The Baby Contract

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The Baby Contract Page 29

by Amy Brent

  I sat near him as he drove us out into the sea, my hair blowing messily in the wind. I knew that we were truly alone and I had the next two days off thanks to Lana and since I covered an extra shift. There were labor laws to consider. I looked at the moonlit water as he steered us towards the left, seeming to know where he was going. “Did you bring your wife out here?” I couldn’t help but ask him, picturing him with a woman that he could freely be with. I was envious of that.

  “She didn’t like the water,” he replied as I frowned.

  “That’s crazy. It’s so gorgeous out here,” I said as I kicked my heels off and leaned back. He kept going, and I noted that the gas tank was full as we just kept moving through the wind and water. At this point, I didn’t even know if we were still in Los Angeles since my already poor sense of direction was void.

  I smiled as he found a cove and parked away from the sand, looking at the brightly lit rides in front of me. “Santa Monica. I love it at night,” Declan told me as he looked at me. “I didn’t think to tell you to bring other clothes so we could go tomorrow.”

  “This is great,” I assured him, moving over him in his seat. I kissed him as he slid my skirt up with his hands, shivering at the feel of his hands against my bare skin. We were alone out here with the waved softly lapping against the boat and the moon shining in the sky, full and bright. I gave into him the way I wanted to at the restaurant and on the dock, not holding back as our teeth crashed together with our need for one another. I felt his finger against my swollen nub, gasping against him as he stroked me over the lace of the underwear. That was the first place that I came before he moved us to a large chaise lounge, going down on me as I stripped off my dress. We were so alone out here, too far from the colored lights for them to even reach us as he licked eagerly at my body. I moaned and gripped his head, my nails digging in as he sucked me into his mouth.

  I came again, violently, before he was naked and sliding inside of me. He loved how I felt after his mouth was on me and I gripped him tightly as he lifted my feet to his shoulders. Every touch made my head spin, and my body only want more of him. He thrust slow and filled me as I looked at his defined torso in the light. “I love being inside of you,” Declan told me as my eyes widened with a rougher movement of his hips. “That first time felt so fucking good.”

  “It doesn’t now?” I teased in a breathy voice as he stared down at me.

  “The fuck it doesn’t,” he murmured as he moved slightly deeper, making me groan. “It gets better. Rayna.”

  We stayed out there until we were both tired and he led me to the bedroom, taking all the valuables and locking the door behind us. He assured me that he had a gun and plenty of food to tide us over as we slipped under the covers of the comfortable king sized bed. The room itself was big enough to feel like it wasn’t on a boat, and it looked like he kept a lot of personal things in here. It was cozy.

  I could still see the moon out of the window as I pressed tightly to him, needing his skin against mine. I felt the slight rocking of the boat as my eyes closed naturally.

  I was falling in love with this man, something that we likely both wanted to avoid. I could tell him that I wanted to go home tomorrow and end this now. It would be the smart thing to do, as well as the safest. When he kissed my hair, I remained silent, digging myself a deeper hole.

  We woke up late the following morning, and he made some breakfast on a small stove that was used for camping. Declan cooked on the upper deck, serving me a full plate as I took a seat on a chair to look over the water. I was dressed in his robe that he kept in the full bathroom while he was wearing some shorts.

  The bacon and eggs were delicious, complete with some fresh fruit and coffee. I ate slowly as I looked at the pier in the daylight, having never been there. The friends that I had in my social circle, of you could even call them that, weren’t that type. I only shopped and ate with them, and that was only on occasion. I suspected that Lana was more of a spontaneous kind of girl, but I didn’t let myself get too close to anyone. It wasn’t worth it when I was hiding my job and my double life, but I smiled at the idea of James being gone for a month. I could explore all of that a little more if I could bear to be away from Declan for any amount of time.

  We stayed out on the water for the day, shading our skin from the sun as we slowly drove around and he showed me some of his favorite places. We headed to another part of the water as he smiled at me in my dress, bare underneath since we’d been down in the cabin for a while together.

  The man felt amazing when I was on my knees, taking him from behind.

  “Are you okay still wearing that? Want to head back for fresh clothes?” Declan asked me as I looked down at myself. I’d showered in the incredible heat of the water underneath us, but I was feeling so loose and free that I didn’t care.

  “One more night?” I asked, knowing that I should tell him yes. I should insist that we go back to the city, where I could go back to my empty house. My phone died sometimes last night, and I didn’t know if James was trying to find me, though I doubted it. I noticed that Angela and some of the other girls were booked for an extended period. “I could fix myself up, and we could grab dinner somewhere.”

  “Yeah? That sounds great.” He smiled and looked ahead as we kept going. “There’s places right on the water where you dock and eat. They’re casual and fun.”

  “Let’s do it,” I said, reaching out to touch his shorts as he glanced down at my hand.



  We found a place just like I described. Rayna pulled her hair into a messy bun, and her face was free of makeup as she slipped her feet into the heels. The room had wooden tables that screamed casual, and we ordered drinks and looked at the menu at the various offerings of seafood.

