A Slice of Heaven (Cupid's Cafe Where love is on the menu Book 6)

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A Slice of Heaven (Cupid's Cafe Where love is on the menu Book 6) Page 9

by Ashley Lauren

  Clarisse leaned back to stare at Russel. She felt like they were talking in circles she didn’t understand. Russel was buying the business in Laramie, maybe… and maybe she and Tommy would go with him. But he wouldn’t buy the business if she didn’t want him to, and he would support her here in school at Berkeley. Things were moving fast, but she wasn’t even sure in what direction.

  The only thing she understood was the fact that she was adamant about supporting herself. Her parents had drilled that into her head, and she couldn't see herself living any other way.

  “Hate’s a pretty strong word, but supporting myself is important to me. Besides, the work at Cupid’s isn’t hard, just tiring on those long days. I love my boss, and I like the people I meet. Hey, I met you there, right?”

  “That’s right! You did. Well, when I said proposal, I meant it. I want to marry you, Clarisse…”

  Clarisse felt the floor drop out from under her world. “Wait! What did you just say?”

  “I want you to marry me. That’s what I’ve been saying for the past few minutes.”

  Clarisse grabbed her hands away from Russel. She had to think. How could I miss being proposed to? What had he said before? Something about if you’ll consider my proposal…

  “Clarisse. Clarisse, I… I’m messing this up. I can start again,” Russel began.

  “No, just give me a second.” Clarisse put a hand to her frantically beating heart. This moment hadn’t gone anything like she’d pictured when she was a kid. But Tommy hadn’t been in her plans either... “I’m okay, now. Why don’t you tell me what else you have planned?”

  “Ummm,” Russel hedged, looking unsure. “Are you sure you don’t want me to start over?”

  She’d never seen Russel look so nervous. He was big and tough, but at the moment a fly could push him over. “Nope. You just continue with what you were saying.”

  “Okay… and someday, if he’d let me, and you approved, I’d love to adopt Tommy as my own kid. I’d like for us to be a family.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “You bet. It wouldn’t have to be right away. We’d wait until you were both comfortable with the idea, but I’m ready when you both are.”

  Clarisse was still reeling from the marriage and adoption thing, but Russel, it seemed, still had more plans.

  “Now as for the two locations thing,” he rubbed his big hands together, “I’m going to learn how to fly!” He beamed at her.

  “Fly? As in you’d be the pilot?” Clarisse asked, startled. “I mean, that does require a plane, right?”

  “Oh, that’s no problem. I did some research online on the way down here. Not much to do on a four-hour flight if you’re a passenger. The pilot told me where to look, and the plane had Wi-Fi, so I did. If I look at the plane as part of my investment, I could buy and learn to fly a plane just like the one I chartered from Wyoming.”

  Clarisse sat thoughtfully for a couple of minutes, looking down at her hands in her lap. Russel began to worry. Why wasn’t she saying anything? “I . . .” he began.

  “Can I think about it for just a bit, Russel?” she asked hesitantly. “I mean it’s kind of a surprise, you know?” She looked away.

  Russel hitched in a breath, suddenly feeling like there wasn’t enough air to breathe. “Okay, that’s fine. I understand.”

  Russel stood to go. He didn’t think he could stay another second. He’d made a fool of himself. He’d blundered his proposal so badly that she didn’t even realize she was being proposed to. He didn’t have a ring. The list went on and on. The back gate led out to the street. He could be gone in a few seconds.

  Russel turned to leave, but Clarisse grabbed his hand.


  He paused, wondering what her next words would be.

  “I accept. But only if we can get married at my parents’ church in Vegas. Anytime you want, but my Mom is going to want time to plan, and . . .”

  Russel turned back to her and dropped down to one knee in front of her. He gripped her hand tightly, feeling like he had one last chance to get this right.

  “Clarisse Wilson, will you marry me?”

  “Russel Burke, yes, I will marry you!”

  The glass door to the living room slid open, and a sleepy Tommy stood in it. “Mom, I woke up and you weren’t there. Oh, hi, Russel. When did you get back?”

  Noticing that Russel was kneeling in front of his mother, holding her hands, Tommy looked confused. “What are you doing?”

