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The Baby Contract

Page 108

by Amy Brent

  “I’m happy you feel that way, baby,” Ben said with a chuckle and a kiss. “But it’s not about improving. It’s about different sensations.”

  Still confused, I frowned begging for an explanation. Ben smiled and rolled me onto a pillow. Then, he turned on his side facing me and propped himself on his elbow. In silence, Ben slid his hand to my breast and clamped his finger on one of my nipples. He pinched and rolled it as he had done before, only this time it was harder. Too hard actually.

  I opened my mouth to complain about the pain, but before a word came out, Ben said, “Pain is the only sensation as intense as pleasure, and for that reason, when employed correctly, it can amplify an orgasm in ways you can’t imagine. Like your nipple, for instance. I bet it’s smarting as hell now, right?” he asked and, like an obedient girl, I nodded. With a smirk, he continued, “But tell me what you think of this.”

  As soon as those words passed through his mouth, he released my nipple. Suddenly, the pain was replaced by wonderful little tingles. I pulled in a deep breath through my mouth at the surprising pleasure. Clearly not satisfied with my reaction, Ben leaned forward and took that nipple into his lips, intensifying the sensation even more.

  I moaned and tangled my fingers into his hair, wanting more of that. To my disappointment, Ben pulled away from my breast as quickly as he had latched on to it. He looked me in the eyes and asked, “How did you like that?”

  “A lot,” I said in a shaky voice. “I liked it a lot.”

  His smile widened. “Now, imagine feeling like that while I’m fucking you. Imagine your whole ass smarting while I’m sliding in and out of you, or being tied and unable to move while I’m going down on you. Imagine how much fun that will be.”

  Dry as the desert. That’s how my mouth felt at the image Ben was picturing. In contrast, my pussy had never been wetter. I pulled in a deep breath and nodded, “Yeah, I think I want to try that.”

  Once again, Ben chuckled and gave me a peck. “And we will,” he said against my lips, but when I tried to deepen the kiss and get this show running, he shook his head and pushed me away. I looked at him through displeased and narrowed eyes, but he ignored the expression and said, “It’s late, and we have busy days tomorrow. Besides, it’s bad enough that I’m fucking you with your mother in the house. I’m not going to fuck and spank you with her here.”

  Although I agreed with his point, I couldn’t help the disappointment I felt. “Fine, but I expect to be fucked and spanked tomorrow. You’ve awoken my curiosity Ben, and I hate to be curious.”

  He looked at me with admiration and awe for a few seconds, then said, “You have my promise. Before you go to bed tomorrow night, your ass will be pink, and your pussy will mine. Again.”

  Exhilarated by his promise, I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Once we parted, I kept my lips pressed against his and whispered, “I’m gonna anxiously hold you that promise, Daddy. Good night.”

  With that, I got out bed and walked butt naked out of his room. After all the night’s activities walking felt funny, but I enjoyed the feeling for it reminded not only that I was no longer a virgin but also of where my lover—my daddy—had been. Those were my new favorite memories, and I would cherish them forever.

  Chapter 21 – Pam

  It was very early in the morning when Jessica showed up in the kitchen. She was dressed in street clothes, with makeup on her face and her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. Her unusual tidiness at this ungodly hour—as she often referred to any time before eight—made me frown.

  “Are you okay, honey?” I asked in a tone filled with motherly concern.

  She pursed her lips but couldn’t contain a smirk from showing through. “Aside from the lack of caffeine, I’m great. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Five ten in the morning. That’s why,” I deadpanned because that question really didn’t need any further explanations.

  Jess shrugged and walked to the coffee machine. “Well, my mom is moving away, and I’ve decided not to waste a minute of the time we have together. Therefore, despite this unholy hour, I’m driving you to the airport, and I’ll be happy and in a good mood.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at my daughter’s explanation. Something deep inside me told me that there was more to her cheerfulness than a girl’s love for her mother, but I pushed the thought aside as not important. She was happy which meant she was okay, and since I was already missing her I decided not to waste time worrying. I would have plenty of time to do that in France.

  “I can’t complain about that,” I told her honestly as she came around the island and sat beside me at the breakfast bar.

  We stayed there for a few more minutes, eating and talking in the kitchen like we had our whole lives, but it didn’t feel the same. For the longest time, it was just the two of us against the world. But now, there was Ben, a Jess that was all grown up, and me moving across the ocean. Our lives were changing, and though I’ve always known that changes would happen, I had never imagined that there would be so many or that they would happen so fast. It was such a strange feeling because although the familiarity of our little moment warmed my heart, the finality of it broke it into a million pieces.

  I was almost drowning in nostalgia when we finally finished our breakfast and got up to leave. Jess and I were almost at the front door when I heard Ben’s steps coming down the stairs.

  “I’m so glad you’re still here,” he said with one of those dashing smiles.

  He looked office handsome in a dark gray three-piece suit and his eyes sparkled with a light I had never seen before. That same something in my gut that troubled me over my daughter’s good mood bothered me again, but once again I pushed the thought away. I was already too worried about leaving her alone with Ben, I didn’t need anything else bugging my brain.

