The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 17

by Ronald Reagan

  Monday, December 13

  [NSC briefing; visit from Prime Minister Poul Schlüter of Denmark, “a good man and more akin to us in thinking than his predecessor”; issues briefing lunch; met with Drunk and Drugged Driving task force.]

  Called Geo. Shultz in Rome to wish him a happy Birthday. He says Pres. Pertini is still talking about Nancy.

  Had a hush hush meeting with NSC to complete report on covert activities by C.I.A. These had almost ceased under the previous admin. I was greatly reassured to learn what we are doing now—it’s quite extensive and effective.

  Met with about 30 Hearst editors in a Q&A session—told them I’d answer all the Q’s we didn’t get to by mail.

  Don Rumsfeld came to report on his mission to steer our allies off the Law of the Sea treaty. He did a good job, Japan, U.K., F.R.G., Italy etc. all joined us in not signing. The treaty would turn the entire oceans of the world over to an international body with supreme power even to tax.

  Saw the Mexican Ambassador off to Mexico—he is now the Foreign Minister replacing Castaneda whom I never trusted. His son-in-law is a member of the Cuban Polit. Bureau.

  Early dinner & downstairs to the Cong. Christmas reception where we shook hands in an hour long reception line.

  Tuesday, December 14

  Held an MX meeting with Dem. & R. Sens. Consensus was we should go for a compromise they’ve worked out to appropriate money but fence it in until both houses can agree on a basing mode. Not good but best we can do.

  [Meeting with Republican leadership on MX, gas tax; then business executives in National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee.]

  Spent most of afternoon in a dismal ec. briefing about the deficits and the little chance we have of getting further budget cuts. Then on to Soc. Security. I’m afraid our bi-partisan commission has failed us.

  [Photo session. Wednesday, December 15: visit from Prime Minister Francisco Pinto Balsemão of Portugal, who expressed doubt that Angola and Mozambique would continue to maintain relationships with the USSR; budget review; calls seeking support for MX bill; dinner and overnight with the Reverend and Mrs. Billy Graham. Thursday, December 16: staff meeting, NSC briefing; cabinet meeting regarding changes in education grants; meeting with telecommunications executives; lunch with Vice President Bush; met with Eagles, Republican loyalists; NSC regarding overall policy toward Soviet Union; interview with Washington Post; photo sessions with sports stars in anti-drug message, and with Future Farmers of America, Mormon Youth Choir; ambassadorial formalities; Christmas tree lighting; holiday reception for W.H. press corps; “Hanging over the whole afternoon & evening—A B52 crashed on take off in Sacramento—loss of crew”; another plane crash in Cincinnati, which killed four FBI agents.]

  Friday, December 17

  Cabinet council meetings—re trade matters and moving “off bud.” loan programs on top the bud. They are part of this whole Mickey Mouse budgeting system the Congress insists on preserving. They are responsible for 10% of the Trillion $ debt. Did some taping and met with reps. of the Minority business Assn. Took an hour out and went riding at the Park Police Indoor riding hall. Then in late afternoon dropped in on Bill Clark’s NSC party at Blair house.

  I also today phoned the widow & children of the 4 F.B.I agents who died in yesterday’s plane crash. They tore my heart out.

  Saturday, December 18

  Radio broadcast & a round table live interview by representatives of 8 independent radio networks. It went well and I had a chance to get in some licks about the Dems. so-called “jobs” programs—also re the charge that we discriminate against minorities.

  3:30 the military visit to the White House. It was frustrating—the crowd was so thick in every room and the hall that we could only stand on the stairway and yell Merry Xmas.

  6:09 P.M.—the Secret Service reception—took pictures with all of them & their wives or girlfriends.

  Ron and Doria arrived—will stay through Sunday. Doria is doing a review of some performance at Kennedy Center.

  Howard Baker with Bob Dole & Paul L. called (phone) to tell me they would keep the Sen. in session all night & take up the “gas tax” bill in effort to break the filibuster by Helms, Humphrey & Nichols if I said O.K.—I said it.

  Sunday, December 19

  Snowing but I’m afraid it’s too warm—37 degrees for it to last. Nancy is yearning for a White Xmas. Quiet day—the 4 of us lunched in the solarium. At 3 P.M. we have to go downstairs for the W.H. and Exec. O. Bldg. reception. We went and every room was jammed. We shook as many hands as we could through the State Dining Room, the Red, Blue, Green & East Rooms & back to the staircase.

