Misbehaving Curves: A Boss Romance

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Misbehaving Curves: A Boss Romance Page 9

by Piper Sullivan

  “Yeah? Maybe you need to focus on something else.”

  “Maybe,” I agreed and slid my hands under her t-shirt, finding her delicious breasts bare, her nipples hard, pointed tips. “Yeah, this is perfect.” I removed her shirt and tossed it aside, revealing pale, plumps breasts with perfect pink nipples that made my mouth water. She whimpered when my tongue circled one nipple and then the other.

  “Oh, Ben!” And there it was, my name on her lips, filled with pleasure. Ecstasy. “Ben,” she moaned again as her hips moved faster and faster and she arched into me, practically feeding her nipple to me.

  She was close. Very close. And as much as I wanted to see her face when she came from rubbing herself on my cock, I wanted to be the force behind this orgasm and I released her with a pop. “Fuck Joss, you’re so sweet. So soft. And I need to get my mouth on you.”

  “You’re the one who stopped.” She pouted when I stood and deposited her on the sofa, standing above her so I could look my fill at her, chest heaving, giving her plump breasts a little big of jiggle. “Well?”

  Kneeling on the floor in front of her, I kept my gaze on Joss’ wide-eyed stare while I peeled the yoga pants off her, kissing the insides of her thighs. “I’m not stopping now.”

  “No,” she moaned when I kissed her right between her legs over the red cotton panties that covered her. “No, you’re not.” She gasped when I nibbled her clit through the panties. “Don’t tease me, Principal Rutherford.”

  With a growl, I didn’t bother removing the panties, only slid them aside and tasted her until she coated my tongue. I licked her even as her hips ground against my mouth and her fingers massaged my scalp as pleasure overcame her. She was already slick with arousal and I slid two fingers deep, sucking her clit until she came apart. Quickly. “Just like honey.”

  Joss let out a laugh that made her tits jiggle again. “Honey? Aren’t you a poetic lover, Ben?” She shuddered again when I slid my tongue deep inside her. “Not complaining. Not at all.”

  “Joss,” I growled and kissed her again, between the legs, loving the squeal of pleasure she let out when I did.

  “Yes, Ben?”

  “Better than tacos?” The sound of her laughter made my cock twitch in my pants.

  “So far, so good. But ask me again in fifteen minutes. I always have more clarity after my second orgasm.”

  That was exactly the green light I needed, and I shot to my feet and undressed quickly. She shimmied out of her red panties and touched herself with one hand as she reached out for my cock with the other.

  “Joss,” I growled and bucked my hips. “Fuck.”

  “That’s the idea, yeah.” She swiped her tongue across the head of my cock before wrapping her lips around me and taking me deep.

  That was all it took before my control snapped. “That’s enough,” I barked and covered her body with mine, kissing her as I slid into her hot, damp heat. “Oh fuck, babe. So wet.” She felt so good I could hardly form words, and then Joss tightened her legs around my waist, sending me deeper into her heat. “Oh, fuck.”

  “Give it to me, Ben.” After those five words, we came together and it was quick and frantic and hungry, full of heat and need. “Harder,” she demanded and speared her fingers through my hair, blue gaze dark and needy.

  “Yes ma’am.” She laughed, but it was cut off when I gave her what she demanded, over and over. Hard and fast and deep. Joss met every stroke with one of her own, sending me deeper and deeper as she began to clench and pulse around me. “Joss,” I growled.

  She laughed again. “I think I’m starting to like the way you grunt my name.” Her fingertips skittered up my spine and I shivered, a move that sent my hips jerking forward. “Oh gosh! Yes, Ben, yes!”

  It was clumsy, but it was hot and our mouths found each other once again, lips and tongues sloppy and eager, almost fucking one another as our bodies collided over and over. It was weeks of flirting built up into two incredible orgasms that hit within seconds of each other.

  First Joss, gasping and shaking, her body squeezing mine until my orgasm shot out of me, shocking me with its intensity and my arms gave out. Joss tightened her legs as the final burst of pleasure flew from her core and sent me deeper than I’d ever been, jerking and shuddering against her. “Shit. Wow. That was…,” I had no words. The woman had rendered me speechless.

