The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 15

by Ronald Reagan

  [Congress brought the balanced budget to the floor; spoke to members; barbecue dinner at W.H. with entertainment by Roger Williams, Tammy Wynette, and the Army chorus; report of four Marines killed in Beirut.]

  Friday, October 1

  Lunch in the St. Dining room for the Supreme Ct.—very enjoyable. They were gratified. Tradition has it that they report their return to Wash. to the Pres. as court convenes for the Oct. session. I guess few, if any Presidents in recent years have formalized it with a luncheon.

  Supposed to leave early for Camp David but House was playing games with balanced bud. amendment. First they introduced a straight statute which was overwhelmingly defeated as it should have been. Then came the Const. amendment which required a ? vote. It got a sizeable majority but failed to make the ?. I appeared in the press room and laid it on the House Dem. leadership where the blame properly lies. Prior to that met with Amb. (to Russia) Hartman. It was a fruitful meeting. He confirmed much of what I feel about Soviets—their economy is staggering, there is corruption & rampant cynicism re communism & the govt. Finally at 5:30 off to Camp David.

  [Saturday, October 2–Sunday, October 3: rode horseback and relaxed. Monday, October 4: flew to Ohio for appearances; accepted resignation of director of Veterans Administration; returned to W.H.; Mrs. Reagan on trip to Phoenix.]

  Tuesday, October 5

  [Listed day’s meetings with Al Spiegel, Bill Clements, and Patriarch of Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem; taped message for Marines’ anniversary.]

  Al is concerned about a growing anti-semitism and I concede anger at Begin and Sharon has made that possible. We’ll do all we can to stop it. The patriarch awarded me the “great cross” as the foremost peace maker in the world. It contains a sliver from the cross upon which our Lord was crucified.

  The news—C.B.S. & Wash. Post described my trip to Ohio as a chilly reception. That is blatant falsehood. I’ve never been greeted with greater warmth and enthusiasm. I think their bias toward the Dems. is showing.

  Wednesday, October 6

  I’ve had a top secret briefing on our ability at covert operations abroad. They made it plain we had lost this capacity under the previous admin. If our people only knew the heroism of unsung Americans risking their life every min. of every hour around the clock, they’d be as proud as I am.

  Had an unusual experience in the East Room. I was speaking to our Congressional candidates plus quite a group of Congressmen and women. Suddenly a young bearded man from Calif. stood up and started a diatribe against me. It was as if he were reciting that terrible edition of the “Conservative Digest.” I got a little angry a la N.H. and the debate. The whole press corps was covering the event. I teed off and answered his charges with facts and told him to shut up. I got the most heartwarming ovation from all present. Everyone seems to think I won a great victory.

  [Cabinet meeting on anti-drug campaign.]

  Thursday, October 7–Monday, October 11

  [Flew west for appearances in Nevada, California, Mexico, and Texas.]

  Nevada was great—the big rally was at the U. of Nev. Reno. I’m not used (after the 60’s) to having college students whooping it up for me. Thurs. nite the Joffrey Ballet performed in open air at night—the Murdock’s home in Bel Air. It was beautiful and they raised $1,700,000.

  Fri. to Long Beach for a public signing of the “Export” bill and a speech to a large crowd on the pier—many of them unemployed dock workers. Jesse Calhoun—Pres. of the Union is truly on our side.

  Then we flew to TiJuana—met with Pres. elect de la Madrid at Del Coronado. We got along fine. I think he’ll be good for Mexico.

  [Arrived at the ranch Friday night; saw Mrs. Reagan; she left Sunday for Washington; “It’s the 1st time I’ve ever been at the ranch without her. I don’t like it”; noted fires in L.A. County; left Monday for fund-raiser in Dallas; returned to W.H.]

  Tuesday, October 12

  1st day back—seemed like a Monday. Pres. & Mrs. Soharto of Indonesia arrived—usual ceremony—good meetings and magnificent State dinner. Entertainment a very charming, opera singer who captivated everyone—Fredericka Von Stabe.

  [Lunch with Vice President Bush; signed the Omnibus Crime Bill and Missing Children’s Act; met with cabinet on agricultural problems; Secretary of the Interior James Watt present for signing of repeal of 1902 water bill.]

