The Baby Contract

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The Baby Contract Page 24

by Amy Brent

  By the time, I was crying out with my release, we were moving together, and he groaned my name right after I was coming. My body was trembling with it, and I felt him pull out and drop gently over my body, his breath hot against my stomach. “You feel so good. I didn’t think that it would be like this.” Declan’s voice was husky as I sucked in air, playing back what just happened.

  “Isn’t sex always good even when it’s bad?” I joked, thinking silently that it was almost always bad for me. James got worse with his increased drinking, more violent. I was glad that he wasn’t home too much anymore, which is what kept me there. I didn’t know where to go, and this was my big act of revenge, something that I was doing using another name that he wouldn’t even find out about. I shivered as I thought about the consequences of that, feeling lips against my stomach. I expected this to be more punishing than it was but I found myself wanting more of Declan as he kissed me harder.

  “No,” he replied as he moved up to draw a nipple into his mouth and suck gently as I moaned. He parted my legs, and I was surprised to feel him hardening again as he slipped back inside of me. “You’re so tight, Rachel. You feel so damn good.”

  “I’ve never felt like this,” I admitted before I closed my eyes tightly, wanting to take back the words. I was supposed to be a hired escort, not a teenager having her first orgasm.

  “Aren’t you going to be doing this all of the time?” Declan asked, something low in his voice that I couldn’t grasp before he started fucking me with earnest.

  I thought to myself that I wouldn’t as I clawed his back as he rose above me, powerful and large. I did this once to make myself feel better about James, but this was going to work out to be one of the best nights of my life. My hands on him seemed to fuel Declan to move harder against me, making my hips rise to meet him as he whispered my name sweetly.

  I came again, just as hard as before. I was in shock as I came every time that night with Declan, once he asked me to stay longer with him. I fell asleep in that bed, exhausted and deliciously sore just as I tried to tell myself to leave and go home.

  I woke up at five and blinked at the red numbers on the clock, sitting up as I found myself alone. That was a familiar feeling for me, and I slipped out from under the sheets to dress in the street clothes that I’d brought along before folding the dress that Lana loaned me carefully into the luggage along with the shoes. I washed my face in the bathroom since I was going to go home to shower, praying that James wasn’t there to ask where I’d been. I was certain that he was on a business trip and there was nothing to bring him to the house before that was over if it was even real. I was looking around the room when I noticed the note on the table by the door. I held my breath as I opened it, seeing several large bills wrapped inside of it as my eyes widened.

  I hope to see you soon

  The words sent chills down my spine. I didn’t want to fall into this life; strange men in hotel rooms, none of which would probably be anything like Declan. No, I’d never find that again, and I was willing to let the night go just as what it was.

  What was that? A night of revenge against my cheating husband, in the beginning, some act of defiance. That was all that it was supposed to be.

  I tucked the money into my purse and left after looking carefully around the lobby. I was due in at work at two, so I had time to sleep in my own bed, even though it wasn’t as comfortable as the one at the hotel, curled into Declan’s broad chest and feeling his warmth.

  I slept fitfully, rising to make coffee and shower earlier than usual. I was going back to the office as Rayna, not Rachel. That was just the once even though it was one of the hottest nights of my life.


  I stepped into my office a few minutes early, smiling at the girls as I walked by. They greeted me warmly, unaware of what I’d done the night before. It was something that Lana had arranged, making the bookings for me as my hands shook behind her. I would never tell anybody about last night, and I sat down at my computer before sipping the coffee I’d brought in with me.

  The money was in a separate bank account now that James didn’t know about, all one thousand dollars. I’d blushed as I thought back to what it was for but since he wasn’t around to argue with, just accepted it. I would put it towards my fund for a new life. I knew that the girls made a lot of money working for the agency, slightly understanding the addiction towards the money now. I also realized that all men were not Declan. I knew that we charged high prices and practiced as many safety measures as possible, keeping our girls safe from the streets and danger but understood that being a sex worker was not all glamor as well. Lana told me stories as well as some of the other girls that I knew. I knew every aspect of it, and I smiled as I thought back to Declan, with his caring and dirty sex all mixed up into one I’d never get that again, and I made plenty of money to add to my secret account working here at a desk. I didn’t need to become an escort.

  Still, I thought of Declan as I booked appointments. I thought of his dark hair and blue eyes, my mouth watering at the image of his perfect body in my mind. I seemed to seek his name in every booking, wondering what girl would get him next. She was going to be lucky.

  Lana popped in before the sun set, sitting down across from me as she smiled conspiratorially at me. “How did it go?” There was a hint of concern in her eyes, but she’d gone to great lengths to check Declan out before booking our night together.

