Trying To Live With The Dead (The Veil Diaries Series Book 1)

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Trying To Live With The Dead (The Veil Diaries Series Book 1) Page 13

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “I’m just off the trail here.” Her voice was desperate. Shit. I waited until I was next to Karen to stop.

  “Sorry guys, I need to go again.” I announced hating to use the excuse. The guys groaned.

  “Hey, I got that tiny girl bladder. It’s not my fault.” A couple of them chuckled as I followed Karen off trail. My stomach was starting to churn; blood was still coming out my nose. I still followed Karen. The smell hit me first, rotting, sweet and thick on my tongue. I had another ten feet to go to reach Karen. As I got closer the smell got worse, I tried not to think about what I was smelling. When I reached Karen body, I braced myself and looked down. She was destroyed. Her body was bloated, black liquid seeping from what was left of her abdomen. Her face was destroyed; her skull was exposed, her jaw broken. Karen came too close. Her memories of being mauled poured over me. Her pain, her fear, the feeling of her death. I was going to be sick.

  “Thank you.” She said to me as I turned and started puking. The boys must have heard me because I heard my name being called. I couldn’t answer as I threw up again. I felt Karen move on. Yay, great for her. I was too focused on breathing between puking to care. Hands grabbed me; someone pushed and held my hair back from my face.

  “We’ve got you Beautiful.” Ethan’s voice was to my right. An arm wrapped around my waist and forced me to move away from the body. They thought that was what was making me sick. Oh, if only. But it was nice of them to try. It wasn’t long until I finally stopped puking. When I stood up straight a wave of dizziness washed over me. The twin’s hands steadied me, till it passed. I wiped a shaking hand across my mouth. Isaac handed me my dropped water bottle, and I started washing my mouth out. I was on my third rinse when someone mentioned calling the police.

  “Call Rory.” I managed with my voice shaking. I reached into my back pocket and held my phone up. Someone took it from me. My head was killing me too much to care who right now.

  “I’ll call him; get her back on the trail.” Zeke ordered as he swiped his finger across my phone. Ethan and Isaac each had a death grip on one of my hands as they walked me back to the trail. They let go when we were out of the brush.

  “Red, your nose is bleeding.” Isaac told me. I pulled more tissues from my pocket and pressed them against my nose. My headache was starting to ease up when Zeke and Miles came back down to the trail.

  “Rory wants to meet us at the trailhead.” Zeke said as they reached us. Everyone got to their feet. Miles' eyes went to the tissue in my hand, he frowned. I just turned away and headed down the trail after Isaac. I really didn’t want to answer questions right now.

  An hour later, I was sitting in the front seat of Rory’s truck a blanket around my shoulders. I didn’t understand why I needed a blanket but Miles had been insistent. He muttered something about shock before walking away from me. There was an ambulance; someone from the forestry service had showed up along with several other cops. Rory was standing in the door blocking my view of everything happening at the trail head.

  “Lexie, what the hell happened?” Rory asked his eyes narrowing on my face.

  “A dead girl found me.” I admitted quietly. Rory cursed. “She begged me to find her body so her parents would know what happened to her.” Rory shook his head at me, his brow drawn down.

  “Lexie, your heart's too big for your own good.” He said. “You said no ghost for the weekend, now here we are with a dead body.”

  “I was in the woods, hiking with the guys.” I pointed out. “How was I supposed to know there would be a soul out here?” Rory sighed, frowning again.

  “What did you tell the boys?” I smirked up at him.

  “I said I was curious about a trail and we walked down it for a bit. Then I said I had to pee.” I shrugged. “Karen Malone led me right to her body.” Rory nodded.

  “Uh-huh. Now why did you start puking?” I wrinkled my nose at him. He was way too observant.

  “She was standing too close; her death memories kind of filled my head.” I admitted. Rory sighed and stepped back so I could get out of the truck. Apparently, he got the information he wanted. “Zeke’s going to take you guys home. I want you resting for the rest of the day.”

  “Can I still go watch Ethan’s band play?” I asked my voice close to pleading. Rory snorted.