  Wednesday, October 13

  Met in W.H. Treaty room with Alan Greenspan & several Cabinet members and staff re the Soc. Security Commission. We have put the figures together and Soc. Security is a disaster beyond our worst imaginings. We meet here in W.H. to avoid press ever knowing we are meeting.

  Met with Don Rumsfeld who is going abroad to meet with our allies and try to persuade them to join us in rejecting the deep sea mining provisions of the Law of the Sea treaty.

  An N.S.C. meeting—then preparation for broadcast speech on ec. Demos furious—ABC refuses to carry it. NBC & CBS are at 7:30. Back home heard the speech went well. Now to wait for the returns. Market up again today—Dow Jones above 1000. Prime rate at 12.

  [Thursday, October 14: addressed group at the Justice Department on anti-drug program; viewed CIA movie on Soviet space program, regarded as “much further ahead than most people realize and their main effort has been military”; visits from soccer stars Pelé and Steve Moyers, from California Republican politician Elsa Sandstrom, and then Justin Dart (disabilities superactivist and presidential appointee to the Board of Directors of the Communications Satellite Corporation); made appearance at conference of business leaders; addressed Republican rallies nationwide via closed-circuit television.]

  Friday, October 15

  Did a radio address to farm network telling them on grain sales we guaranteed sanctity of contract—meaning once they made the deal to sell we would not put an embargo on.

  Signed bill in Rose Garden—Sen. Jake Garn & several Congressmen and Cabinet members present as well as bank & savings & loan leaders from all over the country. It had to do with untangling and removing some of the restrictive regulations on such institutions.

  An N.S.C. meeting. George S. has made some progress on negotiations with our European cousins. If we can get enough agreement on credit restrictions, etc. to the Soviet U. we could lift the sanctions on the pipeline.

  [Visit from Florida Republican fund-raisers; went to Camp David.]

  Saturday, October 16–Sunday, October 17

  All set for a ride on Sat. then it started to rain—even a snow flurry so we sent the horses home. Then the sun came out and Sunday was also beautiful although crisp and cool.

  Saturday’s radio broadcast was on the economy. I cited F.D.R. and said our greatest problem now was fear.

  [Monday, October 18: met with Senator Nicholas Brady (R-NJ), who predicted prime interest rate would drop by year’s end; received citation from National Venture Capitalists Association; met with commission on military recruiting; tea with King of Norway; teleconference with Republicans in fifteen cities.]

  Tuesday, October 19

  Brkfst. with Pres. of Lebanon—Amin Gemayel & then a meeting with him and his ministers and our NSC and state people as well as some Cabinet members in the Cabinet Room. I’m impressed, he is modest and apparently totally dedicated to doing his job for the people of Lebanon. He wants us to help him set up his admin.

  Lunch with George Bush—he’s really been out on the trail campaigning for our cand’s. (about 5 days a week).

  Jimmy Lyons and Ted Stivers came in with an ambitious plan for holding our team together. They’ve talked to Bill Wilson about taking it on & he’s willing apparently to give up the Vatican role to do it. I’ll have to talk to him. First, he’s very good at that—2nd, they would have him a deputy to me complete with staff, at Cabinet level etc. I think it would cause chaos in a well organized set up.

  Taped commercials for cand’s.—then a reception in tent on S. Lawn for N.R.C. staff. A pleasant affair. They’ve already got bumper stickers reading “

  [Wednesday, October 20: flew to Illinois for campaign rally on farm; flew to Peoria for rally with Charlton Heston and Pat Boone; met with grateful Lebanese Americans; flew to Omaha. Thursday, October 21: signed grain alcohol bill; receptions for local candidates; returned to Washington; met Mrs. Reagan, who had been at funeral for Bess Truman.]

  Friday, October 22

  The big day! King Hassan (Morocco) and representatives of the Arab League including one from Syria & one representing the Palestinians. This was no negotiating session. They were here to exchange views with the express idea there would be nothing calling for a yes or no answer. We met in the Cabinet room. It was apparent the King in his presentation as spokesman had to be careful to represent a consensus view. Still it gave room for optimism. There seems to be a general feeling that King Hussein (Jordan) should be the negotiator with Israel.

