yearbook staff tomorrow and see if they need someone to cover the sports section. If so, I’ll definitely take you up on that press pass.”

  “You let me know,” said Jerry in that bombastic voice again, winking like a cowboy. “Daddy McKesson has it all covered. In the meantime, why don’t we break to the dining room? I’ve worked up an appetite from all this talk,” he said, swinging a big paw around Karla’s waist, unsubtly groping her ass.

  “Eeee!” squealed Karla. “Jerry, you’re so funny!” she said breathily, wiggling her hips and giving him coy look. “Come on kids, let’s have our first family dinner.”

  And the three of us shared a glance before trailing them out. Hopefully our parents wouldn’t embarrass us any further, but even if they did, I was already feeling hungry ….



  The dinner was every bit as horrible as I’d imagined. First, was my totally inappropriate attire. I’d never met Jerry McKesson before and when mom mentioned that we were going to Waverly Mansion for dinner, I’d felt my heart drop.

  “Why?” I asked. “Why do we have to go to dinner with your boss? Don’t you see him enough at work?”

  “Karlie,” she’d frowned. “You know my work is really important to me. If the boss calls, you have to be ready to go, and in this case Mr. McKesson has invited us to dinner at the big house.”

  “But why me?” I asked, puzzled. “I mean, can’t you just go over to his place by yourself?”

  It made sense. Sometimes mom went over to his mansion after hours. I’d always figured she was working late, helping him organize files or something like that.

  But my mom just pooh-poohed it.

  “Oh Karlie, you’re always thinking too much,” she said dismissively. “An invitation is an invitation, especially from a powerful man like Jerry. Come on, let’s figure out what you’re going to wear.”

  Shaking my head, I sighed resignedly. I love my mom but she can be an airhead sometimes. She’s always gotten by on her looks, and at forty, she was still pretty although getting a little harsh around the edges. Her blonde hair was starting to silver, and the red lipstick she always wore … well, if you wanted to be the Joker for Halloween, my mom could teach you how to do the mouth part of your costume.

  But even more awful were the outfits she started pulling from her closet.

  “How about this one?” she said, holding up a sparkly blue number.

  “Mom, no!” I said dumbfounded. It wasn’t just the sparkles that made it horrible, like an Ice Capades costume or something Elsa from Frozen would wear. It was the fact that the vee went practically down to the navel, stopping only at the waistband. I shook my head vehemently.

  “Why not?” she asked, studying the outfit. “This dress is so nice, it suits your figure, you’ll fill it out well.”

  I sighed. That was the problem exactly – I’d overfill it.

  “Mom, you’ll never understand,” I said, shaking my head. “First, I don’t have your body. I’m curvy Ma, that dress would make my tits look huge, it’s so tight around the bust. Second, I’m not going to Waverly in a cocktail dress. It’s to meet your boss, Mom, it’s a business meeting.”

  “Karlie, please,” said my mom with a disdainful air. “You’d look fantastic in this and I can’t let you wear one of those floral sacks in your closet. How about this lavender one instead?” she said holding up another dress.

  This one was only marginally better. The skirt was so short that I knew I’d have to keep tugging it down around my ass, but at least it was covered in front. I sighed, giving in, hopefully we’d be seated the entire time.

  “Fine,” I said shortly. I just wanted to get this over with. “I’ll put it on, meet you down in five.”

  “Perfect,” purred my mom. “Don’t forget to put on those high heels I got you, they match your dress,” she singsonged, sailing out on a whiff of perfume.

  I shook my head again, shutting the door behind her. I loved my mom, but sometimes the things she asked of me … god. And the dress was every bit as awful as I’d imagined. The hem was so short you could practically see my butt cheeks when I walked, jiggling with each step. And the bust. Well, I was busting out, that was the only way to put it.

  I sighed again, heading downstairs. At least the dinner would be short, and I’d get back in time for some TV and relaxation.

  But when we rang the doorbell of the big house, I got the surprise of my life. Jerry McKesson, billionaire extraordinaire, answered himself. What happened to butlers, footmen, and all the trappings of being rich? But my mom didn’t seem shocked at all.

  “Honey,” purred my mom when Jerry answered the door. “It’s so good to see you,” she said, kissing him on the lips. Was this how people acted with their bosses?

  “You too, sweetheart,” he growled, swinging her up by the hips. Sweetheart? WTF? But the big man just continued. “And is this the lucky girl?”

  “It is,” Karla replied. “This is my daughter Karlie.”

  “Karlie and Karla, isn’t that cute?” growled Jerry, his arm slung around my mom’s shoulders. “Come in, mi casa es su casa,” he said, planting a kiss on my mom’s neck. Again, it was like I was in some kind of carnival funhouse, the cues from Jerry and Karla were off … way off.

  But things were cleared up soon. When we got into the parlor, he turned to my mom and said, “My boys aren’t home yet but we might as well go ahead,” he boomed. “Karlie, say hi to your new dad. I’ve asked your mom to marry me and she’s said yes!”