  “Yes, you can.” Rory waved Zeke over. “Take her home and make sure she gets some rest even if you have to sit on her.” Damn it, Zeke would actually make me rest. Zeke smirked at me, he was enjoying this entirely too much. I glared at Rory who just smiled down at me; he knew exactly what he just did. Zeke reached out, took my arm, and tugged me towards the others at his Jeep. That was low Rory, real low.

  Zeke didn’t sit on me, but the twins might as well have. Isaac and Ethan snuggled up next to me on the couch and wouldn’t let me get up until they had to leave. Isaac wanted to get some things done before heading out to the club tonight and Ethan had to go set up. Miles was quiet all afternoon, typing away on his cell phone with a frown on his face until he headed home soon after the twins. Zeke refused to leave until Rory was back. When Rory walked in with a pizza in his hand, his eyes found me on the couch and Zeke in one of the arm chairs. I glared at Rory. He burst out laughing. Zeke headed home to take a shower and change before we headed out to the club. I ate dinner quickly then headed upstairs. I took a shower and went into my bedroom to get ready. I turned on my computer and started listening to my favorite going out songs as I got ready. I walked to the closet and threw it open. What to wear? I smirked at myself. I pulled on a pair of black boot cut jeans, a black scoop neck shirt and my trusty black combat boots. It was going to be hot in the club so I might as well dress for it. I was doing my makeup when there was a knock on the door.

  “Come on in.” I focused on my eyeliner and didn’t look behind me.

  “I heard you're going out tonight with your friends.” Tara’s voice stunned me. I finished with making my eyeliner darker than usual before turning around and answering.

  “Yeah, Ethan’s band is playing tonight.” I watched Tara as she looked around at my room. There wasn’t much to see; I didn’t have any pictures or posters to put up. Tara seemed to want to ask me something, but she was stalling. When she stayed silent, I started on my eye shadow, giving myself smoky eyes for the night. I finished one eye and was doing the other when I got tired of waiting for Tara to ask her questions. “What do you want ask Tara?” She gave a soft sigh.

  “I was just wondering where you and your friends were going.” Tara asked, without making it sound like a question. I shrugged.

  “I don’t know; they’re driving tonight.” I hedged. I didn’t want Tara to show up and ruin Asher’s time tonight. But I also didn’t want to tell her I didn’t want her to go. I was putting on my mascara when Tara spoke again.

  “Lexie, I like Asher. I think we could be good together if we had a chance to get to know each other.” Tara’s voice was honest, and vulnerable. It was weird. I sighed as I finished with my lashes and turned around.

  “Honey, Asher’s not looking for a girlfriend right now.” I tried to explain gently. “He’s having trouble with his sister; he’s always busy with work and football.” I wanted to get her to understand. “He doesn’t have time for a girlfriend right now.” Tara was looking at the floor for a while. I felt bad having to tell her, but I didn't know what else to do. I checked the time. I needed to hurry; the guys would be here in a few minutes. I was pulling out my deep red lipstick when Tara caught my attention again.

  “But he has time to go out with you?” She snapped bitterly. I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “A friend that is a girl is not a girlfriend Tara.” I told her simply. “I require a lot less time and effort.” I snorted. “Besides, I think the guys sometimes forget I’m a girl.” I put on my lipstick; it was a good deep red, with a bit of dark to it. Combined with my hair and skin it looked great. There was a knock on the front door. I turned to find Tara still in my room. Hell, I had to give her so
mething. “If you want my advice with Asher. Ease back until at least football ends. Don’t flirt with him. Just, try to get to know him as a friend.”

  “Lexie, the boys are here!” Rory called up the stairs. Tara had a strange expression on her face like I had said something offensive. Ah hell, I gave up. I put my wallet in my back pocket and my cell phone in my inside jacket pocket. I gestured for Tara to leave my room before me. She stopped outside in the hall.

  “I’ve never been friends with a guy before.” She said, seeming confused. Shit.

