by Vanamali
These are satya, daya, tapas, and tyaga—truth, compassion, austerity, and sacrifice. Valmiki’s poem brings out all these aspects quite beautifully. Rama’s adherence to truth, his compassion to all who approached him, the steadfast way he stuck to his austere life in the forest and after parting from Sita, and his ability to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others have all been brought out in the epic. Valmiki graphically portrays a mighty human being who turned himself into a god by his strict adherence to this relentless cosmic law of dharma. He was indeed a dharmatman—the soul of dharma.
Meditate on the blue-colored, lotus-eyed Rama,
Who carries the sword, bow, and quiver in his hands,
Who exterminates the night wanderers,
Who is the ever-full unborn,
Who incarnated himself in order to save the world.
Jai Sri Rama !
Hari Aum Tat Sa t
Phala-Shruti—List of Benefits
Those who hear or listen to this epic will be saved from all misfortune. It grants longevity, victory, and power. Those without children will get children, and those who want fame will get fame. Those who read it with faith will get dharma, artha, kama, and moksha. The blessings of Lord Vishnu will always be upon them for Rama is that Narayana, the All-pervading Being, without beginning and without end, who resides in the milky ocean—the ancient divinity. Sita is his eternal consort, Mahalakshmi, mother of the universe, granter of all auspiciousness and prosperity.
May all those who recite this epic with faith and love be blessed with health, wealth, and wisdom.
To thee, O Vanamali! I offer this garland of unfading flowers called the Ramayana.
Sarvesham swasthir bhavatu,
Sarvesham shantir bhavatu.
Sarvesham poornam bhavatu
Sarveasham mangalam bhavatu.
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
Sarve Santu niramaya
Sarve bhadrani pashyantu.
Ma kashchid dukhabhav bhaveth.
May all be healthy,
May all be at peace with each other.
May all be fulfilled,
May all be auspicious.
Let all be happy,
Let all be free from pain.
Let all see reality everywhere,
Let none have sorrow.
Thus ends the complete Ramayana of the sage Valmiki.
Aum Shantil Shantil Shantil
Alphabetical List of Mantras
The mantras that open and close every chapter of this book have been listed here in alphabetical order to facilitate location of their
Ananthaguna-gambhiraya Namaha! Salutations to the one with endless great qualities
Danadakaranya-karthanaya Namaha! Salutations to the lord of the Dandaka forest
Dasagreevashiroharaya Namaha! Salutations to the one who cut off the heads of Ravana
Dayasaraya Namaha! Salutations to the epitome of kindness
Dhanurdharaya Namaha! Salutations to the one who carries the bow
Dharmakrite Namaha! Salutations to the one who is the foundation of all righteousness
Divyastradharine Namaha! Salutations to the possessor of divine weapons
Dushana-trishiro-hantre Namaha! Salutations to the one who put an end to Dushana and Trishiras
Jagadgurave Namaha! Salutations to the preceptor of the world
Janakivallabhaya Namaha! Salutations to the beloved of Janaki (Sita)
Janardanaya Namaha! Salutations to the one who removes the evils of birth and death
Kharadwamsine Namaha! Salutations to the one who killed Khara
Mahabhujaya Namaha! Salutations to the long-armed one
Mahayogine Namaha! Salutations to the great yogi
Mayamareechahantre Namaha! Salutations to the slayer of Maricha
Paramatmane Namaha! Salutations to the supreme soul
Pattabhiramaya Namaha! Salutations to the one who was crowned
Pithrubhaktaya Namaha! Salutations to the one who was true to his ancestors
Raghupungavaya Namaha! Salutations to the most illustrious of the Raghus
Raghuttamaya Namaha! Salutations to the best of the Raghus
Rajeevalochanaya Namaha! Salutations to the lotus-eyed one
Rajendraya Namaha! Salutations to the king of kings
Sadahanumadaasritaya Namaha! Salutations to the one on whom Hanuman always depends
Saptatala-prabhetre Namaha! Salutations to the one who pierced the seven palmyra trees
Satyavache Namaha! Salutations to the one who spoke only truth
Saumyaya Namaha! Salutations to the ever-pleasant one
Satyavrathaya Namaha! Salutations to the upholder of truth
Seethapathaye Namaha! Salutations to the husband of Sita
Setukrite Namaha! Salutations to the one who built the bridge
Sharvaya Namaha Salutations to Shiva
Shaswathaya Namaha! Salutations to the eternal one
Shyamangaya Namaha! Salutations to the dark-bodied one
Sri Ganeshya Namaha! Salutations to Sri Ganesha
Sri Hanumanthaya Namaha! Salutations to Sri Hanuman
Srimate Namaha! Salutations to the one who has a clear intellect
Sri Ramabhadraya Namaha! Salutations to Rama, the auspicious one
Sri Ramachandraya Namaha! Salutations to Ramachandra
Sri Ramaya Namaha! Salutations to Sri Rama
Namaha! Salutations to the one who was served by the son of Sumitra
