What This Wolf Wants

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What This Wolf Wants Page 8

by Jennifer Dellerman

  Breathing might have been a bit difficult at the moment, but he could think. Admiration for her quick reflexes and instantaneous retaliation warred with shock and fear at what had almost happened. If Jackie had caught his wrist a second later...

  Vaguely he wondered who had taught her those moves, not sure if he wanted to kill the individual responsible or thank him.

  When Jackie’s face appeared over him he tried to apologize. To let her know he would never, ever hurt her. And will she might believe that, what could he say about being in a bar brawl. That he’d only been defending her honor? He’d been jealous? That he’d wanted to slam his fist into that drunk, moronic Eddie jerk because her name had passed from his lips?

  Maybe she was right. He was an aggressive, proud, dominant shifter riding the ragged edges of sanity. He was strong enough to hide his restlessness from so many, yet weak enough to give in to his beast’s wild nature, as this very fight would indicate.

  Maybe Jackie was right. Maybe they wouldn’t be a good match. While she was far from a submissive, she didn’t have his deep seeded need to hunt and maim. What she did have was a classic beauty that floored him, a touch that soothed him and a body that fit his like a missing puzzle piece. Though intellectually he knew part of it was the mating heat, it was more than that which caused his blood to boil, his body to ache with lust so intense that he felt on fire.

  It was all Jackie.

  Finally able to suck in air, he let it out on a groan. Even bloody and bruised, his desire for Jackie kicked into high gear. His wolf was licking its chops and his battered body was heating, his heartbeat gathering speed. And damn if his cock didn’t start twitching in want. Fuck. Really not a good time.

  Jaw clenched in anger, Jackie narrowed her eyes on his lips and must have read his silent curse. “Fuck indeed.” Her eyes drifted lower, taking in the blood seeping through his shirt. “Idiot. You’ve busted my stitches.” Her lips tightened in a fierce line. “I have half a mind to leave you here bleeding to death. It would serve you right for using your brawn rather than your brain. Yeah, I heard what Eddie said, but that didn’t mean you had to flip out and pound him into so much meat.”

  He’d beg to differ. He had every right to rip Eddie a new one, and would do it again if the other shifter ever opened his mouth to disparage Jackie again.

  Around him people set about righting the room and either removing or trying to waken the five men he’d dropped. Above him, Jackie was muttering, her hands fluttering over his chest. Her touch was electric, jolting sexual awareness to life. “What are you trying to prove? Never mind. I don’t care and don’t want to know. And Jeezus. Are you seriously sporting an erection?” The last was hissed out between clenched teeth.

  Because her eyes appeared glued to the area in question, Zan’s body shot from semi-lust filled to a full-on craving instantly. He forgot her hurtful rejection, her silly reasoning. He only remembered how she felt in his arms, her taste on his lips. Drunk on her scent he grinned up at her. “Guess you just bring out the best in me.”

  Her mouth dropped open and he zoomed in on the lush parted lips, imagining all the things he wanted to do with that mouth. Starting with a deep, hungry kiss and then moving down from there.

  Jackie’s face flushed a deep red. “You seriously are...”

  “An ass?” Zan interjected as he struggled to sit up. “Only around you it seems.” He winced on a deep breath and rubbed a hand over his bruised sternum. “Christ woman. You pack a serious kick. I don’t know if I should be full of awe or embarrassment.”

  Jackie squatted next to him and shoved him down with a hand on his forehead, flat on his back once again. When she pushed his shirt up he couldn’t help saying, “changed your mind about us, have you?”

  When she jerked her head up and glared, Zan clamped a hand over his mouth. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he muttered under his palm. “Anytime you’re around I can’t seem to say the right thing.”

  Her lips twitched, a dangerous sparkle gleamed in her eyes. “Oh. I think we can fix that. When I re-stitch this wound I can suture your mouth shut as well.”

