The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 10

by Ronald Reagan

  Wednesday, January 27

  A lot of briefing for a 2 hr. special with Dan Rather. Saw the show & wonder why we bothered.

  [Visit from Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) and Clemson University champion football players.]

  Thursday, January 28

  Awakened at 6:45 A.M. by Bill Clark telling me Gen. Dozier has been rescued in Padera Italy. Before morning was over I’d called Pres. Pertini to thank him for all his country had done. Their elite anti-terrorist force did a brilliant piece of work. Then I called the General. A lot of prayers were answered this day.

  Nancy & I visited the F.D.R. exhibit at the Smithsonian. Then back to the W.H. (East room) for a luncheon which brought together all the Roosevelt family plus many who had served in his admin. & current politicos of both parties. The press is dying to paint me as now trying to undo the New Deal. I remind them I voted for F.D.R. 4 times. I’m trying to undo the “Great Society.” It was L.B.J.’s war on poverty that led to our present mess.

  [Met with African American Republican leaders, Republican mayors, medical advisory group, and the cabinet regarding unemployment; dinner at the home of George Will.]

  Friday, January 29

  A lengthy cable from P.M. Thatcher re Poland. She is working hard to get allies to be more forceful in their actions.

  Met with Sens. Hatch & Thurmond on Voting Rts. Bill and “Tax Exemption Legis.” It was mainly lawyer talk so I moved them on to settle the legal points.

  John Jacobs, Pres, of Urban League came in. I believe we can continue communicating & establish a good relationship.

  Sen. Hayakawa came in to tell me he will not run for re-election. I think that’s good.

  We’re going to present a program to Congress calling for reforms—not cuts in tax regulations to tighten loopholes particularly for business. They’ll gain about $12 Bil. in revenue but they are truly reforms & all in all well justified.

  Saturday, January 30

  Solidarity Day. Charles Wick has really created a great international telecast studded with celebrities & heads of state proclaiming solidarity with the Polish people.

  Al Haig & Bill Clark came in for report on Al’s trip. He believes he did some good with Israel although he fears they may—on slightest provocation—war on Lebanon. […] Our choice—to go it alone with harsher steps against Poland and risk split in the alliance or meet with E. alliance on things we can do together. The latter is my choice. The plain truth is we can’t—alone—hurt the Soviets that much. The Soviets will however be disturbed at evidence their attempts to split us off from allies have failed.

  [Concern for Pentecostal Christian woman on hunger strike at U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Sunday, January 31: noted dinner the night before with Polish ambassador and others, watched 1981 Polish film Man of Iron and said, “It was most moving & made all of us more determined than ever to help these people.” Monday, February 1: met with Elizabeth Dole, assistant to the President for Public Liaison, and then “hard nosed conservative friends” concerned about direction of administration; dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds.]

  Tuesday, February 2

  An Ec. meeting to hear about the ec. The banks have upped the interest rates. Don R. says this is typical fluctuation when you are working your way out of a recession. He thinks it will be temporary. He also believes however, we’ve got to have more cooperation from the Fed. Reserve Bd.

  Addressed about 100 young people—participants in the Youth Senate program sponsored by the Hearst foundation. I told the B-17 story and again choked up so I could hardly finish.

  [Reception for Council on Physical Fitness; prepared for visit by President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.]

  Wednesday, February 3

  A rainy day so Pres. Mubarak’s greeting was in the East room. Our 1st meeting following the ceremonial was just the 2 of us in the Oval office. I had a whole program of subjects I intended to bring up. He began explaining his situation with the Soviets and I listened. But I guess the script will be taken up by others because he has meetings scheduled with Al, Cap, Don R., Bill Casey & others. Tonite the State Dinner and an Israeli violinist for entertainment.

  [Answered mail; state dinner.]

  Thursday, February 4

  [Attended Annual Prayer Breakfast.]

  Back to the W.H. for a last meeting with Pres. Mubarak. We decided to make $400 mil. of the $1.3 bil. mil. weapons for Egypt an outright grant. We’d been prepared to grant $200 mil. but politically he needed to take something back symbolizing a triumph resulting from his visit. I think he’s going to do darn well. We’re pushing for Suez passage for our nuclear vessels. He’s reluctant because the Soviets will want the same thing.

