Rescued by Love

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Rescued by Love Page 3

by Jules Dixon

  My mouth dropped open. “You like the way I say Aurora?”

  The empty champagne flute shattered on the floor. As I glanced down to the broken glass, her lips smashed to mine and it took my brain a few seconds to get with the program. Rory’s delicate fingers dug into my neck, keeping my lips planted to her velvety mouth. My arms slid around her, slipping into the open back of her dress against her silky skin. When I lowered one hand deeper into her dress, cupping her firm ass, there was only flesh against my palm.

  Thong or nothing? Miss Jessen, you always surprise me.

  Guiding her whole body against mine, her whimper of approval spiked my heart rate and sent blood racing to my groin. She squirmed against me, making my cock go from lifeless to stone in seconds. My tongue flicked along the separation of her lips and she opened for me to taste the bubbles still dancing on her tongue. While our tongues teased each other, her fingernails grazed through my hair until my body pulsed with every beat of my heart.

  Damn the way her tongue sightsees every inch of my mouth in search of something.

  A male cleared his throat. “Really sorry, you two, but I have to get something from my coat for Presley and I need it right now.”

  Rory and I parted, sharing sultry, fast breaths at a hair’s distance. Her eyes opened and without a word, she brushed past me with swollen lips and a wrinkled dress.

  I grabbed the top of the coatrack. “Careful, there’s broken glass,” I muttered, my breathing still harsh and my mind spinning.

  Kanyon Hills stepped around the scattered shards and searched the racks for his coat. “Drex, what the hell was that?”

  “It was nothing.” I wanted to believe the words, but the memories pulsed a fresh surge of blood to my crotch.

  “I’d think hard about calling that nothing. Looked like something to me.” Kanyon reached into his coat pocket.

  There are plenty of hard things to think about right now.

  Kanyon chuckled, watching me adjust the uncomfortable solid mass in my pants.

  I wiped her lipstick from my mouth, the color of ripe strawberries transferring to the back of my hand. “She’s the boss’s daughter and she’s only twenty.”

  “When it comes to a kiss, like that one, I wouldn’t care if she was the president’s daughter. And a number, as long as it’s over eighteen, doesn’t mean much when it comes to love.”

  “Whoa there, Hills. I don’t—”

  “Yeah, don’t think, Mason.” His hand clasped my shoulder and gave a shake until I was looking him in the eye. “It’s better if you just go with it. I promise, there’s nothing like being in love. Our two friends in there would echo my sentiment.” He walked away with a small box in his hand.

  After I cleaned up the champagne flute and talked down the tent in my pants, I returned to the party. The lights had been dimmed and only candle-glow lit the room with a soft amber hue. I watched Rory glide across the wood floor with another glass of champagne. I wanted to tell myself that the kiss was a momentary slip, something I could control in the future. But I couldn’t. She brought out a side of me that seemed foreign and made me uncomfortable.

  I clenched my hand. The memory of how her tight and fleshy round backside had warmed my palm only minutes earlier slipped into my mind as she slid onto the chair.

  Lucky chair.

  “Good evening, Drexel.”

  I suspended my staring to turn to my boss. “Mr. Jessen, good evening.”

  “I saw you lead Rory from the room. Everything okay?”

  “She’s decided to have a couple of drinks. I told her I’d be glad to drive her home, but she’s not fond of the idea.”

  He part chuckled and part huffed. “She has her mother’s spirited side that can really test a man’s patience. Since the Mrs. and I will be leaving soon, I’d appreciate knowing she was in safe hands.” He sighed, staring at his daughter. “This night has been an eye-opener. I don’t know what I’ll do when a man steals her from us. Hard not to think of her as my little girl.”

  I pulled at the knot in my tie, the silk wringing my neck a little too snug. “I’m gonna get back to the table, Mr. Jessen. Have a good evening. And don’t worry about Rory, I’ll make sure she gets home safely.”

  “Good night, Drexel.”

  I shook his offered hand, then crossed the room, watching Rory down another glass of champagne.

  “You missed it, Drex,” Oliver said as I sat.

  “Missed what?”

  “Jude started crying.”

