To Tame a Tycoon

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To Tame a Tycoon Page 1

by Judy Angelo




  Volume 5

  Copyright © 2012 Judy Angelo

  Lyons Publishing Limited

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or otherwise (mechanical, photocopying, recording or stored in a retrieval system) without the prior written consent of the Publisher. Such action is an infringement of the copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Author contact: [email protected]

  The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series by Judy Angelo

  Volume 1 - Tamed by the Billionaire

  Volume 2 - Maid in the USA

  Volume 3 - Billionaire's Island Bride

  Volume 4 - Dangerous Deception

  Volume 5 - To Tame a Tycoon

  BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES, The Collection - Vols. 1 - 4


  Sweet Seduction


  Enrico Megalos is bold, brash and a big least for his staff in the Miami office of Megalos Shipping. And that's where the lion tamer comes in.

  Asia Miller, personality coach, is hired to tame the big boss. She takes on the challenge, not realizing until it is too late that while taming him she is also losing her the one man it doesn't pay to love.

  Sun, sea and a steamy affair - a thrilling ride on the sensual side.



  Enrico Megalos. Twenty-five years old. Probably the youngest shipping magnate in the world. Multibillionaire. Owner of Megalos Shipping and Carinosa Cruise Lines.

  Asia flipped through the sheets of paper in the file. More details on Megalos shipping. Offices in Miami, Athens and Los Angeles. She shook her head. Megalos had all this wealth and power and yet his own staff had to reach out to her in desperation. The man needed help.

  She gathered the papers together then slid the whole lot into her briefcase. She had an appointment with Enrico Megalos in forty-eight minutes and she did not intend to be late.

  After graduation from the University of Toronto with a PhD in Psychology, Asia Miller had set up her practice as an image and personality consultant and after only two years in the business she was sought out by individuals and businesses across the greater Miami area. Enrico Megalos, though, would be her most prestigious client.

  Based on the profile she’d received and the conversation with the human resources director she knew this assignment was going to be a major challenge, probably the most difficult she’d had to handle so far. Thank God the man had actually agreed to meet with her. Now it was up to her to make a great impression.

  Ten fifty-five found Asia sitting in the luxurious lounge of Megalos Shipping’s Miami office. At exactly eleven o’clock a soft-spoken, gray-haired woman came out and greeted her then escorted her into the inner sanctum, the private office of Enrico Megalos himself.

  When Asia walked in she blinked, caught off guard by the sheer size and opulence of the room. If it could be called a room. The office space looked as large as half of the entire floor. Furnished with exotic pieces that screamed wealth, the place looked like the palatial residence of a prince. And there, standing by the plate glass windows that looked out onto Miami Bay, stood the royalty in question.

  As she entered the room Enrico Megalos stepped away from the window and turned toward her. Asia found herself staring into the deep-set dark eyes of a strikingly handsome man. Tall and lean, he had the poise of a panther preparing to pounce. His jet-black hair glistened in the sunlight streaming through the window, framing his strong, lean face. It was a serious face with not a hint of a smile to be seen, the tight set of his lips clear testament to his displeasure.

  “Miss Miller.” His tone brusque, the business tycoon gave her a curt nod and walked toward her, his movements lithe and smooth. In his designer suit of deep charcoal he could have been a model on the runway. But if the man was aware of the gorgeous picture he posed he did not show it. Enrico Megalos was all business.

  He held out his hand. “Welcome to Megalos Shipping.”

  She glanced down at his lean-fingered hands. A pianist’s hands, agile and strong, with a latent power that could conquer or caress. She looked up at him, the heat of guilt rising in her cheeks. Now why had her thoughts gone there? “Thank you, Mr. Megalos," she said quickly and took his proffered hand.

  And that was when something happened. She’d heard about electric shocks and jolts like lightning when there was that special connection between a man and a woman. But…a meltdown? Probably inappropriate, but that was the only word her stricken brain could come up with in her confusion. She, Asia Miller, all of twenty-five years old with a doctorate in Psychology, had simply touched this man’s hand and had suddenly grown moist. Down there. Holy heavens, what was happening to her?

  She pulled her hand from his grasp, pretending to brush a piece of lint from her skirt. She needed those couple of seconds to gather her wits about her. She was a professional, here on business. Apparently her body hadn’t received that memo. She would definitely have to rein it in.

  “Call me Rico,” he said, not seeming to notice her attempt to put distance between them.

  “Rico,” she said, her voice a breathless whisper. She’d meant it to be a bold statement, a simple repetition of what he’d said. Instead, she sounded like she'd just made love.

  “Please. Have a seat.” He beckoned toward the chair across from his desk then waited till she’d perched on the seat. Then he walked over to his desk where, instead of going around it to sit in the chair, he set his bottom on the edge, folded his arms across his suit-clad chest and gave her a look of impatience.

