The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 5

by Ronald Reagan

  Tip was bluster on the phone & accused me of not understanding the const.—separation of powers etc. I was asking only that he allow an amendment to be presented on the floor for correction of the phony comm. recommendations. He won’t allow that of course. He is blocking our move to consolidate categorical grants into Block grants. Claims Cong. would be abdicating its responsibility. In truth Wash. has no business trying to dictate how States & local govts. will operate these programs. Tip is a solid New Dealer and still believes in reducing the states to admin. districts of the Fed. govt. He’s trying to gut our program because he believes in big spending.

  [Friday, June 19: meeting with Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore; left for Camp David. Saturday, June 20: Ron and Doria arrive with others for Father’s Day.]

  Sunday, June 21

  [Relaxed with family and friends.]

  Negotiations are still going on to try and head off tomorrow’s illegal strike by the air controllers. I told Drew L. to tell their Union Chief I was the best friend his people ever had in the W.H. but I would not countenance an illegal strike nor would I permit negotiations while such a strike was in process.

  Monday, June 22

  Nancy left for Calif. at noon & I’m already lonesome. The morning was mainly briefing on our hassle on the bill. The House leadership is revealing it really doesn’t want to cut spending or taxes.

  [Meetings with governors regarding block grants and with Congressman Bob Michel (R-IL).]

  Bill Smith came in on the Sup. Ct. I believe if the check up goes well we should go with the lady in Ariz. to replace Potter Stewart to the Supreme Ct.

  Ended afternoon at reception for champion athletes & familys. It was fun but somehow moving to meet the children of men like Jesse Owens, Joe Louis etc.

  Tuesday, June 23

  This was a day to end all days. I guess they figure they had to make up for the fact I’ll be gone until next Tues. I speak tomorrow in San Antonio—the Jaycee’s, Thurs. in L.A.—then the ranch for the weekend & Mon. the N.A.A.C.P. in Denver.

  I started with the usual staff briefing at 9 A.M. then breakfast with the Dem. conservatives who helped us with the Gramm-Latta bill. A Nat. Security session, more staff, interview with U.S. News & World Report, Ben Hooks & Margaret Bush Wilson of N.A.A.C.P., saw 3 Ambassadors off. Lunched with Jacque Cousteau who is a true ecologist who like me is disgusted with the eco. freaks. Meeting with Sen. Finance Comm. (Repubs.). They’ve done a good job & will have a tax bill on the Sen. floor tomorrow. A Cabinet meeting, President’s Advisory Comm. on Federalism, session with Pen James, then Bill Casey, addressed the Teenage Repubs. & a reception for the 190 Repub. Reps. from the House. It was non stop all day. Photographed all day by U.S. News.

  Tip O’Neil is getting rough. Saw him on TV telling the United Steel workers U. I am going to destroy the nation.

  Wednesday, June 24–Monday, June 29

  [Addressed National Jaycees Convention in San Antonio; flew to L.A. and Century Plaza Hotel; made calls necessary before the following day’s congressional vote on budget.]

  There I was in Calif. & never left the hotel room except for a speech next day (noon) in the hotel dining room. Just before going down learned we had won the 1st big vote. It meant some quick changes in the speech. Back to the room for an afternoon on the phone. We won the next two votes & the victory was ours.

  Finally Fri. about 11 A.M. got out of the hotel & on to the ranch. The weather was beautiful & so was Rancho del Cielo. Patti arrived Sat. morning. We all rode in the A.M. After lunch Geo. & Barbara Bush came up to brief me on European trip on their way to the Marcos’ Inaugural in Manila.

  [Relaxed at the ranch. Monday, June 29: flew to Denver to address convention of the NAACP. Returned to Washington.]

  Tuesday, June 30

  [Signed order ending quotas on shoe imports; met with Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser of Australia; state dinner.]

  This afternoon met with Cap. W. on the B-1. He leans toward going for the “Stealth” which would leave a several year gap with only the aging B-52’s. I tend to favor filling the gap with B-1’s while we develop the “Stealth.” The Israel election returns coming in looks like a dead heat between Begin & Peres which means problems whichever one wins.

  Wednesday, July 1

  A half day in the office with nothing of great importance but spent the entire afternoon in my study catching up—reading, intelligence reports, the options for a new immigration policy, etc.

