To Tame a Tycoon

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To Tame a Tycoon Page 8

by Judy Angelo


  Something about him had changed. Rico couldn’t quite say what but he just felt different. He didn’t take life quite so seriously these days and he’d actually caught himself singing in the shower. Twice this week!

  Another week had passed before he knew it and, unlike his weekends of the previous few months, he was looking forward to this one. And the reason for his anticipation was no mystery. He was going to see Asia tomorrow.

  Although he’d been embarrassed as hell when he’d lost his contact lenses on the island, things had turned out rather well in the end. After the storm he and Asia had relaxed on the beach, just talking, and for him it had been a rare and special experience. He couldn’t recall doing that with anyone before. His life had always been focused and driven. When had he had the time to just lie back, let the island breeze flow over him, and share his thoughts with a beautiful woman? And what a woman she was. She seemed to understand him so well. It was as if she could read into his soul.

  He’d been anxious to call her during the week, just to talk to her some more, but each time he’d call she’d seemed distracted or busy. He began to wonder if he’d done something to offend her. But, as was his nature, he’d persisted until finally he got her to agree to see him again.

  Rico frowned as he stared out the window at his office. Something about him had changed alright. He, Enrico Xavier Megalos, had just spent the better part of an afternoon daydreaming about a woman. God help him.


  Tonight was the first time Rico had asked Asia out and not ordered her to wear jeans. It felt good to slip into her well-loved ‘little black dress’ and slide her feet into high-heeled sandals. For this date she would look and feel like a real woman.

  She touched a little perfume to her pulse points, the final touch to her preparations, then sat back and stared at herself in the mirror. He’d told her he liked her hair down so she’d let it fall around her shoulders. She smiled, liking the look. Asia the tigress was back.

  She chuckled to herself and got up. It was a minute to seven and she knew his car would pull up right on time. She picked up her purse and walked to the door just as a sleek black Lincoln town car pulled up to the curb.

  Heart pounding in anticipation, she walked up to the car just as the chauffeur, the same one she’d met that first night, came around to hold the door open. She thanked him then peered in and was surprised to find it empty. She looked back at the chauffeur. “Where is Mr. Megalos?”

  “Mr. Megalos had some final preparations to make,” he said mysteriously. “He asked that I take you to him as soon as possible.”

  “Oh,” she said, still confused, but she slid into the seat and he closed the door.

  Asia had other questions, like where exactly was Rico? And what preparations was he making? But she had a feeling the driver was instructed to keep the secret so she didn’t even waste her time asking. With a sigh she settled back into the seat to enjoy the ride.

  It didn’t take long for Asia to realize that they were on the way to Fisher Island, the wealthiest neighborhood in Miami-Dade county, and also the wealthiest in the entire country. The ferry took the car across and into that exclusive community then they set off. She guessed that Rico was already at a restaurant, waiting for her.

  But when the car turned through the gates of what could only be described as an island estate, she knew that this was no restaurant but Rico’s home. They drove up to a grand mansion of white and gold set in the middle of rolling green lawns and the ocean in the background.

  As soon as the car pulled up in front, wide double doors opened and a uniformed butler came down the stairs to greet her.

  “Welcome, Miss Miller," he said with a bow, his British accent crisp and polished.

  Then he escorted her up the steps and into what looked like a grand ballroom. “I will take you to Mr. Megalos directly,” he said, and led the way down a wide marble-tiled hallway along which stood sculptures that looked like they were straight from the temple of Parthenon on top of the Acropolis.

  At the end of the hallway the butler turned right and Asia found herself in an elegant dining room graced with a candle-lit table set for two. And there, looking for all the world like the hero on the cover of a romance

  novel - tall, dark and extremely handsome - was Rico. Dressed in white shirt open at the collar and black pants, he could have been the gorgeous swash-buckling pirate that maidens loved to swoon over.

  “Welcome to my home,” he said, and stepped forward to take Asia by the hand and pull her into the room.