  Karla giggled by his side.

  “Do you have my ring baby?’ she cooed. “You know I’ve been looking forward to it.”

  “Sure do,” he growled and whipped out the biggest diamond I’d ever seen. I was shocked. It was massive, glimmering like a robin’s egg as my mom put it on her finger, almost reaching up to her first knuckle.

  “Oooh gorgeous, thank you baby,” breathed my mom, admiring her ring i
n the setting sunlight of the parlor. The diamond sparkled madly, scattering the sun’s rays in a warm hue of golden red. “It’s beautiful, I love it.”

  And that’s when Karla and Jerry began kissing for real, making out right in front of me, necking like a bunch of teens.

  I was seriously thinking about exiting right quietly when the door banged and the rumble of male voices could be heard.

  “Colt, Cain!” yelled Jerry, breaking the kiss. “In here!”

  And that’s when two men entered the room. My breath caught, the air in my chest suddenly feeling tight, my senses on one hundred percent alert. My temp rocketed until I felt light-headed, unsteady on my feet, because they were most gorgeous men I’d ever seen. Six four with coal black hair, blue eyes penetrating and sharp. And best of all … they were identical.

  “Hey,” drawled one. “Wassup dad?”

  The other surveyed the room, catching everything, the dress, the ring, my mom clinging to Jerry’s arm.

  And we went through the introductions, my cheeks flushing as my new brothers took in my scandalous dress. What were they thinking? My soul curdled inside as their blue eyes swept over the short hem, my creamy thighs trembling, the luscious vee of my décolletage on display.

  But dinner was even worse. As I sat down, I felt something rip. Oh shit, oh shit, it was my worst nightmare come true. Hastily, I pulled a napkin over my lap but that did nothing -- the damage was in the back.

  I tried to ignore it, not moving an inch as four courses were served, sitting ramrod straight, my butt firmly planted into the chair, everything getting a little sweaty down there. God, I prayed, my face hot, barely able to eat, please let the rip go away. I promise, I’ll do anything so long as I’m not embarrassed in front of my new stepbrothers.

  But no such luck. It was like the boys knew, even as they made casual conversation at the table, their eyes skimming me as they took in everything, curiously perceptive.

  “So Karla,” rumbled Colt, “Are you moving into Waverly right away?”

  I prayed my mom would give an okay answer.

  “Of course,” she giggled, trailing a long fingernail down Jerry’s tie. “Jerry and I, we want to spend as much time as possible, and we just got that Viagra prescription, right?” she cooed. “We want to use it and use it good.”

  Oh gross. I felt my face flush with embarrassment for her, but there was no taking it back. And did her hand just disappear under the tablecloth, moving into Jerry’s lap? I quickly averted my eyes, only to be met with a knowing glance from Cain. He shot me a wink and I couldn’t help but smile back, relieved my brother had a sense of humor.

  “And how about you, Karlie?” asked Colt smoothly, turning that deep blue gaze to me. “Are you moving in too?”

  “Um,” I stuttered, “I hadn’t thought of it, this was um, kind of a surprise tonight.”

  But my mom was on the ball with that one too.

  “Of course you’re moving in right away baby, no one’s going to make you commute from our old apartment. In fact, we’ve already picked out a bedroom for you right down the hall from Colt and Cain,” she simpered.

  I grew hot again. Oh great, surprise, surprise, the twins and I were going to be housemates, seeing each other every day. But it was alluring in a titillating way. Colt and Cain coming out of the shower, droplets glistening on their chests, towels wrapped tight around their hips, washboard abs on view? I grew hot just thinking about it, squirming in my chair.

  But there was still the question of the rip. Dessert had just been served and it was time to address my problem head-on, I couldn’t put it off forever. Taking a deep breath, I shifted a little and murmured, “Excuse me,” to no one in particular.

  Karla and Jerry didn’t hear, they were so busy giggling and gazing into each other’s eyes. But my steps did, and it was with sharp gazes they watched as I got up, uncomfortably pulling the lavender fabric down, trying to keep everything decent.

  “I’ll be just a minute,” I mumbled to no one in particular. This was so embarrassing, my cheeks flushed and I prayed that a huge hole would open up and swallow me with it. “Can I use your bathroom?” I managed in a stilted voice.

  “Sure,” drawled Cain. “But the house is huge. Colt,” he said, shooting a glance at his brother. “Why don’t we show Karlie to the restroom?” he asked casually.

  “Sure thing,” growled his twin. “We’ll be back,” he said to our parents.

  “Oh sure!” breathed Karla, not even looking away from her man. “Take your time, we’ll be here.”

  And with that, we made our way to the darkened hallway.

  “This way, sister,” drawled one. “It’s down the hall.”

  And I followed, trying not to trip in my high heels.

  “Sorry,” I breathed apologetically. “It’s just that these shoes are so uncomfortable.”