  The press keeps score on office hours but knows nothing about the never ending desk & paperwork that usually goes on ’til lights out.

  Thursday, July 2

  Met with the task force David Rockefeller has put together to stimulate investment in Jamaica. P.M. Siaga is trying to recover from the ec. damage done to his country by the Marxist Mandel who preceded him. I’m greatly encouraged.

  [Meeting with former Republican state chairmen; wrote letters to three mothers of child rape/murder victims; appeared at dinner to honor economist and author Bill Simon; Mike Abrams, fitness expert, staying at W.H. Friday, July 3: preparations for July 4; gym set up at W.H. Saturday, July 4: birthday party for Mrs. Reagan. Sunday, July 5: used gym; took call from King Juan Carlos of Spain requesting visit; desk work.]

  Monday, July 6

  Now it’s Nancy’s birthday. A lengthy N.S.C. meeting re trade with Soviet U. & what to do about the Soviet pipeline to W. Europe. A dozen options ranging from almost total trade with restrictions only on extremely sensitive mil. technology to almost total boycott. I have to choose one of the options. Our allies of course lean toward trade.

  Lunch with Phil Habib—he’s a real pro & he’s kept us from having a war break out between Israel & Syria for a long time now. He’s going back & our prayers go with him.

  Called Judge O’Connor in Ariz. & told her she was my nominee for Supreme Ct. Already the flack is starting & from my own supporters. Right to Life people say she’s pro-abortion. She declares abortion is personally repugnant to her. I think she’ll make a good Justice.

  Tuesday, July 7

  This morning I announced my nominee for Supreme Court, Mrs. O’Connor of Ariz. I made some calls because someone has started a bonfire among the Right to Life people. Apparently it all started with a woman—Dr. Gersten in Phoenix. Her claims don’t match the record we have of O’Connor’s voting record when she was a state Sen. But she’s spread her message far & wide. A full Cabinet meeting on the Ft. Chafee problem (Cubans—criminal & mentally deranged dumped on us by Castro). We believe we can move them to an unused mil. base in Maryland which can be developed also as a holding area for legitimate refugees in the future.

  [Fund-raising dinner in Chicago; returned to Washington.]

  Wednesday, July 8

  Met with the 11 handicapped young people (Blind, some deaf, an Epileptic & one with an artificial leg) who climbed Mt. Rainier July 4. We’d given them a flag to carry up there—they presented it to me. Nat. Geographic presented me with a map case & maps of every section of the world.

  Bill Clark & I went riding at Quantico. Back here to a 5:30 concert by the “Most of Mozart” Orch. from Lincoln Center. They played the recently discovered symphony of Mozart written when he was 9 years old.

  [Thursday, July 9: received fly rod from Alaskan congressman; met quadriplegic athlete; announced new comptroller general; NSC still undecided on Soviet pipeline; met African American supporters; two W.H. receptions.]

  Friday, July 10

  P.M. Trudeau arrived on his way back from trip to Europe. We discussed his Ottawa Summit meeting coming up in about 9 days. I believe it will be a general meeting to discuss ec. issues, N.-S. relationships & some East-West trade matters.

  At lunch we finally got around to 3 bilateral issues. On their side they want action on acid-rain which they believe results from air pollution on our side of the border. I assured him we are researching that because we have people in Vermont who think they are getting acid-rain from Canada. Second issue
is the gas pipe line to be built from Prudhoe Bay down to Calgary to join existing pipe line to U.S.

  The whole project was conceived during the energy crunch. Carter pledged we’d go through with it even though the Alaska portion was & is supposed to be built by pvt. enterprise. The problem is that now no one (but Canada) thinks or at least is sure it should be built. There have been new gas discoveries down here and it might be more practical for Alaskan gas to be liquefied & sold to Japan.

  Our issue had to do with a discriminatory tax policy on Am. owned business in Canada while we do nothing of that kind to Canadian owned business on our side of the border. He grew very defensive. I think our problem is that he leans toward outright nationalization of industry.

  He left & I then met with board of Black State Legislators organization. A good meeting—better than the N.A.A.C.P. in Denver. I think they discovered I might be different than the image they’ve had.

