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Greed: An Amber Monroe Crime Thriller Book 1

Page 25

by C. M. Sutter

  Twenty minutes later, as the group sat in the library, they listened to Grant’s story of how he ended up in the cellar. With a heavy blanket warming his body, he explained how he told McKinley he wanted out of the business.

  “The old man lured me here under false pretenses. He said he’d let me leave the business so I could live an honest life. I wanted out so I could move to North Bend and run Shooters as a legitimate bar and restaurant. It was all a lie, and within five minutes of my arriving, somebody came up behind me and held their hand over my mouth until I passed out.”

  “No matter what, your crimes are felonies, even if you are remorseful. I’ll discuss your options with the US attorney, but for now you’re under arrest,” Ortega said. “Please stand and put your hands behind your back.”

  He complied while Chief Ortega read him his Miranda rights.

  Grant looked at Jack. “I’m sorry, Lieutenant Steele. This isn’t how I wanted things to turn out. Where’s Amber?”

  Jack looked away. His anger was still too raw. “Get him out of here, now.”

  Chapter 68

  “So you captured the entire crew, and Grant is an identical twin?”

  Kate nodded. “Crazy, huh? I guess you got one of those hot twins from my dream after all and almost died from it.” Kate wiped her eyes. “Amber, we were so scared you wouldn’t make it.”

  I squeezed Kate’s hand. “But I did, thanks to you. Jade called me this morning on her way to work. She said it was you who found me in the brush. Kate, I don’t remember anything except a hard punch to my back. If it wasn’t for you—”

  “Shh—you’re fine now and that’s what matters. At least it wasn’t the real Grant who met you in the park.”

  “True. I couldn’t even imagine him being a killer.”

  “He is remorseful for his participation in the counterfeiting ring, but it’s doubtful that will help his case at all.”

  A knock sounded on the door, and Jack peeked in. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work, Deputy Pierce?”

  Kate waved away his comment. “I’m leaving in a second. I still have ten minutes before I’m considered late.”

  “Tell Clayton he’s in charge this morning.”

  “Will do. I’ll see you later at home, girlfriend.”

  Kate leaned in and kissed my cheek then left my hospital room. I let out a long sigh. “So it’s really over, huh?”

  “Only as far as having the main players in custody. There’s still a ton of work to do. We have to follow the paper trail, literally and figuratively, then everything has to be documented for legal reasons. We need to close down Shooters and follow up on all the events that took place in Washburn County. Grant’s SUV is in the evidence garage right now being printed. We found another syringe of heroin in the glove box, but in hindsight, we’re pretty sure it was planted by Frank to place the blame on Grant. Speaking of Grant, he has offered up every person, business, and state that was involved in their operation.”

  “Is he hoping for a plea bargain?”

  Jack nodded. “He has a lot of information that could help the case, Amber. The US attorney might offer him immunity or a lighter sentence, depending on what he has to say. Immunity could mean WITSEC, though.”

  “I’d like to see him.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive. I know it wasn’t Grant that met me in the park. I was duped.”

  “We all were, and I’m sorry I encouraged you to meet with him. I’d kick myself a thousand times in the ass if I could bend my foot that way.”

  I laughed then pressed the call button.

  “Getting antsy?”

  “Damn straight. I want out of here before they force me to eat that mush they call oatmeal.”

  The nurse pushed back the curtain and entered the room. “Good morning, Amber. What can I help you with?”

  “When is the doctor going to release me?”

  She tipped her wrist and checked the time. “Whenever you want, unless you feel like having breakfast first.”

  I grinned at Jack. “My boss offered to take me out for breakfast. Thanks, anyway.”

  “Well, that’s nice of you, Lieutenant Steele. I’ll get your release papers, Amber.”

  Jack smirked as the nurse left. “You’re lucky I have ten bucks in my wallet.”

  “Going cheap, are we?”

  “Yep, you get the drive-through special on our way to Milwaukee.”

  Twenty minutes later, Jack pushed me out to the parking lot as I sat in the wheelchair. It was nine o’clock, a warm cloudless day, and I was thankful to still be a part of it. Sitting in a wheelchair was just stupid, though, since I felt fine.

  “This is ridiculous, you know. I’m perfectly capable of walking on my own.”

  “Wow, that statement just brought back memories.”

  “What memories?”

  “Ask your sister.” Jack clicked the key fob, and the door locks popped up. “Get in and hush up.”

  I gave Jack a playful grin. “Yes, sir, boss man.” I climbed in, and he returned the wheelchair to the vestibule.

  Our drive to the fourth district precinct would take only a half hour. The morning rush hour was already over. We ate our breakfast sandwiches as Jack drove.

  “I’m kind of nervous to see Grant.”

  “Are you? He can’t do anything to you, Amber. Say what you need to say and then leave. I can watch through the observation window if you want me to.”

  “Thanks, but I’d rather talk to him without an audience. I’m not afraid of him, just disappointed.” I took a bite of my waxed-paper-wrapped hash browns. “He really did seem nice.”

  Jack glanced at me and gave me a thoughtful smile. “You’re a little softer than Jade in that respect, always trying to see the best in people. You haven’t become jaded yet.”

  We both laughed.

  Thirty minutes later, we signed in at the jail’s counter. The guard pressed the code and allowed us through the security door.

  “The inmate is in interrogation room three.”

  Jack squeezed my shoulder. “Are you sure you want to do this alone?”

  “Yep, I’m good.”

  “Okay, I’m going to see what Ortega has on his schedule for the day. I’ll grab something from the case to take back to North Bend. We’ll have plenty to work on.”

