My Lady Deceiver

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My Lady Deceiver Page 22

by June Francis

  ‘Philippa, you are enough to drive a man mad!’ he snapped, releasing her so abruptly that she toppled forward.

  She clutched at him in an attempt to stop herself falling, and he made no effort to stop her. Her fingers slid down his legs until she rested on her hands and knees, and from that position she glared up at him. ‘Perhaps I am mad! Your aunt thought I was — and so did Rose,’ she said in an uneven voice. Her knees hurt.

  ‘Perhaps we’re both mad!’ He was suddenly on his knees in front of her, gazing into her face. ‘I won’t let him have you.’ Roughly he eased a strand of hair from her mouth, and her heart began to thud. ‘He might beat you. I might beat you yet, my sweet deceiver.’

  Philippa had to swallow before speaking. ‘You wouldn’t?’

  ‘Wouldn’t I?’ He pulled her against him and kissed her with a greed that was savage in its hunger.

  He was not at all gentle as he eased her down on the grass and for a short while she fought him, not wanting him to reckon her so easily defeated. But there was a sweetness in touching him; and his kiss despite its arrogant demand was all that she had dreamed of in days without its comfort. He drew her hard against his bare chest, and she quaked with more than the natural fear of the inexperienced as he exposed her nakedness. He pressed kisses on every inch of her skin, and she wondered that she felt no guilt as he did so, she did not shrink from the reality of what he might demand of her this time. How long since she had known that he wanted her — since she had fallen in love with him? The length of his thigh was against hers, and she was apprehensive. Only for a moment did he pull away from her, and he touched her mouth lightly with his before murmuring, ‘This time there is no stopping, love. I can’t let you go.’

  ‘I love you.’ Her voice was barely audible.

  Yet Guy heard it, and he stilled, trembling with sudden restraint, his hands clawing her back, the nails digging in as he buried his face against her throat. ‘Are you certain this is what you want?’ he whispered.

  She made no answer, only reaching up to him and putting her arms tightly about him. So she surrendered that which she had kept so long as something almost as sacred as her worship of God. Her flesh was joined to his, and quickened to the throbbing of his passion. Ecstasy came unexpectedly — and just as surprisingly afterwards … peace.

  At rest they lay together, limbs entwined. His body was her warmth and comfort, and she would have been content to lie with him in such a fashion all night. But such moments do not last for ever, and Guy was the first to move and to speak. ‘We have to go down and find out what can be done. But it won’t be easy.’

  ‘There is one way by which we can make it easier.’ It was no longer I or you, but ‘we’.

  He stared down at her, leaning up on an elbow. ‘You mentioned a way before. Tell me!’

  So she told him what she had discovered and worked out at her manor, and his expression lightened a little, but still he was under no illusion that what lay before them would be uncomplicated. He lifted her to her feet, and hand in hand they began the descent.

  Hugo was brooding. Guy’s sudden departure after leaping the flames had made him drink more heavily. Before his injury it had been he who had always led the way in feats of strength and bravery, but not any more. Physical prowess was important to him, but he had to admit that no longer would he be able to perform swiftly or skilfully many of the acts in which he had excelled.

  Rose looked at him, and she pitied him, guessing how he felt, having seen the expression on his face when the cheers had been for Guy. He caught her glance, and his arm dropped heavily about her shoulders. ‘Everyone is leaving for their beds. Some for beds in the grass, perhaps? Your cousin and my brother have not yet returned, but I don’t think we should wait for them, my sweet.’ He hugged her to him, and nibbled her ear.

  ‘No, I don’t think we should.’ She tried to rise, but he held her tightly, bringing her close, and he kissed her roughly.

  ‘Let’s inside, certainly, sweeting,’ he whispered unsteadily. Some of the anger and misery had gone from his face.

  ‘Ay, let’s to our beds.’ Rose smiled, and he pulled her up, and with his arm about her waist they went inside. The hall was occupied with sleeping bodies, and they stepped over them carefully, swaying to and fro; only her arm about his waist kept him from falling.

  They came to her bedchamber, and opening the door she meant to slip inside swiftly, but he put a hand to it. ‘I’m not … tired.’