  “Rico, what a…surprise. I thought I’d be meeting you at a restaurant.”

  “That was the original plan,” he admitted, "but at the last minute I changed my mind. I decided I wanted to make you dinner myself.”

  “You?” She stared at him, incredulous. “Can you cook?”

  He gave her a wounded look. “Is the lady questioning my abilities?” “No,” she said with a quick laugh. “Not at all. I look forward to enjoying a meal made by your hands.”

  And enjoy it she did. Roasted chicken flavored with red wine, baby carrots steamed with tiny potatoes in a garlic sauce, and a vegetable pot-pie with a crust that melted in her mouth.

  “You did all this?” she asked.

  “Well, I did have some help,” he said with an almost guilty smile, “from my chef.”

  “I knew it,” she teased.

  “But, no,” he said, putting his hands up as if to profess his innocence, “I really did most of the work. He was just there to guide me from time to time.”

  “Well, however you did it, I’m impressed. I really enjoyed it.”

  After dinner they moved to a private sitting room where Rico left her for a moment. “Dry eyes,” he explained. “Need some eye drops.”

  When he came back he was wearing glasses.

  “So that’s what you look like in glasses,” she teased. “Mr. Four Eyes.”

  “Who’re you calling Four Eyes,” he growled and reached for her then dragged her into his arms. “I should punish you for that.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” she said, giving him a look of innocence.

  “Shall I list your sins?” he asked, as he smiled down at her. “First you avoided me all week.”

  “I did not,” she protested.

  “You know you did,” he said, his voice adamant. “Every time I called, you were rushing off somewhere. I know that trick.”

  She bit her lip, feeling guilty. “I’m sorry,” she said. “You’re right. I was avoiding you but only because I thought you needed some space, in case you had regrets…about us.”

  “You crazy woman,” he chided. “What the heck are you talking about? I have none. Do you?”

  She shook her head.

  “And are you ready for sin number two?”

  “I have a second sin?”

  “Yes. You called me Four Eyes. Now come take your punishment like a man.”

  She began to giggle at his lame joke but he put an end to that when his mouth swooped down and captured hers in a kiss that made her toes curl. When he finally released her she was gasping.

  By this time Asia was a mass of tingling nerves. Every inch of her was aware of Rico - the feel of his lips against hers, the solid breadth of his chest as it crushed her breasts, his masculine hardness as it pressed into her. She wanted more of him, so much more. But was she treading in dangerous waters?

  She had to break the tension. Without warning she reached up and slipped Rico's glasses off his nose. Before he could react she pulled out of his arms and skipped away.

  “Hey, why’d you do that?” He blinked then squinted, trying hard to see her. “Come back here, you little devil.”

  “Never,” she chortled, and went to stoop beside an armchair in the corner. So she was being immature, acting like a bratty kid. So what? It was fun having the upper hand on Rico.

  “Are you trying to add to your list of sins?” He put out his hands and bega
n to creep around the room, trying to find her. “Once I have you, you will be punished. Best to give up now before it’s too late.”

  She only giggled some more. She realized that was a stupid thing to do when he turned and headed in her direction. Everything was a blur to him but there was nothing wrong with his hearing.

  She dashed away just in time and laughed when he bumped into the standing lamp. Luckily it didn’t topple over. She decided to put an end to the teasing. This cat and mouse game was fun but it was ratcheting up the sexual tension that had been building inside her. She’d thought the game would take her mind away from her desire for Rico but instead the hunt, playful though it was, had only made her want him more.

  “Rico,” she called out from the other end of the room, “let's make a deal. I’ll give you your glasses back if you agree to do everything I say.”

  “Everything?” he asked with a lascivious smile.

  “Everything,” she replied, her tone breathless.

  “Deal.” He held out his hands, palms upward. “I am yours, mademoiselle. Do with me what you will.”