  Then the King & I went in for a one on one in the oval office. There we got down to the real meat—the P.L.O. He had met with Arafat. He accepted my view that Arafat would have to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a nation before we could have any contact with him. He offered a sample of what Arafat should say and I agreed it was good enough. Then he indicated he thought he could deliver that in 3 weeks or a month.

  We broke for lunch—a very pleasant one in the State Dining room. The King introduced us to tea with Am. mint. It was very tasty.

  A few office chores then off to Camp David.

  Saturday, October 23

  Cold & bright—took a short horseback ride. Late afternoon Doria & Ron arrived for a family pow-wow. He’d been rude to Nancy on a phone call and when I phoned him about it he said he thought we needed to clear the air.

  It wasn’t the greatest meeting but still I think it opened the door to a closer relationship. He seemed to be carrying water for Patti who has a kind of yo-yo family relationship. She’s either warmly attentive or very distant & Nancy seems to bear the brunt of it.

  Sunday, October 24

  Saw them off and back to the W.H. Having a dinner with sports flavor. Father Hesburgh of N.D. is presenting us with a print of “Knute Rockne, All American.” I’ve never owned one. So dinner with a lot of sports figures & a running of the film.

  It was quite an experience to see it again after all these years and to see it in such company—Sonny Jorgenson, Gale Sayers, Merlin Olson, Joe Theisman—the Notre Dame Coach and many, many more. For me it was a truly nostalgic evening.

  Monday, October 25

  Brkfst. with Jerry Ford. He’s been campaigning all over the country. He attended our N.S.C. briefing, also.

  Dick Wirthlin came in with poll results—some good, some not so good. He gives us 8 chances out of 10 of holding the Sen. It will be disastrous if we don’t.

  Had a Cabinet meeting about high technology & Japans move to grab that off as they did the auto market. I’ve OK’d a study as to how we resist.

  Some bill signings, tapings and a meeting with our commission on women and how we can really help achieve equality.

  [Tuesday, October 26: flew to North Carolina for campaign appearances; presented singer Kate Smith with Medal of Freedom; fund-raiser; returned to W.H.; Mrs. Reagan in New York in connection with her book; report on economic indicators.]

  Wednesday, October 27

  Winners of N.Y. Marathon male and female came by with lovely young lady who finished the 26 miles in 11 hours. She has Cerebral Palsy and did the race on crutches. ABC covered her entire 11 hours. I could hardly keep from crying at the bravery of this girl. She has a twin sister also suffering from C.P. also on crutches.

  Then lunch with all the relatives alive of T. Roosevelt. It’s his 125th birthday. He won 1st Nobel Peace Prize to an Am. They’ve presented it to the W.H.—1st time it’s ever been on public display. It was a wonderfully warm and enjoyable occasion.

  [Ambassadorial formalities; opened savings bond drive.]

  Rcv’d. a letter from Mrs. Sharon Gardner out in Hammond, Ind. She had written before. She is 42, divorced, a victim of Spinal Bifida—no legs left—in a wheel chair. No complaint—she’s on Soc. Security disability. Her 17 yr. old son, Kevin sounds like a great young man. He’s working to help out and getting an education at the same time. When I answered in July I enclosed a $100 check made out to him. This latest letter was one of warmest thanks and all, but some banker had told him I probably didn’t intend him to cash the check, so he still has it. I phoned Mrs. Gardner and told her to cash it and I’d send the cancelled check back as a souvenir. It was a lump in throat call for me. She sounds like the nicest kind of person. It’s been a nice day.

  [Thursday, October 28–Friday, October 29: flew to western states for campaign appearances; returned East to Camp David, noting “Nancy was watching ‘Meet Me in St. Louis.’ It was good to be there holding hands with her again.”]

  Saturday, October 30–Sunday, October 31

  Did radio show I’d written on the plane—an open letter replying to Don Riegel’s ridiculous message to me. Ride in the afternoon. I rode a Stud named Bull. Jackpot died a few days ago. Ran a mystery movie—not a naughty word in it. Today, Sunday watched TV panel shows all talking about the election. Took a walk after lunch—a beautiful Indian Summer weekend. Now back at W.H.

