The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 25

by Ronald Reagan

  [Launched an initiative on adult literacy; met Chicago teacher Marva Collins; met former governor Arch Moore (R-WV), encouraged him to run for Senate.]

  Thursday, September 8

  [Noted that U.S. forces in Beirut returned fire and silenced a Druse artillery post.]

  Jean Kirkpatrick came in with a pitch for my addressing the opening session of the U.N. There is reason to believe the Soviets may be planning a surprise—like Andropov showing up. King Hassan of Morocco told her Jumblat (Druse) is not really in charge—his family is in Syria & they (the Syrians) give him orders.

  Big Cabinet meeting on our program through Justice dept. to wipe out legal discriminations against women. We’ve changed 27 laws, have 60 more in process & today approved some more. Routine personnel meeting. Then some visitors—the 2 heroic pilots who safely landed their plane saving the passengers even though they themselves were on fire.

  [Visit from Joanna Stratton, author of Pioneer Women.]

  Talked to Geo. S. in Madrid—he terminated the meeting with Gromyko who insisted on repeating the Soviet lies about the Korean Plane Massacre. George says our allies may be hanging with us on taking more action against the Soviets. We’ll know more tomorrow.

  Friday, September 9

  An interview for the Mon. edition of “Time.” All of it in the Korean plane shoot down. I have no idea how it will turn out—Larry Barrett who did a thoroughly inaccurate book on me in the interview.

  [Memorial service for the “KAL massacre.”]

  The Soviets have stepped up their propaganda drive to point us as the villains, the KAL as a spy plane & themselves as protecting their rights.

  [Closed-circuit TV meeting with Republicans in Arizona; phoned Senator Daniel Evans (R-WA).]

  Saturday, September 10

  Met with George S 10:30 A.M. Nancy had left for Phoenix—back Sun. Nite. George reported in full on meeting with Gromyko. No doubt Gromyko was on the defensive & “discombobulated.” I think it was our round. We’ve learned by continuing to electronically process the tapes to bring out the few unintelligible lines that a Soviet pilot did report firing his canon. We don’t know if that was at the KAL or as a signal—“traces.” The Japanese tapes of the Korean transmissions give no hint that the pilot was aware of the Soviet planes even being in the air. We made this new information public.

  Our main meeting was on Lebanon. The situation is worsening. We may be facing a choice of getting out or enlarging our mission. Chfs. of Staff want to send the New Jersey. I’m concerned as to whether that won’t have a bad morale effect on our friends in Central Am. We’re going to move her thru the canal & off shore in the Atlantic before seeing whether she should head for Lebanon.

  Sunday, September 11

  NSC is meeting without me on Lebanon re a new Cable from Bud MacFarlane. Troops obviously PLO & Syrian have launched a new attack against the Lebanese army. Our problem is do we expand our mission to aid the army with artillery & air support. This could be seen as putting us in the war. George S., Bill C. & Jim Baker have just left me at 2 P.M. to get more info. on what is happening and where our partners in the MNF stand. Contingent on what they learn I’ve ordered use of naval gunfire. My reasoning is that this can be explained as protection of our Marines hoping it might signal the Syrians to pull back. I don’t think they want a war with us. If it doesn’t work then we’ll have to decide between pulling out or going to the Congress & making a case for greater involvement. NSC will meet again at 6 P.M. Meeting didn’t change anything so I’ve called for use of navy fire power & air strikes if needed.

  [Monday, September 12: NSC meeting on Lebanon, situation there quieter; addressed local politicians group, and then Hispanic Heritage gathering; appointed Katherine Ortega as U.S. Treasurer; met with commission on competitiveness in international trade, Japanese business leaders; cabinet meeting on unitary tax policy on international companies; approved extension of unemployment insurance; reception for Republican contributors from Ohio and Michigan.]

  Tuesday, September 13

  [Visit from Senator Daniel Evans (R-WA) and family.]P.M. Mugabe of Zimbabwe arrived. I was worried that he tended to filibuster. He talked a monologue for 20 min’s. Got around to our—as he put it—intervening in Angola’s affairs because of our effort to get Cubans out of Angola. Then moved to El Salvador & Nicaragua. I caught him taking a breath & interrupted. We can only persuade So. Africa to allow Namibia’s independence if we get the Cubans out. Then I gave a history lesson on Central America. He’s a very opinionated man & his country has voted against us in the U.N. even more times than the Soviets.

  [Cabinet meeting for Shultz report on Korea, Lebanon, and other issues (no details recorded in diary); other reports on drought in the Midwest and farm economy; met with educators; reception for Republican Eagles.]

  Wednesday, September 14

  N.S.C.—Saudi Arabia may exert more pressure on Syria. Things are a little suspended in Lebanon.

  Met with Eliz. Dole & our F.A.A. people who are going to the ICAO meeting in Canada. They intend to rally the rest of the 25 nations there to taking action against the Soviets in civil air affairs.

