Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2)

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Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2) Page 10

by T Christensen

  “Dammit, Tessa, sit down.”

  She let him guide her to the stool she had originally occupied, and when the room quit moving, she quickly pulled her shirt over her head. The neck gapped, and the short sleeves came down to her elbows. Confused, she looked down and realized she had grabbed Jordan’s shirt.

  “Sit there while I make you some breakfast.”

  There was tightness invading her chest, and she felt an overwhelming desire to escape his intimidating presence.

  “It’s okay. I’ll just finish my banana and—” She glanced at the clock. “Shit! I have to get home.”

  It was ten o’clock. Her mom had an appointment at eleven that Tessa needed to get her to. As she was pushing herself off the stool, Jordan appeared in front of her, crowding her back down.

  “Sit down, Tessa. You haven’t eaten a meal in over twenty-four hours. You won’t make it anywhere if you don’t fuel your body.”

  She knew he was right, but her mom needed to get to the doctor. “Do you have some bread that I can make toast with?”

  Jordan put both hands on the counter and stepped closer. “You need a meal, not a snack.”

  Tessa drew her lips in and ignored the tightening in her chest. She was an adult. She’d been taking care of herself, Jordis, and her mom for the last four years. Why was he even acting like he cared?

  “Look, Jordan, I’ll eat as soon as I get back from my mom’s doctor’s appointment. I have to get her there.”

  He didn’t budge, and Tessa lost her temper. “Move, Jordan! I have to go.”

  “Where will Jordis be while you’re at the doctor?”

  Now she understood. He wasn’t concerned about her. It was about Jordis.

  “She stays with a retired lady in our apartment building. I promise she’s safe.”

  “You’re going to shower here. While you’re doing that, I’m going to call a car service and have them bring your mom to the doctor. Then you’re going to sit here and eat pancakes, bacon, and eggs while we talk.”

  Tessa kept her snort to herself. Easy fix when you had money to throw around. “I can’t afford a car service, Jordan.”

  He blew up. “I’m paying for it, Tessa!”

  She was unfazed by his anger. All Tessa wanted to do was get to the bottom of why he seemed to be doing something nice for her.

  “Why would you do that?”

  His slowly straightened, keeping his eyes locked on her. “Are you fucking serious?”

  She stood up but made sure to do it in a slow, controlled manner. “Yes, Jordan, I’m serious. What do you want in return?”

  His hands came down in fists by his sides, and the calculated look on his face concerned her. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited.

  “You’re right, Tessa. What I want—no, what I’m demanding—is that we discuss our future.”

  That sounded ominous. Carefully she prodded, “You mean with Jordis?”


  Just as she was about to breathe, he added, “And other things.”

  “What other things?”

  Jordan jerked his head toward the bedroom. “Go shower, eat, and then we’ll talk.”

  Tessa almost stomped her foot and demanded they talk now. Then she realized that if they were going to talk, she would need food. She knelt down, picking up her jeans and walking by him without another word.


  After entering the master bathroom, Tessa stopped to take in in her surroundings. It was what she imagined a spa looked like.

  The large square white-and-gray marble floor tiles were heated. There was a white bear claw tub that she itched to jump into, but there was no time. The walk-in shower was lined in alternating rectangular light gray and white tiles angled into W-shapes along the wall.

  Tessa relished every single second in the shower. She felt better after getting the previous day’s grime off her, but she was still uncomfortable showering in Jordan’s penthouse. It didn’t help that she hadn’t grabbed her T-shirt or bra off the kitchen floor.

  Without another choice, Tessa slid Jordan’s shirt and her jeans back on without her panties. They weren’t worth saving, and she refused to let her mind wander to the reason. The anxiety twisting through her didn’t help her state of mind, but there was no putting off this conversation.

  The smells coming from the kitchen put her anxiety on the back burner as her stomach took center stage. She stopped at the entrance and took in what had to be a rare sight.

  Jordan Davis, NBA champion and billionaire probably several times over, was cooking. And he seemed to know what he was doing. There was a stack of pancakes in front of the stool she’d been sitting at. Her cheeks heated as she remembered what had just happened on that counter. She tore her gaze away to see Jordan smirking at her.

  “What are you thinking about over there, Tessa?”

  She ignored the question and walked to the island, but she didn’t sit on the stool. Jordan chuckled and scooted a place setting in front of her.

  He poured her orange juice and pushed the pancakes her way before removing a pan of bacon from the oven and scooping her scrambled eggs from the stove. Tessa’s eyes widened at the feast before her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had an actual breakfast, and it all looked mouthwatering.

  Jordan pushed her plate a little closer. “Eat.”

  Tessa didn’t mind him telling her what to do this time. She had just shoveled in a couple bites of eggs when she felt his stare boring into her.

  She stopped chewing. “What?”

  It would’ve been more effective if her mouth wasn’t stuffed with food, but she didn’t want him looking at her while she ate.

  Jordan shrugged. “I enjoy watching you savor your food.”

  Tessa finished chewing and swallowed. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

  He pulled out another plate, and they spent the next few minutes eating without the usual tension between them.