  Russel laughed out loud at this. Then, he looked at Clarisse, offering a wink, and said, “We were just talking, and I made your Mom a promise, that’s all.”

  He stood and added, “We’ll talk about it later, okay? Right now, how about we all go out to lunch somewhere?”

  Chapter 18

  The next day when Katy met Clarisse at the door, she could tell that her protégé was practically bursting to tell her something.

  “What’s up this morning, Clarisse?” Katy asked. She already had a feeling she knew what Clarisse was going to tell her. She’d seen that excited, yet slightly dazed look countless times. It was one of the perks of her self-appointed matchmaker status.

  “He asked me to marry him!” Clarisse gushed. “Not right away, but, oh, it was wonderful. Confusing, but wonderful.” She tossed her hands in the air and twirled around. “Right now, we need to get set up for the morning rush. I’ll fill you in as we work.”

  Katy raised an eyebrow at that whole confession. How exactly was a proposal confusing? Clarisse jumped right into making sure all the tables were set up and well-stocked with sugar and creamers. Katy started in on her own morning routine, curious about Clarisse’s news. It should be interesting.

  Over the next few hours Cupid’s fed and entertained the usual crowd, as well as some new walk-ins that were enjoying themselves, consuming mounds of home fries and gallons of coffee made just right. Periodically, Clarisse was able to catch Katy up on Russel’s multi-layered proposal.

  “And he wanted me to know he doesn’t intent to steal me away from you, at least not right away. I made it clear that I love working here, and want to retain my independence. I can make my own way!” she told Katy, and Susanne, who was also listening avidly whenever she could.

  “We don’t want to tell everybody just yet, though. It can wait a while. You get that, right Susanne,” she said, cocking an eyebrow Susanne’s way to be sure.

  “Oh, sure, Clarisse. I won’t tell anyone. You be sure and let me know when it’s okay for me to blab. I love retelling the stories for our regulars,” Susanne said with a smile.

  Clarisse turned her stare toward Katy. “I haven’t been one of your projects, have I? I mean you didn’t have anything to do with Russel and I, did you?”

  Katy stared back her with a look of absolute shock. “Clarisse, honey, I’ve had nothing to do with how you and Russel feel about each other. Don’t worry about me sticking my nose into your relationship. The real question is, are you happy? Do you love Russel?”

  Clarisse’s face hurt from smiling. She was happy, and she loved Russel with all her heart. The affection and friendship she’d built with him had grown over time, and she couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it moved into love. Clarisse didn’t have any romantic notions about love. She’d been infatuated with a guy who was all wrong for her and had gotten pregnant. Her relationship with Russel was nothing like that. Her affection and feelings had grown roots, and that’s what real love was about.

  “He’s the man I want to share my life with. The man I want my son to look up to. I’m lucky to have found him.”

  “Luck didn’t have anything to do with it,” Susanne muttered under her breath.

  Katy elbowed her, hoping Clarisse hadn’t heard, and said, “So, you’re going to have the wedding in Vegas?”

  “Yes, but that’s not as glamorous as it sounds. My folks don’t live anywhere near the strip. My dad’s a lawyer on the outskirts of town, closer to Henderson. Our church is in the city
of Henderson. I don’t know where we’ll have a reception. I’ve got high school friends who’ll come and my parents and relatives . . . it won’t be that big, though.”

  “Well, look who’s here, the groom himself,” Susanne said, louder than Clarisse would have liked.

  “Shhh, Susanne! Remember your promise!” Clarisse hissed at her while turning toward the door.

  Russel came through the front door to the sound of bells and gracefully moved to meet Clarisse in the middle of the diner. The other two discretely moved away, acting as if they knew nothing.

  “So, how’s the future Mrs. Burke this morning?” Russel murmured. “Looking good as usual I see.”

  “Oh, stop!” Clarisse told him, “You know very well I’m a mess after serving breakfast for two hours!”

  He bent down and kissed her on the cheek, attracting two amused stares from customers on the back counter stools. Clarisse shook her head. The patrons got enough excitement at Cupid’s without adding her love life to it. Clarisse grabbed Russel’s hand and pulled him out onto the patio. It was empty except for David Rivera who’d taken to eating outside the past week. Katy had the patio heaters going and even though it was January outside it felt comfortable in the covered patio area.

