Rise of the Bloodied Phoenix

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Rise of the Bloodied Phoenix Page 13

by Andrew McGregor

  Back in the Hanomag, Donatello and Udet started to unpack some basic food rations from the stowage bins, preparing sliced sausage they had scrounged from the young cook with bread and jam as a late breakfast. Sergeant Moretti stared back down into the valley behind, an infantry company now trudging down the opposite slope towards the narrow river, their bodies spaced across the snow and rifles raised. The lone Panzer IV still stood smouldering, black lines of oiled smoke covering the right side of the turret. The older Italian pondered how many of the crew had perished inside, his realisation that placing the Hanomag where it had been may have saved the other tankers. Several bombers flew high overhead, the escorting ME109 fighters beginning to peel away from the heavier, more cumbersome planes, the single seaters streaking across the sky as they flew towards the terrain to the north.

  Petru stood with ‘Hase’, the Romanian smiling fondly at the younger Russian’s perplexed expression, his hand running across the numerous scratch and groove marks on the left side of the carrier’s armoured plate, several of the deep intrusions scorched from the high velocity impacts. The older man reached out and grasped the back of ‘Hase’s’ neck beneath his helmet, shaking his head forward and back gently in encouragement, the smile evident in his voice, ‘They will give you another one if you break this one…failing that, Tatu and I will repaint it for you!’

  ‘Hase’ grinned sheepishly, his cheeks flushed with the cold and embarrassment, his gloved hand rising to wipe his nose, ‘I just feel I contribute…or am more useful driving this…’

  Petru’s eyes widened in astonishment, his tone edged with uncertainty, ‘Young ‘Hase’, I think the Leutnant values your loyalty just as much or even more than the rest of us…’ He slapped the Russian’s shoulder playfully, grunting with dismissal, ‘Dummkopf! Now get back into your little carrier and have breakfast…you have a long drive ahead of you today!’

  ‘Hase’ nodded thoughtfully, turning to smile at the Romanian with a devious wink, ‘Just repaint it…I like this model a lot…’ They glanced round startled as three nearby Panzer IV’s fired in unison, their hulls jolting backwards as smoke billowed from the muzzles, ‘We had better fill the tanks with fuel for Hausser…’ ‘Hase’ turned and walked towards the back of the carrier, ‘Then I will eat…’

  To the south, the thumps of heavy artillery began, heavier gun batteries now positioned on either side of the railway siding they had just arrived on, a fresh steaming Reichsbahn locomotive sitting next to the engineer’s platform, the armoured train firing from the main track further east.

  Leutnant Hausser slowly raised the binoculars to his eyes, Tatu crawling cautiously to draw next to the commander as he reached for the second, smaller pair of glasses that had been in the Hanomag. Cold air enveloped their faces as they adjusted the zoom on their binoculars, a breeze from the valley below seeming to seep through their padded and fur jackets.

  Smoke was billowing across the valley below, numerous fires and burning buildings sending thick black lines high into the sky. Hausser and Tatu stared in disbelief at the devastation that lay across the landscape…crippled and destroyed Russian armour lay smouldering and burning fiercely, a number of tanks simply crushed or shattered into pieces by the shelling and dive bombing from above. Several hulks of tanks lay without their turrets, the tops of the fighting armour strewn some distance from the main hulls and destroyed by direct hits.

  Destroyed and burning armoured cars and lorries littered the numerous roads and tracks that crisscrossed the terrain, the shattered and obliterated wooden and stone buildings of a village lying in ruins, the advancing armoured column caught in the open by the German aircraft. As they stared through their binoculars, further large explosions and detonations swept debris and shattered bodies into the air, the heavy calibre shelling from the rear now beginning to rain down on any surviving forces.

  Tatu pointed in shock as a number of figures seemed to walk aimlessly or stumble amongst the wreckage, the smouldering and torn uniforms covering blackened, shaking and shell shocked soldiers or tank crews seeming oblivious to the shelling nearby. Further back to the north east, the dust lay heavily in the air, the burning town of Grishino sending large plumes of black smoke into the dull sky, German medium HE111 high level bombers having targeted the supply and rear echelon troops advancing to bolster the front lines of now devastated Russian armour.