  “Guys are fun, I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow if you like. But right now I have to go.” I told her gently closing the door behind me. She looked thoughtful as she nodded and disappeared into her room. I let out a breath. That was weird. I hurried downstairs and found Isaac, Miles, and Zeke waiting. Isaac was wearing blue jeans, a black and white shirt with some graphic I couldn’t make out. Along with his trusted blue hoodie. Miles was wearing his usual jeans and a black shirt with an extremely complex equation written across his chest in white, along with his green hoodie. Zeke just looked like Zeke. Black jeans, black shirt, motorcycle boots. Though his hair was still wet from his shower. I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Did you even change your clothes?” I asked doubtfully. He smirked as he looked down at his outfit.

  “Yeah, these are clean.” He told me simply. I couldn’t help but grin. I looked at Rory to find him frowning at me.

  “What’s my curfew?” I asked wondering what the frown was for. Rory sighed.

  “Midnight.” Rory looked to the boys. “Keep an eye on her for me.” The guys nodded. I rolled my eyes. Then we were out the door and in Zeke’s Jeep. I could have gone around to the other side but I wanted to play with Asher so I opened his door and climbed over him to the other side. Isaac followed me. While Asher just laughed as I crawled over him, he groaned under Isaac’s weight.

  “Hell Isaac, how much do you weigh?” Asher groaned. Isaac sat up in the middle.

  “165 and it’s all muscle baby.” Isaac chuckled.

  “That’s right sweetie, you own it.” I told him my voice proud. The boys laughed. As we headed out to Dulcet, I told Asher about Tara asking about where we were going. I also told her I advised her to back off at least until after football. He said he was getting me a present. I asked for rock climbing lessons. His eyes lit up as he agreed. The radio was starting to go to static so instead of interrupting Zeke and Miles conversation I slipped off my seat belt, wedged myself between the front seats, and played with the knobs till I found one that worked. It wasn’t until I was sliding back that I realized I had just shoved my breasts practically into Miles face. I winced as I sat up.

  “Sorry Miles.”

  “I’ll live.” He assured me. I burst out giggling as the others looked at me questioningly. I only shrugged and refused to answer. Soon enough we were at Vegabond. We climbed out and got in line. The club was a big warehouse like building, not as big as the clubs in the city but it looked like it would work for a town this size. I followed Zeke after I paid my cover. I was surprised the club was so packed. I quickly snagged Zeke's belt so I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. He reached behind him, took my hand in his and pulled me with him through the crowd. I felt a hand snag my other wrist. I looked behind me to find Isaac holding my other wrist. Zeke somehow managed to find five spots at the bar. I believe glaring was involved on his part. I hopped onto my bar stool and ordered a soda. It was warm in here so I took off my jacket and slipped it under my butt. I watched Isaac disappear into the crowd. Asher leaned over to me.

  “I heard about today.” He began his ocean eyes met mine. “Good thinking getting Isaac to come down.” My face warmed under his gaze.

  “I’m just glad it worked.” I told him honestly before turning to pay for my soda. I turned back and took a sip. The band walking out onto stage cut off all other conversation. Ethan was in his usual all black, only tonight he wore a black tank top. It must be hot under the lights. My stomach was in knots for him. I bit the corner of my lip nervous. The band got into position and Ethan took the microphone.

  “He’s nervous.” Asher commented. I nodded. I leaned over to him.

  “Yeah, but once they hear him sing, the crowd will go crazy.” I said over the crowd. Asher nodded. Then they started to play. The crowd cheered, they recognized this song. I watched the girls around me as Ethan began to sing. Jaws dropped, toes curled, and absolute devotion was created. It was everything I thought it would be. I all but jumped up and down on my stool in happiness. Zeke looked down at me like I lost my mind. I crooked a finger at him. He leaned down so I could talk into his ear over the music.

  “Look at the girl’s faces.” Zeke straightened and looked around. Zeke smirked. He saw it too. They were into the second song when everyone started swaying on the dance floor. Zeke got my attention and gestured for me to stay here. I rolled my eyes at him. He shook his head and walked into the crowd. Everyone was dancing in the middle of the club and I was tired of sitting still. Ethan’s voice was rolling through the bar and it made me want to move. I tapped Asher shoulder; he leaned down to hear me.