  “Now, Miss Miller,” he said coolly, “on the request of my head of HR I agreed to meet with you this morning. I have a tight schedule today so let's make this quick. What do you need to know about me?”

  His abruptness took her by surprise. No preamble, just straight to the point. No problem. She could be just as direct.

  “Thank you for slotting me into your busy schedule,” she said, her tone brisk. “Mrs. Haye told me she already spoke to you about why I’m here.”

  He frowned. “Yes, some horse manure about needing me to tone down. There’s a problem with my management style, apparently.”

  “Yes, Mr. Megalos…Rico…there is.” Asia reached down and slid her briefcase onto her lap. She unzipped it as she spoke. “Your management style is very upsetting to your staff. They cannot function in an environment where their leader shouts, pounds his fists on the table and uses swear words.”

  “No-one’s complained,” he growled, obviously put out by her plain speech.

  “Not to you, they haven’t. But there have been several complaints to your HR department.” Asia shook her head but smiled in an attempt to lighten her next statement. “If you were an employee you would have been let go already. Unfortunately, your team can’t fire the owner of the firm so they called me.”

  For the first time since she’d entered his office Rico Megalos smiled. “And you have the magic formula to change me?”

  “I hope so,” she said, responding to his smile. “I’ve made a name for myself in this business. As a personality coach I’ve been able to help a lot of people and I think I can help you, too.”


  “I won’t try to change you, Rico. You will have to change yourself.”

  “And what if I don’t want to change?” His voice was full of challenge.

p; “Oh, by the time I’m done with you,” she said quietly, “you will.”

  Rico Megalos gave her a look of disbelief. Then his eyes narrowed. Obviously, he was not used to being challenged. His staff members were probably too scared of him to do anything but jump at his command.

  Asia gave an inward chuckle. With her on the case all that would change. Little did he know what lay in store.

  I’ve been doing a bit of research about you,” she continued, “but I’d like to ask you some questions. I need to understand where you're coming from.”

  Rico uncrossed his arms and planted his hands on the desk. “You do know this appointment is only thirty minutes long. And I’m not going a minute over that.”

  “Not a problem. Let's get started.” Asia pulled out her notepad and pen. “From my research I learned that you’re Greek by birth but you grew up in France. Correct?”

  “Wrong.” He sounded smug. He was probably glad she’d messed up on that first point. “My father is Greek, my mother is Spanish. I was born in France and grew up there but spent summers in England.”

  “Okay,” she said, dragging out the word as she scratched out her line of notes and scribbled down what he’d just said.

  “And what does that have to do with anything?” he demanded.

  “A lot, actually.” She kept her tone cool and nonthreatening. She had no intention of putting him on the defensive. “You have a mixed European background but now you’re in an environment where you must relate to an American staff.”


  “There’s a cultural divide here, one which you have to cross. And that’s what I’m here for - to help you make that leap.”

  Rico gave a snort of derision. “You book an appointment and tie up thirty minutes of my day to tell me this? Merde! This is all Psychology nonsense.” He got up from the desk and walked over to the window. He shook his head, looking tense and frustrated. “Listen, Miss Miller-”

  “Asia,” she said, calmly watching him, assessing his every move.

  “Asia,” he repeated. “I don’t have time to waste. Europeans and Americans aren’t all that different. Our cultures are quite similar. Why waste time discussing my cultural background? It’s irrelevant.”

  Asia shook her head and gave him a gentle smile. “That’s where you’re wrong. Family background and culture have everything to do with the issues you're having right now.”

  “I’m not having any issues,” he said, his tone defensive. “The employees are.”

  Asia nodded. “I agree. But as long as they're having issues you are, too. The head can’t be okay if the body is in trouble.”

  That silenced him. For the moment. As he stared back at her he frowned, seeming deep in thought.

  Before he could come back with a rejoinder she continued. “Now let's look at the cultural aspect of things. From my personal observations I think it is safe to say that Europeans, particularly the French, tend to be more direct in their speech than Americans.”

  He said nothing but cocked his head to one side and gave her a sidelong glance. He was listening but didn’t want to seem too interested. She knew that look. At least he was paying attention. And looking cute while doing it.

  Asia shook her head. Focus, woman. She continued. “The manner in which you communicate with your team is very different from the norm in this country.”

  “What manner are you talking about?” He was frowning again.

  “You express your anger very openly,” she said, keeping all judgment from her voice. “You’re free with your expressions of frustration and often use swear words during discussions. Using swear words is your own personal touch but such behavior does not sit well with the recipients of those reprimands.”

  “But it’s all part of the discussion,” he said, looking at her like she was stupid to even bring it up. “How else can you get new ideas if you don’t have spirited discussions?”

