Frisky Business (Kinky Chronicles, #5)

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Frisky Business (Kinky Chronicles, #5) Page 10

by Jodi Redford

  He touches you like Jack too. Cheese Louise, her head was obnoxiously determined to not let this rest.

  There was no denying the similarity, though—right down to the way she responded to him. Shit, maybe that’s the reason for the discombobulation. Her traitorous body was having a tough time distinguishing the fact that it wasn’t Jack currently buried inside her and annihilating her equilibrium. Understandable, considering the small, undesired fact that before Master Kink came along, Jack had been the only man to destroy her senses so skillfully. Plus, she’d seen the bastard only a few hours ago. For fuck’s sake, her mouth practically still tingled from his kisses.

  But Master Kink wasn’t Jack, and he deserved her undivided attention. No more fanciful day trips for her brain, damn it. Determination firming her resolve, she undulated her hips beneath him and sucked his tongue. The groan that rumbled through his chest was hotter than fuck. Indescribably masculine and barely controlled. Encouraged by the sound, she squeezed her Kegels, her smile slipping in place as his thrust faltered.

  That’s right, baby. Don’t forget who’s boss here.

  Just as the cockiness threatened to get the better of her, he re-angled his strokes, deliberately grinding against her clit. Stars swimming in her head at the mind-blowing friction, she arched her back, her gasp springing free. His hand slipped beneath her and squeezed her butt cheek as he retreated slightly before sinking deep with one firm thrust. The slick noises their bodies made were indescribably erotic, but it was the low, guttural, almost-growls coming from him that really annihilated her.

  He dug his fingers into her butt, the possessiveness of the gesture unmistakable. He was reinstating his position with clear authority. No fooling herself she was top dog. Not when the man fucked like a dirty god. He continued pumping into her, enslaving her senses and narrowing her world to the thick hard cock driving her to the edge of climax. She hovered there, on the brink of brain-blowing eruption, and then he did...the unthinkable. The one thing guaranteed to set her off like a rocket. A trademarked move only one other man knew was her biggest weakness.

  He kissed her neck.

  His hot, nerve-frying, devastatingly familiar mouth suctioned her skin in exactly the right spot, and the inescapable truth slammed into her the precise moment her body betrayed her with the most intense orgasm in existence. She screamed his name—the real one. No more of this bullshit Master Kink business—as she broke into a million pieces of shuddery bliss.

  Her partner’s pistoning hips lost their rhythm and his big body tensed over hers. The shallow intake of his breath verified he’d caught his name.

  She wasn’t crazy. She hadn’t imagined the similarities between them.

  Because they were the same. Fucking. Person.

  Fury and embarrassment boiled inside her, along with a host of other emotions she wasn’t equipped to put a finger on while she was still suffering from orgasm brain. But even that was quickly burning off with the lingering post-coital glow. Yeah, there would be none of that shit. Not with the epic ass-chewing she had in store for him.

  Fingers brushed over her jaw and she flinched, both at the unexpectedness of the touch and the gentleness that was a stark contrast to the hot anger brewing inside her. Another of those shaky breaths escaped him. This time it was loaded down with a heavy dose of resignation and what could possibly be regret.

  Did she give a rat’s ass what he was feeling at the moment? That would be a fuck no.

  His hand roved upward, pushing the blindfold from her eyes. She blinked against the dots swimming in her vision and glared at Jack.


  He took one look at the murder in Jane’s eyes and debated the wisdom in freeing her from the restraints. Probably best to take his chances and accept his fate. Besides, he’d only be postponing the inevitable and guaranteeing his death would be that more gruesome.

  He released the straps on her ankles first, wisely keeping his groin out of nailing range. Next, he worked on her wrists. The instant her hands were free she grabbed one of the decorative pillows behind her and smacked him repeatedly with it, hard, punctuating each of her pummels with a colorful curse word.

  All things considered, she was going easier on him than he’d anticipated.

  The outrage in her gaze searing him alive, she tossed the pillow aside and sank back on her heels, visibly seething. “Don’t you dare think we’re done here, motherfucker. I’m only taking a break because my arms are freakin’ tired.”