  “He was very handsome. I had a good time,” I replied as Lana raised an eyebrow at me and leaned forward. “He gave me a thousand dollars. Is that typical?”

  “We’re high class, new or not. That’s common for a longer night. Was it?” Her eyes glinted wit curiosity as she asked and I blushed and nodded. “Like you woke up together?”

  “We fell asleep together. I woke up alone, though.” I looked at her. “No reason to go to breakfast in the morning, right?”

  “Not so much. It is a good way to avoid an awkward goodbye, something I hate.” She laughed as I smiled ruefully. “Well, good for you. Are you going to do it again?”

  “No! That was just the night. I see a little of the appeal of doing it again, but that’s not for me. I have to sort through some things.” We were both aware that Angela was a regular of James, though neither of us informed her just who I was. She was a sweet girl working her way through college, and I didn’t want to get into her way. Besides, it kept him away from the house since he was usually drinking and not able to make it home.

  When he was home, it was ugly.

  “Yeah, I understand that. You went out and got your groove back. That’s all you needed,” Lana encouraged me as I smiled.

  “Do we have someone named Rachel?” Sarah asked as she leaned against my door. “I have a guy asking about her, but I don’t see her name anywhere.”

  My heart dropped as Lana gave me a long look. “She is a new girl that is backing off a bit. She didn’t like it as much as expected. I’ll take care of it, Sarah. Thanks.” She flashed her a big smile and then looked back at me, telling me to give her the laptop. I slid it across the desk as she turned it towards herself, making sure that we were alone once again. Lana scanned the screen as her eyes widened. “It’s Declan. He wants to see you again.”

  “I am not an escort. I’m not even Rachel!” I protested as she shot a look at me. Lana typed something in and sent it, waiting for a moment as I rested my head in my hands.

  “I told him that she wasn’t available and offered him a replacement,” Lana said to me as something unfamiliar washed through me. Was I jealous? She stared at the screen as raised an eyebrow. “He doesn’t want a replacement. You must have a magic pussy, Ray.”

  “Shut up,” I whispered as I smacked her hand across the desk. “I can’t see him again. This isn’t the set of Pretty Woman, Lana.” It was bad enough that I got paid for sex, to begin with much less to go back into it, expecting something to come of it.

  “You said it was good, right?” She asked as I blush
ed furiously. Every part of it was good. The man had amazing fingers, mouth, and of course an amazing cock. “He is hell bent, Ray. You should email him.”

  “Give me the computer. I’ll handle it,” I hissed as Lana watched me grab it from her, reminding myself to be a little delicate with the Macs they provided us. I read his messages, melting a little inside as he insisted that he wanted to see Rachel. I sent back a professional message explaining that Rachel was no longer in the business and that we had an array of escorts to choose from. I was giddy the entire time, realizing that he wanted to see me again as much as I wanted to see him.

  I had booked a few other appointments before another message from Declan came through, asking why she’d quit after only one night. A night with him, no less. I’d isolated this thread to remain between us for privacy reasons since I never wanted to admit to what I’d done. I looked out of the window slowly, trying to think of something to say that would get him to leave me alone. I said that she just didn’t believe that it suited her. It was nothing personal. In fact, it was a night that I’d like to repeat in another lifetime where I didn’t have an incredibly messy marriage and life situation.

  I thought that I was finished when there were no responses from Declan the rest of the day and night, booking appointments and going out for lunch down the street to the diner. I loved the new look that Lana had coaxed me into and smiled to myself at the looks that I got as I took a small booth in the back. My hair was brighter and cut into a long A-line bob now that fell slightly down my back. The woman had shown me how to accent my eyes, and I did a little of that today, remembering the way that Declan was looking at me last night. I ordered a salad and some coffee, reading a book on my phone as I ate slowly and enjoyed every moment of my hour lunch. I was usually so rushed, but something about the fact that Declan was asking to see me again made me happy in a way that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  I headed back to the office to work the few hours that I had left, having some down time in which I watched some shows on the computer. It was a slow Saturday, and I sipped my water as I laughed at something that happened on the screen, pausing it when another booking came through. I handled it quickly once I looked at the girl’s schedule and remembered last night.

  Declan had been so skilled as he licked at my sodden pussy, alerting feelings in me that I didn’t know existed. I felt my hand sliding down over my thigh, needing to ease the pain that came with the memory. The way that he touched me and whispered my name made me shiver, blinking as another booking came through. This was the hour that people looked for last minute entertainment and I was pleased that I could accommodate most of them before I went home for the night, leaving the bookings to the girl that worked overnights from home since she had a new baby.

  I kept Declan’s request private for only me to read, though, noticing the email that boasted the name of a very well-known hotel chain, a step above the one that the agency used. Did he work there? I knew little about him other than the fact that he was amazing in bed. I wanted to know more, but this wasn’t a movie or a book where everything worked out in the end. I needed to take care of some things before taking any step like that.