  “Wonderful,” she said on a breathless sigh, an exhausted smile lit up her face.

  “Yeah,” I smacked a kiss to the side of her neck. “That’s the word I was looking for.”

  I didn’t think I would ever get tired of the sound of her laughter. Joss laughed with her whole body and it didn’t hurt that her tits jiggled against me and her pussy tightened around cock. “The word I was looking for, Ben, is tacos.”

  It was the first time in my life that I’d laughed while still inside of a woman, but leave it to this woman to make it happen. “Guess I can’t compete with tacos, after all.”

  “I didn’t say that, but I like to take a measured approach to decision making. I have to weigh both options.”

  “Yeah?” I liked this playful, sexy version of Joss. Or maybe it was just the fact that I liked having her naked body under mine while I looked at her smiling, satisfied face.

  “Yeah. So, I propose we have tacos and then do that again to see which stacks up better.”

  And that’s just what we did.


  “I have to say, Ben, that you make a pretty mean taco.” My body ached deliciously and my stomach was full of greasy, spicy tacos made by someone else. I was pretty sure this was the perfect end to the longest week I’d had in a long time.

  His face lit up into a wide, boyish smile that was even more charming than the heated looks he wore since I opened the door for him a few hours ago. His chest puffed out a little at the compliment.

  “Thanks. I’ll be sure to let my mother know that some of her cooking advice sank in over the years.”

  I leaned back in my seat and pushed the plate away, nearly full with the tasty birria tacos he created like some kind of kitchen wizard in nothing but his boxer shorts. “Your mother taught you to make after-sex tacos? I guess Texas is as liberal as my mama used to believe.”

  Ben tossed his head back and laughed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, his naked chest on display, the play of muscles distracting me from the conversation. “I don’t think she intended them to be just after sex tacos, but that was just a happy accident.”

  “You thought the tacos would get me naked?”

  “I hoped,” he admitted with an unapologetic grin. “Actually, I just meant the tacos to be fuel between rounds.” His thick brows bobbed up and down, almost comically. “But I like this better. Much better.”

  “Me too,” I admitted even though I cautioned myself to be careful. Very careful. A part of me, the warm and relaxed and totally sated part, wanted to think, to believe this was the start of something pretty great. I mean he brought food and cooked it for me, even after he’d already gotten off.

  It would be a mistake to think he changed his mind about dating someone from work, but it was really hard to keep those thoughts from invading my mind because this lazy Sunday was exactly the kind enjoyed by happy couples around the world. Stop borrowing trouble. It was the soundest piece of advice my mama had ever given me, and not heeding her wise words had often led me down the wrong path, particularly where men were concerned.

  I sat up taller and looked at Ben, sexy and fun in his plaid boxer shorts and nothing else. “What are you thinking?”

  That was normally the woman’s line, and that thought brought a smile to my face. “How nice this is. Tacos and sex in the afternoon. I approve.”

  “So, you don’t have a problem with me dropping by unannounced?”

  I shook my head. “Not when food and orgasms are the result, certainly not.”

  “Good to know.” Ben took the final bite of his taco, fingers dripping with spicy sauce. My thighs and my cor
e clenched when he licked the sauce, slowly, from his fingers, bringing to mind the way he’d put his mouth on me earlier. Ben had licked me, had tasted me so thoroughly that even now my legs were a little limp. “I know what you’re thinking.” He licked his finger with a little more energy and laughed when I couldn’t suppress the shiver that shot through me.

  “You know that I was wondering if this is your signature move? Reeling a girl in with your magical tongue, and sealing the deal with your famous tacos.” It was a stupid question, and I was totally fishing for information, but a girl couldn’t help but be curious about this man I’d been crushing on since moving to Pilgrim.

  Ben sighed, not quite in annoyance, but more like resignation, as if he knew there was no getting out of the question I hadn’t technically asked. “The truth is that I don’t date much, Joss. Pilgrim is a small town and most of the dating pool I either work with, dated in high school, or they are the parents of one of my students. Makes dating options limited.”