  Zan wanted to shout out with joy. Despite her words, she was playing with him. It was a first and he swore then and there it wouldn’t be the last. No matter what he had to do. He wouldn’t give up, wouldn’t give in to his wolf’s need for blood. He simply couldn’t not have Jackie in his life. That was unacceptable.

  And as if his wolf agreed, the near rabid fury that had filled his beast only moments ago evaporated, only to leave the animal to stretch and roll in contentment, just from its mate’s presence.

  A pair of scissors appeared out of nowhere and she carefully cut the bandages around his torso. Each time her cool hands traced his heated flesh to probe his ribs he had to bite back a groan at how wonderful she felt against his bare skin. He never dreamed he could miss someone’s touch so much. And so soon.

  “Does that hurt?” She asked, concern crossing her features when he squeezed his eyes shut.

  Ah. Now maybe he would get some sympathy. “Yeah. A bit.”

  “Good.” She pressed harder and his head shot up off the ground.

  “Ow! What the hell are you doing, woman?”

  Her eyes rolled in a complete and total unsympathetic manner. “Quit being a baby. Despite your fun and games, it appears you’ve managed to avoid further damage to your ribs.”

  As Jackie continued poking and prodding, Zan turned his head left to right. While he might enjoy being at Jackie’s mercy, he didn’t care at all for his current position. While his ears had finally stopped ringing and he could hear or scent any danger, he couldn’t see behind Jackie’s back. He wanted all his senses available and in working order where she was concerned. He was also wondering what happened to Joe and Scott.

  “If you’re looking for your boys,” Jackie said conversationally, “they’re out in the bar speaking with Dean.”

  Zan grimaced at the mention of his brother. Great impression he’d made so far. Three days ago Dean had saved his sorry ass, then Zan had salivated all over a well-respected doctor and now he’d engaged in a fight with several of Dean’s pack members. Who’d want him for a brother, much less a mate for an adored female shifter that Dean considered a personal friend?

  Determined to make things right, Zan realized he would just have to accept the consequences of his actions tonight. And if Dean thought to warn Zan away from Jackie, well, he could save his breath because that was never going to happen.

  “As I’ve stated several times before, you heal fast.” Jackie said. “Probably as fast as Dean. The bleeding isn’t as bad as I thought and while you did rip open the stitches, it appears you don’t really need them anymore. You can either leave them in since they’ll dissolve in another week or yank them out later. Keep your ribs wrapped another twenty-four hours though, especially after taking a beating tonight.”

  Zan tunneled a hand through her hair and gently pulled her closer. “I may not be a saint or an angel, but I’m also not quite the bad person you think I am. Other than acting like an ass now and then, I’m not sure what I’ve done to give you that impression.”

  Jackie’s eyes darted to his shoulder, the one his tattoo rested, though now covered by his t-shirt. Somehow, somewhere, Jackie had seen his tattoo before on another shifter and whatever that individual had done put a bad taste in Jackie’s mouth. It made Zan want to tear the bastard’s head off. “Then prove me wrong.”

  He went predatorily still in that split second, his nostrils flaring to take in the subtle scent of aroused female. It wasn’t hope or relief that made his gut tighten. Or even want. It went beyond that. He couldn’t deny he wanted to bury his aching cock inside her for so long that they both walked funny for days. It was the prowling snarl of his beast roaring mine in his head that sharpened and focused his every sense on the woman kneeling next to him. His long fingers spasmed on her head, wanting to bring those parted lips to his. But more, wanting her to want to bring
her lips up to his for the hard, possessive kiss that was burning a hole in his gut.

  A sudden shout and string of curses burst from within the bar, breaking the tense moment. Zan glimpsed the relief in Jackie’s eyes as she jumped to her feet. She’d let down her guard for a few seconds and was even now regretting it. As for Zan, he was a heartbeat away from flinging Jackie on her back and thrusting his tongue between her lush lips. He’d never give her those seconds back and in fact planned on using the knowledge of her feelings to full advantage. His advantage.