  He couldn’t tear his focus from her. Partly due to him anticipating her knee in his family jewels. Turning his back on her for even a second was an ER trip waiting to happen. Foremost, though, it was a case of being completely bedazzled by how fiercely beautiful she was. Yes, she wanted to kill him. Rightfully so. But in that moment his hunger for her was more consuming than ever. Telling her that probably wouldn’t help him survive the next five minutes. He scraped his hands through his hair. “I know what you’re thinking—”

  “What, that you’re a fucking asshole?” Her short laugh dripped with bitter humor. “You must have thought it hysterical, listening to me ramble on about Master Kink. And helping me pick out this—” She waved to the teddy scrunched around her waist. “I’m amazed you didn’t crack a rib over that one.”

  Her words kicked him in the gut. Shit. She honestly thought this was a game to him? That he was secretly laughing behind her back? “It was never like that. The only reason I didn’t tell you...” Aw, hell. Might as well come clean. He was already in way over his head as it was. “If you’d known I was Master Kink you would have demanded someone else from the agency, and that would have absolutely killed me.”

  She stared at him for an endless moment. Just when he was beginning to question if she’d turned into a stone statue, she cleared her throat. Her expression skeptical and wary, she stacked her arms over her chest. “Why would it have killed you?”

  “You know damn well why. I want you, Jane. I’ve always wanted you.” He shook his head. Not to negate his words. If anything, they were a pale version of his hunger for her. “God knows I’ve tried to fight that reality. I pushed you away, thinking it’d break me of this obsession. It didn’t work. None of it worked.”

  Taking his chances, he inched closer to her, keeping their gazes locked. “Do I regret not being straightforward with you? Absofuckinglutely. But I don’t regret anything that’s happened between us. The times we’ve shared have been some of the best of my life. And being with you—being inside you—was a thousand times more incredible than the countless fantasies of you I’ve jerked off to over the last year and a half.”

  An almost imperceptible shiver skipped over her and her focus cruised down to his still semi-erect cock before darting back to his face. “When exactly did you realize it was me who’d contacted the agency?”

  The temptation to lie was strong, but he’d already done enough of that to last him a lifetime. “With the first email.”

  “Right. Of course you did. Because I’m a moron and clearly don’t know how to censor myself.” She chuffed another humorless laugh. “Well, at least I can finally say I know what you do for a living. Guess I was wrong about the drag queen gig, huh? Not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed, to be honest.”

  Something else he needed to come clean with. “I’m not an escort. Not anymore, anyway. Hunks for Hire is my company.”

  She gaped at him. “W-what?”

  “I got out of the biz when I married Ava. I’d made so many connections over the years, it made sense to take advantage of it and start my own agency.” He cleared his throat. “And before you ask— yes, I was the one who talked your brother into working for me. One more thing you can hate me for.”

  She dropped her face into her hands, her shoulders shaking.

  He gaped at her helplessly, uncertain how to proceed. Offering her a comforting hug was probably off the table. Especially since he was uncertain if his life still hung in the balance.

  She raised
her head. Impossible to tell if the tears smudging her mascara were due to grief, anger, or laughter. She cleared up any confusion by squinting at him. “Let me get this straight. You haven’t been lying to me for the past few days. It’s been going on for eighteen fucking months.”

  He heaved a weary breath. “I didn’t lie to you about the agency. More like avoided the subject.”

  “It almost qualifies as the same thing.”

  “Fair enough. But let me point out that you are not exactly the most truthful person on the planet either. If not for the fact that I happen to be Master Kink, you would have been perfectly content to let me continue to think your big-dicked pornstar boyfriend exists.”

  She tossed up her arms. “We both knew I was full of shit. That totally negates my shadiness several degrees and leaves you wearing the liar-liar-pants-on-fire.” Her attention dipped to his cock again and she sighed before pinning him with a hard glare. “Technically you’re buck ass naked, but my point still stands.”

