Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2)

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Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2) Page 1

by T Christensen



  Copyright © 2020 by T. Christensen

  All rights reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names of characters and events are the product of the author’s imagination and do not represent any persons, living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.

  For other T. Christensen titles




  Pinterest Board Message

  When I start a manuscript, I create a Pinterest board and pin various items (outfits, cars, rooms, etc…) that I use for inspiration. What follows is my Pinterest page information with the Jordan’s Justice Board, if you are interested in seeing some of the pins I used.


  Thank you for reading Jordan’s Justice!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45



  Chapter 1


  Tessa squeezed her eyes closed and breathed deeply to try to dissipate the panic locking up her body.

  “This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening.”

  Thanks to the Wish Upon a Star theme the Student Equality Center had decided on, the ballroom was dimly lit. The lighting must be creating an illusion, making him a figment of her imagination.

  NBA superstar Jordan Davis had not just walked into her line of vision. Why would he be at a fundraiser for underprivileged kids? Memories of attending her first benefit with him flashed through her head. Stupid question. Why wouldn’t he be at this fundraiser?

  The Center’s mission was to provide poverty-stricken children with free tutors. This wasn’t a big enough fundraiser to attract the attention of someone of Jordan’s caliber, though, right? Tessa clasped her cold hands together to stop them from trembling and dragged in another breath.

  She cautiously opened her eyes and focused on the spot where Jordan's mirage had been. Little by little, her breathing returned to normal as she broadened her search and still didn’t see him.

  “Are you okay?” Laura, her boss and friend at the Center, startled her out of her obsessive scanning.

  Tessa smiled. “I’m nervous. Why am I talking again? Why aren’t you?”

  Laura touched her arm, and Tessa realized she was searching the ballroom again. She turned her gaze to Laura’s warm blue eyes and tried to soak in her ever-present zen and confidence.

  “You’re the perfect person. You understand the importance of having this resource, and you’re passionate about it.”

  “I believe in what we’re doing and what you started. I just hope I can communicate the benefit it offers. Most of these people are far removed from what is happening in the worlds of the children we help.”

  “You will, Tessa. Your speech is amazing.”

  A guest caught Laura’s attention, and she walked away. Tessa picked up her speech cards and ran through them. She knew the speech by heart, but she was scared she would forget every word as soon as she stood in front of the intimidating crowd. Luckily, she was the first speaker so she could get it over with early.


  The spotlight was so bright that Tessa couldn’t see the audience, which was a blessing, but she could still feel their eyes. Hopefully, they would attribute her flushed and sweaty face to the lights and not as a sign of her nerves.

  As soon as Tessa uttered the last word, the stress and anxiety that had locked up her body slid away. Before the last of the applause died, she was off the stage and weaving her way to her table in the back.

  When she got there, her co-workers stood and clapped for her. Her cheeks heated up, but she was grateful for their support.

  “Sit down, you idiots!” She chuckled as she motioned with her hands. As they settled back down, Tessa took her seat and began eating. Most everyone else had finished during her speech, so she let the conversation drift around her while she enjoyed her meal.

  There were still a couple of minutes before the next speaker when she was done. Tessa excused herself to go to the restroom. There were several ballrooms in the convention center, so the bathrooms were in a corridor that all the rooms could easily access.

  As she exited the ballroom, a tall man strode toward her. The shadows in the hallway prevented her from seeing his face, but a sense of déjà vu raced across her skin. Goosebumps ran down her arms, and her heart thumped.

  Tessa rubbed her arms and quickened her pace, anxious to get past him. Just as she reached him, his looming shadow stepped in front of her, preventing her from going any farther. Her brain screamed CAUTION!

  “Don’t you think it’s hypocritical to speak so passionately about children considering your past actions?” Jordan spewed, every word coated with disdain.

  The world shifted under her feet, and everything stopped. A hundred emotions ran through her shocked body in the span of ten seconds. She’d always prayed she’d never see Jordan again. And if she did, she’d assumed she would have time to prepare for their meeting.

  The silence grew, and it became increasingly difficult to breathe in the corridor Jordan had trapped her in. Bit by bit, Tessa buried all her emotions until she was numb. It was a trick she had learned and used out of necessity for the past four years.

  “Nothing to say? You actually have a conscious about this?” he sneered.

  Each word Jordan spoke was grittier and harsher. Tessa took a step back to escape the hate rolling off him, and then another. He stepped forward until she felt the wall at her back. Feeling like a trapped rabbit, she desperately looked around for an escape, but Jordan’s breadth and height prevented her from seeing anything but him.

