by Vanamali
return to Ayodhya,
reunited with Sita, 257–63,
search for Sita, 127–33,
Sugriva and, 136–42,
Vibhishana and, 207–8
Rama Kiyn, 2
Rama Yagan, 2
Ramayana, 1–5, 23–24,
Rambha, 202–3
ramphal, 81
Ratnakar. See Valmiki
Ravana, 7, 11, 27, 93–99, 124–25, 162
abduction of Sita, 108–17,
battle of Lanka and, 223–25
death of, 245–56
destruction of Lanka and,
Hanuman and, 189–93
harem of, 171–73
invulnerability of, 208–9
Kumbhakarna and,
preparing for attack,
reaction to death of son,
siege of Lanka and, 213–18
Revathi, 6
rishis, 10, 70, 77, 98, 131
Rishyamukha hill, 129
rita, 8
salvation, 21
Sampati, 83, 161–65
samsara, 29, 125
samskaras, 21
Samudra, 210
sandal trees, 84
sandalwood, 132
sanjeevakarani, 222
sannyasis, 109–11
Sarayu river, 15
satsang, 43
sattva, 204
satya, 8
Shabari, 130–31
Shambuku, 14
shastras, 207
Shatrugna, 28, 33–34, 60–61,
267–68, 298
Shiva, 34, 190
Shravana, 151
Shurpanekha, 10–11, 87–92
sin, 20
Sita, 3, 8, 11–14, 21
abandonment of, 274–83,
abduction of, 108–17
adoption of, 32–33
in ashoka grove, 174–86
banishment and, 52–53, 57–59,
during battle of Lanka,
children of, 286, 289–91
connection with nature, 79–81
on dharma, 77–78
fake torture of, 235–36
golden deer and, 102–6
injury of, 64–65
marriage to Rama, 33–35
reunited with Rama, 257–63,
search for, 127–33, 153–60
sitaphal, 81
sob chamber, 44
Solar dynasty, 26
solar eclipse, 6–7
sorrow, 4–5, 154, 155, 175, 282
Srutikirti, 33
Subahu, 28, 30–31
Sudeekshna, 77, 81
suffering, 4–5
Sugriva, 11, 129–31, 136–42,
143–52, 154–60, 198–200
battle of Lanka and, 220, 224
causeway to Lanka and,
Kumbhakarna and, 230–31
return to Ayodhya, 265–66
Sumantra, 40, 63, 298
Sumitra, 27, 40, 56, 58, 269
Sundara Kanda, 168–96
ashoka grove, 174–86
Hanuman’s wrath, 187–96
leap to Lanka, 168–73
Supreme Being, 20–21
Surasa, 169
Surya Vamsa, 6
svadharma, 287
swayamvara, 70
tamas, 204
Tamasa River, 21
tapas, 21, 70, 78, 81–82,
Tara, 145–46, 148, 149, 150–51, 157
Tataka, 10, 30–31
Thailand, 2
Trigata, 179
triple laws, 7
Tulsidas, 5, 9
Urmila, 33–34, 58, 132
Uttara Kanda, 274–300
abandonment of Sita, 274–83
dharma triumphs, 284–300
Vaivaswatha Manu, 26
Vajradamstra, 223
Vali, 11, 129, 136, 138–42,
Valmiki, 3–4, 5, 289–91
as astronomer, 6–7
portrayal of Rama’s character,
story of, 18–25
vanaras, 11, 151, 154, 156,
228–29, 241.
See also monkeys
Varuna, 169
Vasishta, 26, 27–28, 29–30, 38,
40, 46, 269
Vatapi, 82
Vayu, 163–64
Venus, 6–7
Vibhishana, 191, 201–2, 204,
206–9, 214, 223–24,
229–30, 238–41, 255,
258–59, 265–66
Vidyudjihva, 214
vijaya, 33, 125
Vinata, 158
Viradha, 74–75
Virupaksha, 246
vishalyakarani, 222, 232–33, 248
Vishnu, 26–27, 299, 301
Vishravas, 162
Vishwamitra, 10, 28–31, 98
Vyasa, 4, 6
yajna, 9, 13
Yama, 156, 162
Yamuna River, 63
Yuddha Kanda, 198–271
battle of Lanka, 219–26
causeway to Lanka, 206–12
death of Ravana, 245–56
Hanuman to the rescue,
Indrajit, 238–44
return to Ayodhya, 264–71
siege of Lanka, 213–18
trial by fire, 257–63
Yudhishtira, 8
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