  “Did someone finally tell him Presley owns his testicles now?”

  Oliver and Holt shook their heads. Jake Greenstein and Bryson Welch chuckled. As bachelors, they got it.

  This whole marriage thing is totally for suckers.

  “No. Because of that.” Oliver pointed to a corner of the room. The chrome on the brand-new motorcycle gleamed in the flickering candlelight. “It’s a Ducati Panigale S. Apparently, something he’s wanted for a while and Presley gave it to him as a wedding gift.”

  I nodded. “That’s why she’s been trying so hard these last few months to kick my ass in sales.”

  I figured Presley’s efforts at the dealership weren’t only to pay for a wedding dress, because with her superhuman sales achievements she’d had the dress paid for the month after they got engaged. I hadn’t been on my game lately. This month was going to be different. As long as I kept my focus, I’d be on top again.

  The Drexanator will be back.

  My arm spasmed, reminding me of the underlying reason why Presley was able to sail past me these last two months. Some pain relief would be needed soon, but since I was going to drive Rory home, I’d wait until after I got to my house.

  “Oh look, they’re cutting the cake.” Rory pointed across the room before getting up for a refill of champagne, then swayed to the music on her way to the cake table.

  “What’s up with you and Rory?” Ollie asked, his eyes narrowing.

  “I told her father I would drive her home, but she’s not as thrilled with the idea.”

  Jake stood, slipped off his suit coat and walked toward the cake table.

  “Looks like maybe it won’t be an issue.” Oliver gestured with his white Mohawked head. “Jake’s making his move and I’ve never seen him fail to impress the ladies.”

  Rory pushed her blonde hair over her bare shoulder and laughed at something Jake said.

  Don’t do it, Greenstein.

  Chapter Four


  Holding my glass of champagne like it was a dance partner, I shimmied to the music on my way over to the cake table. I chose a piece of wedding cake with enough frosting to induce a sugar rush that would rival an orgasmic release.

  And after that kiss, an orgasmic release sounds pretty damn good right now.

  “Hey, I was going to pick that one.” A tenor voice vibrated as a soft grey sweater-covered arm brushed against my exposed one.

  I turned and there was Jake Greenstein, with his long legs, thin waist, and even below his sweater, I could tell his chest and washboard stomach were a treat any woman would appreciate. His hair was a blend of milk chocolate and sandy blond and he had this smirk that told me he wasn’t afraid to say whatever came to mind, in or out of bed. He was one of those guys my father had warned me about in a conversation that went on for way too long and far too much depth for my liking. Either heartbreak or too much horizontal fun, or both, was waiting behind his unique hazel eyes.

  When have I ever experienced too much horizontal fun?

  I held out the plate. “Be my guest, Jake.”

  “Nah, you deserve it for having to sit next to Drexel.”

  “I take it he’s not your favorite person either?”

  “Eh, I can take him or leave him.”

  “Can you leave him on the moon for me?” I downed the remaining contents of the glass flute.

  Jake chuckled. “Can’t do that, but I’d be glad to give you a ride home tonight so you don’t have to rely on White M

  “White Mountain?”

  He glanced to the table. “Never mind. Just keep me in mind for a ride.”

  I hiccupped. “Yeah, I think a DD might be a good idea.”

  Not that Drexel’s right. He’s just … maybe not wrong.

  Jake’s hazel eyes sparkled gold flecks. He nodded to my empty champagne glass. “You want another one?”

  “Yes please, and you can have this piece of cake for being such a gentleman. I’ll carry it to the table.”

  “Thanks.” He grabbed the stem from my hand and his fingers brushed against mine.

  Nothing. Damn.

  I watched him walk to the bar and skimmed my gaze around the room coming to rest on the blond-haired, blue-eyed guy who seemed to have an issue with me having a little fun tonight. My shoulders tensed remembering our time in the coats. The way he said my name was … it was … I couldn’t even explain.

  God, he’s so annoying!

  I chose another outside piece of cake with double frosting, even more than the first piece I’d nabbed. I’d pay for it in the morning when I was right back here at Triple R for the eight a.m. spin class.

