“So when this is over when will we see you guys again?” Nate says and it is both cute and sad. I place my hand over his shoulder.
“Here, not for a while,” I say watching his expression change as he lowers his head. “So you will just have to come visit us.” I say grinning like a kid at Christmas as a smile spreads across his face.
“Really we can come to America?” He says getting all the others attention.
“Why not, it would be good for you guys and it will make you worldlier.” I say grabbing another piece of toast and a few of the others copy my movements.
‘I think you’re gaining admirers,’ Marcus’s thoughts push to me and I smile even bigger.
After our meal we are transported as teams into our designated areas and from there we have about a five mile hike. Most of our team groans at the thought of hiking but I truly favor it. It helps me in two areas; one it clears my mind, two it helps me get better familiar with the landscape if we need a quick retreat.
As soon as I got in the van I feel my hand began to tingle at their own accord, but blew it off. While the trip progressed I could feel the tingling sensation creep slowly up my arms and slowly down my body. By the time we get dropped off I could feel it in my toes. It doesn’t hurt, in fact I would even say it felt good, but strange all the same. “Do you feel that,” I whisper to Marcus who just gives me that what the fuck look.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, focus Gemma.” He says so I drop it.
I take lead with Marcus because he wants to be in the lead, but really doesn’t even know where we are supposed to go. “Maps are for pussies,” he says but then he will be turning to this pussy, me, when he gets lost. Luckily for him it’s a straight shot from where we were dropped off. The terrain on the other hand is thick with brush and trees with steep ledges. It would be a pain in the butt to run back if need be.
We make the five miles in an hour before the sun goes down, which is great since we could use the break. “Can you see it?” I ask seeing the top of a buildings and he nods. At the distance we should be safe from anything fairy and from the reports the guards are station very close to the perimeter.
I watch as the others either sleep or eat quietly. There was no doubt in my mind when Marcus decided to go with the first wave, but these guys are different. They are so brave, not one of them backing down or showing fear even at this point. I look over to Nate, who is eating with his some of the pack with a smile as he whispers with one of his friends. ‘Are you ready,’ Marcus thoughts come to me. I look over to where he is seeing my eye color in his and nod.
Marcus raises from his spot and all eyes go to him as he signals for us to break up in groups. Yesterday in our training we divide the groups into three smaller groups of five. Getting my way Nate was placed in my group along with three others that I let Marcus pick. ‘We’re off to a good start,’ I think over to Marcus who is grinning ear to ear. He did put in the most of the work for this trip, but still not as much with the paper work. Nate and I stay in our present state as Marcus and the two others shift. Marcus and I figured this would be the best ways since we can still communicate with each other.
I have two of the boys shift letting them use their advanced sense of smell to help out the group. The idea of all of us shifting would sound like a good idea right now, but then our communication would be blocked. As wolves we can kind of read off each other in body language, but for actual words that is another thing. Even in there shifted forms they can understand me when I talk or signal to them.
We are halfway around the hunter’s camp when I notice the two wolves freeze mid step. I can’t really know what they are thinking or what they have noticed but I halt the rest of the group.
‘Keep alert I have a strange sense in our location,’ Marcus pushes to me and I automatically crutch down to scan through the trees better.
“Do you see something?” Nate whispers fully alert now. He slowly lowers to my position in the thick of the grass.
“Nate if anything happens run back to the drop off zone.” I say so quietly that I can barely hear it and he nods. Moving slowly we creep closer finding a beaten path that the guards must take.
‘Found a trail,’ I send to Marcus but the only response I give is a quick okay with no information on their parts. Signing to Nate to watch my back I move closer to the edge of the trees that are protecting my location to get a better look. The wall is taller than I can see up without giving myself away, but I can hear three hunters causally talking to each other. Listening closer I can only hear three heart beats. Looking back to Nate I wave him over to follow me as I look for anything that might help us in any way.
Walking like the way we had been trained someone would really have to be listening for us to hear us. Marcus and I have gotten so good at it we don’t even have to look down to do this. Taking a quick glance back towards Nate he’s looking down at the ground, but is right on my tail.
Mentally I’m taking everything in, mapping every little thing as if my life depended on it and it might. My wolf can sense the hunters and knows that whatever is beyond that wall that we are greatly outnumber at the moment, but she’s not backing down. Nate grabs my arm forcing me to stop and I quickly look over to him to give him a look. His face is serious as he points to his ear for me to listen. Standing still like the trees that surround us I listen and hear what sounds to be breathing of a small group heading in our direction. My mind quickly goes into over drive as I turn Nate around to quickly get out of the way of the incoming wolves. We need to get out of the area without bringing attention to ourselves, but it’s too late as I see first two men come into my line of sight and then quickly two hunters behind them.