  Hausser adjusted his glasses, staring through the smoke and witnessing a few vehicles and soldiers pulling away to the north east towards the town, his voice heightening as the Panzer IV engines began to burble once more, the commanders preparing to advance. He turned to face Tatu, ‘The survivors are retreating to the north east…but according to Major Wolff they are about to be cut off!’

  Tatu nodded slowly, raising his own glasses to stare towards the retreating survivors, the distant figures and armoured cars just visible through the billowing smoke, his teeth gritting, ‘We will still need to get through them…or have we different orders?’ He drew breath as the muffled scream of mechanical sirens filled the air again, the figures and vehicles scattering in panic in the far distance as several Stukas began their vertical dive.

  The commander was spanning his glasses towards the north west, seeing the tracks and small bridges that led across fields and narrow streams. Several copses of trees and woods lay across the terrain, the snow blanketing fields and hamlets leading into the distance, several hills and rises breaking the landscape. He nudged Tatu as the tank tracks near them whined and spun, the Panzer IVs grinding forward and over the ridge as German infantry with a couple of Hanomags and Kubelwagens advanced behind, the Stug IIIs and other tanks with infantry support now advancing along their right flank.

  Tatu glanced round, then followed the younger commanders line of sight, staring across the terrain and grimacing, ‘Where is your German army there? It could be swarming with Russians…’

  Hausser shook his head, ‘There will be a few stragglers, but the main German forces are further north…we should head that way and keep alert…our orders are to move towards the railway line south of Isyum and report on progress…this battle is over…’ He hesitated, considering further, ‘Moving towards Grishino will entangle us with the fight for the town and the remnants of Popov’s armour.’ He panned the binoculars back towards the devastated convoy and tanks, ‘Most of the roads are blocked and our Panzers are advancing on either side of the Russians, we will be caught in bottlenecks and skirmishes…’ Slowly he grinned, pointing to the north, ‘Besides…Kharkov is that way!’

  Tatu shrugged and shivered slightly, still staring through the binoculars towards their proposed route, ‘Very well…I or Petru will man the machine gun, keep the rest alert and the ammunition to hand.’ He lowered the glasses curiously, ‘Have we enough fuel?’

  Hausser nodded, ‘I think so…there are extra two cans under the benches and you got four…the tanks were two thirds full before last night…the main German forces should only be a few kilometres ahead and there will be other units on the way…’

  Tatu nodded, running his hand across his moustache nervously, ‘Let’s get going then…we never worried about fuel when he had to walk!’ He grinned, pushing his body backwards and rising to his feet, a hand outstretched towards Hausser, ‘Come on Herr Leutnant…we are late for breakfast!’

  Chapter Twelve: A journey of discovery

  The Hanomag lumbered forward, ‘Hase’ gunning the engine and turning slightly to the north west, the Panzer IVs and other Hanomags advancing towards the burning vehicles and smoke filled terrain to the north east.

  In the rear compartment, the soldiers sat eating their bread and drinking coffee substitute, Tatu leaning against the armoured plated protective shield around the machine gun, his eyes scrutinising the landscape as the carrier headed towards a gate in the sloping field, a rough track lined by woods leading north beyond.

  As the Hanomag bumped over the rough land, Hausser and the others munched on the last of the wheat bread a
nd sliced sausage, their food soon to return to the more basic rye bread and meagre field rations packed into the vehicle’s stowage bins. The carrier lurched as the tracks negotiated the entrance to the field, a deep ditch on either side of the track, ‘Hase’ turning the vehicle right to head north along the side of a wood, the engine burbling as he dropped a gear. A cold breeze swept over the carrier as Tatu glanced across towards the fires and black smoke plumes to the east, the distant crack of rifle fire and chatter of machine guns broken by explosions and artillery fire.

  His eyes widened as a number of padded white uniformed German soldiers wearily clambered from the deep ditch on the right, a grin forming on his face as he spotted the well covered machine gun positions and mortars between the trees to the left. Several of the dirt covered infantry raised their hands in greeting, Tatu waving back as the carrier’s tracks clattered along the frozen rutted earth, exhaust fumes billowing behind as ‘Hase’ accelerated along the side of the dark forest.