Sundaraya Namaha! Salutations to the handsome one
Valipramadhanaya Namaha! Salutations to the one who killed Vali
Vibhishana-prathishtatre Namaha! Salutations to the one who instated Vibhishana as king
Vrathadharaya Namaha! Salutations to the one who adhered strictly to his vows
Hari Aum Tat Sa t
Glossary of Sanskrit Terms
Abhijit constellation that rises at noon
abhisheka ceremonial bath of a king during the coronation
adharma unrighteousness
adharmic that which is not in accordance with dharma
adi-kavi the first poet
adi-kavya the first poem
amavasya night of the new moon
antaryami the supersoul within
apsara heavenly nymph
artha wealth; material goods
ashoka type of flowering tree
ashrama hermitage
ashramites those who live in an ashrama
ashvamedha yajna horse sacrifice ritual
astra weapon
asura demon
atma/atman soul
atmic pertaining to soul
bhakta devotee
bhakti devotion
Bharatavarsha ancient name for India
biksham dehi call for alms by a sannyasi
brahmachari a celibate; one who practices continence
Brahman the formless Supreme
Brahmarishi sage who has attained the Supreme
brahmastra deadly atomic weapon
brahmic pertaining to Brahman
Brahmin one belonging to the priestly class
Chaitra month in which Rama was born; March/April
champaka name of a flowering tree; flower
chowrie yak-tail fan
daitya rakshasa; demon
danava asura; demon
darbha type of grass
daya compassion
dharma righteousness, morality, virtue
dharmanuchara one who practices dharma
dharmatma the soul of dharma
dharmic pertaining to righteousness
gandharva celestial singer
guna one of the modes of nature
guru preceptor
gurukula ancient type of school conducted at the abode of the teacher
Itihasas epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata
kadamba type of flowering tree; flower of the same
sp; kama love; lust
karma actions; the result of actions
Kartika name of month; October/November
Kshatriya member of the warrior caste
kusha a type of grass
lila play
linga sign; phallic symbol; stone signifying Shiva
mantra incantation
mara tree
maryada purusha the perfect human being
maya illusion
moksha liberation
mridanga percussion instrument
mritasanjivi magic herb that brings the dead back to life
naga(s) serpent(s)
nagapasa an invisible noose made by invoking the serpent’s power through mantras
palmyra a type of palm tree
parijata name of a tree; flower of the same
phala-shruti list of benefits
prayaga confluence of two or more rivers
puja ritual
Punarvasu constellation under which Rama was born
poornavatara supreme incarnation
purusha person; man
pushpa flower
Pushya constellation under which Bharata was born
putrakameshti yajna ritual for begetting a son
rajas quality of action; passion
rakshasa demon; cannibal
rakshasi demoness
Ramarajya rule of Rama
ramphal bull’s heart fruit; custard apple
rishi sage
rita cosmic order
Sama one of the Vedas
samadhi superconscious state
samsara the transmigratory existence
samskaras character traits carried from a previous life
sandal paste paste made from sandalwood, believed to have antibacterial properties
sanjeevakarani magic herb that brings the dead back to life
sannyasa life of renunciation
sannyasi(ns) renunciate(s)
satsang company of the holy
sattva quality of goodness or harmony
satya truth
shakti power; name of weapon
shastra(s) scripture(s)
shoka sorrow
Shravana month; July/August
shudra the fourth caste
siddhi(s) supernormal power(s)
sitaphal sugar-apple; Sita’s fruit
sloka verse
sthitha prajna person of steady intellect; enlightened person
svadharma duty pertaining to one’s caste and character
swaroopa original form
swayamvara a ceremony in which a princess is allowed to choose her husband
tamas quality of inertia; sloth; laziness
tanpura stringed instrument; lute
tapas austerities; basis of penance
tyaga renunciation
uttama highest
uttama purusha perfect person
vaishya the third caste; merchant caste
valmikam ant hill
vanaras monkeylike humanoids
Veda(s) most ancient spiritual books of the Hindu philosophy; four in number
vedic pertaining to the Veda
veena lute; instrument
vijaya victory; auspicious hour
vishalyakarani a magic herb that heals all wounds
yaga/yajna fire ceremony; sacrifice
yajnashala place where yaga is performed
yoga spiritual practice
yogi an ascetic engaged in spiritual practice
yogic pertaining to yoga
yuga period of time, e.g., Satya Yuga, age of truth
yuvaraja/yuvraj heir apparent; crown prince
Hari Aum Tat Sat
Glossary of Names and Places
Agastya a great sage with many divine powers
Agni god of fire
Ahalya wife of the sage Gautama; famous for her beauty
Akampana name of a rakshasa
Aksha Kumara Ravana’s youngest son
Anasuya wife of sage Atri; famous for her piety and chastity
Angada son of the monkey king Vali
Anjana Hanuman’s mother
Arjuna the middle Pandava (son of Pandu) to whom Lord Krishna gave the advice of the Bhagavad Gita