  “Fine. I’ll gladly admit to being the shadiest fuck on the planet if it’ll make you happy. I told you I’m not proud of keeping any of this from you. I just didn’t see any other way.”

  Her gaze glued to him, she scooted toward the headboard and leaned against it. She propped her elbows on her knees and snorted. “We are two royally fucked up individuals.”

  “I think it’s part of what drew me to you.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “What, that I’m fucked up?”

  “Sort of.” He anted up a wry smile. “The fucked up part of me clearly sees its other half in you.” If that wasn’t scarier than shit and enough motivation to point him to the nearest exit, nothing was. Instead of giving into the urge, he kept his ass firmly planted on the bed and met her incredulous stare.

  “Eighteen months ago I was throwing myself at you constantly, and you wanted nothing to do with it. Nothing to do with me. It wasn’t working out for you, remember?” Underneath the furious edge of her words lived a world of hurt betrayal. And something he’d never encountered with her before, much less thought her capable of. Vulnerability.

  The reminder of the countless ways he’d wounded her seared him to the bone. “It was never a case of me not wanting you. If nothing else, believe that.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. Putting words to who he was, his issues... He didn’t even know where to start. But he owed her the attempt. “I’m not good at relationships lasting beyond a night. Sooner or later it would have ended badly for us.”

  “Then why involve yourself with me now? Why go to all the trouble of becoming Master Kink?”

  “I didn’t become him. The man you’ve been interacting with for the last three days and who just fucked you silly is one-hundred percent me. None of it was a charade in that sense. You asked why I did this. That’s why.” He tunneled his fingers through his hair and sighed heavily. “Maybe it started out with purely selfish reasons. I couldn’t stand the thought of one of my guys doing all those things on your list. Then it became more than that. I enjoyed each and every one of our emails, the chat... tonight. No, let me rephrase that. I fucking loved it. Maybe it makes me a selfish dick, wanting to hold on to that time with you. But I wouldn’t change one second of it.”

  Her frown slipped, the first softening he’d seen in her since revealing his identity. She remained quiet for an eternity before expelling a breath. “A part of me wants to kill you for what you did, but...I loved the time with you, too. Every moment of it.” She searched his face. “What the hell do we do now?”

  He needed to remain honest with her. Another thing he owed her—and himself—after their rocky history. Now that this new door of communication had opened between them, the last thing he wanted to do was slam it shut. Even if what he was about to say might ultimately send her booking it in the opposite direction of him. “I’m not going to lead you on and say I’m miraculously ready for a relationship, or that I’ll ever be. But I’m not ready to say goodbye to this...whatever it is between us. It’s there, always has been. I don’t want to fight it anymore.”

  She hugged her knees, the vulnerability he’d noticed earlier slipping back in place. “I don’t either. But I’ve been unable to say goodbye to you for the last eighteen months, so no surprise there.” She tore her gaze from his and pushed up from the bed. Pensiveness settling over her, she crossed to the window and leaned her shoulder against the frame. “I once accused Sidney of living in a fantasy world with her bosses. Pretty damn hypocritical, considering that’s what I’ve been doing all this time. With you.”

  He abandoned the bed and joined her. “I’m here now. It doesn’t have to be a fantasy anymore. For either of us.”

  She peered up at him and he easily detected the uncertainty lurking in her eyes. He didn’t blame her one damn bit for being worried and hesitant to pursue this insanity. Hell, he was scared shitless. He hadn’t engaged in anything remotely resembling a relationship since Ava. There was no damn way he wasn’t going to fuck this up.

  But there was also no damn way he wasn’t going to take this chance and run with it. Even if it ended in a blazing, glorious disaster.

  Approaching her with all the caution he would a lion potentially about to make a meal out of him, he cupped her cheek. Keeping their gazes locked, he lowered his head and rested his brow against hers. Their lips were mere centimeters apart but he didn’t dare press his luck by immediately kissing her. He’d betrayed her trust. He might never earn it again. No way in hell he’d move too fast and destroy the fragile progress they’d made in mending their past.