  ‘Are you not, love?’ she teased. ‘Your eyes are almost shut.’

  ‘Not tired.’ He pushed the door wide and lurched into the room. ‘Am I — I master in my own house, or not? Am I so without attraction?’ he demanded, snatching at her skirt as she backed away from him. ‘Is it because I’m a cripple that you would run away from me?’

  ‘You aren’t a cripple,’ responded Rose in a trembling voice, attempting to unhook his fingers. ‘And you are a very handsome, fine figure of a man.’

  ‘Then let us couple, love?’ His voice was suddenly unexpectedly husky. ‘I need you badly.’ He removed her hand from his and held it; with his other he ripped the front of her gown so swiftly that she gasped with shock.

  ‘No, Hugo! Not like this — not before I tell you … ’

  ‘Don’t want to listen.’ His great arms came round her, and he swung her off her feet. She struggled, and he fell on the bed with her.

  For a moment he did no more than lie with her in his arms, gazing at her. ‘Love you, little love,’ he said, slurring his words. Then he pulled her towards him, fondling her and muttering nonsense. With a strange sense of calmness, Rose let her resistance slip away. She lay still, crying out only when he entered her, and he smothered her face with kisses. Either he would have to wed her, or there could be no other husband for her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rose woke first the next morning. Hugo’s arm held her close, preventing her from falling out of the narrow bed. A tender smile eased her lips as she gazed into his slumbering face, then she sighed. He had to know the truth from her. She shook his shoulder, and he stirred. Again, and he groaned and slowly opened his eyes. ‘What … is it?’

  ‘Hugo, I have to speak to you.’

  He stared at her, almost unbelievingly, and his hand reached out and touched her bare shoulder. ‘Were we wed last night?’

  ‘No!’ She blushed.

  ‘Then why … ’ He sat up abruptly and winced, putting his hand to his head. ‘There’s no need to explain — was I drunk?’ He rubbed his forehead.

  ‘Ay! But it is not that I wish to talk about.’ She reached under the pillow and pulled out the agreement Philippa had signed. ‘This will explain it to you.’

  He took it from her, and unrolled it slowly.

  ‘Last night you said you loved me, Hugo, and I pray that it is true, for what is written there will make you angry. If you truly love me, then perhaps you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I am not wholly to blame for this deception. You mistook me for her, you see, and I — I loved you on sight. And she was in love with Guy, and she asked this of me in exchange for my freedom.’ She halted, breathless with talking so fast, and with nerves.

  ‘Sweet Mother of God, stop blabbering, lass! Talk more slowly, or give me time to read this. And what has my brother to do with it all?’ He rubbed a hand through his beard, reading the parchment.

  Rose moistened her mouth. ‘You will read there that I am Rose Carter, not Philippa Cobtree, your betrothed. I was her maid, and she gave me my freedom in exchange for pretending to be her.’

  ‘What?’ The word exploded from him.

  ‘It’s true! She and Master Guy, they fell in love on the journey here, you see. But he left her, intending to give her up because she was betrothed to you. And then she fell and lost part of her memory, and she wanted to go to Cobtree, and she was in love with him, and I loved you!’

  ‘Good God, woman, it’s true, then, what is written here?’ He stared at her, his face dark. ‘I h
ave slept with you, and you are not my betrothed?’

  ‘No! But you said you loved me — and I love you! I have not changed because I am not called Philippa Cobtree!’

  He sat up abruptly. ‘You are not my betrothed, but you were her maid? She gave you your freedom, which means you were a serf? She’s in love with my brother … and he knows — he must know — she is my betrothed!’ He pushed back the covers and sprang out of bed, only to stumble.

  She slid out swiftly and grabbed his arm to help him up. He shook her off violently. ‘I don’t need your help, damn you!’

  ‘Hugo! What are you going to do?’ She backed away from the fury in his face.

  ‘Sir Hugo to you, lass, and don’t you forget it! If you think that by tricking me into your bed that I will wed you still, you’re mistaken.’ He shrugged on his doublet.

  ‘I did not trick you! I tried to tell you the truth, but you would not listen! You were hot for me! Called me your little love!’ Her eyes sparkled. ‘If I had fought you, it would have been rape, because there was no stopping you.’

