My Old Man

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by Tymber Dalton


  Suncoast Society

  My Old Man

  Jonah knows the biggest mistake of his life was ever leaving Gordon in the first place. But he’s bound and determined to prove to his Master that he’s back for good and dedicated to spending the rest of his life with Gordon.

  Gordon wants to let his guard down, but even while haunted by his own fears, he refuses to order Jonah to quit the band, or not tour with them. Despite knowing he, too, could have the career of his dreams playing full-time with Portnoy’s Oyster, Gordon’s fight to maintain his sobriety won’t let him relinquish the security and stability his teaching job brings him.

  With ancient ghosts from a variety of emotional wounds echoing through both men’s souls, can they carefully pick their way through this terrifying new relationship landscape to find a new “normal” for them, or will stress and fear and old pain pull them apart for good?

  Genres: Alternative (M/M, Gay), BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 21,449


  Suncoast Society

  Tymber Dalton


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  My Old Man

  Copyright © 2019 by Tymber Dalton

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-625-9

  First Publication: February 2019

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2019 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  For Hubby, and for Sir. He knows why.


  Tymber Dalton is the wild-child alter-ego of author Lesli Richardson. She lives in the Tampa Bay region of Florida with her husband (aka “The World’s Best Husband™”) and too many pets. Active in the BDSM lifestyle, the two-time EPIC award winner and part-time Viking shield-maiden loves to shoot skeet and play D&D with her friends. She’s also the bestselling author of over one hundred and fifty books and counting, including The Reluctant Dom, The Denim Dom, Cardinal’s Rule, the Suncoast Society series, the Love Slave for Two series, the Triple Trouble series, the Coffeeshop Coven series, the Good Will Ghost Hunting series, the Drunk Monkeys series, and many more.

  She loves to hear from readers! Please feel free to drop by her website and sign up for her newsletter to keep abreast of the latest news, snarkage, and releases. You can also find all of her Siren-BookStrand releases under all four of her pen names on her author page on the BookStrand site.

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  Author’s Note

  This is book 90 in the Suncoast Society series. You do not have to read all the books before this one to understand the plot or characters—most of the books in the series are standalone.

  Gordon and Jonah are first introduced in Word of Mouth, and this book picks up where that one left off to continue their story.

  Some of the characters in this book appear in or are featured in previous books in the Suncoast Society series. While most of the books in the Suncoast Society series are standalone works which may be read independently of each other, the recommended reading order to avoid spoilers and to not miss any backstory can be found on the Suncoast Society series page, along with character information and other trivia, on my website at:



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  Suncoast Society


  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  Late Wednesday night, Gordon lay awake in their bed in Doyle and Mal’s guest room. The only things Jonah wore were his leather collar and the gold wedding band Gordon had put on his hand earlier that afternoon when he’d proposed to him.

  With Jonah draped over him, the man’s soft snores blew warm breath across Gordon’s pecs, and the softly scratchy feel of Jonah’s beard and mustache helped anchor Gordon to the here.

  The now.


  His mind…spun.

  Earlier that afternoon, Jonah had returned from touring with Portnoy’s Oyster, an eight-week separation that had been difficult on Gordon for a number of reasons, the first and foremost being his fear that Jonah might decide no, he didn’t want to be with Gordon after all, and would prefer an unfettered career with the band.

  With help from Doyle in planning the reunion surprise, Gordon had met Jonah at the airport, and they’d immediately headed from there to the county courthouse to get their marriage license after Gordon slipped the ring on Jonah’s finger. This Saturday, a friend of Doyle and Mal’s, who was also in the lifestyle, would come to the house and marry them.

  It’d been just around twelve weeks since Jonah walked back into Gordon’s life after a three-year absence, and Gordon knew he couldn’t envision a future now that didn’t include Jonah.

  He closed his eyes and tipped his head so he could breathe in the scent of Jonah’s hair. Everything about his boy was so sweetly comforting.

  He loves to tour. This is his dream. Let him support you for a change.

  But he couldn’t bring himself to do that. For starters, life wasn’t perfect, and Gordon knew the only thing that had really kept him sober was work. Once he’d landed the job teaching music at Sorrellson Academy, a private school in Sarasota, it’d been his own dream come true—a stable, decent-paying job, with security, doing what he loved.

  Music. He loved teaching the kids. He loved watching wonder fill their faces as they got it, learned a technique, mastered a new chord, perfected a riff they’d heard on their favorite song.