  I ordered some fish and chips with oysters for an appetizer, while Rayna asked for the soup with salad. We looked out over the water as the sun began to set slowly, sipping our drinks as I took long looks at her. Rayna was beautiful the first night with her makeup and hair just right and that dress skimming her body. Tonight, she looked happy, and her smile was bright with fresh, clean skin, and she was just as beautiful. I glanced around the room to see other couples enjoying dinner, and there wasn’t a woman that was more beautiful in the restaurant.

  The food was simple but good, and she shared some of the thick soup with me, filled with all kinds of seafood. I found out that it was called cioppino and that it was quite popular. I could see why with all the meat and the tomato flavoring in it, along with the spices. It was perfect with her crisp salad and fruity cider, and I watched as she stole a fry from my plate.

  We ordered two more drinks and watched the water as we sipped them and talked casually. Rayna seemed relaxed and her smile easy as she laughed at something I said. I walked her back to the boat when it was getting dark, holding her hand tightly. I knew that she went back to work tomorrow and I wanted to make tonight last forever as she turned her face to look at me.

  We took the boat to another private cove, dropping the anchor before we went down to the bed. She was lifting her dress up on her way down the steps, bare underneath as my hands went to my jeans. I stripped the off, kicking them across the room before she looked over her shoulder at my hard shaft. Rayna licked her lips, and I unbuttoned my shirt before I stalked towards her. “I cannot get enough of you,” I hissed as I held her hips in my hands, leaning down to kiss her bare neck as she whimpered. One glance showed that her nipples were pebbled and ready for me as I drew her skin between my teeth. Fuck rules. I was going to claim her tonight.

  One hand rose to cup her breast, pinching her nipple hard as she cried out my name. I kept sucking firmly as she stilled against me, my cock pressed against the crack of her ass. I thought about taking her there for a precious moment before she turned to face me, kissing me voraciously as she threw herself into my arms. I could feel her heat as well as smell it in the air, and she drew my lower lip between her teeth and started
to lower herself down my body. I knew what she was doing, but I stopped her before I dropped onto my back. Rayna gave me a heated look as she understood what I wanted from her. She adjusted her body, dropping her mouth over my thick shaft before I felt her dripping into my mouth. I licked at her large clit as she sucked me into her throat. She was drenched, and I tried to get every bit of her juice as I tasted her sweet pussy. It was incredibly erotic with her mouth working me at the same time, and I felt the pressure adjust in my body as she bobbed over me.

  She came a beat before me, screaming as she filled my face with her release while still locked around my cock. The vibration was too much, and I shot inside of her as she let out a guttural moan against me and swallowed everything that I offered her. We rested for a moment, smeared with each other and when I was ready, I took her again on her back with her body open to me. I thrust deep inside of her pussy and filled her, watching her close her eyes as she let out a slow moan and rocked against me.

  I didn’t want her to go to work the following morning as we pressed close together on the bed, breathing deeply in between sips of cold water. I wanted to stay on this boat as long as could, away from the world. I wanted to take her away from her world, but I didn’t know if she wanted that. I didn’t know what the hell this was. I just knew that I needed her in my life.

  Rayna was asleep before me, and I went to the deck for some fresh air after watching her sleep for a few moments.

  She was married, whether I liked it or not. I had to face that and accept my possible reality. I sipped a beer as I looked over the water, trying to force my mind to work and what needed to be done tomorrow. I thought to the upcoming meeting with the divorce lawyers and the mediation that was planned with Claire and her lawyer. I thought about everything but the addicting woman in my bed until I knew that I was too tired to stay up here any longer.

  I locked up and snuggled beside her after setting the alarm to wake us up in time to get back to the city for her to be at work. I wanted to eat something before then as well, and there was the general cleanup of the boat. The night was perfect with Rayna in my arms and the gentle motion of the vessel, and I drifted easily to sleep. We got up the next day and headed back to town and my place. We grabbed sandwiches on the way and ate them at my table before Rayna disappeared to get ready for work. She emerged showered and wearing some skinny jeans and a button up purple shirt, with her hair braided over her shoulder. Her feet were in some boots, and I watched her from the table where I was pretending to read the paper. I’d given her some peace this morning after the wild sex this morning in bed, something that both of us started as soon as we woke up.

  She walked over to me, purse in hand as she searched my face. “Want me to come back tonight?”

  I considered my answer, seeing the sadness on her face for a moment as the minutes passed. I could end this right now. I could walk away and find someone free or fuck a lot of women like my friends suggested since I didn’t tell them about Rayna other than the first night. Even then, it was Rachel and not the truth.

  “Oh. I guess not then.” Her voice was filled with something, and I stared into her eyes as she began to walk back to the bedroom, presumably to get her bag.

  “Ray, wait.” She turned to look at me with a glimmer of hope in her pretty eyes. Rayna looked as torn up as I felt about not seeing her again. This was a dangerous game that we were playing. “Come back. I’ll fix a late dinner for us.”