  “Spirited discussion is great.” She nodded in agreement. “However, it gets difficult when the boss dominates the discussion and is so free with his judgment and criticism that his team members are driven into silence.”

  He opened his mouth to speak but she put up a hand.

  “No, let me finish.” She was not about to let him dominate her, too. “It may be out of self-doubt or it may be out of fear but the fact remains that your people are not talking. They're not sharing their ideas and it’s because of you.”

  He was biting his lips now and she could see the struggle on his face. He wanted to speak but he was not about to let her halt him again. Clearly, he didn’t like being told what to do.

  “Your leadership style needs a touch of diplomacy, Rico. Sometimes it’s not what you say but how you say it.”

  “Zut alors! That is enough.” He threw up his hands, finally letting out his frustration. “Do you think my people are stupid? Why would they be afraid of me? Just because I let off steam and express myself in meetings? That is hogwash. Basura."

  “So why do you think they called me in?” She gave him a tight smile.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “Probably a stupid joke, just something to waste my time. Demonios!"

  “Rico,” she said softly, “you do realize you've been using swear words in my presence even though we've just met?”

  “Swear words?”

  “Yes, swear words. Whether in French, Greek or Spanish, that’s what they are - swear words. And whatever the language, they sound just as ugly.”

  That seemed to take him aback. He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what she was saying then he walked over and pulled out the chair from behind his desk. He sat down.

  When he looked at her his lips were tight but his eyes had lost some of their fire. Just a little. “What do you want from me?”

  Good. Now she had him exactly where she wanted him. It had finally sunk in and he was beginning to realize the error of his ways. “I want you to allow me to coach you for the next few weeks, no questions asked. I don’t want to make you who you’re not, but I want to make you the most effective leader you can be for your American team.”

  She got up then, confident in the power she had to help this man if he would let her. And, for the moment at least, he was ready to listen. “If I am to work with you I need you to follow my instructions.”

  That got her a glare but she pressed on. “To the letter. No objections. And I want to start with this meeting you say you have in less than ten minutes. I want to be in that meeting. I need to see you in action, to observe you as you interact with your various departments. This will be my starting point.”

  He let his breath out in a whoosh and sat back in his seat. He did not look at all pleased at her demand. He looked like he was about to object but then he shook his head. “Alright,” he said with a deep sigh. “The quicker you get started the quicker I can get you off my back.” He turned his narrowed gaze on her. “You can attend my meeting on one condition.”

  “Which is?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I don’t hear a peep out of you. Not a word or else you’ll be out of there so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

  For a moment she just stared at him, letting the silence speak for her. His comment really didn’t merit a response. He was simply resorting to his tried and true technique of intimidation. But he was trying it out on the wrong person.

  Asia gave Rico a warm smile, making it clear that she was immune to his threat. “I'm ready for the meeting,” she said, deliberately avoiding mention of his comment. “Lead the way.”

  For a moment Rico just stared at her, seeming nonplussed. He’d probably expected his nasty comment to get some sort of rise out of her. He was trying to put her on the defensive. She knew that tactic all too well and it wasn’t going to work. Not on her.

  As Asia got up from her chair, ready to follow Rico to his meeting, she smiled to herself. This assignment was definitely going to be fun.

  Enrico Megalos would soon find out that he had final
ly met his match.


  Zut. Rico marched down the hallway toward the conference room with Asia Miller close on his heels. What the heck had he gotten himself into? When Cynthia Haye, his head of HR, had met with him to discuss the little 'problem' in the office he'd been surprised. He couldn't imagine that his employees took his little tirades seriously. Still, when she'd expressed the concern he'd agreed to meet with the consultant just to humor her. He'd had no idea that the consultant would have turned out to be a dark-eyed, ebony-haired pixie who looked like she took her job very seriously.

  He'd been shocked when the immaculately dressed woman, her hair pulled up into a sleek bun, walked into his office looking little bigger than a child. She was probably all of five feet three inches tall - in heels. But despite her diminutive size he could see she was no pushover. When he'd tried to bully her she'd refused to be intimidated.

  But it was when he reached out to shake her hand that he got his greatest shock. Their hands touched and right at that moment he went hard. Rock solid. Like a damn teenager with a schoolboy crush. Merde.

  Now he would have Miss Asia Miller in his meeting, watching his every move. He would have to be on guard. There was no way he was going to let this 'personality coach' catch him in a faux-pas, no matter how beautiful she was.

  They were the first to arrive so Rico took the opportunity to seat Asia at the very back of the conference room and out of his immediate line of vision. Any closer and she'd be nothing but a source of distraction.

  Jim Henessey, the air operations manager, arrived on the dot of eleven-thirty and took up his usual position at the end of the table on the side opposite to Rico. They nodded in greeting then Jim's eyebrows raised as he caught sight of Asia. His eyes brightened as he gave her a look of interest.


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