Seized: A Rough Romance
Page 14
I placed what was left of my drink on the surface, closing my eyes briefly. I was far too exhausted to keep going over details or allowing the memories to wrap around my mind like sharp claws. I slipped my hand into my back pocket, tugging on the single item I’d brought from the hell hole of a prison.
A folded and partially faded picture.
After placing the vivid photograph just a few inches away, I smoothed it out, staring down at the happy smiles and festive atmosphere. The ugliness had kept me going during my incarceration, adding to my resolve and determination for revenge.
The images floating inside my mind were too brutal and after a few seconds I shut them down, turning my attention toward finding out what the weather held in store.
The colorful grid crossing the screen gave me an answer.
A hurricane.
Category two.
Chapter Eleven
There was no other word to describe Sawyer. Other than exciting. There was no reason that his unhinged behavior should create any emotions but fear, but I tingled from the thought of his intense dark gaze. While the majority of men were difficult to read, he exposed every passion in his movements and expressions. He was a beacon for filth and sin, domination and retribution, but that’s exactly why the rush of adrenaline remained deep inside every cell and muscle.
I even had difficulty breathing.
Then there was Rafael, quiet in his demands, determined in his methods. The way he’d looked at me while feeding me the succulent piece of steak had been nothing short of a predator biding his time, his hunger increasing.
Shivering, I couldn’t help but chastise my earlier behavior. I’d reverted to the very bad child they’d accused me of being. And why? Had I really thought it was going to force them to release me? Bitter bile formed in my throat. While Rafael had been just as pissed as the others, he’d tempered his rage, his desire more overwhelming than his need to punish me.
Although I knew better than to cross them again.
Even Jax had allowed me to see a hint of the man hiding behind his abrasive personality and sculpted muscles. It had become painfully obvious that all three men had lived through difficult situations, remaining friends several years later. They counted on each other. They would protect their trio from anyone daring to get in their way.
Including me.
What my instinct told me was that they weren’t bad men. They’d simply been shoved into an impossible situation.
I pressed my palm against the window as I closed my eyes, envisioning the three of them devouring me. Another shiver trickled down my spine, leaving my pussy aching and my legs weak at the knees. Everything about the various conversations remained disturbing, although it was difficult to put any pieces together.
However, I wasn’t stupid.
From what Rafael had spouted off, I knew Carter and Sawyer had worked together, although I wasn’t certain in what capacity. Sawyer had been accused of... stealing money. That had to be and fit in with the limited rumors I’d heard, although names had never been mentioned. Why would Carter go to those lengths to shove Sawyer out of the way? A realization hit me. Because Sawyer couldn’t be fired. He’d been a partner. Wow.
However, for Sawyer to actually go to the lengths of breaking out of prison meant the situation was even more personal than just the corporation.
I could only guess what that meant.
Was Sawyer capable of killing anyone? That I wasn’t certain of. He was on the edge, his anger ready to get the best of him.
I was sick inside at the thought of whatever had happened, but there was little I could offer in order to help, no matter what they thought. I pressed my face against the glass, taking several scattered breaths as my thoughts drifted to only hours before, the time spent alone with him. He’d been different, allowing his guard to fall even though he’d taken me roughly. I’d captured a glimpse of the real man, the one who’d actually enjoyed living.
Before it had all been taken away.
Then he’d shut down all over again, his armor incased with impenetrable steel. There was no way to break through his defenses and telling him Carter had no plans on returning to the island could have signed my death warrant.
They had no use for me.
Other than wild, dirty sex.
I laughed softly at the thought, my heart racing. My instinct told me that if I wanted to survive, I’d be forced to risk stealing the boat. And go where?
I slapped my hand against the window several times, finally scratching my nails down the surface, trailing my fingers through the blanket of fog that had been created from my hot breath. The bizarre design created captured my attention, becoming almost hypnotic. I shuddered to the core, my aching nipples pressing way too hard against the thin tee shirt. I still felt naked, a misbehaving brat and nothing else. God! Being forced to sit on the hard chair while all three rugged men leered at me had been horrible, more humiliating than being spanked on the beach.
Opening my eyes, I glared out into the darkened night, able to catch a glimpse of the massive palm trees as they danced in the wind. Somewhere in the distance, I noticed a flash of lightning hidden in the excessive clouds, yet the brightness seemed like a beacon of hope.
Who the hell was I kidding?
Shrinking back, I turned to face the expansive room, the shadow of the furniture just as unsettling as the swaying in the background. What I believed in my heart was that I needed to find a weapon in case the three of them determined I was no longer needed, if only to hurt Carter.
So much had occurred in less than twelve hours. Less than a day. And here I was craving them. I was losing my mind.
Huffing, I rolled my eyes before jerking forward, my feet finding it difficult to move quickly. Maybe there was something in this room. While I realized the house had already been prepared for the sale, I still had hope something of use was left behind. I turned on a single light by the bed, refusing to draw any more attention to myself than necessary. I could only imagine what bed check would be like.
As quietly as possible, I opened drawer after drawer on the dresser, finding nothing but a few dust bunnies and a dead spider. I had to resist slamming the last drawer. Shifting and leaning against the edge, I scanned the room, searching through the two nightstands. While I’d found not one but two romance novels, there was nothing of use.