  [Interview with journalists from labor, Hispanic, and religious publications; new poll showed improvement; meeting with Phil Gramm and others on appropriations strategy in Congress.]

  A round table on the latest violation of classified info. The week-end meetings on Lebanon strategy appeared in the press a day later hurting our strategy there. I’ve ordered Justice to investigate. Tonite—speak to Hispanic Repubs. at a dinner.

  [Thursday, September 15: meeting for Pres. António dos Santos Eanes of Portugal, who maintained that former Portugese colonies Mozambique and Angola were ready to move away from Soviet influence; economic briefing to discuss differences of opinion over need to raise taxes; report on acid rain; farewell for speechwriter Aram Bakshian; photo sessions and visits, including one by Clare Boothe Luce.]

  Friday, September 16

  [Report of improvement in Central American situation; ceremony honoring contribution of Hispanics to military; met coalition for tuition tax credits; interview with Newsweek on Lebanon and Marines; met Belgian prince studying at Stanford; lunch with Republican National Committee.]

  Met with Geo. Shultz briefly & then proceeded to a Nat. Security Planning Group meeting. We approved some re-writing of the directive to C.I.A. for Covert activities in Nicaragua.

  Off to Camp David.

  Saturday, September 17–Sunday, September 18

  It was good to see the Camp. Weather was good & we rode Sat. We also had a talk about “to run or not to run.” I think we’ve agreed that I’ll have a go at it. I think I offer the best chance of winning—but we both agree it won’t be easy. Word came that Migs flown by Afghans—at least we’re supposed to believe that—bombed a village in Pakistan.

  The Sun. panel shows were frustrating to me. Everyone talks about what should or should not be done but they don’t know the real facts. Their opinions are based on their theories. I’m really upset with Geo. Will. He has become very bitter & personal in his attacks—mainly because he doesn’t think I’ve done or am doing enough about the Russians & the KAL007 massacre. He also believes I should ask for increased taxes.

  [Returned to W.H.; attended PBS’s “Young Talent” series, with Leontyne Price and singers from the Metropolitan Opera.]

  Monday, September 19

  NSC—Our Navy guns turned loose in support of the Lebanese army fighting to hold a position on a hill overlooking our Marines at the Beirut airport. This still comes under the head of defense. To allow those who have been shelling our Marines to take that position would have made the Marine base untenable.

  [Telephoned football coach George Allen and spoke at a physical fitness gathering; observation of the tenth anniversary of Executive Women in Government.]

  We met later—George S., Cap etc on a compromise we hope Cong. will agree to regarding the War Powers Act & Congressional approval o
f the Marines being in Lebanon. Sen. Baker thinks he can get it through the Sen. Among other things it would settle their presence in Lebanon for 18 months.

  [Met with Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) and promised support for his immigration bill; met with two Democratic representatives regarding disarmament; Maureen staying at W.H., discussed gender gap over dinner.]

  Tuesday, September 20

  An N.S.C. briefing on Cap’s trip to China. I believe relations have definitely improved even though they still feel like they have to make a little noise now & then about Taiwan.

  Off to Columbia, S. C. Announced to the press 1st that we had reached an agreement with a bi-partisan group in Cong. on Lebanon & the War Powers Act. If passed we’ll all stand together for an 18 month extension of the Marines stay in Lebanon. I will—in signing—voice my reservations about the constitutionality of the War Powers Act.

  [Flew to South Carolina, received honorary degree; reception for Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC); political dinner; report of shelling of U.S. ambassador’s residence in Beirut, no casualties; returned to W.H.]

  Wednesday, September 21

  [NSC briefing, but no new reports on Beirut shelling.]

  Worked last night on draft of U.N. speech (next Mon.). Met with speech writers to see if we can’t re-focus on the idea that people don’t start wars—govt’s. do. If govt’s. met—all determined there must not be a war everything including arms reduction would fall into place.

  [Presented award for Boys Club; lunch with regional broadcasters; private meeting with Shultz, mainly on Lebanon (no other details recorded); met Pres. Roberto Suazo Cordova of Honduras.]

  Finished day with some tapings. Upstairs to learn that Patti has been storming at Ed Hickey about S.S. protection again. We’ve agreed that if she wants out—after she’s heard their estimate of risks then let her out. She’s nuts but we can’t battle this way forever. It isn’t fair to the agents.

  Thursday, September 22

  More on Lebanon in NSC briefing—still no cease fire. French however took shells on their positions & suffered more casualties. They for 1st time scrambled 8 planes from their carrier & bombed PLO batteries in the mountains.

  [Addressed W.H. Conference on Productivity; signed proclamation for Business Women’s Day; desk work, including U.N. speech; visit from Special Olympics poster child, then from Epilepsy poster child; met boxer Hector Camacho; accepted copy of book Keepers of the Sea by Fred J. Maroon and Edward Latimer Beach; ambassadorial formalities; met with W.H. Fellows; reception for American Women in Radio and TV; reception for board of Smithsonian; home to Mrs. Reagan and Maureen.]