  He loved being able to teach something fun, joyful. Homework the kids didn’t mind doing.

  A reason other than Jonah—who hadn’t been there—to keep himself sober.

  I’m thirty-one now. You’d think I’d have a handle on being an adult.

  No, unless he thought touring was harming Jonah, he would never be able to bring himself to put his foot down and order Jonah to quit the band. The money was damned good, too, something they needed.

  After so many years of lean living financially, i
t was akin to hitting the lotto.

  With Jonah back in his life—hopefully for good—he’d much rather try to work on maintaining a balance having Jonah being able to stay with the band, even touring again. Maybe if they toured during summer vacation, or even during winter break, Gordon might be able to travel with them for portions of it. Or fly out on weekends to meet Jonah and spend a couple of days with him.

  But for their marriage to survive and thrive, both their needs had to be met.

  And Gordon wasn’t stupid enough to shove his own needs to the side when this was still so new and fragile.

  Especially so.

  The best thing he could do was take their fragile, renewed relationship one day at a time, one milestone at a time, the same way he managed his sobriety.

  Hopefully, the worst was behind them. Jonah had the next two weeks off, followed by two weeks recording in LA with the band. Gordon would only be able to join him out there on the weekends, or Jonah would fly home for them. They hadn’t settled those logistics yet, Jonah leaving that to Gordon. Gordon knew whatever he told Jonah, that’s what Jonah would do.

  So far, Jonah had lived up to his promises, shown Gordon through actions that he meant what he said about making this work between them.

  About wanting to be with Gordon for life.

  Only time would tell if he truly meant it.

  * * * *

  Jonah awoke before dawn Thursday morning and immediately realized what was wrong. He lay on his side, his back pressed against Gord’s back.

  He rolled over and spooned around Gordon’s body, the other man relaxing into his embrace even in deep sleep.

  There. That’s better.

  The first several nights of the tour, Jonah barely slept at all, and slept like crap when he did. It hadn’t been the same without Gordon lying beside him.

  Now he also realized why he’d slept so shittily out in Los Angeles after he’d left Gord. It wasn’t due to the bed he was in, it was due to his lack of a partner in bed.

  Specifically, Gord.

  Gordon was only an inch shorter than his own six-feet, but he felt larger, in many ways. It was such a relief to feel his entire world righted again, his path clear and direct.

  Even as his left thumb sought out the new band encircling his left ring finger, peace settled throughout his soul.

  On Saturday, Gordon would marry him and fully claim him. When they were kids, it was a fanciful dream they never thought could come true.

  Then he’d stupidly left Gordon, enticed out to LA by a liar who’d put wrong ideas and suspicions in Jonah’s head, turned the truth around until Jonah accused Gord of wanting to hold him back, of being professionally jealous of him.

  Thank god he forgave me.

  It was a lesson he’d never forget.

  As far as he knew, Gordon had never lied to him, was the one person he could always count on giving him the truth, even difficult ones.

  He’d learned that lesson late, but better late than never.

  Or before irreparable damage was caused. Like Gordon losing his sobriety.

  He drifted in and out of sleep, that sweet, hazy time between being forced to roll out of bed and attempting to responsibly adult, and not quite asleep. He used these times to think about music in his head, to ponder what they were working on.

  Even to think about Gordon, like he was doing right now.

  He’d spent the last several days of the tour absolutely pining for Gordon, video chatting with him whenever possible, when Gordon wasn’t teaching or Jonah wasn’t on stage, or needed for rehearsals.

  Torture. Absolute torture.

  In fact, he’d go back to wearing the chastity cage full-time if it meant an easy way to not spend nights apart from Gordon again.

  I could quit the band.

  Deep inside, despite it being his dream, there was a tiny little parcel of his soul almost hoping Gordon would ask him to quit the band and stay home with him.

  He’d do it, too. In a heartbeat. Would he miss it? Absolutely.

  But he’d experienced life without Gordon.

  It wasn’t the kind of life he wanted. He’d settle for being broke and just getting by with Gordon, over a life of ease and fame without him.

  Been there, done that, miserable as fucking hell.

  Gordon didn’t teach on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so today they could spend all day wrapped around each other in bed, or in Doyle and Mal’s playroom there at their house. The walls of Gordon’s apartment were thin, and Doyle and Mal had graciously allowed them both full run of the house as well as unhampered access to their private dungeon, so why not take advantage of it?

  I wish Gord would go with us on tour.