Next was the closet.
I threw open the doors, slapping my hand against the light switch. As suspected, there was nothing more than an empty space, except...
As I walked closer to the back wall and toward some kind of map, it took only a few seconds for me to realize what I was looking at—a location of the island in proximity to various other islands. The plot of land holding the estate was tiny in comparison to the others. While the distance was still daunting, for an experienced captain, at least two of them could be made within a couple of hours.
I chewed on my inner lip, weighing my odds then heard what sounded like the door being unlocked. Quickly I exited the walk-in closet, fumbling to turn off the light. When Jax and Rafael entered, I backed away, my butt hitting the dresser. I could tell by their lurid expressions that they weren’t here for a conversation.
“What do you want?” I dared to ask.
Jax chuckled, the deep, throaty sound a clear indication. “We’re here to fuck you. What else?”
“In fact, we’re going to fuck you in every hole,” Rafael added as he yanked off his shirt, pitching it across the room.
“What about Sawyer?” I had no idea why I asked the question. What did it matter?
Rafael grinned. “I have no doubt he’d join us when he’s good and ready. Until then, you belong to us.” He advanced, slowly unfastening his jeans.
“But...” I couldn’t stop shaking or looking from one to the other, my pussy leaking into my panties even more than before.
“But nothing, little brat. You certainly d
idn’t mind acting like a bad girl before. So, we’re going to treat you like one. Just what you deserve.” Jax’s upper lip curled as he yanked off his boots, before dragging his shirt off from behind his neck, his eyes never leaving me.
I scooted along the edge of the dresser, excitement as well as apprehension surging. There was something so different about them, as if my behavior had unlocked the true beasts from their lairs. I had difficulty breathing as they finished undressing, my mouth watering from the incredible sight of their thick cocks and muscular legs. Whoever they were in real life, they were both menacing as well as sexual magnets.
When I inched closer to the bathroom, Jax reached out, grabbing my arm and yanking me against him. “Where exactly do you think you’re going, bad girl?”
The feel of his hot breath tickled every cell, dragging it into a surreal location, a place of fantasy and nothing more. A part of me wanted to believe this couldn’t be real, but as he rubbed his knuckles across my cheek, the tingling sensations told me otherwise. “Nowhere. Where could I go?”
“Good answer,” Rafael huffed as he closed the distance, flanking my side.
With both men standing so close, I was utterly intoxicated from their masculine scents, my pulse skyrocketing. I still found it incredible the effect they had on me, especially given they’d treated me like a sinful little girl.
But you were.
A portion of me cringed, yet the remainder was so aroused my body ached to be touched, to have my nipples twisted and plucked. I dragged my tongue across my dry lips, cognizant that every action was being watched. Scrutinized.
Jax issued a low-slung growl as he continued touching me, running the tips of his fingers down the length of one arm. “Take off your clothes.”
“I don’t want to,” I managed, loathing that the scent of my feminine wiles gave my condition away.
Both men chuckled and as I shifted my gaze in Rafael’s direction, I heard what sounded like the click of a pocketknife. Gasping, my entire body shook as Jax held the long blade in front of my face. A moment of fear crept into me as he twisted the knife back and forth, his grin remaining.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. We have ways of dealing with that.” As if an expert, Jax slipped the blade under my shirt, cutting through the material with no resistance.
The ripping sound was overpowering, my ears ringing as he finished the job, yanking the tattered remains of my shirt away. I wanted to cover my exposed breasts but there was nothing I could do.
“Such a beautiful woman,” Jax whispered as he slowly lowered his gaze to my hardened nipples with exaggerated guttural sounds. “You have no idea what you do to a man like me. Now, I suggest you remove those shorts of yours or I will have no issue cutting them off as well.”
Rafael caressed my cheek before sliding the tip of his finger across my jaw, dragging my face in his direction. “Then we’re going to feast on that pretty little pussy.” His eyes glistening, he lowered his head, capturing my lips.
I dug my fingers into the wooden edge of the furniture as he eased his hand down, wrapping his fingers around my throat. He tilted my head as he slipped his tongue past my lips, immediately dominating my tongue.
There wasn’t a part of me that wasn’t experiencing a rush of desire, the heating building to a combustible level. I moaned into the kiss, realizing I’d arched my back in an effort to get closer. The taste of him was tangy, the combination of whiskey and wine mixed with what had to be a cigar. I was further aroused, goosebumps prickling my skin.
He was gentler than the others, yet tonight I could tell his need was greater, a longing to take me as his own. When he pushed away, he rubbed his thumb across my lips. “Do as you’re told.”
“Yes, sir,” I whispered, fumbling to find the drawstring, my fingers chilled to the bone as I slowly tugged the material past my hips, gravity taking them to the floor. I was barely aware I’d kicked out of them, my breath skipping as Jax inched even closer.
The second I felt the cold steel placed against my nipple, I gasped.
Jax grinned, his eyes twinkling as he delicately shifted the tip of the blade around my aching bud, darting his eyes every so often into mine. “I think we understand each other now. You made a deal and you will honor it.”