  “There is no escape, Tessa. Four years ago, I was furious when I found out what you did. I didn’t know what I would do if I saw you, so you got away without retribution. Now fate has brought us together, and I intend to take full advantage.”

  Every word create
d more panic. As her world collapsed around her she wanted to run home, but she was frozen against the wall. Tessa balled her hands up at her sides and pressed her nails into her palms to think past her rioting emotions, but each inhale of his spicy cologne brought back countless memories she had tried desperately to forget.

  Jordan’s body was coiled in front of her. It felt like he would spring forward to make sure she stayed trapped if she moved even an inch. He clenched his jaw so tightly she could see it ticking.

  When Tessa finally gathered the courage to truly look at him, she sucked in a shocked gasp and flinched at the pain cutting up her insides. So much coldness filled the twinkling blue eyes she always remembered looking at her with humor and warmth. They froze her frantic heart.

  She closed her eyes to escape the venom in them. Jordan slapping his palms on the wall next to her made them fly back open.

  “Say something, dammit!”

  Staring at his bulging neck, Tessa firmly told him, “Step back, Jordan.”

  “Look. At. Me,” he reiterated between clenched teeth.

  Inhaling, she looked up into his cold, stormy blue gaze. “Step back.”

  They silently battled, neither giving an inch, until the click-clack of high heels and the sound of conversation intervened. Jordan stepped back.

  Just as Tessa let out a breath, he snatched her arm and led her down the corridor until they rounded a corner. When they were in a remote area, Jordan stopped as abruptly as he had started and stared down at her.

  “Does it amuse you how easily you can deceive people? Would you even have a job if they knew you had an abortion?”

  Tessa opened her mouth to argue and then snapped it shut. His mom’s warning was still fresh in her head, even four years later. Looking directly into his eyes, she said softly but with conviction, “You have no idea what you are talking about.”

  Jordan took a slight step back and studied her. After what was probably only a few seconds but felt like an eternity, he asked, “Are you saying you didn’t take a check for an abortion?”

  Tessa looked away and heard his snort. Forcing her eyes back to his, she ground her teeth together and repeated, “You have no idea what you are talking about.”

  Jordan narrowed his eyes and with a sneer skimmed them down her body. Tessa prickled with the sudden awareness of how much skin she was showing. The strapless little black dress with a sweetheart neckline exposed her shoulders. The bottom flared out into a waterfall swing skirt, landing just above her knees. Tessa knew she was underdressed since everyone else had on formal gowns, but this was the only fancy dress she owned. There was no way she could have afforded to buy something more suitable for the benefit, especially when she knew this would be the only place she would wear it.

  When Jordan finished his scathing perusal, he pinned Tessa to her spot with his eyes. In the same cold voice, he asked, “Do you have any idea what I’m worth now?”

  Tessa was confused. He’d always been worth millions, so she wasn’t sure where this question came from or why he asked it. Jordan didn’t wait for her answer, but he did clear up her confusion with scathing conciseness.

  “I’m worth billions, Tessa. I know the check you got was for more than just the abortion. You demanded extra money from my mother so you wouldn’t go to the press. I thought you were smart. You could’ve asked for millions. Lucky for us you with your low-class stupidity couldn’t comprehend how much you could have gotten away with blackmailing us for.”

  Tessa reared back in shocked silence. He thought she’d blackmailed his mom? Before she could process everything he’d just thrown at her, Jordan laughed derisively.

  “I thank God every day that your ignorant brain thought $2,000 was a lot of money. You could have taken me for millions, so I guess I should thank you.”

  Jordan’s scornful words tore her apart as tears stung her eyes. He believed what his mom had said. Tessa was gutted, but she needed to talk through the pain. She had to make sure she understood.

  “You think I went to your mom and demanded money? And if she didn’t give me money, I would go to the press and tell them about the abortion of our baby?”

  This was an out-of-body experience for Tessa. Her voice sounded steady, even as her entire body shook.

  “Did you think she wouldn’t tell me, Tessa? At first she hid it. For weeks I tried to reach you, but it was like you had disappeared off the face of the earth. You played me and my mom for fools. I was actually worried about you.”

  Jordan snorted and then grew in front of her, standing up straight and widening his tense body with his fists at his sides. He looked down at her with narrowed eyes.

  “My mom was forced to tell me about the blackmail when she realized I was determined to find you, no matter the cost. I thought I was in love with you, and you . . .” Jordan sucked in a harsh breath, his disgust clear. “You convinced my mom you were pregnant and accepted money for an abortion.”