  Zan stood carefully, so tense that one misstep would send him over the edge and Jackie would find herself thrown over his shoulder while he raced into the forest to claim his woman in private. While the idea had plenty of merit, he could only imagine her volatile reaction. A reaction that caused him to grin in perverse delight. She was a fitting mate for him. While he always thought he’d wanted a submissive mate like his adored mother, he now realized that type of female would never truly satisfy him. He needed the spit and the fire, the passion and the strength that made Jackie into who she was. Life would never be boring with her.

  Vertical once again, and feeling more like himself, Zan looked Jackie up and down, appraising. “I’m going to ask you something and please don’t get mad at me. I don’t think I could survive another put down.” And he wasn’t completely joking.

  Jackie slanted her eyes to him. “If it’s sexual in any way I will put you down again.”

  Ah. She was back in self-protection mode. Too late.

  Zan’s hands went up in mock surrender. “I have no doubt of that.” His steamy gaze swept over her, approving each delectable curve. Knowing exactly what lay under her casual top only made the ache pressing against the front of his jeans burn hotter.

  “What I’d like to know is how you knew to do what you did. Your reflexes are some of the fastest I’ve ever seen and that includes my team. You not only stopped me, you dropped me. It was quick and efficient and required little exertion on your part.”

  Jackie only shrugged. “I learned some self-defense. It’s come in handy on a few occasions. There’s no reason to make anything out of it.”

  Her evasion rang a bell in his head. Recalling past conversations he realized other instances where she’d dodged some questions by both his men and himself. It made him wonder. “It was a trained move, Jackie.”

  Again with the eye rolling. “I already said I was trained in self-defense. A lot of people are. It’s not a big deal.”

  This time Zan wouldn’t let the matter alone. “Who trained you?” He pushed.

  She glared. “None of your business.”

  “I’m making it my business.” He was heading into possessiveness but he couldn’t stop himself. He needed to know.

  “And businesses fail all the time. Get used to the disappointment.” Jackie swiveled on her heel and walked away from him. Again.

  Suddenly the idea of tossing her over his shoulder and taking off to some hidden lair began to make a lot of sense. It was arrogant, but honest.

  Now for his next trick.

  Chapter Ten

  Jackie placed one hand protectively over her purse as she locked her truck, glancing furtively around her neighborhood, paranoid that someone would know what she’d stashed in there before leaving work.

  Damn that Zan Sutton. This was all his fault.

  If he hadn’t come looking for his brother, he wouldn’t have been shot, brought to her in need of medical attention, wouldn’t have snatched her hand in his wolf mouth and certainly wouldn’t have initiated the mating heat. And because of her reluctance—more like adamant insistence—at refusing the connection, she would face another night full of erotic dreams, restless energy, and worry.

  A harsh breath blew out of her mouth as she headed up the concrete walkway to her little two-bedroom home. She was being a bitch, and not just in her head. Her words and actions to Zan since his arrival had been that of a cranky and snobbish brat, very unlike her normal demeanor. Zan had every right to seek his brother out. And getting shot wasn’t Zan’s fault either. Though knowing some wacko was out there taking potshots at shifters with silver bullets made her uncomfortable. Which only added to the sleepless nights.

  Which was why she’d taken a few samples from the clinic. Sleeping pills.

  She told herself it wasn’t illegal or unethical. She was a doctor after all and wouldn’t abuse them. She just needed some uninterrupted, deep sleep. Without it, she wasn’t good to anyone, especially her patients. As her assistant said this morning, no one has confidence in a doctor that looks like death warmed over.

  It was ironic how one split second had changed the rest of her life. An instinctive reaction from a confused animal coupled with her own thoughtless action. She knew shifters. Knew better than to make any sudden movements when they were hurt, whether in human or wolf form. While most only changed into a beast once a month, they all carried the predator at all times. Even the females.

  Now nature paired her with a man she believed unsuitable, albeit a jaw-dropping gorgeous man with a well-muscled body she itched to run her hands all over. Combine that with beautiful green eyes that threatened to melt her into a hormonal pool of goo and a scent that created erotic visions starring her tongue and every inch of his naked flesh at her mercy and it all added up to a heady mix.