  ‘It’s easy to say that!’ He flung the words at her. ‘I was drunk, so can’t remember any of it. As for all this love you talk about — when has love had anything to do with weddings!’ His hands searched for his shoes, and found them. Taking me for a fool, all of you! And when I consider how I gave my brother that which he has wanted all these years.’ He stood up and limped towards the door. ‘He’ll rue this day, he will!’

  Rose ran after him, seizing his arm, dragging him almost over as she caught him off balance. ‘Master Guy did not plan it — but he loves her! Do you know so little about love, Hugo?’ she cried desperately.

  He steadied himself on the door and thrust her from him. ‘Don’t talk to me of love. It is for fools!’ Opening the door, he slammed it after him.

  Guy was frowning as he came out of the stables. A ride was just what he needed to sharpen his wits before facing Hugo. There had been no sign of him when they had returned last night, and he had decided that the confrontation would be better left till the morning. His foot was on the stirrup when a furious voice hailed him.

  ‘You can mount that horse soon enough, brother,’ snapped Hugo, seeming to appear from nowhere, and grabbing his shoulder. ‘But first, a few words.’

  Guy shook his hand off. ‘You can have as many words as you like, but keep your voice down. Let us keep our affairs to ourselves.’

  ‘Don’t tell me what to do on my own manor!’ The lines on Hugo’s face drew together fiercely. ‘But keeping affairs to yourself is how you like to work, isn’t it, brother?’ His huge hands curled into fists.

  ‘No,’ returned Guy quietly, a sudden tautness about his mouth. ‘I intended telling you today of the deception played on you.’

  Today? It must be a day for confession, because she has just told me some of it!’ His grey eyes snapped furiously.

  ‘She? Rose or Philippa?’

  ‘The one who calls herself Philippa. You must have thought me a fool to play me for a dupe!’ A nerve twitched in his cheek.

  ‘I knew naught of it until you sent her to me to take her south.’ Guy’s hand lay still on the horse’s mane. Now was the tricky part! ‘I was going to return here, but she was insistent that I took her to her manor. I did so, believing that she had truly lost her memory and it was the proper action to take, thinking to tell you when we returned.’

  ‘You could have told me last night! Instead, you jumped the flames; had them all cheering you. You even left the feast with her and had not returned even when I — I retired.’ He almost choked on the words, and his fists were clenching and unclenching.

  ‘I intend making her my wife, Hugo,’ said Guy. ‘We love each other!’

  ‘Love! She talked of love! What has love to do with taking a wife, brother?’ he said sarcastically. ‘But you have wed for love before — and taken that which was mine in the doing.’

  Guy was quiet. ‘Your memory fails you, Hugo, that you forget the circumstances of that episode.’

  ‘Just as my betrothed’s was supposed to have failed her?’ Hugo trembled with anger. His head ached abominably. ‘Well, Mistress Philippa Cobtree is my betrothed, and I will wed her, so you can forget any thoughts you might have in that direction, brother!’

  Guy went white. ‘Damn it, Hugo, you don’t want her. Only her land interests you, and there is a way round that. You obviously care for Rose, and … ’

  ‘That trollop!’ muttered Hugo. ‘If you think I would wed her just to make everything right for you and that scheming wench, you can forget that also!’

  Guy took a deep breath. ‘I understand how you feel, but will you not listen? We are brothers, and surely that counts for something?’

  ‘Brothers do not seek to deprive each of what is rightfully his!’ He curled his hands on his hips.

  ‘Don’t they?’ flashed Guy, his blue eyes glinting. ‘It has taken years for me to obtain that which is rightfully mine — and I had to work for it.’

  They stared at each other, and the past was today. Hugo could suddenly see the youthful eager face of his brother prepared to shoulder the blame for his own indiscretion — and he had allowed his father to die, still believing that it had been Guy’s. He could not bear the memory, and something snapped inside him.

  ‘Get out,’ he cried, losing control. ‘Keep the deeds of what you claim is rightfully yours, but do not come back here until I send for you.’ He lashed out, and caught Guy a blow on the cheek.