  Day was filled with meetings, N.S.C. etc. We have problems with El Salvador—the rebels seem to be winning. Guatemala could go any day & of course Nicaragua is another Cuba. Lots of options but no decisions. Mid afternoon I could hardly keep my eyes open—in fact I didn’t.—Tonite early to bed.

  Friday, February 5

  [Meeting on Federalism with congressmen; ambassadorial formalities.]

  The Sr. staff plus Stu Spencer, Dick Wirthlin, et al, are up at Camp David strategizing on the political situation. I’m not sure I’m happy about that. I don’t want them to be eternal optimists but sometimes they decide to fix things that aren’t broke.

  [“Cleaned up” speeches for delivery the following week.]

  Saturday, February 6

  Birthday phone calls—delivery of gifts, etc. Worked on speeches for Iowa, Ill. & Ind. the 8th & 9th & did thank you notes. Bill Clark called—trouble brewing in the Middle East. Israel on verge of major invasion of So. Lebanon because of P.L.O. mil. build up. We are trying to persuade them they must not move unless there is a provocation of such a nature—the world will recognize Israel’s right to retaliate. Right now Israel has lost a lot of world sympathy.

  A very nice dinner with Geo. Murphy & friend, the Mike Cowles, Annenbergs & Wirthlins. Finished up with a 1911 Port.

  [Sunday, February 7: a quiet day and some more desk work.]

  Monday, February 8

  Met with bi-partisan leadership on budget then with Repubs. alone. Then signed the bud. and sent it to the hill. Tip O’Neil still thinks I’m depriving the needy. Told the press I associate with the country club crowd. He plays golf & I don’t.

  [Lunch with star hockey players; flew to Minnesota for political rally; flew to Des Moines. Tuesday, February 9: spoke at fund-raiser and before state legislature on Federalism; flew to Indianapolis for similar appearances; returned to Washington and spoke to religious broadcasters convention.]

  Wednesday, February 10

  Short day but long NSC meeting. Subject should I or shouldn’t I make a Nat. speech re our Central American problems. Worry of the “no’s” is that I’ll sound like we’re going to war over El Salvador or Cuba. I finally said I thought we should do a speech about need to bring the Americas together in a solid alliance & I’d like to see a suggested draft on such a speech.

  At noon had about 300 of the gal’s who’ve been appointed in govt. at the W.H. to a stand up lunch.

  Last night ABC News had a story of an L.A. family about to be evicted. They bought a home in 1954 for $10,000 paid off the mortgage in 1965. In ’71 new street lamps were installed. Their assessment was $51. They never received a notice. Their home was sold for $170, then resold twice—again without any notice to them. All this time they’ve paid the taxes. Now a man appears with a court order claiming ownership & $6,100 rent due for the years they’ve lived there. I called Frank Reynolds & got all the dope—turned it over to Bill Clark. There must be something we can do about this.

  [National Press Club dinner.]

  Thursday, February 11

  Sens. Baker, Laxalt & Cong. Bob Michel came over this morning. There is unrest among the troops over the budget problem. The mystery of Sen. Hollings proposal to freeze spending, taxes, etc. at this year’s level for ’83 was explained. Sen. Baker persuaded him to do that
to drop a bomb on his own party. They’d love to go for the tax & the spending list—for Defense only—but they have to be against him for suggesting lower social reform spending than we did.

  N.S.C. briefing. Castro is very nervous. We’ll try to keep him that way.

  [Ray Donovan presented proposal for job training program to replace Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA).]

  I’ve agreed to a committee to review Fed. govt.’s property holdings (? of the land in the U.S.) and come up with a plan to sell unneeded property & use the money to pay off the debt.

  [Accepted resignation of Joe Canzeri, assistant to the President, over apparent financial impropriety; state dinner for foreign diplomats.]

  Friday, February 12

  [Signed proclamation for National Day of Prayer; spoke to appointees about campaigning; dentist visit; left for Camp David.]