  Word from the hill indicates we may get the gas tax and the Continuing Res. in a form I can sign.

  Tonite Ron told us he wants to quit Ballet & go to writing. I can’t say I’m sorry although he worked hard & was getting along well—but there isn’t much of a future and it is a short career.

  Monday, December 20

  Only one thing on my mind today. Nancy had a small growth removed from her upper lip. They took a biopsy but we won’t have word for 24 hours. I know she’s worried and so am I.

  Part of the day was spent by me phoning the “Hill” on all the unfinished business going on in this lame duck session. Even the members of both Houses are going on the air declaring that the game playing & politics is a disgrace.

  Tuesday, December 21

  Word came that the growth was a form of skin cancer caused by the sun. But we are both re-assured. It is an easily cured form & in her case it was cleanly excised—no further treatment needed. Dan Ruge says he had one removed 10 years ago—no problem.

  King Hussein of Jordan arrived. I really like him. He is our hope to lead the Arab side and the P.L.O. in negotiating with the Israelis. He has some problems in order to keep the trust of other Arab states & right now Israel is proving difficult. I told the King this was a top priority of mine & we’d go all the way to bring peace to the Middle East & we’d stand by Jordan. They’ll be here until Thurs. so his team & ours will meet tomorrow & he & I will have breakfast Thurs. A.M.

  Up on the Hill it looks like we won’t get the C.B.I. or the gas tax but we have the continuing resolution so the govt. won’t be shut down.

  [Call to woman with rare disease.]

  This mornings paper, N.Y. Times had a story of a 29 yr. old man (out of work for 12 months), wife & 8 kids, had applied for a job in N.Y. On the way home a 75 yr. old blind man broke his cane & fell between the cars of the subway. Young Mr. Andrews without hesitation leaped off the platform between the cars & rescued him. I called him—from his voice I knew he was black. I asked if he’d gotten the job. He said they’d called him to come for an interview & he was on his way there. I called the company—the operator said the manager & his mother were both on the phone. I asked if they’d read the story—they had. Andrews has a job.

  Wednesday, December 22

  [Noted that business executive also helped the New York hero Reginald Andrews.]

  Gave out medals today to teenagers for service and for heroism in 1980 & one for 1981. Choked up on one—an 18 year old went down a pipe into a tank to try & save 2 paramedics who had passed out from noxious fumes. I had to give the medal to his parents—he died in the attempt.

  [Reiterated support for Caribbean Basin Initiative before regional ambassadors.]

  Another Bud. meeting—there’ll be blood on the floor with this one—we’re going to try and reform the entitlement programs.

  Thursday, December 23

  A busy hectic day—but the Senate voted cloture & then passed the gas tax highway bill. Thank Heaven the Congress has now gone home.

  Final meeting with King Hussein. I believe we’ve made great progress and, unless the Israelis throw sand in the gears, he should be back here in a few weeks to announce he’ll negotiate with them.

  A day full of meetings on Federalism, Women’s issues, the Private Initiative program, etc.

  Friday, D
ecember 24

  Nancy didn’t get her “White Christmas Eve.” In fact it is almost a shirt sleeve day. We’ve spent it quietly here in the White House. Patti arrived at 6 P.M. and at 7 we were on our way to the Wicks for the Christmas eve dinner that has become tradition with our families. It was as usual—fun evening—Cindy played Santa this time and we all sang Xmas Carols with Charles at the piano.

  Saturday, December 25

  We opened presents and at noon I called Mr. Ottman, V.P. of Sheraton Corp. He opened the ballroom at the Sheraton Central Hotel in N.Y. to provide Christmas dinner for 500 homeless people. His employees gave up their Xmas to serve & work.

  The Wicks, Deavers & Ruges came for a 5 o’clock dinner—a most enjoyable time. Lucy Fisher and Doug Wick, houseguests overnight.

  Sunday, December 26

  Quiet day—guests are gone. Patti to the movies. The brutal overthrow in Surinam by a small officer clique in the army. Wants slaughter of about 30 civic leaders and total takeover of all media. We believe Dutch who were contributing $100 mil. a year have shut the spigot. I advocate approaching the Dutch about sending in their 4 or 500 marines who are in the Caribbean. We could help legislatively and block out Cuba intervention.