  He staggered, but remained upright, and putting a rein on his temper, tried to reason with his brother. ‘Hugo, if you would only listen to me!’

  ‘No more! I don’t want to hear any more. Get off my manor, and stay off!’ He let out a yell, and several men came running. ‘See my brother off my land, and don’t let him back until I give the order.’

  Guy was seized, but he elbowed one man in the stomach and stamped on the other’s foot. A couple more guards made a grab at him, but he pulled his dagger and turned on them. ‘Don’t attempt it!’ His face was tight with anger. ‘I’m going, but this is not the end of it, Hugo.’ The men stood back as he mounted. ‘You always were a stubborn swine, brother, but this time you’ve gone too far.’ Digging in his heels, he urged his horse towards the gatehouse and was gone.

  Philippa stared up, and realised by the splash of light on the ceiling that the morning was almost spent. Had Guy already explained to Hugo the whole confusion? And, more important, had he listened and forgiven them? She pushed back the covers and swiftly dressed. She had spent the night with Guy in the chamber he had once shared with his brother. She met Rose when she rounded a bend in the stairs, and almost sent her flying. Her hand clutched at her sleeve. ‘Are you all right? Pm in such haste. Have you seen Guy and Hugo?’

  ‘He knows,’ said Rose. ‘I told him this morning.’ Philippa suddenly noticed the tear-stains on her face. ‘Is he very angry?’

  ‘Angry?’ She gave a laugh. ‘He’s furious! God help Master Guy, that’s all I can say!’

  ‘Guy was going to tell him the truth this morning — explain everything.’

  ‘It takes some explaining! It always did, and I don’t know how you ever thought we could succeed — that our dreams could come true!’ Rose sank on to the stone steps and pillowed her head on her arms. ‘He said I was to call him Sir Hugo. That! After telling me he loved me and coupling with me.’

  Philippa stood as still as stone. ‘You, too, Rose?’ She peered at her over her arm. ‘You and Master Guy? Oh, sweet Virgin Mother! These brothers!’ Her laugh this time bore a note of hysteria.

  ‘There must be something we can do,’ muttered Philippa, and dragging her skirts tightly about her, forced her way past Rose, and down the steps.

  She ran into the hall, and immediately her glance fell on Hugo sitting at the table, his hand about a cup. He lifted his head and stared at her, and for a moment neither of them spoke. She had already decided that attack was the best weapon against him, i
ntending to fight for her happiness, but she had thought to have her love by her side.

  ‘Where is Guy?’ She halted on the side of the table opposite him.

  ‘He has gone, and you won’t be seeing him for some time.’ Hugo took a swig of ale.

  ‘I don’t believe you!’ Her fingers clutched at the table to steady herself.

  ‘I have ordered him off my land.’ He scowled at her.

  ‘Why? Didn’t you even listen to him? He was not to blame — the fault is all mine. It was my plan.’

  ‘That’s what she said,’ he growled. ‘She is a cheat and a deceiver, just like you.’ He took another drink.

  ‘Rose acted under my orders, although she is a freewoman and can do as she chooses. She can leave this house if she wishes, just as I can,’ she said determinedly.

  ‘Can you?’ Hugo pushed back the bench and stood up. ‘You forget that you are in my house — and forget yet again that you are my betrothed.’

  ‘There is no proof that we ever were betrothed,’ she said coolly. ‘The agreement was destroyed when the house burned down.’

  He blinked, and took another drink, taken aback. He had expected her to come to him pleading for forgiveness, and to ask him to release her from their betrothal, not this! ‘No matter,’ he grunted. ‘I’ll wed you without it.’

  ‘No!’ cried Philippa, startled. ‘I will not wed you. I love Guy, and he wishes to be a husband to me.’

  A spurt of jealousy shot through him. ‘Guy the silver-tongued! I wager he spoke soft words to you, and you believed all he said! Can’t you see that he is after your land? He is greedy for it — to feed those sheep of his.’

  ‘That’s not true! He could have wed me without even trying to explain all to you. We could have found a priest to perform the ceremony. But he is an honourable man and would not do so behind your back.’


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