Darkest Risings

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Darkest Risings Page 6

by S. K. Yule

  The war was only beginning, and he was determined to win no matter the cost.

  * * * *

  Aldin had been in an unusually pissy mood even for him. Last night had been challenging to say the least. First, he’d made an ass of himself with Alaina then…then there had been Wilhemina. He closed his eyes and leaned back in the leather chair that sat in front of the various computer monitors arranged on top of his desk.

  His bedroom was his sanctuary. While most of his family and Alaina had been inside, none hung out here. They were all well aware that this was his private place. His space to be alone. His area of escape from the world and everyone in it.

  How in the hell had he made such a colossal mistake? He hadn’t taken a virgin since he was young. He snorted. Young was something he didn’t remember. Unfortunately, he couldn’t shake the image of Wilhemina from his mind. Gray eyes framed with thick lashes and long auburn hair taunted him, reminded him of what had happened at Drake’s. He’d been an ass. So consumed by the feelings he thought he had for Alaina, and her rejection of him, he hadn’t paid enough attention to see that Wilhemina was an innocent.

  He’d picked up on the naivety, but he’d dismissed it as nothing more than a woman’s game of seduction. Had he not had his head up his ass, he would have realized from the start that she was not what she’d portrayed. She’d acted confident, experienced. Now reflecting on the moment, it was obvious that’s all it had been…an act. The way she’d blushed. Her split-second hesitation when he’d touched her. The way she’d quivered when he kissed her. If all of those things hadn’t been enough, the way her untried body had torn when he’d taken her sealed the deal with a resounding smack like a sledge hammer to the face.

  Yet none of that could answer the question that played over and over in his mind. Why? Why had she flirted with him? Why had she danced so provocatively with him? Why had she invited him to touch her, kiss her? And why had she responded to him like she had? Why him?

  He grunted. When he’d pinned her against the wall and had finally allowed her to touch him, he’d been surprised by the way he’d caught fire from the simple splay of her fingers on his chest, down his abdomen, on his ass. How had she, a virgin, incited such raging desire from him with such ease?

  And when he’d tasted her? He fought down a groan. He’d never tasted anything as sweet as Wilhemina. He thought he’d been bestowed nectar from the gods. He could have feasted upon her for hours and never been completely satiated. Her delicate scent had sent his heart into a furious rhythm that made his blood surge through his veins in need. It was the first time he’d felt the urge to be tender, gentle, during sex, but the overwhelming feelings she’d created in him had warred with his need for dominance and that unfamiliar urge.

  When he’d slid in her slickness and her inner muscles had tightened around him, nearly strangling his cock, he knew from that point on he could die a happy man. Her untried body had submitted to his invasion as it was made to do, but not before he’d caused her pain. Not even the haze of desire that had beat through him had been able to conceal what he’d done. Yet, she’d still wanted him after he’d withdrawn, even after he’d hurt her.

  He’d been floored when she’d expressed her worry that he didn’t want her because she wasn’t pretty enough. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Not going back to her, not finishing what he’d started, had been the hardest thing he’d ever done.

  But he wasn’t blind to one simple truth. He wasn’t good enough for her. She was exquisite, pure, and he’d violated her. He was truly disgusted with himself. He needed to have his ass beaten for what he’d done. Maybe when Geri and Malachi arrived, he’d give Malachi the opportunity.

  He opened his eyes and scrubbed at his face with his palms. “Stop it. What’s done is done. It’s over. Can’t turn back time.”

  He’d never see her again. He should be relieved by that fact, but he wasn’t. Something deep inside him, something he’d kept buried for years, had awakened, and called to her. He didn’t understand why exactly Wilhemina could provoke such a response in him and wasn’t sure he wanted know. He glanced down at the thick, leather-banded watch on his wrist and sighed.

