Lost Alpha: Collection (bbw werewolf/shifter romance)

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Lost Alpha: Collection (bbw werewolf/shifter romance) Page 2

by Jessic Ryan

  Chapter 3

  Travis woke up as the first rays of morning light broke through the trees and reflected off the windows of Bowshots’ cottages. He yawned and stretched out all four legs as he sniffed the morning air.

  The air hung heavy with the scent of morning dew, and blood. He looked down at the fallen body of Jacob and whined, remembering the night before. He had hoped it was all just a horrid dream, but he was still lost.

  The shift back into human form was confining, uncomfortable, but he did it anyway to better root around in his mate’s cottages. There had to be some clue to what happened, he knew it.

  After hours of exhaustive searching he found nothing.

  “Why did you all have to die?” he whispered as he walked out of the last cottage and back into the road. His entire pack was wiped off the face of the Earth and he didn’t know why. “I’m not going to get anything done just standing around mourning.”

  He needed to bury the bodies of his pack, but he had already lost precious time by falling asleep next to Jacob’s body. He had to exact revenge on his pack’s killer before they got too far away.

  With a heavy heart he dragged every member of his pack into the northernmost cottage, one that was far enough away from the others to not spread the fire. After every body was locked inside he grabbed the gasoline they kept behind a storage shed and poured it all over the cottage.

  “Goodbye everyone,” he said as he lit a match and tossed it onto the cottage. The wood structure immediately went up in flames, baking everyone inside. The forest floor was wet enough to prevent the spread of fire to the other cottages.

  Travis silently watched it burn, smelling the charring flesh of his pack as the fire spread. It was a horrid smell that stung his nostrils, but he imprinted it in his memory.

  “Anytime I feel like giving up, I’ll remember your pain and I’ll remember this smell,” he said aloud. “I vow I will not rest until I have revenge for your death.”

  Something pulled at Travis, beckoning him to enter Jacob’s cabin one last time. Since he had discovered he was a wolf, at six years old, he always followed his instinct; it was the only thing he could trust. He slowly walked into the cabin, the biggest one in Bowshot, and looked around for something, anything. His keen eyes searched the room, trying to find the slightest disturbance.

  “Where?” he asked, still scanning the room. Then it hit him, right in front of his eyes. Above the fireplace Jacob had hung a large staff with a red crystal on one end and feathers hanging from it. “His Comanche staff, where is it?”

  Travis looked around the area where it had hung, finding nothing. He felt his blood boil as he realized the attack must have been for the pack’s most treasured possession.

  “So this is what it was all about?” he asked, staring at the blank spot where it used to hang. He thought back to a day fifteen years ago, when he was just thirteen years old, when he first asked about the staff.

  “What is that?” Travis asked, rushing into the cabin with wide-eyed wonderment. It was rare Jacob allowed anyone into his cabin, but he seemed to have taken a shine to the young pup.

  Jacob walked over and placed one hand on the wooden staff, rubbing all the way to the tip where a red crystal sat imbedded in the end. Two long eagle feathers hung beside the crystal.

  “This is a very special object,” Jacob said. “It’s the reason we even have a pack.”

  “How so?” Travis asked, looking up at his surrogate father’s kindly face. Jacob was old by human standards, but still in the prime of his life by wolf standards. He had a large black beard with silver streaks in it that hid most of his face. Still, his smile was able to light the room from behind the wild frock of facial hair.

  “I obtained this a long time ago, when I was a lone wolf,” Jacob said.

  “You were a loner?” Travis asked. “You didn’t even have a pack?”

  “I was an alpha without a pack,” Jacob said, laughing. “I have always believed that being an alpha is something you are born with, not something you learn. I’ve always had the drive to be an alpha male, and so do you. Wolves like Liam aren’t alpha wolves, they aren’t born with the right stuff.”