  I understood what he was saying, but my stomach clenched at what he hadn’t really said. I work with him, or for him, however you wanted to look at it, but here he was in his underwear and eating tacos in my kitchen. I couldn’t help but feel that hope I tried so hard not to let rise, fade a little.

  Was this some sort of game? He’d already gotten a mid-afternoon screw so why stay and make lunch? Why stay at all? “Joss, are you all right?”

  I blinked and tried hard to shake off the thoughts that wormed their way into my mind. We’d only had sex once and kissed a few times and already I had doubts. About everything. Ben didn’t owe me anything, I knew that, just as I knew I had a had habit of reading too much into a situation. So, I shook it off and tried for a smile as my phone chimed on the kitchen island.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I should probably get that.” It was taking the coward’s way out, answering the call when I could just ask him what all this meant.

  But I was a coward, and for the moment, I was okay with that fact.


  “Joss, it’s Jase. That’s weird to say, makes it sound like we’re twins or something.” Jase let out a nervous laugh and I couldn’t help but smile at his nervous rambling. “Anyway, uh, how’s it going?”

  I turned to Ben and indicated I would be just a moment. “It’s going all right, how are you?” After the doorstep ambush, I’d given up trying to get to know my half brothers. It was better to be alone than suffer another rejection.

  “Can’t complain. Work is great and Bo and I are doing well, as well as a couple planning a wedding could be.”

  “You’re getting married?” Why that information felt like a blow, I couldn’t say. Of course, I didn’t know the details of Jase’s life, we were strangers, related only by DNA. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. Bo has been my best friend since we were little kids. Some would say it’s about damn time, and I would be one of those people.” He laughed again, but this time it was easier. Freer. “You didn’t reach out,” he said abruptly which put me on the spot.

  “No, I didn’t. After your visit, I wasn’t sure contact was the best course of action.” One rejection was enough, and I wasn’t ready yet, or brave enough to risk another. “I don’t want to come between you and your brother.”

  “Fuck that, Joss. You’re our sister. It’s not your fault that our dad was a skirt chaser, any more than it’s Nate’s fault that he almost lost Mikki because he couldn’t see relationships outside the shadow cast by dear old dad.” Silence settled for a long moment. “I want to know you.”

  “But your brother…”

  “Isn’t the only one who matters. I have a kid sister I never knew about, which I happen to think is pretty cool.”

  “You do?” Jase seemed like a laidback kind of guy, but I couldn’t be sure because I wanted this, wanted family, too bad to be objective.

  “Hell yeah, I do. I’m getting married to my best friend and I think it’d be nice to have another female in the family. A non-grumpy one.”

  “I heard that,” a female voice called out, amusement and affection in her voice.

  “I meant you to, babe.” Jase chuckled. “Okay Joss, I reached out to you this time, if you are interested then I’m going to leave the ball in your court. Does that sound good?”

  I sighed and shook my head. “I came to Pilgrim to be close so I could get to know you.” It was as much of an admission as I was prepared to make at the moment.

  “Then I expect I’ll hear from you soon. Maybe we can have a meal together and you can meet Bo. Come to the wedding.”

  I shook my head, ready to protest when the sight of Ben, sans boxers, appeared in the doorway of my bedroom. “Think of how your mama will feel, Jase.”

  “I’ll handle her, you just decide if you’re in or not.”

  I nodded absently, the sight of Ben’s cock jutting out towards me, making my mouth go dry and other parts of me go wet. Dripping wet. “I will definitely think about it, Jase. Gotta go.”

  “You’ve been gone a long time,” Ben said, his voice playful and his smile charming and wide. “I was getting lonely.”

  “Then what are you doing all the way over there?”

  Seconds later he was on the bed and I was on top of him, sliding down his hard length and thinking of nothing but pleasure.

  Not my half brothers.

  Not Ben’s confusing behavior.

  Just pleasure. Sweet, white hot pleasure.