Atri great sage, husband of Anasuya
Ayodhya capital city ruled by Rama; Rama’s birthplace
Ayomukhi a rakshasi who solicited Lakshmana
Bhadra friend of Rama’s
Bharadwaja great sage who lived at the confluence of three rivers: Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati
Bharata Rama’s brother, son of Kaikeyi
Brahma the Creator; grandsire of the gods
Chitrakoota hill where Rama and Sita lived early in his fourteen-year exile
Dandaka forest where Rama and Sita spent his exile
Dasaratha Rama’s father
Dhumraksha one of Ravana’s generals
Dhushana one of Ravana’s generals
Dundubhi a demon in the form of a buffalo
Durvasa sage noted for his bad temper
Dwapara Yuga third age of the Hindu calendar
Gandharva musical heavenly beings; powerful warriors who had their own kingdom
Ganesha son of Shiva; the elephant-faced god
Ganga the holy river
Garuda the eagle vehicle of Lord Vishnu
Gautama a great sage; husband of Ahalya
Godavari river by which was situated Rama’s and Sita’s hermitage during the last two years of his exile
Gokarna where Maricha had his ashrama
Gomati a river near Ayodhya
Guha chieftain of a tribe who helped Rama to cross the Ganga
Hanuman minister of Sugriva; monkey god; one of Rama’s greatest devotees
Himavan lord of the great mountain—the Himalayas; father of the goddess Parvathi
Ikshvaku son of Manu and progenitor of the Solar race
Ilwala name of a demon
Indra king of gods
Indrajit Ravana’s oldest son
Jambavan king of the bears
Jambumali son of Ravana’s general, Prahastha
Janaka king of Mithila; Sita’s father
Janaki another name for Sita, meaning daughter of Janaka
Janasthana part of the forest of Dandaka where Ravana’s garrison was stationed
Jatayu an eagle who tried to help Sita
Jayanta son of Indra who came in the form of a crow
Kabandha a headless demon
Kaikeyi mother of Bharata; youngest wife of Dasaratha
Kailasa peak in the Himalayas; dwelling place of Shiva
Kala the spirit of time
Kausalya mother of Rama, eldest wife of Dasaratha
Kekaya Kaikeyi’s native land
Kesari Hanuman’s foster father
Khara a demon; brother of Dhushana
Kishkinda name of Sugriva’s city
Kodanda name of Rama’s bow
Kosala name of Rama’s country
Krishna The supreme incarnation of Vishnu
Kshatriya the ruling and warrior caste; second highest of the four castes
Kubera god of wealth; Ravana’s stepbrother
Kumbha Kumbhakarna’s son
Kumbhakarna Ravana’s younger brother, noted for his outrageous eating and sleeping habits
Kurukshetra battlefield of the Kurus, where the Mahabharata war was fought
Kusa one of the twin sons of Rama
Lakshmana one of the twin sons of Sumitra; Rama’s brother and close companion
Lakshmi consort of Narayana
Lanka Ravana’s city, home of the rakshasas
Lankini goddess of Lanka
Lava one of the twin sons of Rama
Madhavi goddess of the Earth
Madhuvana wine garden of Sugriva
Mahabharata the great epic composed by Vyasa
Mahalakshmi goddess of wealth; wife of Lord Vishnu
Mahaparashva one of Ravana’s trusted generals
endra mountain on which Parashurama meditates
Maheswara another name for Shiva
Mahodara one of Ravana’s best generals
Mainaka a mountain under the sea
Maithili another name of Sita; princess of Mithila
Malaya name of a mountain
Mandavi Bharata’s wife
Mandodari chief consort of Ravana; daughter of Mayan
Manthara hunchback maidservant of Kaikeyi
Maricha rakshasa who took the form of the golden deer
Matali the charioteer of Indra
Matanga a great sage
Mayan father of Mandodari; architect of the demons
Mayavi a demon who fought with Vali
Meghanatha eldest son of Ravana; later known as Indrajit
Mithila capital city of Videha; Sita’s city
Naimisha forest where Rama conducted the ashvamedha yajna
Nala architect of the vanaras; built Rama’s bridge to Lanka
Nalakubera one of the sons of Kubera
Nandana a celestial garden
Nandi bull vehicle of Lord Shiva
Nandigrama village where Bharata stayed for fourteen years
Narada celestial sage
Narayana one of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Neela one of the monkey generals
Nikumbha one of the sons of Kumbhakarna
Pamba name of a lake
Panchavati grove of five trees in which Rama built an ashrama
Parashurama the sixth incarnation of Vishnu
Parvathi wife of Lord Shiva; daughter of Himavan
Prahastha commander-in-chief of Ravana’s army
Prashravana hill where Rama spent the four months of the rainy season
Punchikasthla name of a celestial nymph
Pushpaka Ravana’s aerial flower chariot
Raghava name of Rama
Raghu one of the famous kings of the Solar race; great-grandfather of Rama
Raghunandana name of Rama, which means one who is dear to the race of the Raghus
Raghuvamsa race of Raghu
Rahu one of the nine planets that cause the eclipse of the sun and moon
(Sri)Rama seventh incarnation of Vishnu
Ramabhadra another name for Rama
Ramachandra another name for Rama
Ramayana the way of Rama; the first poem to be composed in the world