  “We’re just leaving. Jess decided to drive me,” I told him with a friendly smile.

  Holding my gaze, he replied, “Such a great daughter.”

  “Yeah, I’m very devoted. Always eager to please,” Jess said in a tone that didn’t sit well with me. To make matters worse, matching smirks formed in both Jess’ and Ben’s lips.

  This time the knot in my throat was a little harder to ignore, but I tried to appease myself with the knowledge that Ben had been warned and loved his company too much to jeopardize our agreement over a casual fling. I knew that once I was out of the house and not so shaken by my guilt over leaving my daughter behind, I would see that the nagging feeling in my gut was just my own mind playing tricks on me.

  “Well, we really should get going,” I said in a rush to get out of the house and collect my thoughts. “Take care of my girl, Ben. I’ll divorce your ass if anything bad happens to her.”

  A forced smile formed on his lips at my warning, but he still stole a glance at Jess and nodded. “I’ll care for her as if she was my own girl.”

  That reply had a little too much double meaning for my liking, but it still satisfied my worry. With a kiss on his cheek, I said, “I’ll be back for my things in three weeks.”

  “We’ll be waiting with burgers and wine,” he said. Then, wished me a safe trip and good luck with training as Jess and I went out the door.

  We walked to her car in silence and continued that way until we hit the road. Then, unable to contain the mom in me, I said, “I was thinking, if you decide you’re uncomfortable staying at the mansion alone with Ben, you could go stay with Trey until we find a place of your own. I’m not crazy about him, but he has his own apartment and seems to really like you.”

  Jessica stole a peek at me and surprised me with the disgusted expression on her face. “Yeah, that won’t happen.” My brows pulled together in confusion, so she clarified, “We broke up yesterday.”

  “Oh, no, honey,” I said with sympathy. “You guys seemed fine at dinner. What happened?”

  She shrugged. “Same thing as before. He doesn’t respect that I’m busy with my education and that I don’t want to sleep with him.”
  I stayed silent as she gave me a detailed play by play of the breakup. Once she was done, I was pissed at that little twit for being an asshole to her again. However, I was also apprehensive about her social and romantic skills. As proud as I was of her for not being a hussy and standing by her beliefs, she was twenty-two, and I worried that she was so focused on her goals that she forgot she was also a young woman.

  I had always hated on her deadbeat father and protected her from my crappy ass boyfriends. Now, I couldn’t help but fear that my behavior had impacted her the wrong way. Love and sex were beautiful things, and I hated to think that I had taught her they were less important than a career.

  “I’m so sorry, Jess,” I said with a sigh. “Why didn’t you come talk to me afterward?”

  “It was late,” she said, oddly fidgety. “Besides, I’m fine. Better than fine actually. I should have listened to you when you told me not to give him another chance. It was a huge mistake.”

  “Maybe, but with me gone it'd be good for you to have someone. I worry about how lonely you are.”

  Jess pulled in a deep breath and said, “I’m not lonely. I have some friends, and there’s Ben. He’ll keep me company.”

  I nodded because I knew she was right, Ben would keep her company. However, I also knew he wasn’t the kind of company she should have.

  The car was silent for a few minutes as I debated whether or not to use my hardly ever employed mom card on her. She was an adult, after all. However, as we approached the airport, I realized I wouldn’t have many more chances to impart on her some motherly wisdom and decided to throw my cool mom attitude out of the window for just a moment.

  “I know you and Ben get along, and that’s great. But, as your mom, I have to ask you to be careful,” I started in a serious tone. Her breaths picked up speed the way they always did when I struck a nerve, so I continued, “He’s a great and very generous man, but he’s older and set in his ways. He’s not used to dealing with kind, sweet women like you and he sees relationships as stepping stones—look at our arrangement. I would hate to see you hurt, so please, be careful with how close you two get, okay?”

  Looking uncomfortable as hell, Jess forced a smile and nodded. “Okay, but don’t worry. As much as I like him, he’s your husband.”

  “Fake husband,” I corrected.

  That comment made her relax a bit, probably happy at shifting the focus away from her. “Yeah, fake husband, which reminds me. As a fake wife, you have the right to find a real man for yourself, someone that will stick around after this thing is done and we’re millionaires. So, be open to opportunities, mom. You’re finally free of the burden of being a single mom. You can have fun now, and hello . . . Paris! The most romantic city in the world. I’m sure you can find someone better there than a deadbeat and a contract husband.”

  Her excitement was contagious and made me laugh despite the knot in my gut. She stopped the car at the drop-off area of the airport and turned to hug me. I held my baby as hard as I could and kissed her cheeks a lot more than was socially acceptable at her age.

  Once we parted, I looked deeply into those familiar green eyes. “I’ll promise to live my life in Paris to the fullest, as long as you promise to do the same—but carefully.”

  My beloved daughter filled her lungs and nodded. “I can promise that.”

  “Okay. Good.” I hugged her once more and opened the door. “I’ll see you soon, baby.”