  When she couldn’t stomach another bite, Tessa reached for the coffee in front of her. She reveled in the peace while enjoying the simple pleasure of sitting and drinking her coffee. She usually just drank it to get through one task and onto the next.

  Jordan ruined her bliss by asking, “Are you done?”

  Her gut immediately tightened into knots. “Yes,” she said, hoping her reluctance wasn’t obvious.

  Gripping her coffee cup with both hands, she followed him to the great room. She briefly allowed herself to be wowed by the city view before tucking her feet under her in one of the utilitarian chairs.

  Jordan sat with his ankle propped on his knee. He put his arms on the back of the couch and casually stated, “I made an appointment for us to get married next Friday.”

  Tessa’s eyes bulged from her head as her mouth swung open. Everything around her stopped. She couldn’t have heard him right. He couldn’t have possibly just said—no, told her—they were getting married?

  She was like a fish, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly. Eventually the shock started to wear off, and the anger stirred in her.

  Now she bit her tongue as she tried to keep herself in control. Who in the hell did he think he was? First, he was going to take Jordis from her. Then he told her he was willing to work with her. Now he’d just declared they were getting married?

  She was sick of his sanctimonious bullshit. With billowing anger squeezing her chest, Tessa looked him dead in the eye. “No. We are not getting married.”

  The only difference in Jordan’s relaxed posture was the tilting of his head. The asshole calmly sat there, likely pondering the best words to use to manipulate her into doing what he wanted. Her next words betrayed the anger stirring in her.

  “I don’t fucking care what you say, Jordan. We are not getting married.” Tessa slammed her coffee cup on the table, jumping up from her chair and stalking over to him. Throwing her hands up, she looked down at his stoic face. The only indication that he was listening was his raised eyebr
ow, likely caused by the use of her profanity.

  “I don’t even understand why you want to get married.” Tessa paced in front of him. “If I’m this moneygrubbing gold digger, why would you want us to get married? And you don’t get to dictate to me what I’m going to do, Jordan. I’m a grown adult, and you don’t own me.” She ended her rant and stood in front of him with her hands on her hips.

  Jordan stood up and towered over her. Even with the anger swirling around her, her body urged her to step closer, but she was too pissed off to give it more than a passing acknowledgment.

  “You could be pregnant right now. My lawyer is already working on a prenup that you will sign.”

  The realization that he hadn’t worn a condom froze her in place. Tessa was no longer present in the penthouse with Jordan. As if in a time warp, she was reliving every emotion from four years ago.

  After her confrontation with Jordan’s mom, she’d blocked out everything until she’d reached the safety of her room. Then the enormity of what she’d been facing without Jordan had crashed all around her. Tessa had walked around in a daze for a couple of weeks before she’d taken any real action to prepare for her life as a single mom.

  Once her determination returned, her constant morning sickness made it almost impossible to do anything. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to work. Every day was hellish. She was either throwing up or dry heaving.

  How could she do it now? It seemed impossible four years ago, but now she had a toddler and a mom who depended on her. On autopilot, Tessa eyed the door and then walked toward it. She heard Jordan talking from far away, but it was just white noise. She halted, confused, as she was forced to stop when he stood in front of the door and blocked her.

  Somewhere in the back of her brain she vaguely knew that she couldn’t go around him, but she was unable to comprehend anything other than her need to be out of there. When she reached her arm out and pushed the button, Jordan reached for her shoulders. A spurt of awareness penetrated her consciousness, but Tessa wasn’t ready to feel anything. She needed to be in her self-protected bubble.

  She shook off his touch and stepped back. “Don’t.”

  Tessa heard the wavering in her voice and drew in a shuttering breath. She couldn’t lose it yet, not until she was gone.

  “Tessa!” Jordan’s bark penetrated her shocked haze.

  With steel in his voice, he slowly enunciated, “You are not leaving like this.”

  “Why?” Why did he care?

  “I’m calling my driver to take you home.”

  Home was the last place she was going to go, but Jordan didn’t need to know that. Tessa nodded her acceptance, stepped around him, and hit the elevator button with a shaking finger.


  Jordan tried again to gain her attention, but she stared straight ahead at the doors in front of her.

  The silence stretched between them until he finally said with a softened tone, “It’ll be okay.”

  Tessa’s eyes swam with tears, but thankfully Jordan couldn’t see them. The elevator doors finally slid open. Tessa stepped in with her head lowered. Relief flooded her when the door closed and cut her off from Jordan.


  Chapter 21


  After two days of silence from Tessa, Jordan’s patience was maxed out. When she’d gotten into the elevator, it was like she’d been in extreme shock. As soon as he’d said she could be pregnant, the color had drained from her face and she’d gone inside her head.

  For a split second, he wondered if she had manufactured it. After all, if she got pregnant it gave her the chance to get more money from him. He discarded that idea after seeing her white face, shaky body, and zombie-like state. No one could’ve faked that reaction.

  He had been disgusted with himself when he’d felt the urge to wrap his arms around her and comfort her. After everything she’d done, he still couldn’t shake the need to shield and protect her. He initially balked at letting her leave in that state, but then he’d reminded himself that he didn’t care about her. All he wanted was to purge this need he had for her body and make sure he had custody of Jordis.