  But those things were only physical. His cocky attitude was, as she mentally ticked off negatives, immature. He picked fights, which meant he was overly aggressive. And his job comprised of danger and death.

  So not on her Mr. Right list. As she’d flat out told him two days ago.

  She refused to think of his charming smile and quick wit. Or his expression when he changed from wolf to human and came face to face with his brother for the first time in over twenty-five years. The hope and joy that lit him from the inside out was a rare gift to witness.

  But sympathy only went so far. And the ache in her belly and heavy heat between her thighs that seemed to rob her of clarity wasn’t what she wanted, or needed.


  She grimaced at the internal reprimand as she unlocked the front door.

  Yeah, maybe she did want a mate. Okay. Yearned for one truth be told. Growing up knowing that only about fifty percent of shifters ever found their mates should have her jumping for joy that she was one of the lucky ones. Unfortunately, she just couldn’t get past Zan’s chosen career. What he did went against her professional and personal beliefs. While she understood the need for men and women to risk their own lives to save, protect and, should the situation call for it, terminate a life, she didn’t have to like it. And to give herself to a man who could so easily leave his mate time and time again to prove his strength and stealth to those who could never truly understand him would eventually tear her soul apart. Just as it did her aunt.

  Fierce arousal may have taken over her body, but she would be damned before she would let it take over her life.

  “It’s not going to control me,” she muttered, slamming the door behind her.

  “Something bothering you, angel?”

  Jackie jerked to full alert. If her brain hadn’t been so full of angry determination and senseless blame, she might have scented the man lounging carelessly on her couch before ever stepping foot inside the house. Instead she was taken by surprise, and an almost feral wave of longing. All the air in her lungs fled as the sight and smell of Zan flooded her senses.

  Slouched on her dark brown faux suede couch with his denim clad legs stretched out before him, Zan looked like a Greek god preparing for his rightful worship. And while he appeared at ease, Jackie knew that’s all it was. The near feral heat in his eyes seemed to strip her bare, the unwavering focus told of his predatory intent. One that involved her and the closest flat surface.

  That thought set her body on fire. Anticipation had her belly tremble, and her nipples harden. And while she might want him with a burning desire, she was more shocked by his presence in her home. “How did you g
et in here?”

  Sultry eyes raked her body. “Not only are your locks pathetic, I’m fantastic with my hands.”

  She was so not going there. Already too many erotic images were bombarding her brain. She needed to remain calm and get him the hell out of her sight before she gave in to her cravings and threw herself at his feet. Not trusting her mouth, she remained stiff and silent and glared at him.

  His mouth quirked. “I’m surprised you haven’t ask the next question. Aren’t you even curious as to why I’m here?”

  “Oh, I know why you’re here. Just like any other male, you’ve come sniffing around a female that interests you.”

  She saw his nostrils flare at that and could have smacked herself for blurting out the inflammatory comment. Especially when he growled low in his throat.

  “Not only do you interest me, intensely, but from the,” he paused, those eyes going impossibly darker, “scent of things, I interest you.”

  Her face flamed with color, because yeah, he could scent her arousal, and she knew it. Knew he knew she knew it as well. And if she continued this train of thought, she was going to add a headache to her list of problems right now.

  Orgasm releases endorphins, temporarily easing pain. If you just do it, you’ll feel so much better!

  Control, she needed to gain her control. Growling herself, she bared her teeth.

  So much for control.

  “You need to leave.”

  “I know what I need, and leaving is not it.” Though his tone was relaxed, Jackie noted the tenseness of his muscles, as if he were ready to pounce. On her. And God help her, the idea had her tummy quivering with excitement.

  Control the situation. You don’t want him.


  Ack! Now she was arguing with herself again. A double onslaught would crush her defenses and knowing that, she crossed her arms over her chest. “I beg to differ.”

  His eyes dropped to her breasts. “And I do so desire to hear you beg. And scream my name as you come.”


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