  Monday, December 27–Sunday, January 2, 1983

  [Left for western trip; visited Mrs. Reagan’s mother in Phoenix, her health improved “due at least in part to the change in doctors”; attended recommissioning ceremony for battleship New Jersey in Long Beach, California; traveled Wednesday to Palm Springs for golf and socializing.]

  Fri. the weather turned beautiful—played 11 holes & surprised myself with a few pars. New Years Eve at Sunnylands & as always a wonderful evening with old friends. Sat. New Years day—beautiful but spent half the day in meetings & the rest watching the bowl games on TV. Dinner party at a new club—given by the Wrathers & Darts. Mike D. proposed & I agreed to go by the La. floods on way home.

  And Sun. on the way back (Nancy staying in Calif. for a few days doing some charity events) set down at Monroe, La. It really is devastated by the floods but the people were out in droves and their spirits are high. I shoveled a few sand bags for the cameramen—toured the area with Governor Dave Treen & a good boll-weevil Congressman. Then went on radio and called on others to help the flood victims. Promised I’d approve Governor’s request for disaster aid.

  Now it’s bedtime and tomorrow is Mon.



  Monday, January 3

  [Staff and NSC meetings; calls from congressional leadership.]

  A tough budget meeting & how to announce the deficits we’ll have—they are horrendous & yet the Dems. in Cong. are saying there is no room for budget cuts. Met with a group of young Repub. Congressmen. Newt Gingrich has a proposal for freezing the budget at the 1983 level. It’s a tempting idea except that it would cripple our defense program. And if we make an exception on that every special interest group will be asking for the same.

  [Signed bill subsidizing phone aids for the hard of hearing; dinner with congressional leadership.]

  Oops—almost forgot—signed order launching our commission to study the MX landing system. Former General Scowcroft is Chmn.

  Dinner very pleasant—Eddie Albert entertained—songs & poetry. He was great.

  Tuesday, January 4

  Brkfst. with G.O.P. leaders (Sen.). Gave them bad news about deficits. They agree the law that says we must project 5 yrs. ahead is crazy but we still have to do it. No economist can predict more than 1 yr. ahead (if that) with any degree of accuracy. Nat. Security Planning Group—met re Surinam. Press is neglecting this place possibly because the blood thirsty dictator is on the left. He had about 30 labor leaders, academics & civic leaders executed and is seeking alliance with Cuba. This must not be allowed. We have to find a way to stop him. The Marines could do it but we’d lose all we’ve gained with the other Latin Am. countries.—Working lunch with cabinet on medicare and medicaid. I’ll have a decision to make there. Started briefing for tomorrow night’s press conf.

  [Visit from President and Mrs. Yitzkah Navon of Israel; rehearsal for press conference; introduced Elizabeth Dole as secretary of Transportation; difficult questioning at press conference.]

  Thursday, January 6

  Signed the Gas Tax bill, had lunch with the V.P., met with House Repub. leaders. Talked budget with them. Didn’t get any hint of panic & believe we can come up with some saleable ideas. My own unspoken idea is that we should give 2 sets of projections—one if recovery is low say 3% & one if it is at 6% as many economists predict.

  [Cabinet Council meeting, discussed using unemployment insurance in relation to job training; photo session; gym; dinner for new members of Congress.]

  Friday, January 7

  Met with Sens. re the crime bill. It doesn’t have all of the things we wanted & does have one thing we don’t want—appt. of a drug Czar. I’ll decide Mon. whether I can sign it Monday. If I sign we can make the Att. Gen. the Czar and maybe down the line we can legislate some changes.

  Lunch with Bill C. and Henry K. He’s very much in support of what we are doing in the Middle East. In fact, he was most complimentary.

  [Signed bill on nuclear waste disposal; meeting with groups sympathetic to Lebanon, Danny Thomas present.]

  Bill Clark talked to me about leaving—problems with his ranch & his family. I didn’t talk or try to talk him out of it because of his problems. Then I talked to Helene who knows he is torn and really would prefer to stay. Lord knows I want him to stay. So I told him to take a month’s leave—go to the ranch & return. That’s what he’ll do.

  Off to Camp David.

  [Saturday, January 8–Sunday, January 9: radio broadcast Saturday; worked in front of the fire; returned to W.H.]