“Run as fast as you can don’t turn back,” I whisper but it comes out louder then I expect and Nate takes off almost shifting on the spot. Instantly I’m running behind him but I haven’t shifted yet as the tingling I felt earlier spreads, heating my body until I begin to whimper in pain. Nate’s wolf turns around confused by my situation. I don’t know how to answer him even if I tried. Weakly I toss my hand to wave him away, but it’s too late he soon drops howling in pain. I would give anything in this moment to silence him or make is pain go away. Falling hard onto my back I writhe in agony on the wooded floor gripping onto anything. My whole body is paralyzed and all I can do is endure the indescribable amount of pain that is coursing through my body.
Moving my head slightly I can see two very old men coming towards us with only the whites of their eyes showing as they hum. It’s almost as if their eyes had rolled back into their head. With everything I have I fight to control my body again. The two hunters with their uniforms on walk over to us all with grins on their faces as they watch us in pain. “Told you they would lead us to more.” One of the hunters says watching as we continue to endure the pain. Their weapons aren’t even in their hands as they move closer to us. One hunter with light brown hair come’s over to where I lay and kneels near my head examining me like a work of art. I glance over to the other hunter seeing him do the same to a shifted wolf near me.
The one above me pulls my head gently into his lap exposing my neck as he softly brushes the hair off my face. My eyes lock up with his and I can feel them glow with hatred for this man. “This one’s eyes are blue,” he says then tilts my head to the side so the other hunter can see for himself.
He watches me for a moment then shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. You know what we were told to do.”
Turning my head back in his lap he pulls out a long blade from his boot and brings it towards my exposed neck. Shit, crap, fuck. I think over and over again. This can’t be how my life ends I think as I stare into the eyes of the man above me.
I feel it before I see it actually happen. My head hits the ground as the hunter above me vanishes and then I feel the receding of the pain that poisoned my body. Weakly moving to my side I watch as two vampires move faster than I can watch. Screams fill the air like smoke. The two older
fairies lifeless bodies drop to the ground with a loud thud. Large arms quickly embrace me pulling me against an even muscular frame. “Gemma, my Gemma,” a voice I vaguely remember says and I try to focus on the face speaking these words. “That’s it focus,” the voice encourages and I can start to see him clearly.
“Beau?” I say feebly resting my hand onto his face.
His face lights up with a breathtaking smile. “You remember,” he says so softly as he takes my hand that I try to place on his face. He brings his nose to my wrist as he breathes me in closing his eyes. The sight of this has my cold body burning with desire until I have no choice but to look away. I look for Nate and my heart stops in my chest. “Nate,” I say as loud as I can leaving the safe hold of Beau. Nate is still in his shifted state as I try to make my way over to him. Beau quickly lifts me off the ground and places me next to Nate.
“Nate,” I cry again as I check for any sign of life from him. My hand runs through his brown fur until I feel the beat of his heart. I hug Nate to me as best I can sighing in relief he is still alive.
“Sir,” a female vampire bows respectfully to Beau. “The area is momentarily clear,” she says and I can see a strangled look pass across her face for only a second before the mask is back in place.
Beau nods and adds, “Amy, Holmes you can go now,” Beau says and the two vampires vanish quickly from sight.
“Gemma were going to have to leave soon, it is not safe here,” Beau says about to leave lifting me off the ground.
“I won’t leave Nate here like this,” I say backing away.
“Gemma!” Marcus voice roars vibrating through the air as he nears us. “Get away from her,” he growls to Beau ready to attack.
“Marcus stop he saved me, he won’t hurt us.” I say finally taking my eyes off Nate.
“And how do you know that Gemma?” He says still keeping his eyes on Beau and I really don’t know how to answer his question.
“We don’t have time for this. You take care of your down men and I will take care of your sister. You have my word that no harm will come to her,” Beau says very politely.
“No, fuck you vamp.” Marcus comes closer to us and Beau shields me from my brother. From beyond the wall I can hear sirens wailing and I try to stand, but fall like a newborn deer. Beau catches me before I hit the ground holding me into his arms as Marcus looks at us with disgust.
“I will see you soon Marcus.” I say to calm him the best I can in this situation. “Take care of Nate, he is still alive,” I say just as Beau takes off with me in his arms.
It’s exhilarating running at this speed when I’m not a wolf. He runs just as fast as I do when I shift, but I couldn’t compete with this speed as I am. My arms go around his neck and I feel safe. I don’t understand it, but I also don’t want to think about it to try to understand.
I’ve been watching over Gemma since I first laid eyes on her. At that time she was just a young kid, but I knew that one day she would belong with me. She is my other half, my better half, and now that she has progressed to adulthood it is almost too much to bare. She has matured into a very stunning young woman. Every time I watch out for her I have to fight the impulse of making myself known to her.
When I first started looking after her it was because I had this fierce need to protect her from harm. It was upsetting to me to watch her and her brother do jobs required of older more experienced shifters, but after a while I got over that fact. Those two are more skilled then some of the vampires I know who are hundreds of years old.