  Since Tessa hadn’t contacted him, Jordan was going to surprise her with an impromptu visit. During her absence, his lawyer had hammered out the prenuptial agreement and he’d finalized the wedding details. Anticipation fired up his blood as he got into the back seat of his car and directed his driver.

  “Take me to Ms. Parker’s place.”

  The driver looked at him through the rearview mirror. “Certainly, Mr. Davis. Could you give me the address?”

  Jordan frowned. “It’s the same place where you brought her two days ago.”

  “Sir, she asked to be dropped off at the library, so that’s where I took her.”

  “Which library?”

  “The main one downtown.”

  His head pounded. “Let me get this straight. I—the person who pays you—told you to drop her off at home. Instead, you took her to a not-so-safe part of town and dropped her off. Did you wait for her?”

  Jordan saw the driver gulp, and he stammered out, “Sir, I told her I would wait. Ms. Parker insisted she would be there for a while and that she would find her own way home.”

  That sounded like Tessa, but dammit, he didn’t want the mother of his child alone in that part of town. The need to make her his wife so he could keep better track of her burned in him.

  “Next time take her where I tell you or inform me. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Davis.”

  He grew more resolute about his plan coming to fruition as they drove across town. When they got close to Tessa’s apartment, Jordan told the driver to find a parking spot. Striding forward, he opened the doors to her building and looked around critically. Everything was dated and run down, but at least it was clean. No one lingered out in the hall, and there were no apparent parties going on.

  Jordan rapped his knuckles on her door and waited. And waited. Where was she? He knocked again, more firmly this time.

  “I’m coming.”

  If he hadn’t been listening so intently, he wouldn’t have heard the weak response. The next thing he heard was the door locks being released. With the same gray eyes that haunted him, a tired face appeared through the small opening the guard bar allowed.

  Jessica eyeballed him and breathed out, “Jordan Davis.”

  “I’m here to see Tessa and Jordis.”

  Jessica shut the door and then swung it back open. Jordan inhaled a breath.

  Her frail appearance was even more startling than it was the last time he’d seen her. The joggers and T-shirt she wore hung on her tiny frame, and fatigue was clear in her pale skin and sunken face. Jessica’s eyes, however, were as sharp as he remembered.

  He’d never been comfortable in her presence. The few times he’d been around, he’d been subjected to her assessing stare. With most people he would flash a smile and lay on the charm, and they were immediately fans of his. Not Jessica.

  The first time they’d met and he’d flashed his smile, she’d remained guarded. She’d never been hostile, but he’d never felt welcome. Even now, it was apparent she needed to sit down, but her eyes never wavered in their regard of him.

  He was no longer intimidated. It was her daughter who had wronged him. He refused to back down as he returned her gaze.

  “Have a seat, Jordan.”

  He sat down and watched her slow but steady gait toward him. When she sank into the chair, the only other furniture in the room besides the couch where he sat, Jordan didn’t relax. He waited while she steadied her breath.

  “Tessa and Jordis are at the park. What are you doing back in her life?”

  Jordan tensed and ground his jaw together to stop the response that wanted to emerge. Instead, he stated the obvious.

  “I just found out I have a daughter, Ms. Parker.”

  Jessica wasn’t fazed by his subtle dig. “And whose faul
t is it that?”

  Sick or not, she didn’t get to imply that it was his fault. He dropped his polite facade and let her see his anger. “I’m not the one who took money to hide my child.”

  Jessica nodded, and her eyes expressed disappointment. “You’re right. You didn’t do that.”

  Satisfaction cut through his tense body, only to disappear moments later when she continued.

  “And who is the one who professed to care about her and yet never came to ask her side of the story? Even after his mom said things that he should know would never be true?”

  Jordan tensed, and his body temperature rose. His entire body was a ticking time bomb as he stared at Jessica’s challenging expression. The faint sounds of chatter reached him right before the front door swung open and Jordis ran over to him.

  “Jordan! We go to park?”

  He ripped his gaze away from Jessica and scooped up Jordis into his lap. Tessa regarded him and then stared at her mom. Her mouth tightened and her eyebrows drew together.

  “Mom, let’s get you back to bed.”

  He let himself be distracted with Jordis while Tessa helped her mom stand and walk to her room. Just before she crossed the room’s threshold, Jessica called out, “Jordis, come sit with Nana. We’ll play Old Maid.”

  Jordis jumped off his lap, exclaiming, “Yeah!” before she toddling down the hall.


  Tessa returned and sat down in her mom’s vacated seat. The tension she had walked into between her and Jordan still radiated from him. She would question her mom about what happened later. The last thing she needed was an upset Jordan, so she didn’t poke the bear.

  Her heart pattered like crazy at his unexpected visit, but she succeeded in keeping the worry out of her voice. “This is a surprise. Why are you here?”

  She had a pretty good idea, but she wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up.

  “You can’t avoid me if I surprise you with a visit.” Jordan’s arctic response made her back straighten.


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