  I made my way to the chair next to Ollie, and Drexel got up from the table and left the room.

  Ollie turned to me. “What’s up, gorgeous?” He was still a flirt even after having the man of his dreams beside him.

  “I’m a little tipsy. And this cake is to die for.” The two—or was it three? Or four?—glasses of bubbly were fizzing their way through my bloodstream.

  “Tipsy after four glasses of champagne? Cheap date.” He leaned in closer. “What’s up with you and Drex?”

  Guess it was four.

  I rolled my eyes. “Drexel has some bizarre need to be overly protective tonight. Jake offered to drive me home, if I don’t want insistent brother’s help.”

  “Brother?” Oliver paused and I stopped with a forkful of cake near my mouth. “Are you sure there aren’t more than sibling feelings there, Rory?”

  “We kissed out in the coatracks.” I shoveled a big bite of cake into my mouth to cover the enduring memory in something sweet and smooth.

  Unlike that kiss, which was restless and rough.

  Oliver chuckled. “Yeah, on my way back from the bathroom, I saw the creepiest demonstration of sibling affection ever.” He cringed on the word “ever.”

  “I suppose you want to give me shit about it?”

  “Why would I do that? You’re a grown woman. He’s a semi-grown man, most of the time. I care about you, so I’m only going to say please be careful. Drex doesn’t always have his shit together, but maybe there’s a woman—”

  “For you.” Jake interrupted him, placing another glass of champagne in front of me.

  An involuntary smile slid onto my face, the tingly effects of the champagne doing their best to change my outlook. “Thank you, Jake. And for you.” I pushed the cake toward him.

  He dug in like he hadn’t just eaten a four-course dinner. “Damn, this is good cake. Everything Willow makes has some magic touch.”

  Wedding cake. There was nothing like it. The white treat was sugar- and fat-laden heaven, sprinkled with a couple’s love. And this cake was no different. Plus, Jake was right—it was a supernatural version of confections.

  I finished off the last bite and was contemplating licking the remaining frosting from the plate, but I didn’t. Drexel found his way back to the table. The guests had thinned and only the twenty-somethings were making a real go of the night. The DJ offered up a good playlist and people were dancing and imbibing freely.

  Presley and Jude hadn’t stepped off the dance floor after their first dance. Her beautiful brocade satin dress hugged her curves and the mermaid fit was meant for her graceful body. She leaned into Jude and whispered something in his ear. He stepped back from her and fell to his knees on the hardwood floor, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her so tightly she should’ve had trouble breathing. Her eyes glinted with a pool of tears in the glow of the DJ’s flashing lights. Everyone at the table stared at their interaction. If it hadn’t been for the music blaring through the room, there would’ve been complete silence.

  “What do you suppose that’s all about?” Jake asked.

  “I’m not sure.” I raised the champagne flute to my lips and took a sip.

  Yeah, I’m chugging it. Sipping ended after that kiss.

  “Can’t imagine she has more to give him after that motorcycle.” Jake’s leg brushed against mine, but the familiar attempt to find connection and elicit anticipation did nothing for me. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted his advances to mean anything. He was heart-pounding sexy. His grin was panty-igniting. That was for sure. And he seemed genuinely nice, but still he struck me as an I’ll-take-one-night-over-a-lifetime kind of guy, and at this point, I wanted a you’re-my-forever kind of guy.

  Drexel didn’t seem like he wanted to be any kind of guy other than annoying.

  “It seemed something more on a personal or relationship level, but I could be wrong.” I turned to Ollie on my right. “Why don’t you and Holt go dance?” I asked him quietly.

  “Holt thinks it might make people uncomfortable.”

  “Nobody here will care. These people love you both, nothing will change that.” My brother was gay and I wanted to believe he and his boyfriend could feel comfortable living their lives the way they wanted, doing the things every couple desired to do together.

  Ollie leaned in close. “You’re right.” He kissed my cheek, then stood and held out his hand to Holt. “I want to dance, Cowboy.”

  “Okay, babe.” Holt winked at me as he stood.