  “Mmm, you are definitely going to be the death of me,” I moaned and pulled Joss close, kissing her for no other reason than I could. And I loved the taste and the feel of her soft, pillowy lips.

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around me as she nibbled my bottom lip. “Are blow jobs fatal? I hadn’t heard.”

  “Not normally, no. But whatever that thing is you did with your tongue, it could definitely bring on cardiac arrest.” After round three, I dragged Joss to her shower where her cries of pleasure echoed in the bathroom and I loved on her until she begged me to stop.

  Joss pressed her lips right on top of the spot where my heart beat wildly. “I don’t know, Ben. You have a nice strong heartbeat and it sounds good to me. But we can test that theory, if you like.”

  I laughed and held her tight. Joss was the kind of woman that a man could get addicted to, if he wasn’t careful. “Maybe later.” I was always careful. Always.

  Joss pouted. “Fine.” She climbed on top of me, her naked body beautiful and curvaceous, her breasts bouncing as she moved, sliding her heat up and down the underside of my exhausted cock. “How about we grab some food, then? I’m starved.”

  I laughed and gripped her hips to stop the movement. “I could eat.” Heat flared in her blue eyes and she laughed. “Food, Joss. I could eat food. Now. Dessert, later.”

  “Promises, promises,” she sang and rolled away, reaching for a soft cotton robe that she wrapped loosely around her body. “I guess its my turn to rustle up some sustenance.”

  I watched her walk out of the bedroom with an exaggerated swing in her hips, a smile on my face. God, she’s irresistible. I couldn’t get enough of Joss and I was worried I never would.

  “Got any steak?”

  Her laughter faded as she made her way down the stairs and I found my boxers, following after her at a much slower pace. How in the hell she had so much energy when I was completely drained, I had no idea, but the sight of her dancing around the kitchen while she searched for something to eat, had my cock stirring. Once again.

  “I have pork chops.”

  “Delicious.” I took a step forward just as my phone rang in my pants pocket and I groaned at the familiar ringtone.

  “You have to get that?” I nodded. “I think your pants are in the front hall.” Her lips twitched at the absurdity of those words and I went to grab the phone.

  “Hey, Mom. Look, I can’t talk right now.”

  “Word around Pilgrim is that your car has been parked at the girls’ soccer
coach’s house all day. Are you seeing her?”

  I stifled a groan at her question and pinched the bridge of my nose. This was another reason I didn’t like to date locally, because it was a sin to get a mother’s hopes up.

  “We’re having tacos, Mom. That’s all.”

  She snorted a laugh. “Tacos that take all day to make and eat? I wasn’t born yesterday, you know that don’t you Ben?”

  “Mom, please. Spare me the details.”

  She laughed. “If I spare you the details, do you promise to give me a few details about what’s going on with you and Ms. Callahan?”

  At those words I turned my gaze to Joss, humming to herself and shaking her booty to a song that only she could hear. What was going on with us? I had no clue, and I didn’t want to look at the reasons why too carefully.

  “We’re friends.”

  Joss turned at the sound of my voice, her brows arched in question. Before I could shake my head, she held up a bag of potatoes and a package of broccoli. “Which one?” She mouthed.

  “Both,” I mouthed back.

  “Friends? Like two people who go bowling together, or one of those friends with benefits arrangements?” Mom laughed to herself again and I could just see her, shaking her head at her wayward son, the high school principal. “I’ve heard those relationships stand a good chance at forever, at least when one of the people removes his head from his backside before he screws it up.”

  “Mom.” My tone was more forceful as I tried to hide my annoyance. “You’re prying.”

  “Damn right I am. You are my son, and it is my God given right to pry into your life, especially when your happiness is at stake.”

  “I’m plenty happy, Mom. Don’t I seem happy to you?”

  She snorted. “I’ll bet you’re plenty happy right now, but post orgasmic glow isn’t real happiness. It fades if it’s just purely physical pleasure.”

  “Please don’t ever say those words to me again, Mom.” The last thing I wanted in my mind, especially with Joss naked under that robe, was my own damn mother talking about booty calls.


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