  Still snow up here & more promised tonite. Ran a movie called “Missing.” It is a pretty biased slam at Chile and our own government.

  Saturday, February 13

  A nice long walk in the fresh snow. They’ve put a couple of bird feeders (at Nancy’s request) outside the windows. It’s a contest between the squirrels & the birds but I guess they all do fine.

  Ran “Inchon”—it is a brutal but gripping picture about the Korean War and for once we’re the good guys and the Communists are the villains. The producer was Japanese or Korean which probably explains the preceding sentence.

  Sunday, February 14

  We’re back in the W.H. now. Nancy is off to Fla. tomorrow. I don’t want to think about that.

  Monday, February 15—Washington’s Birthday

  Stayed home except for session in Situation Room. Briefing by C.I.A. on El Salvador. The Guerillas really have a sophisticated set up. I’d never suspected their organization & communications. They have divided the country into sections with a separate command group for each section and a network of permanent camps, well fortified. […] Now we must find a way to counter it. In the meantime, Ed Asner & some performers show up in Wash. with $25,000 they’ve raised for the Guerillas.

  Met with Paul Volcker. I think we’ve broken ground for a new and better relationship aimed at getting interest rates down. He thinks we can get short term rates down 3 or 4 points by June. Long term will take longer.

  I miss Mommie. She called from Fla.—will be home tomorrow nite.

  [Tuesday, February 16: received new ambassadors, including one from Israel upset over supposed remark by Caspar Weinberger; Mrs. Reagan returned; eye exam showed need for new contact lenses; noted George Bush appearance at meeting of antagonistic AFL-CIO leaders, saying, “Funny—I’m the 1st Pres. never invited to the AFL-CIO conventions & I’m the only Pres. who is a lifetime member of an AFL-CIO union.” Wednesday, February 17: agreeable meeting with Wilfried Martens, prime minister of Belgium and chairman of the European Council; prepared for press conference; cocktails with friends and Prime Minister Martens.]

  Thursday, February 18

  Press conference day. I think a good one but the “pack” was blood thirsty. Had a briefing on Soviet Arms. It was a sobering experience. There can be no argument against our re-arming when one sees the production complex they have established for the mfg. of every kind of weapon and war machine. Their sophistication is frightening.

  Friday, February 19

  Should have added yesterday our dinner for the Diplomatic Corps. This time Dobrynan was here as Dean of the Corps. Everything we’ve heard is true—they are a most likeable couple. In fact so much so you wonder how they can stick with the phoniness of the Soviet system.*

  Now—Friday—a quiet day. Came home early. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lemmon and a friend came by for cocktails and it was fun.

  [Saturday, February 20: briefing by Mike Deaver on upcoming European trip; screened film by Charlie Wick on Poland.]

  Sunday, February 21

  To “Christs Church” in Alexandria—sat in Geo. Washington’s pew. It was good to be back in a church. We haven’t gone since the Libya threat. I didn’t even mind the bullet proof vest.

  Rest of the day and evening at home. Geo. Murphy came by. He’s worried about the hard core conservatives rebelling. The “Conservative Digest” never has me captured by the moderates.

  Monday, February 22

  Helicoptered out to Mt. Vernon—250th B.D. of George Washington. A wreath on the tomb & then a brief speech which was live radio & carried in pub. schools across the country.

  Lunch on issues. I’m convinced of the need to address the people on our budget & the economy. The press has done a job on us and the polls show its effect. The people are confused about ec. program. They’ve been told it has failed and it’s just started.

  [Spoke at two conventions of government officials regarding Federalism; met with Phil Habib.]

  Tuesday, February 23

  A short night. We were sound asleep last nite when it sounded like the War of 1812. It seems some group had scheduled a Wash. B.D. fireworks display down on the mall at midnight.

  Met this A.M. with our Cong. leaders. They are really antsy about the deficit and seem determined that we must retreat on our program—taxes and defense spending. Yet they seem reluctant to go for the budget cutting we’ve asked for.

  Capital Historical Society presented me with a silver medal—struck for Geo. W’s B.D.