  Gordon would receive credit on the new album for his contributions to it, especially on the track “Word of Mouth.” The video of him and Gordon playing the duet had already gone viral. They were going to make a better version to post, but that was planned for next month.

  Then Gordon stretched, sliding his foot down Jonah’s leg as he did before hooking his foot around Jonah’s. “Good morning, boy,” he mumbled.

  Jonah nibbled the nape of Gordon’s neck, his cock suddenly rock hard where it was pressed between them and perfectly nestled along the seam of Gordon’s ass. “Good morning, Master.”

  Gordon sighed. “Damn, I missed that.” He pulled Jonah’s arm more snugly around his waist. “We don’t need to get up yet, right?”

  “We don’t need to get up at all, Master.” He nuzzled his lips along Gordon’s shoulder. “You have me all to yourself for all day. No schedule at all.”

  “Perfect.” He turned his head so he could kiss Jonah. “You know, we could go house-hunting before you have to fly out to California.”

  A thrill rolled through Jonah. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. Doyle and Mal have been more than generous letting us use their guest room as our personal getaway, but I hate intruding on them. I’d rather be home. Our home. Just one problem.”

  “We need a home?”

  “Two problems, then.” He rolled to face Jonah and pulled him into his arms. “My apartment doesn’t feel like home anymore. Not without you there for good. I feel a little upended now.”

  Guilt filled Jonah’s heart. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “No, don’t apologize. It’s a good problem to have, for a change.” He rested his forehead against Jonah’s. “It means my heart is with you. It didn’t take me long to remember how good we are together, and once you were out on tour, it was damn lonely.”

  “For me, too.”

  Gordon’s blue eyes stared into his for a long moment. “So we’re agreed? We’ll start looking for a house?”

  “Can we rent one first?”

  Gordon scowled. “Why not buy?”

  “Because maybe we’ll find a piece of property we like and want to build one.”

  Gordon’s expression immediately softened. “Our dream home that we always talked about.”

  “Yeah.” He nuzzled his nose against Gordon’s. “Kind of like this one, only smaller. I don’t want so much property, although the privacy is nice.”

  * * * *

  Before Jonah had left him for California three years ago, one of their what-if fantasies had been discussing their dream home.

  “Not on the beach,” Gordon said. “That’s too much aggravation in hurricane season, and not nearly enough privacy.”


  The good kind of fear raced through Gordon. “You don’t want a prenup or anything before we get married on Saturday?”

  “No, Master,” Jonah said. “I belong to you. I’m not backing out, you’re not scaring me off, and you can’t say or do anything to make me change my mind, either.”

  “Even if I make you quit the band?”

  There was a flicker of something in Jonah’s gaze, but his green eyes focused on Gordon, a steady, unwavering stare. “Do you want me to go tell Mal right now? Because I will.”

  Gordon wrapped his arms tighter ar
ound Jonah. “No,” he said. “I don’t want you to quit the band. I just don’t want you to quit me.”

  Jonah draped his leg over Gordon’s, his hand sliding down Gordon’s back to cup his ass. “Gord, I know you have no reason to believe me after what I did. But I promise I’ll show you, every day, that I mean it. However you need me to show you, and as many times as I need to show you. I’ll never stop showing you, either. Just like you showed me you were going to stay sober.”

  Gordon drew in a shuddering breath. “Thank you for coming home to me, baby. I love you so much.”

  Jonah sweetly smiled before slanting his lips over Gordon’s in a tender kiss that completely melted away all fear, all doubts, all worries. “Love you, too, Master.”

  Chapter Two

  Jonah lay there in Gordon’s arms, both of them drifting and dozing, half-awake conversations left unfinished, a sweet peace that had been missing from Jonah’s life for far too long before he’d reunited with Gordon before the tour.

  “Remember the night your mom finally realized I’d moved in with you guys?” Jonah asked.

  Gord softly snorted. “Yeah. You’d been living there full-time, what, three weeks?”

  “Four. She asked why I was doing my laundry there and not at home.”

  Gord laughed. “I don’t know how they didn’t hear us fucking. I used to have to gag you to keep you quiet. You moaned like crazy.”

  “Have you talked to them lately?” Jonah asked. “I just realized I never asked about them before.”

  “Yeah, well, we were a little busy getting back together and fucking each other’s brains out when we weren’t working.”

  Jonah nuzzled his shoulder. “That’s not an answer, Gord,” he softly said.


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