  It was nearly time for dinner. Maybe he’d skip it and go hunting for drifters. He shook his head. Every since the problem with the drifters had amped up, Ashe had forbidden any of the hunters to go out alone. Since McKayla, the drudge Ashe had saved from drifters and the Aleksandrov cook/maid, was preparing her mouth-watering prime rib tonight, no one would be willing to leave until after they ate.

  Officially, he wasn’t supposed to hunt tonight. Conrad and Dominic, the two hunters that had been staying at the estate aiding in the uprising, were on duty this evening. Maybe he’d hide away in his room and play video games. The violent kind with lots of shooting, fighting, maiming, and bloodshed. That always calmed him. But it was not to be. He heard the light footsteps coming up the hallway to his room long before the knock sounded on his door.

  He got up, already aware of who stood on the other side, and opened the door. “Ebony. What can I do for you this evening?” He had the highest respect for his sister-in-law, for both his sisters-in-law. They’d both, at one time or another, saved his brothers’ lives.

  “We have a guest for dinner tonight. She’s an old friend from high school. I ran into her today in Plainview. She’s going to be staying with us for awhile. She’s already met Avril, Ashe, and Marcus, but I was hoping you’d come down so I could introduce her to the rest of the family?”

  “Why in the hell would Ashe allow you to bring someone here with the amped up danger surrounding us?”

  Ebony clenched her jaw, and Aldin felt like an ass for the third time in less than twenty-four hours.

  “When Avril and I run into someone we know, the fact that someone might be in danger from simply talking to us doesn’t always remain in the forefront of our minds. Neither one of us have been vampires for long. Our human nature still runs strong in us. We make mistakes.”

  “I’m sorry.” He sighed. “It’s understandable. But you must be more careful in the future.”

  “I don’t need you telling me what to do, Aldin. I’m aware of the possible consequences of my guest’s visit. It happened. Now we have no choice but to deal with it and protect her. Besides, nothing you, Ashe, or Aiston could possibly say could make me or Avril feel any worse about it.”

  He thought it best to let this one go. “I was planning on coming down in a few minutes.” Not.

  Ebony reached out and touched his arm. She was one of the few people he let get by with touching him without invitation. “I know you like to keep to yourself, and I hope you know I respect that. Thank you for agreeing to meet my friend. You are an important part of this family, and I love you.”

  “I’m not saying it back,” he grumbled.

  The insufferable woman went out of her way to tell him how important he was often. Come to think of it, so did Avril.

  “I know.” She smiled.

  “I don’t need to be coddled. I know I’m a part of this family, Ebony. You don’t need to go out of your way to show me I’m important.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t coddle you to try to prove that you are important. I tell you I love you because you are my brother now and that’s how I display my affection. So deal with it.”

  He put his hands up. Ebony was a spitfire, that was for sure, and she’d come a long way since Ashe had changed her. She was more confident and more likely to say exactly what was on her mind at any given time. He sometimes wished for the shy Ebony back.

  “Okay. Okay. I get it.”

  “Good.” She turned and started back down the hall. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Chapter Eight

  When Wilhemina made her way downstairs for dinner, she didn’t think anything could make her jaw drop like it had when she saw the mansion for the first time. She was wrong. The dining room had a huge wooden, hand-carved table that could seat at lea
st twenty and more man-candy than one woman could take in at one time. She’d seen good-looking men, but the ones gracing the room were more than good-looking. They were stunning. She made a mental note to keep her mouth closed in an effort to keep from drooling on her shoes.

  “Wilhemina!” Ebony hurried over to hug her. “Come with me so I can introduce you to everyone.

  She followed Ebony to two men talking to Ashe.

  “This is Conrad Reyes.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Wilhemina.” Conrad bowed his head.

  She was sure the pleasure was mostly hers. His light-blond hair lay in ringlets against his head and grazed his neck. He was tall, lean but muscled, and his tanned skin brought out the hazel color of his eyes. He reminded her of a buff surfer dude.


  “And this is Dominic Zelasko.”