  Monday, January 10

  Wet weather & a typical Mon. in every other way—a jam packed schedule with no time to catch up on memo etc. Main part of day spent on budget. We’re close to agreement on a lean budget including $11.3 bil. in defense cuts. Cap isn’t happy but says he can do it without wiping out new weapons systems. Part of it will be—no pay increase for 1984. But then we’re asking for that across the board for everyone.

  Met with Phil Habib—he’s on his way back to Lebanon. The msg. for P.M. Begin is that I want action. Another meeting was with NSC planning group re our strategy with the Soviet Union. Geo. S. thinks our re-direction since we’ve been here is a success.

  [Met with Governor Thomas Kean (R-NJ) with plan for revolving loan fund, authorized by Congress. Tuesday, January 11: flew to Dallas to address National Farm Bureau; met with supporters from 1980 campaign; visited food bank; noted prime interest rate was lowered; Weinberger agreed to budget cuts; returned to W.H.; received gift of electric train set from hobbyists.]

  Wednesday, January 12

  Supposed to be a half day but it turned out to be a full one. Met with Sen. R. Byrd to do a little stroking. A long Cab. meeting on options for treating with the unemployed. Bill Casey came by—feels strongly we should have a p.r. office to get our story to the country. We certainly can’t depend on the news media. I agree with him.

  A lot of N.S.C. business—Eugene Rostow resigned as head of “arms control.” We’ve had trouble there. We’re appointing a new man also to head up our conventional arms reduction negotiators in Geneva. I think some of our friction in the top 3 staff is cleared up. Announced Margaret Heckler as Secretary of HHS.

  Thursday, January 13

  A drop by—Christian Dem. party chairman of Italy, Mr. Mata. Then a visit by Mayor Jacque Chirac of Paris. He’s a good, sound & charming man with solid ideas. An N.S.C. meeting re our arms negotiations—we’ll stick with our zero option plan. Found I was wishing I could do the negotiating with the Soviets—They can’t be any tougher than Y. Frank Freeman & Harry Cohen. A phone call from Malcolm Fraser of Australia—P.M. I think he’ll visit us in the Spring. He’s a good man. I called 3 N.Y. police officers wounded by terrorist bombing in N.Y. One lost a le
g, another an eye and one has serious wounds.

  Friday, January 14

  A long NSC briefing re the visit of P.M. Nakasone of Japan. Amb. Mike Mansfield was on hand. Following this, a meeting with U.N. Sec. Gen. Perez Cuellar. We’d decided I should have a press availability today to straighten out the girls and boys of the press who are all preaching that our “arms policy” is in disarray over the resignation (firing) of Eugene Rostow. I opened by using all their words about them—that they were in Disarray, chaotic about to unravel into complete shambles. They got the msg. & seemed a little self-conscious. It was a good session. I enjoyed myself.

  [Photo session; phoned televised job fairs around the country. Saturday, January 15: met with staff regarding Social Security Commission; radio talk; concert by Harlem Boys Choir and reception to honor memory of Martin Luther King Jr.; Social Security proposal accepted by Democratic congressional leadership.]

  Sunday, January 16

  Spent most of day at desk, then at 6:30 guests arrived for a stag-bull session dinner. Geo. Shultz, Geo. Bush, Bryce Harlow, Lee Iacocca, Geo. Will and Irving Kristol. Most of the conversation centered around the auto industry. Lee discussed the Japanese problem & their restrictive trade practices, including under valuing the Yen. It was most informative & useful since we’ll be dealing with P.M. Nakasone Tues.

  [Monday, January 17: called Tip O’Neill and other congressional leaders to discuss accord on Social Security; meeting with CEOs of industrial companies and trade groups for “a solid discussion of Japan’s gimmicks to pretend free trade but practice protectionism.”]

  Tuesday, January 18

  P.M. Nakasone (Japan) arrived. We met privately. I acknowledged what he had done already about reducing tariffs & upping the mil. bud. but told him more was needed. I recognized his pol. problems but told him we had some too—a drive in Cong. to turn to protectionism, which was growing in strength. I believe he will take action. We moved to a larger meeting in the Cabinet room & continued discussion there & lunch in the W.H. I invited him & his wife & daughter to brkfst. tomorrow. Cabinet met & heard last word on budget. In constant $ it will be equal to ’83 bud. Allowing for inflation it will [be] 4½% bigger the exact amt. of present inflation rate.


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