  Holt’s one tiny gesture turned me into a giggling, blushing teenager again. Sure, the reaction was mostly from the alcohol, but the grinning cowboy had the walk, the talk, and the looks to make any woman turn into a hormone-riddled teenager again.

  Chloe played with the napkin in her lap, folding and refolding, as if swaddling a baby. Her glances to the dance floor told me her feelings for Ollie didn’t stop at his sperm donation or only friendship. He had helped created a life, and possibly broken a heart in the process.

  “Jake, will you go dance with Chloe, please?” I asked.

  He leaned into me, his breath heating my ear. “If I can drive you home and you’ll agree to a date next week?”

  Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Drexel staring at both of us, his jaw tightening.

  I turned my head and held Jake’s stare. “Okay. Sure.”

  Drexel looked away and drank his beer.

  Jake stood and asked Chloe to join him. They danced to a slow song, then a fast one started. Jake kept dancing and so did Chloe. He spun her around the dance floor and her dove-grey eyes brightened. Her beaming smile made me imagine she could still find her happiness. Maybe not Jake, but hopefully someone would see the sparkle and spirit she had to offer.

  Now it was only Drexel and I at the table and the champagne induced an urge that if I was sober I’d be questioning, but I didn’t feel like questioning, only dancing.

  “Drex…” After a night of being in heels, I stood and shuffled painful steps to him. My feet felt like millions of bees were stinging them, but I still wanted to dance. “Come on! Let’s go dance.”

  “No can do. My third leg always gets in the way.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Not funny, Mason.” I grabbed his arm and pulled. He jerked it away, his face contorting and his shoulders rising toward his ears. I rested a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  “No, I’m fine,” he spit out and his eyes closed to shelter whatever he was feeling.

  “Please. One fast dance, then I promise you’ll be off the hook.”

  He pushed back from the table. “All right. Lead the way, Miss Jessen.”

  I grabbed his hand, and his warm fingers enveloped mine in a cocoon. The connection seared tingling warmth across my skin and goose bumps trailed up my bare arms, reminding me of the first time we’d touc
hed. I’d felt alive, like I was living my own life, not one that someone else had intended for me. I let him walk beside me, careful not to pull on his arm.

  We danced around Jude and Presley. The hip-hop song morphed into a tender love song. Chloe and Jake molded closely, but she hesitated before laying her head on his shoulder. I could see her struggle with wanting to move on. While I smiled at Ollie and Holt dancing in each other’s arms, Drexel’s arm snaked around my waist. I froze as his body settled against mine. How his high-school form had filled out was quite impressive. His broad chest, tapered with solid muscle to a compact waist, was easy to feel through his suit. He was all strength, unyielding and impenetrable. Those two descriptors unfortunately transferred from one state of his being to every other—physical, emotional, and mental.

  “You can relax. I promise my third leg won’t get out of control … again.”

  I leaned back to look up at him. My eyes traveled up his firm, square jawline to what I already knew were silky lips to his straight nose. I giggled. “Um … you have some glitter under your nose.” I went to reach up to brush it off.

  “I’ll get it,” he snapped. “Sorry, Rory. I’ll take care of it.” He brushed off the glitter.

  “You got it.”


  I rested my cheek against his shoulder and my nose brushed carelessly against his neck. His body stiffened and I wondered if it was from the touch or something else. I could hear his heart beating fast in his chest and the sound was comforting. I inhaled a deep breath and smirked.

  His cologne isn’t that bad. Just takes time to get used to it.

  “Drexel?” I asked.


  “Why did you kiss me?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t kiss you, Princess. You kissed me.”

  I’ll show him Princess!

  As if he knew I was going to try to get away, his hand pressed on my shoulder blade to hold my body to him.

  I adjusted my head so I could look up at him again. “No, you kissed me, Drexel.”

  “Now, Aurora—”

  “Don’t say my name like that,” I said through gritted teeth.

  His lips grazed my ear. “Ah-roar-ah.” He pulled the life from every syllable until I needed the next one like the oxygen in my blood. “We both know that was an impulsive and uncontrolled Aurora kiss. It wasn’t a Drexel kiss. When I kiss you, it’s different than that kiss. I’m sure you remember what one of my kisses feels like, right?”


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