  Dominic took her hand and kissed the back of it. The gesture made her feel as if she stepped back in time. He wasn’t as tall as Conrad, but he was no less spectacular with a muscled physique, short brown hair, and beautiful golden eyes.

  “Nice to meet you as well.”

  “Dominic and Conrad are close family friends and are staying with us for the time being. I expect you two to treat my friend with the utmost respect,” Ebony told them both sternly.

  “I’ll do my best.” Dominic winked and smiled a wolfish grin.

  “I don’t know. She’s a looker.” Conrad smiled.

  “You two are impossible.” Ebony rolled her eyes.


  “You’ve already met Ashe.” Ebony smiled warmly at her husband.

  Wilhemina fought back a groan when Ashe returned his wife’s smile along with a smoldering stare that gave off so much heat she felt the need to fan herself. But she also felt something else. A sense of familiarity.

  “Hello, Ashe.”

  “Are you settling in well, Wilhemina?” Ashe asked after tearing his gaze from Ebony.

  “Yes. You have a beautiful home. Thank you for having me.”

  “Any friend of Ebony’s is welcome. Stay as long as you wish.”

  “Thank you.” If she had been talking to Ashe on the phone instead of in person, she would have sworn he was much older by the manner in which he spoke.

  “Come with me and meet Aiston now.” Ebony tugged Wilhemina over toward Avril and another GQ guy.

  Wilhemina was surprised that Aiston had blond hair. Ashe was dark, and for some reason, she assumed Aiston would be as well. He was no less gorgeous than Ashe, a couple inches shorter maybe, leaner, but beautifully muscled and had nearly the same color eyes. A knot began forming in her stomach as she realized why she had gotten a sense of deja-vu from Ashe and now Aiston.

  “Well, aren’t you a pretty little thing.” Aiston gave her a deep bow and grinned.

  “Pay no attention to him. He’s a flirt.” Avril grinned.

  “Maybe a bit, baby, but my heart will always belong to you.” He kissed Avril on the cheek.

  “You’ll have to watch out for Aiston. He’s known to be the prankster in the family,” Ebony warned.

  “Yes. I believe Avril mentioned something about that.” Wilhemina was intrigued.

  “You game for some pranks?” Aiston’s eyebrows shot up.

  “She most certainly is not!” Ebony and Avril spoke at the same time.

  Wilhemina giggled at Aiston’s scowl. Curiosity getting the better of her, she was about to ask Aiston about some of his pranks when Ebony’s next words made her inwardly cringe.

  “Aldin! There you are. Come meet my friend.”

  She didn’t want to turn around. She wanted to run away. She never thought to see Mr. Sexy again, but if the opportunity did decide to present itself, she’d most certainly not have picked to see him again in the middle of a room full of people. Unfortunately, sometimes life didn’t give you choices, and one simply had to man-up—woman-up in her case—and deal with it. She pasted a wide smile on her face and turned.

  His piercing eyes stole the breath from her lungs. Drake’s had been dark, and while she’d seen enough of him to know he was a hottie, the brilliant light of the room failed to bring one single flaw to the surface. He was perfect in every way. Huge, sexy, foreboding, dominant, and very male. He reminded her of a predator, and she had a strange longing to become his prey.

  Heat pulsed between her thighs, and she fought back the urge to moan. The slight flare of his nostrils and light that sparked in those glorious, turquoise eyes made her wonder if he had detected her excitement. But how could he?

  “This is Aldin. He’s the middle brother.” Ebony introduced him.

  “Hello, Aldin. Nice to meet you.” Wilhemina swallowed hard around the lump in her throat.

  The room had become entirely too hot, and she wondered if steam was rising off her skin. His short, inky black hair, and the stubble on his square jawline made her fingers itch to touch him. His nose was straight, and full lips were perfectly made for kissing a woman. Boy didn’t she know it. He was male perfection standing in flesh and blood right in front of her. He was the man she’d given herself to for the first time.