  Final meeting with Repub. Reps & Senators on defense matters. Much of it had to do with whether we should go for the B-1 or wait for the newer “stealth” bomber (which may not fly for 10 yrs. or so if at all). M.X. was also a problem particularly having to do with how it will be deployed. No decision from Defense (or me) yet but I lean against the proposed “race track” system.

  Abt. 4:30 we left for Camp David. Almost upon arrival the relaxing began. What a joy that beautiful spot is getting to be.

  [Saturday, July 11–Sunday, July 12: swimming and relaxing; returned to Washington. Monday, July 13: reviewed budget projections; met with Polish American and Italian American leaders; considered problem of returning undesirable Cubans; met with Gaston Thorn, president of the Commission of the European Communities; entertained Mrs. Reagan’s parents.]

  Tuesday, July 14

  We are still meeting & stewing about East-West trade and now we must take on the problem of what to do or if to do something to help the Polish people. Their economy is going bust. Here is the 1st major break in the Red dike—Poland’s disenchantment with Soviet Communism. Can we afford to let Poland collapse? But in the state of our present economy can we afford to help in a meaningful way? We can’t alone but if our NATO allies could really unite we could handle it.

  Met with Willie Stargell (Pitts. Pirates—most valuable player ’79 World Series). He has created a foundation for research in Sickle Cell Anemia. He’s quite a guy.

  [Invited to speak at Eureka College on fiftieth anniversary of graduation; attended ceremony at Irish Embassy in honor of father-in-law, Dr. Loyal Davis, a respected neurological surgeon.]

  Wednesday, July 15

  Jimmy Roosevelt came in to see me about the Centennial Birthday of F.D.R. next year. I agree there should be appropriate ceremonies.

  Began the briefing for the Ottawa Summit. A lot to do & I wonder if it’s worth it.

  Had to get dressed up for a drop by at the reception for top labor leaders.

  Thursday, July 16

  Most of the day given over to Ottawa & Cabinet meeting on our immigration problems. The Haitians and the criminal Cubans Castro sent us mixed in with the refugees our 2 greatest problems.

  Went to a small but pleasant dinner at Ex. Sen. John Sherman Cooper’s home. A nice evening—interesting talk with Lady Henderson (Ambas’s. wife).

  Friday, July 17

  Signed bill stretching out compliance time, clean air act for steel industry. This should be a big help.

  [Met with congressmen on tax bill and with veterans; prepared for Ottawa summit.]

  Rev. & Mrs. Billy Graham came for dinner & overnight. A really fascinating conversation. He’s well informed about world situation & knowledgeable about world leaders thru personal acquaintance.

  Saturday, July 18

  Sens. Baker & Dole, Dave Stockman, Max, Mike D., Ed Meese & Dick Darman came up to the study. It seems Jim Wright is playing games.

  On the House floor he introduced a resolution that the sense of the Congress be that we should drop from our budget cuts the elimination of the minimum Soc. Sec. benefit. It is presently in both the House & Senate versions. It is a pol. trick aimed solely at creating a 1982 election year issue for the Dem’s.

  [Reviewed Social Security benefit program.]

  Sen. Baker said I could fight or retreat—he’s not sure we can win either on the floor or in the conference committee. If I retreat the gains we’ve made in lowering inflation will be lost. It will be taken as a test of my determination & looked upon as a sign that I’ll back down on the tough decisions. Well I have no intention of retreating; I’ve sent a letter to our leaders on the hill informing them that early in August I’ll go on TV to discuss the Soc. Security problem. I think this will shake Jim Wright more than a little.

  Tomorrow off to Ottawa.

  Sunday, July 19

  Air Force One to Ottawa & then Marine One to Montebello—the largest log cabin in the world. The hotel is a marvelous piece of engineering, totally made up of logs.

  Had a one on one with Chancellor Schmidt. He was really down & in a pessimistic mood about the world.

  Following—met with Pres. Mitterrand—explained our ec. program & that high interest rates were not of our doing.

  Dinner that night was just the 8 of us. The 7 heads of State & the Pres. (Thorn) of the European Community. It became a really free wheeling discussion of ec. issues, trade etc. due largely to a suggestion by P.M. Thatcher.

  Monday, July 20–Tuesday, July 21

  I had one on ones (breakfast meetings with Margaret Thatcher & P.M. Suzuki. Also meetings with P.M. Sabatini of Italy. I hope he can hang on. I think he might do well with Italy.