  “No worries,” growled the other, “we like.”

  I grew red. Had I really heard that part? But the twins’ faces were smooth, giving nothing away, although I saw a small twitch of Colt’s mouth. It must have been my imagination.

  And I followed them to what could only be called the most extravagant bathroom I’d ever been in. It was gleaming white, three rooms in all. A clawfoot tub could be seen through a crack in the door, along with a separate shower stall, two vanities, and a lounger.

  “Um, I’ll just be a minute,” I said, shooting them a grateful smile.

  “Sure, no worries,” drawled Cain. “You gonna need a sewing kit for that?”

  I immediately twisted around and tried to see. Oh shit. The tear was way worse than I thought. The hem had ripped all the way up to the small of my back, and my wispy pink panties could be seen, barely covering anything, my smooth white cheeks curvaceous and bare.

  I slapped a hand over my ass, trying to cover as much as possible and spun to face the two men, gasping, my bosom flushed red.

  “Oh shit,” I whispered, the heat rushing through my body. “Oh shit, oh shit.”

  The boys laughed.

  “No worries, take your time,” they said, their eyes amused. “Colt, let’s go see if we can rustle up sewing kit,” drawled Cain, his eyes dancing.

  And I practically ran into the bathroom, slamming the door before gingerly easing out of my dress, inspecting the damage. I silently cursed. Why oh why had I agreed to wear this? The lavender sheath was bad news, I never should have listened to my mom.

  But there wasn’t anything to be done. There was so little material that my attempts to pull the sides together were futile, they merely pulled apart again, the fabric gaping open despite my best efforts. Resignedly, I slipped it back over my head. I was just going to have to stay seated the entire time and then make a dash for my jacket when saying our goodbyes.

  But when I opened the door, a surprise waited.

  Colt and Cain were there … and they’d found a sewing kit.

  “Figured it would help,” drawled Colt, holding it out. “There’s purple thread.”

  “Oh thanks,” I breathed, or rather tried not to breathe. I didn’t want the rip to get worse and maybe by not breathing, it wouldn’t tear more. But when I held out my hand, Cain withdrew, saying smoothly, “We’ll help you fix it. Turn around sister.”

  What the? I could hardly believe it, these two guys knew how to sew? But they read my mind.

  “We’ve taken home ec, just like everyone else,” said Colt with a sly grin. “It’s required at XM.”

  “I think you’ll find out that we’re surprisingly good,” added Cain with a smile. “Football makes us nimble on the field … and off.”

  And with that, they spun me around, going to their knees behind me. I could almost feel their hot breath on my ass, the warm, moist air making me flush … and cream heavily. I was so embarrassed. Could they smell it? Could they smell my female spice, starting to leak?

  But my brothers merely laughed and ran big hands down my back, over my ass, holding the fabric together, smoothing it out to get a be
tter grip.

  “Oh yeah, curves,” grunted one.

  “Just the way we like it,” growled the other.

  And reader, it was the most titillating experience I’d ever had. My brothers literally sewed me into the dress, their gentle fingers deft, a massive hand on the inside of my thigh, just centimeters from my cunny, running over that soft, creamy flesh. I must have moaned because I heard a masculine laugh, and was it my imagination or did a big finger swipe against my moistness, feeling the damp spot at the center of my underwear? I couldn’t be sure, my brain was so hazy.

  Soon big hands were squeezing my ass, moving down my thighs as the needle moved in and out. I must have moaned again, those hard, flat palms shaping me, touching me intimately and yet so delicately.

  But suddenly there was a slight prick, the needle jabbing into my behind, making me wince.

  “Ouch!” I gasped. “That hurt!”

  “I’m sorry baby,” came a masculine voice. “Needle must have slipped. Here, let me kiss it,” the voice continued. And to my amazement, I felt soft, mobile lips press against my butt, exactly where the tear opened.

  “Oh my god!” I breathed. Was this really happening?

  And there were male chuckles behind me, before another male voice said, “My turn.”

  And the first mouth pulled off and another one took its place, this one slightly open, its tongue wet and warm on my ass, kissing my secret crevice, tonguing oh so slightly, slipping into the crack.

  “She tastes good,” the man grunted, and I blushed, my knees going weak. But my brothers were ready, catching me, holding me around the waist as I swayed off balance.

  “Gotcha,” growled Colt, providing a steady arm as his brother continued licking me oh so slightly. “Almost done, little sis.”

  Did he mean the tonguing or the sewing? I guess both because Cain snapped the thread with his teeth and stowed the needle back in the sewing kit.

  “Good thing there isn’t much material, is there?” drawled Colt, waggling his eyebrows. “That was a quick fix.”

  I blushed, sure that the red ran up to my hairline. I felt so off-balance, everything that had happened was completely unexpected … the twins, the rip in my dress, and the way they’d taken charge. But my brothers merely chuckled, slapping my butt gently.


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