  The breath left her at her realization that he didn’t even believe she’d been pregnant. He’d been in love with her and ready to leave everything behind to find her? There was too much being thrown at her.

  White spots filled her vision. She desperately closed her eyes to try to block out the stone-cold, furious stranger in front of her. Tessa couldn’t hold it together anymore, and it didn’t matter what she said. Jordan would never believe her, and Mrs. Davis’s threat of ruining her family slithered through her.

  “I’m going,” Tessa rasped.

  She moved before Jordan could stop her. From behind, Tessa heard him grit out, “Get back here.”

  She kept moving, blocking out all of her emotions and not looking back. In a stupor, Tessa grabbed her coat and caught a taxi, finally making it to her apartment. She allowed nothing to enter her head until she stood in her bedroom. She no longer shared a room with Lindy. Now she shared one with her three-year-old daughter, Jordis.


  Chapter 2


  Tessa’s breath whooshed out, and a few silent tears fell as she stared down at the slumbering female version of Jordan. Her toffee-colored hair was the only thing Jordis had gotten from Tessa. Jordis’s prominent cheekbones, clear blue eyes, and personality were all Jordan. Every time her daughter stood in front of her demanding something with her piercing eyes and locked jaw, it was like Jordan was in front of her.

  Jordis was always active. Tessa was happy that she liked to play outside, but it was hard to keep up with her energy, and trying to get her back inside usually resulted in an epic tantrum. Jordis loved balls, so when Tessa had gotten her a Nerf basketball and hoop for inside the apartment, getting her inside had gotten easier.

  She carried around her basketball like most girls carried their babies. Tessa was thankful that such a simple toy made her happy, even if it reminded her of Jordan.

  Tessa couldn’t ever seem to escape his ghost. Even at three, Jordis loved basketball. She didn’t understand all the rules, but she loved watching it on TV. Tessa always made sure they watched if the California Wolves played. The Wolves had drafted Jordan four years ago, after which he won rookie of the year.

  It conflicted Tessa to watch Jordis study Jordan, not knowing he was her father. She was still too young to question why she didn’t have a one, but someday she would. Tessa had heart palpitations just thinking about how to answer those questions. Christina Davis’s threat always loomed over her head, but she still wanted Jordis to know something about Jordan.

  Tessa pulled the covers up over Jordis’s princess pajamas. If her daughter wasn’t playing with her ball, she was playing with her Barbies. And thanks to Lindy, Jordis had most of the princess Barbies. Her heart squeezed as she thought of them sitting together on the couch watching princess movies.

  A knock on their apartment door jerked Tessa from her thoughts, and she rushed to answer. No one ever came to their door this late. The chance that it could be someone drunk or high and at the wrong apartment wa
s good. She needed to get rid of them before they woke anyone up.

  Tessa quickly unlocked the three locks reinforcing the door but kept the safety bar on. Her mouth went slack and her gut clenched. It wasn’t a drunk—it was Jordan.

  Even though he looked out of place in his custom-fitted tuxedo, the low-lit, dowdy apartment hall made his attractiveness even more obvious. His eyes pierced through the shadows, and his dark stubble highlighted the threat in his face.

  “You don’t get to walk away from me anymore, Tessa.”

  His carefully controlled words vaguely registered as she focused on not looking over her shoulder into the apartment. There were toys in a basket and some scattered throughout the tiny family room, obvious signs that a child lived there. Even more worrisome were the pictures of Jordis all over the apartment. Tessa could make up something about the toys, but he would know if he saw the pictures.

  She gripped the door to hide her shaking hands as she struggled to concentrate on more than her heart's frantic beating.

  “You can’t come in here,” she rushed out in a strangled voice that sounded like she’d just run a mile.

  The crease between Jordan’s eyebrows increased, and he tried to look past her. Tessa hurriedly stepped in front of the small crack and started to shut the door.

  Jordan inserted his foot into the gap before the door closed. “If you don’t let me in, I will stand out here and knock until you do.”

  He stared steadily down at her before finally removing his foot.

  “Stay there,” she ordered.

  Tessa shut the door and tried to get her quick, shallow breathing under control. It didn’t ease the dread spiraling through her body, but she had no more time to compose herself. She could feel Jordan’s impatience. Tessa opened the door, squeezing through the opening before shutting it and facing him in the hallway.

  “What are you hiding?” Jordan demanded.


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