  “You’re dancing with me.” I told him flat out, no question about it. I wanted to dance and Asher was stuck with me. He smiled down at me and we headed out into the crowd as a fast hard beat started up. I danced with Asher, moving with the music. Though I made sure not to get too close after all, I wasn’t dating the guy. The dance floor was crowded and soon enough Asher saw someone he wanted to talk too. He leaned down and told me he was leaving. I nodded and kept dancing. I looked back over to the guys and found only Zeke and Miles still standing there. I caught Zeke’s eye. I crooked a finger at him; asking him to come dance with me. He shook his head and mouthed the word no. I looked over at Miles and crooked a finger at him. He also shook his head as he gave me a warm smile. I shrugged and went back to dancing surrounded by people. A hand moved around my waist, a body pressed against my back. I pulled the arm off and turned around. Wow. He was cute. A head taller than me he had broad shoulders and great eyes. I dropped his arm and raised an eyebrow at him. He gave me a smile; it made me smile back. So I danced with the guy, not the way he wanted me too. I didn't even know the guy. We danced till the band needed a break. He smiled down at me and held out his hand.

  “I’m Markus. I go to Dulcet High School here.” I shook his hand and smiled.

  “I’m Alexis, I go to Spring Mountain.”

  “I’ve never seen you here before.” He said in the quiet of the club.

  “I just moved to town this week.” I admitted. He nodded. He pulled out a flask and took a drink. That was ballsy, drinking in the only bar around that would let in underage kids. He was going to get himself kicked out. He held it out to me, offering me some. I shook my head. He put the lid back on and put it back in his pocket. I looked over to see Zeke talking to a tall girl with purple hair, and Miles was on a couch talking to a couple guys I recognized from school. I had no clue where Isaac or Asher had gone. Club music blasted through the speakers. Markus gestured, asking me to dance. I nodded. I wanted to dance, and he seemed okay. Though I didn’t like the drinking here. We danced to the club music, jumping with the crowd. Then a slow song came on. Markus had taken another hit from his flask when he reached out and pulled me closer. What the hell, why not? No one else was going to dance with me. I kept my body from pressing against his as we danced. Thankfully, the band came out, and they started up again. I stepped back away from Mark, turned and watched Ethan start to sing again. Damn that boy was good. I was swaying to the music when Markus pressed his body up against me again, his arm going around my waist, again. Okay, he’s not getting it. I pulled his arm off and turned around again. I shook my head. He gave me a nasty look, waved at me dismissively before going deeper into the crowd. At least he got the message. I headed off the dance floor back to where my jacket was and waited to order a bottle of water.

  “Hey Red.” Isaac popped up beside me making me jump. H
e ran his eyes over me. His question clear in on his face. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I gestured over my shoulder at the dance floor. “I just got rid of some touchy guy on the dance floor. For a second I thought you were him.” Isaac frowned and turned, resting his back against the bar. I ordered water from the bartender. When I finished paying, I turned to see Isaac watching the dance floor. I nudged his shoulder.

  “Which one?” I rolled my eyes.

  “Don’t worry about it. I already took care of it.” I opened my water bottle and turned around to stand next to him. “Where have you been?” Isaac grinned, his gaze still on the dance floor.

  “I saw a girl I know from school; she’s always had a boyfriend though.” He gestured toward a table near the door to the bar. I saw a couple blonde girls and didn’t know which one he was talking about. “I heard a rumor this week that she was single now, so I’m taking a shot.”

  “Next slow song Ethan does get her on the dance floor.” I offered. “Ethan’s voice will do most of the work for you.” Isaac’s face spread into a wicked grin.

  “You’re a genius Red.” Isaac turned to the bartender and ordered a couple sodas. “Now we need to find you someone.”

  “Got any friends that we don’t hang out with?” I asked only half kidding. I missed having a boyfriend, someone who made my heart race and my stomach flutter. Isaac seemed to be actually considering it. He winced.

  “Nah, no one good enough for you Red.” Isaac paid the bartender and picked up the sodas.

  “Aw, thanks Cookie Monster.” I smiled over at him. He winked at me before heading off towards the booth with the blondes. I sat down on my jacket and watched Ethan perform. Any sign of nerves seemed to have vanished once they started playing. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out and checked it.


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