  “Love you, mom.”

  I took one last look at her and sighed at the lingering unease in my gut. Still, I smiled and said, “Love you more.”

  With that, I closed the door and flipped the page of the best chapter of my life. I wasn’t sure what life would bring for either of us, but I knew nothing would ever be the same again.

  And maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

  Chapter 22 - Jessica

  I felt like the worst daughter in the world for wanting my mother gone so bad, but I couldn’t help the relief I felt as I watched her walk through the airport doors. After the promise Ben had made last night, I wanted my mom as far away as possible so he could show me how mind blowing rougher sex could be.

  As I pulled out of the drop-off zone, my body sizzled with excitement over what was to come. Eager to share the good news, I picked up my cell phone and called Ben. He picked up on the second ring.

  “Hi, Daddy,” I greeted with the pet name he liked so much.

  “My sweet baby girl,” the greeting filled my car through the sound system. The happiness in his voice was so clear I could almost see the matching grin that was surely on his face. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  I smiled at his concern and, knowing exactly what he meant, I quickly replied, “A bit sore, but happy. Really happy, actually.”

  “No regrets?” he asked, his voice low and rough.

  Although he couldn’t see me, I shook my head. “None whatsoever. You?”

  “No.” Despite the honesty in his reply, there was an underlining uneasiness in his voice. I wondered what that was about for a second, but then he cleared his throat and asked, “Did your mom have anything to say about your happiness? She seemed a bit odd when I went to say goodbye to her.”

  His question made my breath catch in my throat. I knew my mother well enough to know that my good mood combined with the early hour and the news of my breakup had raised red flags in her mind. She was no fool, and her parting warning had made it very clear that she was aware of my attraction for Ben. However, Ben’s constant worry about her finding out about us made me question if I should share the loaded conversation we had with him or not.

  Decided to keep things as vague as possible, I said, “She didn’t say anything specific about it. Just that I should try to have fun while she’s gone. Mostly, we talked about my breakup with Trey and how I want her to find a nice man to cheat on you with and be happy.”

  Real laughs filled the car at my words, and the tension of Ben’s last question seemed to dissipate a bit. “I hope she does,” he admitted once his chuckles died. “Pam deserves happiness as much as we do.” I obviously agreed with him, but before I could voice my agreement he sighed and, in a more serious tone, asked, “But she didn’t mention anything about me or us during your conversation?”

  I pulled in a deep breath. As a terrible liar, I knew I didn’t have much choice other than telling Ben the truth. Fear that he would push me away as he had in the past because of her concerns gripped at my insides, but I pushed through them as best as I could.

  “We talked about how you and I are friends, and she warned me to be careful. She thinks you’re the kind of friend who could hurt me.”

  “Was that all?”

  I sighed at the sudden heaviness of our conversation but still replied. “Yes, that was all.”

  “Okay,” he whispered. A few seconds of heavy silence followed, and then he asked, “You know I wouldn’t, right? I won’t ever hurt you.”

  A smile returned to my lips at his sweet admission.

  “That's a shame,” I said. “I was really hoping that you would fulfill your promise when we get back home tonight and hurt me just a little.”

  First, there was silence. Then, there were chuckles. And finally, there were roars of laughter coming from the other side of the line. Unable to help myself, I laughed as well, enjoying that Ben and I were finally back to a lighter and more pleasurable topic.

  “What have I turned you into, baby girl?” he asked playfully.

  “Someone who really likes not being a virgin anymore and wants to try all the things that involve your cock. In fact, I want to actually try your cock like the girl in the porn movie I told you about.”

  Ben groaned into the phone. “I’m in the elevator of my office, and you’ve just assured that I won’t get any work done for the second day in a row. You’re gonna kill me one day, Jessica.”

  “If that’s true, I’ll make sure you go with a smile on your face.”

  He chuckle
d once more. The sound was mixed with the dinging of the elevator arriving at its destination. Voices echoed around Ben telling me that it was time for us to hang up and focus on our day, so I added, “Have a beautiful day, and I’ll see you at home.”

  “Can’t wait, baby,” he said before hanging up.

  As the car grew silent again, I drove to campus with anxiety in my veins and only one thought in my mind. Me neither, Daddy.

  Chapter 23 – Ben

  Something weird happened after I hung up the call with Jessica. I felt this pressure right at the center of my chest, and though it wasn’t particularly painful or heart attack-like, it was uncomfortable as shit, and I desperately wanted it to go away.

  With a deep breath and a frown between my eyes, I rested my head against the headrest of my office chair and swirled it around to look out of my massive window. The city below looked oddly peaceful, which was ironic since this huge, buzzing metropolis seemed to have found something my mind couldn’t.

  I groaned with frustration, closed my eyes and paced my breaths, hoping the combination of the three would help dissipate whatever was happening in my chest. It didn’t. It only made me think of Jessica and the way she had felt while I was inside her.

  The memory made cock instantly hard and intensified the sensation in my chest, which annoyed me even more. However, instead of pushing the thought out of my mind and focusing on work like I should, I surrendered myself to it.


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