  “Morning, David,” Russel said. “Mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all. I’ll be leaving pretty quick, but have a seat,” David replied.

  “Pancakes, this morning, Clarisse,” Russel told her. “With a side of potatoes and bacon too, please. Just coffee this morning.”

  “Coming right up,” she said, leaving to get his order in.

  David folded his paper and rose to leave. “I get the impression you two are getting along quite well, Russel. It’s nice to see Clarisse so happy. Well, we’ll be seeing you around. Have a great day.”

  “You too, David. Are you done with that paper? I haven’t seen one yet today.”

  “Then, it’s yours. Bye, Russel.”

  Russel busied himself with the paper until Clarisse came back with his food. She sat down opposite him and watched him eat. “Katy said I could take a break for a few. Tommy went to school this morning. He said his arm was better today, but I think he was just telling me that.”

  “He’ll have a great story to tell his friends. I bet he’ll embellish it saying he stopped the car with one arm.”

  Clarisse laughed. “Probably. It could have been so much worse. Yesterday was a day of miracles. Tommy got by with a couple scrapes, and you asked me to marry you. I’m a very fortunate woman.”

  Russel reached out and took one of her hands in his. “No, I’m the lucky one. You know, Clarisse, when I came in here the first time, and you got me that pie, it was like a little slice of heaven. I’d had a long hard drive and just buried my mother. A dark day for me, but then you were there, and you know what?”

  She looked at him expectantly.

  “I’m always going to see it that way. To me, this place, and you with it, will always be like a slice of heaven to me.” He stared at her for a second. “Would you like to go to Vegas this weekend? We could take Tommy along, sit down with your parents, and tell them about our plans. I think they’d like to know. Unless you’ve already told them?”

  “No, it’s been a whirlwind. I have barely wrapped my head around it. I wanted to tell Tommy first and then call them… but just flying to Vegas? Oh, Russel, are you sure about all of this?”

  “Never more sure of anything in my life. When I was up to Laramie, all I could think about when we weren’t talking business was you and Tommy. I must have talked Jerry’s ear off, but I think he understood. He’s been married to his Sue-Ellen for fifty years. He told me to get home and take care of business here before I made a decision on the business up there.”

  “Okay. I’ll call my Mom right after work and say we’re coming to visit. I’ve got a class this afternoon at four, but maybe tonight you could come over, and we could tell Tommy together?”

  “Maybe I should start with telling him about the plane ride. Think it would help?”

  Clarisse laughed. “I think Tommy will be more excited to finally have a father. He can’t stop talking about you. Everything is going to be perfect.”

  “I hope so. Just by chance, I found the perfect family, tailor-made for me,” Russel said, and leaned in to give Clarisse a kiss.

  Clarisse threw her arms around Russel, sealing their engagement with a kiss that showed just how happy she felt.

  Katy hadn’t meant to eavesdrop on such a private moment. She’d come out to tell Clarisse about an automated call from Berkeley, canceling her afternoon class, but she was glad she’d overheard them.

  That little gift of hers was tingling away, humming its pleasure about another perfect match. Was it chance that got them together or was it some strange combination of fate and her gift pushing people together? Katy wasn’t really sure and didn’t care.

  She never felt bad about her meddling. Everyone always seemed better off and much happier. And it’s not like she’d proposed or forced people to date each other. She just engineered situations and gave people a push when they needed it.

  Katy took a last look at the couple and smiled. Then, she stepped away from the patio’s screened door, giving Clarisse and Russel some privacy. The automated call probably went to Clarisse’s cell phone as well. She and Susanne could handle the late morning crowd for a while yet.

  The End

  Thank you so much for reading A Slice of Heaven. Can I ask a favor of you? If you enjoyed the novella could you please go to Amazon and review it? Reviews really help a newer author like me. Also, I love to hear from fans. You can find me on my website at ashleylaurenbooks.com or my Facebook page


  Also, don’t forget to go to http://www.ashleylaurenbooks.com/#!free-romance-novella/v1lmi

  and tell me where to send your complimentary book.

  Thanks again,

  Ashley Lauren




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