  Jane apparently had other ideas. With a speed that stole his breath—literally—she closed the scant distance separating their mouths and sucked on his bottom lip. The sensation shot straight to his cock and he groaned. He wanted to take it slow and easy. Honest to God, he did. His body and the delectable woman constantly short-circuiting his brain made it impossible.

  He slid his tongue inside her mouth, every cell in his body buzzing with electricity as she eagerly welcomed his kiss. Her fingers curled in his hair, dragging him closer. She wasn’t the only one who couldn’t get enough. He was on fire for her. A fucking inferno. Hot as the sex had been earlier, this was so much better. He wanted her to see him. To know what she did to him. No more blindfolds. No more hiding behind aliases. Now when he fucked her, there’d be no walls between them.

  Or clothing. He hooked his fingers in the bunched lace at her waist and tugged the fabric past her hips. Reluctantly tearing his mouth from hers, he visually swept her body before hunkering in front of her. He peeled the teddy down her legs and kissed the soft patch of skin below her navel. Teasing her with the stubble on his jaw, he trailed lower, taking his time to savor the journey.

  He already knew the sweet distraction of her pussy. Did that dampen his desire to rediscover its enchanting mysteries all over again? Hell no. He slipped his hand behind her knee and guided her leg over his shoulder for a better view. “Damn, you have the prettiest pussy in the universe.”

  “Are you sure about that? I mean, I hope you at least conducted an informal poll before leaping to that flattering conclusion.”

  “Nope. But I plan on reacquainting you with my pole. Does that count?”

  She tapped her chin consideringly. “Mm, I believe my answer is fuck yes.”

  “You’re going to be saying that a lot tonight.” He leaned forward and licked her clit. She squirmed and he upped the stakes with rolling tongue kisses. He loved oral, no question about it. And she was a tasty addiction. Her responsiveness while he went down on her made it exceptionally hot. She was vocal as all get out. Not only in terms of gasps and moans, though there were plenty of those. She also wasn’t shy about letting him know when he hit precisely the right spot.

  “Fuck yes, suck my clit like that. Your tongue is killing me.”

  He stopped briefly to glance up at her. “Yeah? You want more of that?”

  “No, I’d really like you to make me a sandwich right now instead.”
br />   He chuckled. “Saucy minx. You just earned yourself a spanking.”

  “I was wondering when the hell you’d get around to that.”

  He dropped her leg and swiftly pivoted her to face the window. Unable to resist the gorgeous temptation parked before him, he nipped her butt cheek and grinned at her squeaky response. “Don’t even pretend you didn’t like me marking you with my teeth.”

  “I’m not sure I did. You’ll have to do it again so I can decide.”

  “Uh huh.” He bit her a little harder this time and cupped her between her legs. The additional wetness he encountered verified his suspicions. “Oh yeah, you definitely like it. Which means you’re probably going to love this.” He eased two fingers inside her and pressed firmly on her G-Spot the exact moment his tongue swirled over her asshole.

  She shivered and slumped against the window. “Jack.”

  Her complete lack of inhibition and eagerness for anything and everything? A massive fucking turn on. He could spend the rest of his life indulging his kinky desires with her and they’d probably still find uncharted sexy avenues to explore.

  Not that he was thinking in terms of a lifetime. Small steps here. Anything more was asking for trouble. In the meantime, he’d gorge on each sinful moment he could. He pumped his hand, the coaxing pressure of his fingers and tongue springing her blissful cry loose. The rippling contractions of her pussy as she climaxed spurred his groan. That was what he loved best of all—making a woman come. And having it be Jane milking his fingers or his cock? Best. Fucking. Thing. Ever.

  He licked a path over the curve of her ass. Balancing himself with one hand planted on the adjacent pane of glass, he slowly pushed to his feet, his mouth never leaving her skin as he kissed his way upward along her spine. Straightening, he nestled her breasts in his palms and lightly pinched her nipples. They obediently pebbled. “Always sensitive.”

  “Makes up for having small tits.”

  “Not small. Perfect. I’ve always loved your breasts. And your pussy.” He nuzzled her ear. “And don’t get me started on your spectacular ass.”


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