  Gosh, that sounded good. Her mouth went dry in anticipation. He was offering himself to her and she planned on taking full advantage. She straightened her back and with a sniff she walked over and took his outstretched hands. She’d hooked the glasses onto the front of her dress. She wasn’t giving them back, not just yet. She was enjoying keeping him slightly off balance.

  “Take me to your bedroom,” she said boldly. “I have an assignment for you. Let's see how well you execute.” She released his hands and reached up to pull his head down. “If you do a good job,” she whispered in his ear, “I might just give you your glasses back.”

  She heard the laughter rumble deep in his chest but he did not say a word. He simply nodded and taking her hand, he turned to leave the sitting room.

  Rico had no problem finding his bedroom without the help of his glasses. He led her down the hall and within seconds he was pushing open the door to a massive bedroom with a king-sized bed in the middle.

  Asia pulled her hand from Rico’s grasp and pushed the door shut behind them. Then she sauntered over to the bed and sat down. “Come to me,” she whispered and held out her arms. She was warming to the game, getting into her role as seductress. She’d set out to tame this man and she planned to do it in more ways than one.

  When he came to sit beside her, Asia ran her fingers through his hair then stood up so that she was the one looking down at him. Then she lowered her lips to his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, giving him heated little kisses that were just a hint of her passion for him.

  He lifted his mouth, searching for her with his lips, but she refused him that pleasure. She would not give him what he wanted, not yet.

  With trembling fingers she began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Then she slid the garment off his shoulders and stepped back to admire the beauty of his lean, muscled torso as it gleamed in the pale moonlight that stole through the window.

  He reached out a hand to touch her but she held his wrist. “No,” she whispered. “Unzip me first.” She slipped the glasses off the front of her dress and laid it on the night table then she turned her back to him. As the zipper went down she slid the straps from her shoulders and let her dress fall to the floor. Then she turned to him, dressed only in bra and panties, and her heart soared as she saw desire flare in his dark eyes.

  “Lie back on the pillows," she commanded and couldn’t help but smile when he moved willingly, eagerly, to fulfill her order. When it came to fulfilling his desire a man could be as obedient as a lamb.

  Asia climbed onto the bed, deciding to be even more daring than ever. She straddled Rico, her knees pressed into the bed on either side of him, then she pushed his arms up, grabbed his wrists and pressed them into the pillows, trapping them on either side of his head.

  “Are you going to give me everything I want?” she growled playfully.

  “Oui, mademoiselle.” His voice was raspy as if he was having trouble breathing.

  “And you will follow my every command?”

  “Oui, mademoiselle,” he repeated.

  “Then kiss me here.” She thrust forward, her lace-covered breasts just inches from his lips, her arousal evident in the sharp points of her nipples.

  Obediently he lifted his head to plant a warm kiss on the exposed fullness of one breast then the other. Then he captured a laced-covered nipple between his teeth and tugged and nibbled before moving to the other nipple. When she gasped in delight he gripped the right bra cup with his teeth and pulled it down and immediately slipped the tortured nipple into his mouth where he sucked and soothed until Asia felt she would swoon from the pleasure.

  He moved to the other where he exposed the nipple and administered the same tantalizing caress and Asia’s bones melted like chocolate in the rays of the sun. She sagged into him, breathing hard. Before she could recover Rico pulled his wrist from her grasp and wrapped his arms around her. Then he rolled over, trapping her beneath him.

  “What else does mademoiselle want?” he whispered, his lips so close that his breath tickled her ear. “I promised to give you everything.”

  “I want…you.” Asia was panting now.

  He bent his head and kissed her on the lips. “Whatever the lady desires.” Rico slid off the bed and loosened his belt. Soon belt, trousers and boxer shorts were sliding down his lean legs to the floor. He stood straight and tall, his erection proudly declaring his state of arousal.