  Monday, November 1

  An easy day in that there were no meetings other than the issues briefing lunch and the usual staff meetings, NSC etc. The press is really revealing its bias on this election eve. After lunch went to G.W. Hospital to see Ed Rollins in for a clot in his carotid artery. He looks fine. His parents were there—a very nice couple. It did seem a little strange walking in there. Incidentally Hinckley was caught in an escape attempt today.

  Back at the W.H. Came to the study and worked all afternoon on letters Anne Higgins thought I’d like to see. She was right. They are so upbeat, from all kinds of people—many with problems but they write to say they’ll handle them without govt. help. Tonite over to Mike Deaver’s for a farewell part for Morgan Mason who’s going to work for Rogers & Cowan in L.A. King Vidor died today—97. Nancy got word her mother has gall stones. This has been a terrible year and a half for Nancy, beginning with my mishap March 30, 1981.

  Tuesday, November 2

  Election day! Harry Byrd yesterday virtually endorsed our candidate as his successor. I’d called him to ask if he would. He explained his son was working our man Tribble as were all of his associates and his papers had endorsed him. But he didn’t think it was right for him to—in a sense name his successor. Well he must have changed his mind.

  I didn’t have time today to think about the election. An NSC briefing by Tom Reed on the MX. Then an NSC meeting on the new credit lines etc. we’re trying to get our allies to go along. If they do we can lift much of the pipeline sanction as unnecessary in light of there new restrictions. We’re close but France is holding out on one paragraph.

  Briefing on our upcoming budget situation. We really are in trouble. Our one time projections—pre recession are out the window & we look at $200 bil. deficits if we can’t pull some miracles. Speaking of miracles & such the mkt. went up more than 20 pts.

  [Briefing with Cabinet Council on positive economic news; lunch with Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV).]

  Tonite a gang coming in for buffet & to watch the election returns. It was a nice evening & turned out alright—some disappointments & some bell ringers. Lost 25 in house—had to expect that & it could have been worse. Held the Senate 54–46. Millicent Fenwick lost—I’m sorry. But high spot—we won Gov. & Senator in Calif. Bye Bye Brown.

  Wednesday, November 3

  Did a press appearance in Rose Garden re the election returns. I’m sure they were sorry I was so happy.

  [Visit from Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini of Italy, termed Italy under him “a dependable ally”; budget meeting; met Don Hodel, new secretary of Energy; called candidates.]

  Thursday, November 4

  Continued making calls to winners & losers. No call to Jim Thomps
on Gov. Illinois. His election is tied up with Dem. controlled Chi. finding empty ballot boxes, ballots in car trunks and you name it. We may not know for a year who won. Had a Nat. Security Planning Group meeting re activities in Nicaragua & Poland. It was reassuring to find out how effective we can be.

  Pres. Monge of Costa Rica came in. He’s a good man & has been doing his best to pull his country out of an economic crisis. We then lunched in the East room with delegates from all over the free world here for the Conference on Elections. This grew out of my speech to Parliament last summer in London—start of a program to sell democracy to the world.

  [Paul Laxalt accepted chairmanship of the Republican National Committee (RNC); met with own regional political directors; farewell party for staffer.]

  ABC news had story about a woman with a country restaurant in Texas along a hi-way in a Nat. Park. The Park service wants to bulldoze her café to improve the view. I called Jim Watt (in California). He’s going to look into it.

  Friday, November 5

  An easy day for some reason—except for the 1¼ hours I spent in the dentist chair having my choppers cleaned.

  Before that an N.S.C. meeting then a meeting with Jeanne [Jeane] Kirkpatrick. Jeanne says the U.N. is a miserable place. I thought she was about to resign—but, no, she’ll stay with it. Expressed a thought though that deserves real consideration. We’re the only major country that dispenses aid on the basis of need instead of using it to reward friends. We, therefore have no voting block in the U.N. beholden to us and loyal.

  [Visit from a family that adopted fourteen handicapped children; lunch with Nancy and Bill Buckley; deskwork all afternoon. Saturday, November 6: radio broadcast; lunch with regional party Republican chairmen to announce that NRC should run reelection campaign. Sunday, November 7: coffee with Prince Philip and UK ambassador and wife; PBS “Young American Talent” program, with Itzhak Perlman hosting. Monday, November 8: meeting with Cabinet Council on economics regarding high unemployment and massive deficit; met with Supreme Allied Commander of NATO; conference on falling exports.]


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