  Amvets came by with Gold helmet award I was to have received last April before the interruption.

  Lunched with George Will—hope I reassured him that I’m not a false front.

  Met with special emissary of P.M. Suzuki—told him Japan would have to do better regarding trade restrictions.

  Cab. Council on Food & Agri. Jack Block wants a tough anti-grain embargo statement to reassure our farmers. Can’t do completely what he wants because it is a threat now putting pressure on Soviets.

  [Met with Governor Bill Clements (R-TX) regarding the dissolution of the Energy Department; phoned presidents José López Portillo (Mexico) and Luis Herrera Campins (Venezuela) and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to brief them on the Caribbean plan to be introduced in speech before the Organization of American States (OAS); state dinner for governors.]

  Wednesday, February 24

  Day started early—briefing Cong. delegation—Dem. & Repub. on the Caribbean Initiative. I think we may have support on this—Jim Wright seemed darn right enthused.

  Then the address to the O.A.S. It was extremely well received and remarks from Ambassador relayed to me afterward were to the effect it was most impressive presentation ever made to the O.A.S.

  [Addressed employees of the Voice of America on its fortieth anniversary.]

  Thursday, February 25

  A jammed up day with meetings running one on top of the other. Everything from briefing Repub. Leadership on the O.A.S. speech at the same time I was trying to finish writing the speech which I deliver tomorrow noon; to meeting with representatives of various groups and causes.

  Friday, February 26

  Series of N.S.C. meetings re sanctions on Soviets, what to do with 3000 jailed Cubans. Castro infiltrated with the Mariel refugees. These have criminal records and history of mental problems. They are truly violent and were evidently released from prison and hospitals in Cuba just to be dumped on us.

  A judge threatens to release them from our jails and turn them loose on society. The problem—as yet unsolved is how to return them.

  Richard Viguery held press conference along with John Lofton and blasted me as not a true conservative—made me wonder what my reception would be at the Conservative Dinner. I needn’t have worried—it was a love fest. Evidently R.V. & J.L. don’t speak for the rank and file conservatives. Speech was well received.

  [Saturday, February 27: worked at home, mainly on foreign relations. Sunday, February 28: noted morning snow storm. Monday, March 1: worked on speeches for upcoming trip; Mrs. Reagan left for L.A. Tuesday, March 2: morning in the office then flew west for rallies in Cheyenne and Albuque
rque; day ended at Century Plaza Hotel in L.A. with Mrs. Reagan and Patti.]

  Wednesday, March 3–Sunday, March 7

  [Met with businessman Peter Grace on recent trip to Japan; spoke at rally as guest of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors.]

  Back to hotel—Bill Wilson came by with an account of a secret meeting in Rome where Italian businessmen (2) brought a Libya official to see him who claims Quadaffi wants to restore good relations with us. Turned info over to Ed Hickey.

  That nite an anniversary (our 30th) dinner at the Wilsons. All our old friends—a wonderful evening. Thurs. 4th thru to Monday March 8 at the ranch. Wonderful as always. Construction started on Lee’s house. “Little Man” is out to pasture—end of an era. There was his mother 1st—“Tar Baby” then his sister, “Nancy D.” Now end of line. Sunday a fantastic affair with Merle Haggard and his band at a neighbor’s ranch—BBQ and all as part of series on presenting young future stars on P.B.S. Several hundred present who have helped us over the years.

  Monday, March 8

  As always—the most beautiful day of the trip. So we got on A.F.1 and returned to Wash. Doria and Ron are staying at the W.H. with us.

  Tuesday, March 9

  [Met with Republican senators to reestablish support for proposed budget, and later with Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher of West Germany.]

  Then heard Gen. Walters story of his meeting with Castro. Walters does one h--l of a job. He’s going back again and maybe we’ll be sending Castro back his jailbirds and maniacs he hid in the Marial boat lift. He says Castro really sounds like he’d like to make up. Walters let him know we have a price.

  [Wednesday, March 10: answered mail; attended Joffrey Ballet.]

  Thursday, March 11

  [Meetings with NSC; the National Association of Black County Officials; local officials regarding Federalism plan.]


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