  Inexplicably, Asia felt a blush creep up and over her body. How could she be embarrassed when she was the one who had started all this? As he reached for his wallet on the nightstand she closed her eyes. As soon as he was sheathed he would be all hers and she was both eager and afraid at the thought.

  When Rico climbed back onto the bed and reached for her Asia did not open her eyes. Before, she’d come off as bad, bold and sure of herself. Now, not so much. What if after tonight Rico never wanted to see her again? There were men like that - when they got you in bed, once they'd got a taste of the forbidden fruit, they lost all interest. What if that happened to her?

  She was turning her face away, the thought filling her mind, when Rico said, his voice so gentle and soothing that her heart melted, “It’s okay, Asia. I won’t hurt you. Just relax.”

  Then he loosened the clasp on her bra and moved to slide her panties down her legs. Softly, he slid heated palms up her legs until his hands rested on her hips.

  Her eyes still tightly closed, Asia felt his hand slide over her mound. She stiffened but the gentle fingers moved down to stroke the sensitive bud between her legs, making her bones liquefy, making her moan. Under Rico’s expert caress the tension in her legs eased and she shifted to give him greater access. He stroked and caressed, his hands the source of such sweetness that she almost cried out in pleasure.

  To her relief Rico moved up her body and positioned himself over her. “It will be fine, Asia,” he whispered. “You’re ready for me now. I won’t hurt you.”

  And then he sank deep inside her, driving his manhood into her core.

  Asia cried out, her body filled with the hardness of him, and as he thrust into her she lifted her legs to wrap them around him. And then she clung to him, meeting his every thrust, taking all that he could give.

  And then she was climbing, climbing to that highest peak of rapture, her breath coming fast, her body tingling all over.

  And then she was over the edge, falling, falling into a sea of sensation that had her trembling all over.

  Rico must have felt her reach her climax because as hot lava exploded inside her he gave a guttural groan and plunged deep inside where he stayed, his hips jerking, his body releasing all its pent-up passion.

  They lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, and for a long time they did not move.

  And as Asia lay cradled in Rico’s arms a wave of sadness washed over her. She bit her lip, almost on the verge of tears.

Stupid woman that she was, she’d gone and fallen in love with Enrico Megalos, a man who could have any woman in the world, a man who would probably never settle for someone like her.


  Asia drew into her shell, totally avoiding any contact with Rico. She needed time to be alone, time to think.

  Coming to grips with the fact that she was in love with one of the most desired bachelors in Florida - and one of the least likely to settle down - was a very difficult task. So what if she’d been working with him for over a month? So what if they’d been seeing each other after that and had mind-blowing sex? It was time for her to face reality. She had to stop living in dreamland and pull out of this pretend relationship because she knew how it would end - she was the one who was going to get hurt.

  She planned an impromptu visit to her parents, happy to tell Rico that she’d be in Canada for the next two weeks. At least she had a good reason for not keeping in touch. By the time she returned to Florida she would have built up enough strength to have a talk with him, let him know it was best that they didn’t see each other anymore. That was, assuming that he’d even remember her after she’d been gone for that length of time. Men could be fickle creatures.

  But when Asia got back home two weeks later there was a message on her answering machine that threw all her well-made plans upside down.

  “I miss you, Asia. Call me as soon as you get back.”

  Now what was a girl to do? She loved him. She’d finally given up fighting that sad fact. But could she risk her heart? Did he really miss her or was it just the sex?

  She heaved a sigh and flopped down onto the sofa, more confused now than when she’d left for Canada. She wanted to see him. Desperately. But she knew that if they found themselves alone she’d be the one ripping his clothes off, not the other way around.

  And then where would that leave her? The stupidest thing a girl could do was to let a man know how much she wanted him. Unless he’d already made a commitment. And Rico hadn’t.

  She sat there nibbling her fingernail, and then a thought came to her - maybe she could see Rico, but on neutral ground. And she’d get a chance to observe him in a totally different environment, get to see who he really was. She would invite him to the youth center.


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