  The schedule was heavy—plenary meetings morning & afternoon—always preceded by sessions with my own people—then working dinners just with the principals.

  [Concluding social events; flew back to Washington.]

  It was a successful summit—not divisive although it could have been with regard to our interest rates. I think we held our own very well and opened the door to a meeting on trade with the Soviet U.

  Margaret Thatcher is a tower of strength and a solid friend of the U.S.

  We held off what could have been a ganging up on Japan.

  Wednesday, July 22

  A half day with an N.S.C. meeting on our grain sales to the Soviet. I agreed to a 1 yr. extension—our agreement expires Sept. 30. We’ll let them wonder for awhile whether there can be a long term deal. Frankly I want some give from them on their obvious expansionism.

  [Considered federal assistance for synthetic fuel plants; luncheon for editors; horseback ride with Vice President Bush.]

  Six thirty a drop by at the annual “Gym Dinner” of the House—Carter never went.

  Thursday, July 23

  Saw “Mommie” off for London & the Royal Wedding. I worry when she’s out of sight 6 minutes. How am I going to hold out for 6 days. The lights just don’t seem as warm & bright without her.

  Went to the Oval office for the morning brief but my mind wasn’t on it. Met in the State Dining Room with St. Legislators, Mayors & Co. officials from a dozen states re the tax bill.

  [Visits by coach from Eureka football days and by former colleague from Sacramento; meetings separately with Republican and Democratic congressmen on tax bill.]

  Al Haig called & said we may have a “cease fire” tomorrow between Israel & the P.L.O.

  Watched the “Waltons” on T.V. and so to bed.

  Friday, July 24

  [Meetings with 191 Republican representatives on tax bill and with New Zealand prime minister Robert Muldoon.]

  Met with Congressmen who want the “Legal Assistance program” continued. We have proposed reducing it. We don’t object indeed we support legal aid for people too poor to hire a lawyer when they need one, but we object to the way it has become a lobby for all sorts of causes—class action suits, etc. which are the lawyers’ idea, not that of a client.

  Went to Smithsonian to see the “Catlin” exhibition. He was an early painter of the Am
erican Indian.

  Al Haig has brought me a case of our Ambassador who is undercutting him (Al) both with the govt. of the country in which he serves and indeed our foreign policy itself. In this case I believe Al is right. I’m going to have to have a nose to nose with Dick Allen (who picked the guy) and back Al.

  [Dinner party and showing of film Victory (1981).]

  Saturday, July 25

  The cease fire in the Middle East seems to be holding although some bands of P.L.O. may not have the word.

  Off to Camp David with Mike D. & the Bakers. This time bad weather—drizzly rain & fog. Not bad for me—I had a speech to write. Watched a movie—“Arthur.”

  Sunday, July 26

  Weather still bad so I finished the speech (for TV Mon. night). At noon 15 Dem. Congressmen (1 woman) came for a BarBQ & a pitch by me for our tax program. I think we did some good. Weather cleared some—the others got in some tennis. Left for W.H. about 5. Now here I am and it’s d--n lonesome. I did get a glimpse of Nancy on TV at the Polo match.

  Monday, July 27

  [Meetings all day: corporate lobbyists, trade associations, congressmen regarding tax program, Governor Fob James (D-AL), and Philip Habib, who has helped prolong a ceasefire in the Mideast.]

  Now I’ve just finished my broadcast. The D’s are already screaming. Calls in the 1st hour were 629 pro—148 against.

  Tuesday, July 28

  The morning after—W.H. received more calls than on any other appearance they ran better than 6 to 1 in favor of our tax bill.

  The schedule however was unbelievable. Throughout the entire day I was meeting with Cong’men. singly & in groups soliciting support. All of them told the same story—their phones in their districts & in the Cap were ringing off the wall. Tomorrow is the day & it’s too close to call but there is no doubt the people are with us.

  Met with Prince Bandar (Saudi Arabia). The last time I saw him he was learning to be a jet fighter pilot in Alabama. Met also with Jeanne Kirkpatrick. She says the U.N. is a worse can of worms than even she had anticipated. We’ve agreed the U.S. has got to get tough and maybe walk out a few times.


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