  Suddenly, the room grew quiet, and everyone appeared to be uncomfortable, but she couldn’t figure out why. Maybe her intense overload of emotions were somehow sending out vibes of unseen energy. She had to get herself under control, had to get through this awkward situation without making a complete fool of herself.


  The way he said her name. “Wil-ha-mina” with the accent on the ha, amped up her already pumped hormones. She’d never heard anyone pronounce her name in that exact way. She was at a loss for words, exposed, wondering if he was going to tell everyone what happened last night.

  “You talk for a moment while I see if dinner is ready,” Ebony choked out before hurrying away.

  Aldin came two steps closer, and her heart raced.

  “Calm down, Wilhemina. What happened between us stays between us.” He said quietly in hopes that no one was eavesdropping.

  She was happy about that, but his closeness didn’t help with her body temperature.

  “Take a deep breath. Relax.”

  He chided her as if she were a naughty school girl. “Relax? Relax?” Her cheeks heated, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. “My friend has been gracious enough to invite me to stay at her spectacular home, and it turns out that the man I—I—oh! You know what I mean. You are her brother-in-law?” She whispered the words vehemently.

  “It’s not an ideal situation. I understand, but no one other than you and I need to know what happened last night. Okay?”

  She nodded. “It still doesn’t make me feel any less uncomfortable.”

  “It is not my intention to make you uncomfortable in any way. I will excuse myself.” He scowled.

  “No!” she whispered again, and grabbed at his arm.

  He looked down at her hand gripping him tightly and raised one thick brow.

  Damn, the man was tall. She had to crane her neck back to look up into his face. She took a deep breath, released his arm, then let the breath out slowly.

  “I would feel terrible if I was the reason you didn’t eat dinner in your own home. Please. I’ll be all right. It was just a shock.”

  He nodded.

  “Dinner is ready. Everyone take a seat please,” Ebony announced as she came back into the room.

  * * * *

  Aldin slid his gaze to Wilhemina for what seemed the hundredth time since they sat down to eat. He chewed the succulent moist beef, but his normal appreciation for McKayla’s cooking fell flat with his preoccupation. How had this happened? Out of all of the women in the world, why had Wilhemina turned out to be Ebony’s friend?

  He’d been relieved that Ebony hadn’t placed her beside him, but couldn’t necessarily say he was happy about her sitting next to Dominic either. He frowned and wondered why that bothered him. Whatever the reason, the distance between them had helped dampen the strong waves of emotion s
he’d been unknowingly sending out, which he had no doubt everyone in the room had been able to feel.

  Luckily for him, those emotions had been jumbled enough that anyone would have had trouble zeroing in on the cause. Him. On the other hand, he hadn’t missed the subtle scent of her excitement. That was something no one could confuse. It had been unintentional on her part since she had no understanding of what they were. She couldn’t possibly have any idea that she was broadcasting her feelings as bright as a lighthouse beacon to a room full of vampires. Fortunately, everyone else knew that as well, and would have been doing their best to block the waves out of respect for Wilhemina. Everyone in his family anyway.

  He wasn’t sure about Dominic or Conrad. Conrad hadn’t given any indication that he’d read much into it. Dominic, on the other hand, had made no secret out of directing a smirk or two his way. He glared at the hunter across the table, and the smug bastard had the audacity to respond with a devilish grin.

  Aldin was going to require a serious workout tonight to calm the roiling unease churning inside him. Or a particular redhead in a compromising position. Stop it! He was not going to touch Wilhemina again. He’d already hurt her enough. But one simple look at her had the ability to stir his cock to life under the table. One simple glance at that smooth skin, those gray eyes, those lush, full lips that inflamed him with their touch, had the ability to make him argue with reason.

  He could imagine how her thick, auburn hair would look spread across his pillow as he took her body, slaked her every need until she shuddered in release and screamed out his name until her silken, wet muscles clamped around him once again. He put his fork down and closed his eyes for a moment, commanding his carnal thoughts into submission. “Excuse me please.” He stood. He could not take one more minute of sitting across from her, of not touching her.


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