  The track wound along the edge of the trees for some time before turning to the left and heading into the forest. Leutnant Hausser leant next to Tatu as the carrier approached the trees, the two staring out over the snow bound fields as the vehicle slowed and turned into the darkness. Infantry were advancing slowly northwards across the fields, the soldiers spread out and being led by an officer in the distance, the man staring through binoculars towards the rising ground ahead.

  The Hanomag tracks skidded on the frozen track through the trees, the temperature dropping further as the branches and foliage obscured the dull sky above. The front lights flickered on, slim beams penetrating into the darkness and casting shadows through the snowed bushes and branches as the carrier slowed. Sergeant Moretti pointed through the viewing slit in the driver’s compartment, ‘Hase’ nodding as he saw the bend ahead, the engine burbling as it slowed further.

  Tatu slipped behind the machine gun once more, his upper body lowering behind the protective plate as Hausser sank back onto one of the benches, straining his eyes to study the map. Donatello leant forward, retrieving the officer’s mug and filling it once more, the Leutnant nodding his thanks as the young Italian spoke, ‘So where are we heading now?’

  Hausser swivelled the map round, his gloved finger pointing to an area on the map, ‘I think we are north of Myrne heading north west, then turn to drive northwards to Dobropillya…there are some main roads there, so we should make better progress.’ He grimaced, glancing across the others, ‘This is a German advance, but there seem to be powerful Russian forces in our way…we must all keep alert, there will be many stragglers and partisans in the areas ahead…do not become too relaxed.’

  Udet nodded solemnly, Donatello’s eyes straining as Petru slapped his back, ‘The Romanians are with you…you will not become relaxed…’ He indicated to Tatu, ‘If we are lucky, Tatu will find us some food for a feast…we were the talk of the Romanian army…’ His voice tailed off as eyes became saddened, ‘…there is little of it left now!’

  Tatu spun round, a wide grin of exhilaration forming across his face, ‘Now…we will have none of that my friend, Tatu and Petru cook the finest feasts…we will just need one evening and some good supplies if our Leutnant will provide permission?’

  The Romanian quartermaster glanced at Hausser pleadingly, the officer nodding and smiling in return, ‘I see no reason why not…just an evening though, once it gets dark…we will see if there are any obliging supply sergeants ahead.’

  Tatu nodded triumphantly, prodding Petru on the shoulder, ‘We think of the future now my friend…not what has happened…what is done is gone!’

  Petru glanced up at him, his eyes emotional as he nodded, ‘A feast for kings it will be then…just as we used to prepare. I will season the meat and you can supervise the cooking!’ Tatu nodded, ignoring the temptation to retort as he turned back to the machine gun, lowering his arms across the rear of the weapon as he stared ahead into the trees.

  Bullets clattered against the front armoured plate, Tatu throwing himself backwards, a yelp of surprise coming from his lips. Donatello stared open eyed at the Romanian as he dropped between them, his hands reaching out frantically to check for signs of a wound.

  The Hanomag accelerated, Hausser struggling upwards with Petru as the Romanian grasped the machine gun, ducking as he saw the flashes in the distance, the clanks against the protective shield ricocheting off into the trees. He squeezed the trigger, bullets flying from the MG34 into the branches above as he yanked the weapon down, the bursts flying towards the darkened trees ahead.

  Leutnant Hausser raised his MP40, the machine gun juddering in his hands as he fired a short burst, the flashes lighting up the tree trunks on either side as the loud sound wave swept through the trees. Udet grasped a grenade, Tatu struggling upwards as he swore, his PPSH rising as Donatello lifted his struggling figure, the Hanomag turning sharply to the left as it negotiated a bend.

  The carrier lurched as it turned, Udet priming the grenade and holding it momentarily before tossing the Steilhandgranate over the side, a muffled explosion and scream as the carrier moved forward more readily, the tracks spinning on the frozen earth beneath as the wheels skidded.

  More bullets spewed towards them, the clanks and ricochets hitting the carrier on both the front and back, Petru ducking further as Hausser and Tatu fired out blindly, their hands rising to fire briefly before dropping back. An explosion rocked the carrier on the right, ‘Hase’ crashing the gears in an attempt to gain more speed, Udet tossing a grenade to either side.