  “Thanks.” Once Jack walked away, I opened the door and crossed over the threshold. The look on Grant’s face spoke volumes.

  “Amber. I had no idea who was coming to talk to me. Are you okay?”

  I sat across from Grant and inhaled a quiet, calming breath.

  Damn, he’s gorgeous.

  “I’m fine. Have you ever heard of Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher?”

  “I know the name.”

  “The saying ‘That which does not kill us, makes us stronger’ is attributed to him. I have to agree.” I stared at the table for a moment. “I’m glad it wasn’t you at the park with me. I did have a certain amount of trust in you. My question is, why were you involved in counterfeiting?”

  “Amber, I need you to believe I was trying to get out of the business.”

  I looked up without responding.

  He sighed and rearranged himself nervously. “It was the life I was raised in—easy money and it just kept coming in without consequences.”

  “There are always consequences, Grant. Look where you’re sitting now.”

  “I know, but when I came to North Bend and began working on Shooters, it just felt good. I liked the honest, hardworking lifestyle.”

  “Too little, too late. Unfortunately, Shooters will be sold once the investigation is complete. Ironically it will be sold at a sheriff’s auction right on our front steps.”

  Grant locked eyes with me. “North Bend was beginning to feel like a place I could call home.”

  I pushed back the chair and stood. I steeled myself and channeled Jade’s resolve. “It’s too late now. Unless the US attorney allows a plea
bargain—and then you’d probably go in the WITSEC program, which in itself is a kind of prison—the only home you’ll have for quite some time is a six-by-eight-foot cell.” I stared at him for a moment, knowing it would likely be the last time I’d ever see him. “Goodbye, Grant.” I opened the door and walked out. I took in a deep breath and called Jack’s phone. “I’m finished.”

  “Good timing, deputy. So am I. Is everything okay?”

  “Couldn’t be better. I’ll be waiting outside.”

  I stood in the sunshine and felt its warmth against my skin. Somewhere, someday, there would be a man in my life, just not yet, and definitely not a criminal. I sighed.

  Just my luck that the hottest guy I’ve seen in years is sitting in a jail cell. Way to pick them, Monroe.

  Jack walked out with an armful of paperwork. He gave me a grin. “Ready to go home, deputy?”

  “Nope. I’m ready to dig in my feet and get back to work.”

  “That’s what I like to hear. You’re definitely a chip off the Monroe block.”

  We climbed into Jack’s Charger and headed for North Bend.

  “I certainly learned a lot by talking to Ortega this morning.”

  “Care to share?”

  “Sure. I guess Marco spilled the few beans he was privy to in hopes of a lighter sentence. It turns out that MFG Incorporated stands for nothing more than the initials of McKinley, Frank, and Grant. Easy in hindsight, right?”

  I smirked. “Then what does SOG stand for?”

  “Would you believe Shades of Green?” Jack laughed openly. “Who thinks of this crap?”

  “Apparently, the head honcho himself, McKinley. Speaking of his name, something just popped into my mind. Oh my God, this is too crazy to believe! McKinley was on the five-hundred-dollar bill. Franklin is on the one-hundred-dollar bill, and Grant is on the fifty-dollar bill. The denomination scales down in order of their age. Paper money is their life—literally!”

  Jack shook his head as he merged onto the freeway. “Guess what the grandfather’s name was?”

  “I don’t know, what?”

  “Would you believe Cleveland, and I’m pretty sure he was on the thousand dollar bill. Can this case get any more ridiculous?”

  I laughed and pulled out my phone from my pocket.

  “Who ya calling?”

  “Kate. I feel like giving her shit.”

  “This should be entertaining. What are you going to say?”

  “You’ll see.” I tapped the Speakerphone icon just as she answered. “Kate, it’s Amber. Jack said you can have those two velvet chairs.”

  Jack smacked my arm and grinned.

  “Um, oh my God, I mean, how cool would that be?”

  “I don’t know. I guess they’re really cool. Are you hyperventilating?”

  “No, just breathing deeply. Damn it, Amber. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think I should pass. You know, bad juju and all that stuff.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I don’t need those chairs to make me happy. I’ll be living the best life possible with Jade and you—the knucklehead sisters. Who needs bad karma?”

  “Not us, girlfriend, not us. Be ready to haul boxes later. Tonight, you’re officially moving in.”


  Thank you!

  Thanks for reading Greed, the first book in the Amber Monroe Crime Thriller Series. I hope you enjoyed it!

  Start at the beginning of the Monroe sisters’ saga by reading the Detective Jade Monroe Crime Thriller Series. This is where it all began, and Book 1, Maniacal, the flagship book, introduces the newly promoted Sergeant Jade Monroe, a detective in the sheriff's department of a fictitious Wisconsin town. Jade has more crimes to solve and murderers to apprehend than most detectives, but she's a tough cop, determined to prove herself, and gets the job done. The books are listed in order below:






  The Agent Jade Monroe FBI Thriller Series follows on the heels of Exposed, Book 5 in the Detective Jade Monroe Crime Thriller Series. Jade has advanced to the big leagues. She’s now an FBI agent in the serial crimes unit. She has more ground to cover and more criminals to apprehend with her new partner, J.T. Harper. Currently available books are listed in order below:






  The Amber Monroe Crime Thriller Series follows on the heels of Malice, Book 5 in the Agent Jade Monroe FBI Thriller Series. This series focuses on Jade’s sister, Amber, a new recruit in the North Bend Sheriff’s Office. She has big shoes to fill, and all eyes are on her.

  To continue reading more books in this series, go to

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