  Young Travis laughed at his alpha’s banter. Liam was an older wolf, close to Jacob’s age, but he had never amounted to much of anything in the pack. It was obvious he would die having never sired his own child or taken on any kind of leadership role. “So you were a lost alpha trying to find your pack?”

  “That’s a good way to put it young one,” Jacob said. “To have a pack you have to have land. I had no land. When I found this land, it was owned by an old sect of the Comanche tribe. They were under threat from a vampire attack.”

  “Vampire?” Travis asked, his eyes growing wide. “Why?”

  “The vampire wanted this land too,” Jacob said. “Vampires are greedy creatures, looking to enslave and dominate others. There’s oil on this land son, but the tribes owned it and wouldn’t let anyone move in and take it. Vampires live for a long time and amass great wealth. This one saw an opportunity to try and grab this valuable land from the Comanche tribe. They begged me for my help to stop the greedy bloodsucker.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I waited until the full moon and shifted into my lunar form. A vampire is no match for an alpha wolf in lunar form. I was able to rip him limb from limb and turn him to ash. They say vampires are immortal, but they don’t do too well without their heads.”

  “So then what happened?”

  “The Comanche tribe was old and tired, my boy. They did not want to hold this land anymore, but they wouldn’t give it over to anyone that was going to drill on it for oil. They turned the land over to me because they knew I would respect it and hold it. They even gave me some of their younger, stronger members to join my new pack.”

  “Where did they go?” Travis asked. He had known some of the pack members were Native American but he had figured they found their way to the pack like every other wolf.

  “They all moved away to different parts of the state and country to live out their days,” Jacob said. “The old chief, Strong Bull, moved into Wounded Bow and he still lives there to this day.”

  “So what does the staff do?”

  “Strong Bull put a curse on the land before leaving. Anyone that does not have possession of this staff is not allowed to use the land. This signifies that we are the rightful owners of this land. Without it the spirits would remove us from the land with force.”

  In the present Travis stood like a statue in front of the blank spot on the wall, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Now I have no pack, just like you. I need the staff, but who took it?”

  Travis got low, sniffing around the mantle for some scent. Then the lack of scent hit him like a ton of bricks.

  “Vampires,” he growled. He loathed vampires; they were all prissy, blood sucking pansies. They thought they were kings of the supernatural community, trying to lord it over werewolves, but vanishing into the shadows when wolves assumed their lunar forms. The sissies also left no scent behind, making it hard for a wolf to track them. “There was a fucking vampire here.”

  Travis felt his body begin to twist and shrink, changing into his most favorite form. The unmistakable sound of bone twisting and breaking filled the morning air. He sprouted black hair over his entire body as he twisted into the unmistakable form of a dire wolf.

  He growled and snapped at the air before bounding out the door and into the woods, heading straight for Wounded Bow. He had murder and revenge on his mind and he thought of slaughtering the whole town when he arrived. It was the only town within 40 miles of Bowshot; the rats had to be hiding there.

  Chapter 4

  Paige eventually calmed down halfway home, finally able to see through the tears. She had given her entire adult life, to this point, to that man and he just threw it all away.

  “He’s a fucking pig,” she repeated for the umpteenth time. “I’m young and I’m hot, I’ll be ok.
There will be other men lining up for me.”

  She hoped that was true, but she knew it’d be hard in her tiny town where she had known everyone since childhood. Her mind traveled to other eligible bachelors in town. There was Robert May Jenkins. He owned the local feed store, but she didn’t think she’d ever seen him in anything except overalls. There was also Jeremiah Clampton, but he may declare her a witch and burn her at the cross. Maybe Skinny Richards? No, he didn’t have all his teeth. There was always Trevor Lockhart. He was a decent looking young man. No, the Lockharts all lived together in their dilapidated mansion outside town. She did not want to end up in that family. How about Dario Udoh? He was the most eligible bachelor in town, but because he was black a lot of the girls stayed away. Still he had a perfectly chiseled lean body and there was something exotic about his long dreadlocks. Still, he was a hermit that lived just outside of town and she hardly ever saw him except for the odd night he made his way into the store just before close. He was a dead end too.