  The muffled explosions and bullet impacts resounded around the inside of the open rear compartment, Hausser shouting loudly above the din, ‘We need to get out of the forest…there seems to be too many of them!’

  The engine roared in response, the tracks whining further as the Hanomag jolted forward, the engine screaming as ‘Hase’ reached maximum speed, Tatu’s eyes widening in horror as he heard a clank against the right side, ‘Grenade!’

  The branches and roots screeched and cracked loudly on either side as two explosions in quick succession occurred to the rear, the gunfire now falling behind them as they gasped, ‘Hase’ sustaining the speed for some time as the Hanomag charged through the forest. Sergeant Moretti half closing his eyes in fear as the vehicle seemed to claw its way around bends and obstructions, his arm raising to point as they saw the brighter light ahead, the carrier nearing the edge of the trees.

  As the vehicle shot out into the light, the track turned sharply to the north, ‘Hase’ spinning the controls in to compensate, the Hanomag slewing sideways before grinding to a halt. Gasping, he spun round, ‘Everyone alright?’

  Sergeant Moretti slapped him on the shoulder, ‘I sit here…you drive! We work well together!’ He laughed out loud with relief, slapping his thigh, ‘You drive like an Italian!’

  Hausser slowly rose from the confines of the rear compartment, staring across the field to the left, a line of infantry knelt and aiming their rifles towards them, an officer striding determinedly through the snow and approaching the ditch next to the track, his face flushed with anger, ‘Who is in charge here?’

  Leutnant Hausser saluted the captain, his eyes staring down at him as the officer saluted back informally, his lips pursed with frustration, ‘Who ordered you into the forest? It is still held by enemy rear-guard troops…the security units will sweep the area later today!’

  Hausser shrugged as the others emerged around him, all stiffening and saluting, the captain’s expression mellowing as he observed the concerned faces, ‘Is anyone hurt? I have a medical unit ahead…we are here to ensure the Russkie stragglers do not escape…’

  The young Leutnant coughed, ‘No one injured Sir…we are heading north to support the advance and report on progress…’

  The middle aged captain’s eyes narrowed, ‘Report to whom?’ He headed for the rear of the carrier, stepping widely across the ditch, Udet struggling to open the doors in time as the officer approached.

usser turned slowly as the captain stepped into the back of the carrier, staring into the man’s brown eyes as they seemed to sparkle, the officer’s stubble greying at the sides beneath his helmet, ‘We are to report to Major Wolff of the Gross Deutschland Division in the north.’

  The more senior officer grinned, glancing down at the dirt caked floor, ‘Well, that seems interesting…does he not trust the Wehrmacht to advance without units that have been languishing in France or in rear areas?’ He shook his head, ‘Mind you…your unit’s exploits at Rzhev assisted in the campaign getting the nickname of ‘meat-grinder’!’

  Leutnant Hausser grimaced, ‘We are only attached to Gross Deutschland Sir…originally 76th Infantry Division and we are keeping our unit markings…’

  The captain’s eyes widened, ‘76th…was that not at Stalingrad?’ The officer nodded, seeming impressed, ‘Very interesting indeed…’ He glanced across into the field, seeing several lorries struggling across the snow, his voice rising to call out to his men, ‘Sergeant…carry on…ensure the security detail clears the forest completely!’ He nodded as a soldier stood upright and saluted, then the officer lowered to call into the driver’s compartment, ‘Follow the track to the north…I will direct you to our command post.’ Moretti poked ‘Hase’ in the ribs and indicated they should move forward, the officer turning and extended his hand towards Hausser as the engine rumbled again ‘Hauptmann Huber…who am I addressing?’

  The young officer seemed startled, his hand grasping the captain’s, ‘Leutnant Hausser Sir…’

  Huber grinned, turning his head to glance across the others, ‘Were these men with you at Stalingrad too?’ He stole a glance towards his troops and the approaching lorries as the carrier inched forward, then began to gather speed, ‘Hase’ keen to impress the more senior officer.


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