  The smile on her face filled the room with light as she hurried over to me, latching her arms around my neck to kiss me with her bare lips. I held her close and felt the emotion in our joining. “Okay. Perfect. I’ll bring some wine and dessert,” she promised against my lips before pulling away to look at me for a fleeting second. “Get some work done.” I watched as she walked to the garage, leaving her bag of possessions behind as I let out a slow breath.

  Rayna was coming back to me, if only for the night. I closed my eyes and listened to the garage close behind her as she left, letting the emptiness settle in the room.

  I didn’t know if I’d ever enjoy being here alone again.

  I rested for the day, trying not to think about Rayna. I made my way to the grocery store around eight and bought the supplies to make shrimp scampi with angel hair pasta, grabbing some salad to go with it. It might be a bit heavy for so late at night, but we’d eaten a variety of food at the late hour. I’d chatted with her a bit throughout the day, finding out that she was busy and had stopped for the dessert and wine on her dinner break. That made me smile since I didn’t want her doing it after she was done for the night. I started dinner at nine thirty, playing some music through the house as I cooked. I hadn’t had much company in this place after my wife left, making tonight exciting for me.

  I was stirring the noodles with the shrimp when I heard a knock at the door. I wiped my hands and set the plate on the counter before I tossed the towel over my shoulder, making my way over to let her in. Rayna smiled at me as I stared into her eyes, leaning down for a kiss. “Hi.”

  “Hey,” she whispered as our lips brushed together again before I allowed her to pass. “It smells divine in here.”

  “I hope you like scampi,” I told her as she set her purse on a table by the door and set her keys beside it.

  “Love it,” she replied as she walked back into the kitchen with a bag. Inside, there was a good white wine and a little chocolate mousse that I placed in the fridge before pouring us each some wine. I finished dinner, fixing us each a plate before we carried them to the table with our wine. She slipped her shoes off and looked at the food with a smile. “I haven’t been cooked for in…well, ever. Not as long as I can remember.”

  “You deserve that,” I told her as she smiled wistfully at me. “That and more, Ray.”

  “You’re sweet. I have no idea why you’re getting a divorce,” Rayna met my eyes with a serious gaze. “She’s an idiot.” Rayna took a bite of the tender shrimp with her fork and moaned around it as I grinned. “Mmmm.”

  We ate and washed dishes before going out onto the back porch for some fresh air. Rayna sipped her second glass of wine as she leaned forward. “I was looking forward to coming here tonight,” Rayna admitted as she glanced over at me with pink cheeks.

  “I was looking forward to you coming over,” I said as she leaned up to kiss me softly. “Why did you think that I didn’t want you here earlier?”

  “You paused,” she replied, looking over the trees in the dark forest. “I asked, and you paused. I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop, I think?” She was insanely underappreciated at home, and it made me hot with anger all over again. “I am certain that you could do better with someone other than me. Someone that is free.”

  “I’m not supposed to settle down yet, I’m told. I am not even divorced yet,” I reminded Rayna as she nodded.

  “Still, though,” Rayna said, shrugging.

  “I am not looking for a serious anything right now,” I assured her as I stepped closer to her. “This…this is fun. I like spending time with you, Rayna.” I was holding a lot back as she looked up at me, giving me the chance to kiss her. It deepened quickly, and we stumbled back into the house as I grabbed the bottle of wine from the table. Rayna led the way to my room and stripped off her shirt as I slipped out of my worn jeans.

  This is what I liked; knowing her body and its needs. She drank a large sip from her glass before putting it back down in the dresser as I approached her. I kissed her hard, unhooking her bra and slipping it down her arms as she shivered in the moonlight, her nipples pebbling as I ran my thumbs over them. Our lips locked together, tongues touching as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed closer to me.

  Jesus, she was sexy. I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down as she pulled away to lift my t-shirt before we were kissing again. She pulled me to the bed, pushing me down on my back before she crawled over my body.



  I felt him hard against my thi
gh as I kissed him, ready for me. I giggled as I nibbled on his jaw and eased myself down over his broad chest. I didn’t know how he didn’t have a line of women wanting him and how I was the one that he was with.

  I licked around his firm nipples before kissing each one slowly. I leaned closer and drew one between my teeth as his hands slid into my hair to hold me there, moaning my name. “You feel so goddamn good, Ray,” he told me as his fingers tugged out the braid wildly. He ran them through my wavy tresses as I made my way down his deliciously defined abdomen, memorizing every muscle before I stared at his thick cock. He was practically pulsing with need, and I moved further down to trace it with my tongue.

  Declan begged me to take him, and I lowered my mouth over his body, taking him to the back of my throat in a sudden bob of my head. I loved his salty taste, sucking it from him as he let out a groan and lifted his hips slowly. “I want to come so deep in your throat, Rayna. I want you to taste all of me before I lick that sweet pussy of yours.” I whimpered, feeling my thong dampen at the words as he held my head in place and matched my movement with his body. He came hard, so fucking hard all the way in the back of my throat. I swallowed him down happily before he pulled me against him for a tight embrace.


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