  The tears started coming back harder now as she pictured herself alone for the rest of her life. Without even thinking she closed her eyes and let out a blood curdling scream, trying to send all her frustration and anger out through her mouth.


  Her eyes flew open and she slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop in the middle of the road. She was on a country highway and there weren’t any other cars in sight.

  “What the fuck did I hit?” she said out loud. She turned and looked back into the road; there was a man, flat on his back, behind her car. “Oh my god!”

  She jumped out of the car; rushing over to the man she had just flattened with her car.

  “Please don’t be dead,” she said as she jogged to him. “Please don’t be hurt. I don’t need this shit!”

  The heel on one shoe broke as she skidded to a stop in front of the man. She yelled out and collapsed forward, landing right in front of the man.

  “Son of a bitch,” she said, rubbing her ankle and yanking her shoes off. “This is not my day.”

  She looked back at the man to confirm what had made her stop in the first place. He was buck naked.

  Why is there a naked man running across the road? she thought. Not bad though.

  She was still scared shitless because she hit someone with her car, otherwise she might have been turned on. The man she hit looked to be a bit older than her, but still young. His skin was stretched tight over a muscular body, better than any man she had ever seen. His sandy blonde hair was wild and unkempt, matching the dirt on his body perfectly. Between his legs hung the biggest penis she’d ever seen, nearly causing her eyes to bug out of her head.

  “Wow,” she whispered, looking down at it. She shook her head and snapped back to reality. “He’s hurt.”

  The man appeared to be unconscious, but she didn’t see any blood or wounds on him. She knew she had to call 911 and let an ambulance take him, but her brain began to rack with fear. What if they arrest her for reckless driving? What if he dies? Could she be charged with manslaughter?

  Paige instead pulled the man up off the ground, barely able to hoist him. His skin was red hot to the touch and he had to weigh over 200 pounds. Luckily she was stronger than she looked from years of carrying heavy bags at the store. She dragged him across the road, back to her tiny car. Nothing appeared to be broken on the man so she shoved him into the small backseat, letting him lay across the bench seat.

  “Please be alive and ok,” she said, settling into the front seat. “Now what?”

  She turned her options over in her head several times, trying to figure out what to do with this man. There was no way she could quickly drop him at the hospital, he was too big. The doctors and nurses would see what she was doing as they rushed out and that’d be the end of her. Plus the hospital was too far away. The only thing she could do was bring him home and hope he wasn’t pissed when he woke up. That seemed logical right now: bring the hulking stranger back to her trailer.

  He didn’t move the entire drive, not even making a peep. She was shocked he didn’t stir, making her even more fearful that she’d injured him seriously.

  Finally, close to evening, she pulled into the gravel driveway that led to her trailer. It was set up on the hill, behind the store. Her parents had left her the land and trailer when they had moved. She wished they’d left all of it to Billy so he couldn’t constantly keep an eye on her, but the store was closed. Billy must have decided to close up shop early due to having no help. His house was further into town, so he wouldn’t see what she was doing now.

  It was difficult to drag the slab of man through the trees in front of her trailer and up the steps, but somehow she managed. Once inside she dumped him on the couch and collapsed into her arm chair that rested beside it.

  “Oh boy,” she muttered as she panted. “You’re a big boy.”

  After regaining her composure she went to her hall linen closet and found an old beat up blanket. She didn’t have much in her trailer; she only kept what she needed to survive. She wasn’t used to entertaining guests so extra pillows and blankets were a foreign concept. The blanket barely covered the naked man, leaving his upper chest exposed.

  “Good enough,” she said, walking into the kitchen. All that dragging had worked up her appetite. She thought about cooking something, but instead settled on a bowl of cereal. She came back to her chair and sat down with a bowl of Cheerios. She turned the TV on, lowering the volume so she wouldn’t disturb her guest.