  I headed home once my shift was over, accepting the offer of the security guard to walk me to my car with a smile. I got inside, thanking him before I closed the door and started the engine. I drove to the house and parked in the garage, pleased to see that I was alone again. If it stayed this way, maybe I could just live here and save more money to get my own place. I knew that James wouldn’t give me anything if I left him and that both families might disown me completely.

  I walked inside the house through the kitchen, getting some water before I took it inside the living room to watch some television. I knew that I’d be in bed soon, perhaps repeating what I’d done in the privacy of the office earlier, a thought that made me blush. I never masturbated before now but memories of the night with Declan made me turned on all the time. Maybe that would get me through the nights until I could put the memories behind me.

  I fell asleep in my bed, fingers covered in my juices as I rolled onto my side. God, it felt good to come like that. What had I been missing all my life?



  I worked every day that week, enjoying the time away from home. Besides, they needed constant coverage and paid me overtime. A few days had passed before Declan sent another message inquiring about Rachel, coming only to my screen as I blushed. He was persistent, and I sent a reminder that she was no longer a working girl. I hated the idea of suggesting another girl for him, knowing that I didn’t want him touching someone else.

  That thought sobered me. A lot.

  Not that he wanted it. Declan was insistent about the subject, and I responded the way that I should. All I could do was tell him that Rachel wasn’t available any longer. Maybe I should give this to some of the other girls so I wouldn’t have to deal with this, but I knew that they would start to ask questions. The staff generally knew one another, at least casually and there never was a Rachel that worked for the agency. They would wonder what was going on, who lied, and why. I was already hiding this job from my husband and family, so any more questions wouldn’t do my situation any good.

  James came home from his trip a week after my night with Declan. He scoffed at my hair and asked if I thought that I was actually attractive this way. God, I wished that my mother knew how he spoke to me as he turned and returned to the garage, leaving me home alone in tears. It was so different than the way that Declan spoke to me, and I missed him as I sank to the floor. I made my way to the bedroom, showering and crawling into bed as I prayed for him not to come home. I didn’t care who he was with, where he was at. I just wanted James to stay away from the house. I felt lucky that he hadn’t done more, sensing that he was in a mood tonight.

  I woke up early and decided to go to the gym. I was tense and needed to release it somehow, and I dressed in some workout clothes quickly. We’d gotten a family membership with both sets of parents’ months ago, ignoring their suggestion that I go a few times a week.

  Mom was beautiful with soft blonde hair that was highlighted with shades of honey and a gorgeous body. She was fifty-five but looked fifteen years younger with smooth skin and beautiful green eyes. She was at the gym every damn day, and I’d heard many times that I ought to do the same when I wasn’t working. My father was also very handsome, and I wondered how they produced me some days.

  James family was Italian and all about their dark, good-looking heritage. His mother was exotic and gorgeous and his father a handsome, controlling man that ruled his family. James had a couple of siblings; a brother that was older and a sister that was younger and married with two children. That did nothing to quell the questions about my having kids soon, something that I knew both James and I didn’t want now.

  I drove to the gym, just a few minutes away and parked before I pulled my hair up. I got out of the car and walked inside, flashing my card to the girl at the desk before I headed back to the cardio room, lost in my thoughts. I was approaching a treadmill when I felt something in the room shift and looked up. Declan was on one a few rows up, and my eyes lit up as I looked over his body for a long moment. He seemed to be focused on the workout, and I licked my lips slowly as I looked around. Should I leave? It wasn’t like my hair was just one color that would blend in, and I remembered how good of a view he’d gotten when he was behind me, taking me slow and hard.

  I blushed at the memory and decided to go to the smaller and more private room. It was for the women that wanted to work out without all the fit bodies around them, and a place that I’d feel comfortable, particularly now. I got on the one free treadmill and put on my headphones to turn on some music while I worked out. It had been about three weeks since I’d seen the inside of his place and I realized that the way my legs ached was something like how my body felt when I was with Declan. Maybe I should work out every day and get out some of the stress in my life since
I had time during my day. I could lose the twenty or so pounds that Mom told me about every time that I saw her.

  It would make everyone happy.

  I had a good view of the door and watched as Declan left the gym, his hair damp as he draped a towel around his neck. So, that’s how he kept himself in shape, here at my gym. Maybe I’d find a different location since it was evident that Declan could come here any time he pleased. I couldn’t run the risk of running into him here.

  God, I wanted him again as he disappeared from my sight. I remembered everything about him that night in a flash of memories that made me heat up in addition to the sweat that was soaking through my shirt. I had his email, and it would be easy, but no…I couldn’t.


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