“With every inch of your body,” Rafael added. He took my hand, placing it on his hard cock.
The second my skin connected with his, a bolt of electricity shot through me, an ugly reminder of how attracted to all of them I truly was. Each so different, so roughhewn and powerful, yet all three were almost desperately hungry to have their needs fulfilled. As I stroked his shaft, twisting my hand until I created a wave of friction, Jax lowered his head, squeezing my breasts as he brought my nipple to his mouth.
Every sound he made as he licked and sucked was animalistic, only adding fuel to the moment. I took shallow breaths as I pumped up and down, enjoying the way Rafael’s cock throbbed against my palm. He was so large, a long and perfect creation. Now my mouth was watering, longing to suck until he filled my throat with cum. The experience was insane.
But we’d started something that couldn’t be stopped and somehow, I knew that I’d burn in hell for my actions one day.
But not today.
I slid my other hand down Jax’s chest, struggling to find his cock as stars floated in front of my eyes.
Jax’s growl was primal as he eased back, shaking his head as if admonishing me. Once again, he lifted the blade, closing and tossing it onto the nightstand. He gave me a daring look, as if to remind me not to attempt to touch what belonged to him.
Even though he wanted to make certain I knew what a brutal, dangerous man he was, my entire body ached to have him touch me.
Fuck me.
Use me.
I was almost crazed with desire as he studied me, flexing his fingers then sliding his hand between my breasts, inching ever so slowly down my tummy.
“You’d look perfect branded with my mark,” Jax said in an almost inaudible voice as he continued to allow his fingers to crawl closer to my pussy.
“Keep stroking me, sweet little brat,” Rafael said gruffly.
I rolled my hand as I stroked, squeezing the tip of his cockhead. Gazing down, the glisten of pre-cum trickling from his sensitive slit drew my attention.
“Are you wet, little brat?” Jax whispered.
I realized I’d opened my legs wider, prepared to beg him to touch me. There was no need. As he slipped his hand between them, immediately fingering my clit, I couldn’t stop the moan from giving away my desire. “Yes.” I was shocked how shaky my voice sounded, the sultry vibe that filtered into the room.
“Mmm... Yes, you are,” Jax breathed then pinched my clit before rubbing harder, thrusting his hand past my swollen folds.
I realized I was bucking my hips, every cell in my body on fire. “Oh, yes...”
“Be careful, little girl. You’re not allowed to come quickly.” Jax flicked his finger across my nipple before pinching, creating a wave of pain.
Another series of lights flashed in front of my eyes as the slice of anguish rushed down my spine. The combination of pain and pleasure was intense, leaving my mind unable to think about anything but what they were doing to me. I closed my eyes as Jax teased me, darting the tips of his fingers just inside.
“I think the bad girl is ready for more,” Jax stated with authority.
A whimper escaped my mouth as I was tossed onto the dresser. I heard the sound of various items being pushed off, the crash of the lamp forcing my eyes open. I was shoved hard against the mirror, my legs splayed wide open. “Oh, God. Oh...”
Jax growled savagely then leaned over, gathering my legs into his arms. “Now, I feast on you.”
The second he buried his head in my pussy, I issued a strangled gasp, throwing one arm back in an effort to keep my body steady. I half laughed and half moaned as he yanked my bottom closer to the edge. The way his long ar
ms wrapped around my legs, allowing him to flick his finger back and forth across my clit was fascinating, pulling me into a round of utter bliss.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck...” The feel of his tongue was incredible, my entire body electrified. I blinked several times as he dragged his rough tongue up and down in a languishing fashion. Every noise he made was like a wild animal as he licked me, taking his time to eat as if he were a king.
My vision blurring, I studied Rafael as he stood silently just off to the side, a wry smile on his face. He wanted me to watch as he stroked his cock with one hand, squeezing his massive, swollen balls with the other.
Shuddering, I couldn’t take my eyes off him as I slapped the mirror several times. I couldn’t stop laughing nervously as Jax drove his tongue deep inside, lapping every ounce of my cream. “Um... Oh... I...” I bit my lower lip, trying to hold onto my sanity as the feasting continued. This was so damn dirty, salacious in a way that made me want more.
And more.
I was just a filthy girl to want something like this, to crave what these three men had dared to take from me.
Jax rubbed his lips against my inner thigh before staring up at me. “Are you going to be a good girl if I allow you to come?”
“Yes. God, yes.” Please. Please let me come. My God, what was I turning into?
He smacked my pussy lips several times, the anguish biting.
“Oh, God!” I jerked up, panting from the pain. Tears even formed in my eyes.
Shaking his head, Jax gave me a stern look. “Let’s try that again, bad girl. Are you going to be good?”
“Yes, sir. Yes. Sir!” I could barely catch my breath, every cell in my body ready to explode.
Growling like a beast, he dropped his head once again, licking me fervently as he thrust several fingers inside, driving them hard and fast.
There wasn’t going to be any holding back, my body reacting quickly. I felt the climax the moment it entered my system, my toes curling and my entire body shaking. “Oh, God. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.” I jerked up, arching my back, my nails scratching down the length of the mirror.