  Maybe a little rest is all he needs, she thought. I wish he would wake up so I can talk to him.

  There was nothing on TV, boring Paige completely. She usually didn’t spend much time at home; she was always on the go. Now she was trapped in the house all weekend, unless she wanted to go to work. The thought of dealing with Billy’s bullshit right now made her stomach turn; she was already in deep enough with the naked man.

  My car, she thought as she watched Twilight on one of the movie channels. Fuck.

  With all the commotion she had forgot to check her car for damage. She flipped on her porch light and ran outside. There was a huge dent on her left fender and hood from where the man had hit it. There was something else stuck in between the fender and hood though.

  What the hell is that? she thought, squatting down and looking at it. Black fur? Why was there black fur stuck in her car?

  “My poor car,” she whined, looking at the dents. “Now I have to find a body shop.”

  She didn’t want to repair the car or file an insurance claim; maybe she could just lie and say she hit a deer. They wouldn’t check on that, right?

  She went back into the house and slammed the door, looking down at the passed out man on her couch.

  “Why couldn’t you pay attention to what you were doing?” she asked. “This is all your fault!”

  She stormed out of the room, slamming her bedroom door behind her. Twice today she had stormed away from a man, she was on a roll.

  With nothing left to do she stripped down to nothing but her boy cut panties and climbed into bed, hoping that she could forget the whole day by the time she awoke. It didn’t take long for sleep to completely grip her body and take her to another place.

  Sometime during the night it became really hot and humid in her bedroom. She opened her eyes and sat up quickly, realizing she was no longer in her bedroom. Her bed was sitting in the middle of an open forest, a heavy mist hung low over the forest floor obscuring her vision.

  “You have awoken,” a voice said beside her. She jumped and turned, finding the stranger she hit with her car standing beside her bed.

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  “Does it matter?” he said. “I am here now.”

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “A magical place,” he said. “Can you feel the magic?”

  It was magical, more magical than she could imagine. Faeries appeared in the trees, beautiful blue light radiating off their tiny bodies as they buzzed around
. The mist began to glow, giving everything an eerie yet beautiful feel.

  The naked man slid into her bed, settling down beside her under the covers. The only garment worn between the two of them were her panties which were becoming increasingly wetter as she studied his chiseled male form.

  The confidence this naked Adonis carried himself with took her breath away; she had never met a man that was so comfortable in his own skin. The boys in Wounded Bow were just that: boys pretending to be men. This was a man in every sense of the word.

  “What do you want from me?” she asked.

  “Everything,” he said, reaching between her legs and ripping her panties completely off. “I will take you places you never thought possible.”

  “Will you take me out of Wounded Bow?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he said.

  She dove forward before the words could get out of his mouth and planted her moist lips against his. He wrapped his powerful arms around her and yanked her up onto his lap. She knew she didn’t weigh 130 pounds or whatever the tiny girls weighed, but he had no problem hoisting her onto his lap. He hungrily returned her kisses, his tongue probing the outside of her lips before finding its way into her mouth.

  She began to rock back and forth on his lap as he continued to kiss her. He put both hands under her round ass and lifted her before setting her back down on his fully erect manhood.

  “Ohhhhh,” she moaned as he fully penetrated her sweet opening. She began to slowly rock back and forth as he raised his hips, driving himself completely to the hilt in her.

  He was growling now as his pace intensified. His large hands were planted on her waist, moving her up and down on his long, rigid cock. He was so big; every inch of his engorged flesh stretched the inside of her moist pussy.

  “Take me harder,” she said as the haze of pain began to dissipate, replaced by extreme pleasure.

  He responded with another growl, his hips gyrating back and forth as he bounced her entire form up and down on his lap. Paige’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she threw her head back while arching her back. She had never been manhandled like this and it was amazing.


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