I only watch from afar and only of her on her missions. Never do I get anywhere close to her packs land for both her safety and for my own kind. What I’m doing isn’t natural and when it surfaces, and it will surface, I know everything will be over for us. The elders wouldn’t allow it and destroy me, as her pack master would do the same to her. My love for her is an abomination. My life, as I know it, will be over before it ever truly began. I guess I could say it began when I first saw her and be all romantic about it, but that wouldn’t really be true. The moment she laid in my arms and looked at me knowing is the day I felt alive, today actually.
There’s this undeniable push to make me want to truly live my life and love this woman the rest of my existence. A very enthralling push.
Looking down at her sleeping form right now I think back on my decision and what effects it will have for us. I felt off when I got the news of her leaving the country and coming to England, but I followed her anyways. Almost always I go on these personal missions on my own. No one really knows what I do or why I do it and that is the way I like it to be. For if anyone knew it would get ugly for me. But this time since I went out of the country, an elder of the area sent two of their own with me. They never question me as we followed Gemma’s small shifter group along the border of the Hunters camp. I know what the shifter hope is here, but it’s not. This is not the hunter’s headquarters, they are not even close.
I make the other two vampires hold back when I notice how strange Gemma is acting. It’s only slight and by the looks that she is getting from her brother he is the only one who notices.
There bond with each other is alarming. Maybe that isn’t the right word for the situation, but it might also have to do with the fact I’m not that close with my own brother anymore.
Her hands look as if they are wanting to rip her own skin off. I’m momentarily distracted by the way the other males look at her. I want to physically rip out their eyes, especially the youngest one shifter. He is looking up at her like a boy does when he has a crush on his school teacher or babysitter. Of course she never notices the looks or encourage them which greatly pleases me.
When I notice the change it’s already too late. I watch shocked as she and the others fall to the ground writhing in pain. From the beginning I knew that something like this could occur and I would have to step in. It was easy choice to make when it wasn’t on the spot, but now when I see her head in the lap of a hunter I can’t wait for a miracle to happen. That was my plan to wait, but I knew if I waited a moment more she would be dead.
Never had I seen a situation that she’s been in that has required help, though she has received it. It’s always way before it gets anywhere close to death and I was sure that I would have a lot more time before I played my part.
Selfishly I only save her by quickly killing the hunter who was just about to take her life. A dark part of me wishes he had a slower more painful death then the gift I had just blessed him with.
Panic fills me when I notice how off she is squirming in my lap, but that all clears when she says my name.
I always wondered if she remembered me or if I was just a distant memory, maybe even a faint dream. For the first time my heart aches in my chest as she weakly try’s to raise her delicate hand to my face. Taking it to my cheek I feel the warmth she has to offer and what I intend to take. I also feel lost when she releases my face and turns to the younger wolf crying. Not knowing really want to do then to give her what she wants, I gently lift her up bringing her to the boy. I hardly notice Amy and Holmes when they appear but then I send them on their way knowing they have seen too much.
However I do notice when her brother comes barrowing towards us with a look of hatred I’ve never seen from him before. Instinctively I place myself in front of Gemma and then I’m amazed when she chooses to go with me.
Now I’m here in an abandon shack about 30 miles away from the madness she just played a part in. I clutch her warm hands in mine as I bask in what will be a brief moment of contentment I have never known before today.
I find myself often bringing her wrist to my mouth as I either kiss or breathe her personal scent in. It’s so unique from anything I have ever smelled before and it simulates every single one of my senses. Her skin is paler then the naturally hew she always carries. Even her eyes look a more crystal blue as if she were sick and I know it’s just because of
the fairies. They were placing what sounded like the beginnings of a curse on her. They can have serious side effects which mainly end in a slow death.
Unlike shifters we study all supernatural’s and one of those creatures are fairies. We learned many of the more common powers, curses, or what else they can do. We don’t know much about those who live outside of their community. They tend to use their powers for personal gain, but are both few in number and hard as hell to find. The curse they placed on her and the others is one I had heard before. I should have done something earlier, but I really thought she was going to be okay. Kissing her wrist again I know what I have to do.
When I open my eyes I have no idea where I’m at and maybe that is because everything is dark. Slowly I roll off to the side of the bed I’m on and hit another body. Freaking out I jump, pushing whatever is near me away. Cool arms wrap around me stilling my motions before he speaks. “Gemma it’s me Beau,” he says and I stop fighting to free myself from his grasp.
“Where are we?” I ask still feeling very drained.
“Somewhere safe for the moment, you were so weak. How are you feeling now?” He asks moving closer to me as he feels my face for a temperature.
“Fine at the moment.” I say trying to look stronger then I feel, but he gives me a knowing look.
“Here,” he says bringing his arm up towards my face and immediately I’m confused by it until he cuts a one inch line across his pale skin. For a moment nothing happens then the cut turns dark red as the blood begins to spill. I know what he is offering me, but I don’t know what to do.
It is said that when a vampire gives away his blood freely to another that their blood can heal almost any illness or disease, but it comes at a cost to them. What the cost is I don’t know. “Take it,” he says bringing his arm closer to my face.
Undeniable (Undeniable series) Page 6