  Friday, September 23

  NSC on Central Am. Things are looking much better in El Salvador which is probably why it’s no longer on the TV evening news or the front pages. We’ve trained more units & their army is in the field not the barracks. Nicaragua is also feeling the squeeze.

  [Teleconference with regional party leaders; lunch with John and Sandra Day O’Connor; private meeting with Shultz on Lebanon, report that President Hafez al-Assad of Syria had two new demands; taped The Merv Griffin Show with Mrs. Reagan; swearing-in of appointee; reception for National Aquarium Society, which saved capital’s aquarium by making it a private institution; desk work upstairs. Saturday, September 24: photo session in gym; radiocast; attended rodeo.]

  Sunday, September 25

  [Flew to New York City for United Nations opening; checked in to Waldorf-Astoria; lunch with Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, noting, “He’s a good man & really trying to make the U.N. effective.”]

  After the lunch Nancy & I visited Cardinal Cooke who is dying of Leukemia. A brief prayer ceremony had been scheduled in his private chapel—without him of course. But then we went to his bedroom & concluded the final prayer with him. He is a brave & good man & has been most supportive of what we’re doing.

  [Meetings at Waldorf with Prince Sihanouk of Kampuchea (Cambodia) and with President Samuel Doe of Liberia; reception at U.N. hosted by Jeane Kirkpatrick.]

  Monday, September 26

  Put on my iron undershirt & off to the U.N. Gen. Assembly. It seems many of the members carry weapons. The speech was very well received. Mrs. de Cuellar said it got the most applause of any U.S. presidential address to the U.N. The theme was arms reduction & peace.

  [Spoke briefly at hotel to meeting of Women’s Sports Foundation.]

  Up to the suite & working lunch with King Hassan of Morocco. It was a most informative meeting with the King holding forth on the Middle East. His history of the Palestinians presented a view I’d never thought of. The problem is greater than the refugees in Lebanon & what to do with them. There are Palestinians in every Arab nation, 5 million of them unassimilated & wanting their own homeland. But where is the real estate for such a homeland.

  Prime Minister Gandhi of India came for a meeting. Then an interview with the N.Y. Post & back to Wash.

  In the East Room a reception for heads of Black colleges & U’s. I signed a bill—just passed today that will be of great help to those inst’s.

  Tuesday, September 27

  Turned out to be an easy day. After staff & NSC meeting—the latter had our Ambas. to S. Africa as a visitor. He brought us up to date on S. Africa’s effort to changed Const. & give full equality to the “Colored” population. Also on efforts to get Cubans out of Angola.

  [Address joint meeting of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank; lunch with President Mauno Koivisto of Finland; scheduled activity was postponed, so president took afternoon off; Mrs. Reagan suffering from a cold; fund-raising dinner for Senate Campaign Committee, noting, “Henry K. as toastmaster was very funny.” Wednesday, September 28: meetings with congressional leadership and with members concerned about vote for further military presence in Lebanon; administration bill on Lebanon passed later in the day; met with educators honored for excellence; report from Cabinet Council on Management and Administration, on schedule to reduce number of federal employees by seventy-five thousand; met with Mark Fowler, chairman of FCC on syndication rights for network; honored America’s Cup crews.]

  Thursday, September 29

  Prince Bandar reported in with message from King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. He has done a great job in helping bring about the Lebanon cease fire. He is about to be the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.

  P.M. Margaret Thatcher arrived. She & I had an hours talk before lunch mainly about the Soviets & what it would take to get back into some kind of relationship. Then we continued on a number of subjects at lunch. I don’t think U.S.-U.K. relations have ever been better. After she departed we had a Nat. Security Planning Group meeting re the “Start” talks. We agreed on some strategy as Gen. Rowny prepares to leave for Geneva.

  [Rose Garden ceremony for professional and amateur hockey teams, with square of imitation ice, goal, and goalie, noted, “They asked me to hit a puck & believe it or not I scored a goal”; visited by couple from Dixon, Illinois (boyhood home); photo session; visited by ballet dancers who won competition in Bulgaria; Willa Shalit took mold for face mask; noted Senate passed bill allowing Marines to stay in Beirut for eighteen months.]

  Friday, September 30

  The usual staff & N.S.C. meetings. On NSC it seems there was a breakdown in communication and an issue came in for decisions by me that had not included the legis. section in its meeting regarding options. Naturally I should have some input as to what the situation might be when it went to the Congress. I don’t know if this was accident or a little “turf” battle.

  Pres. of ABC TV news brought Peter Jennings in to see me. We had never met.

  Major part of day was spent with Pres. Mubarak of Egypt. We covered a lot of territory. He has some real ec. problems. We’re trying to help with that as well as the modernization of his military. He’s really turned off on the Soviets. I think we have a solid friendship going there.

  Later Jerry Carmen brought former N.H. Gov. Mel Thompson in for a brief visit. We were pretty close a
s Gov’s. together. Now he is convinced I’ve abandoned my conservative principles. We discussed a few points then he left me with a lengthy letter listing my sins. I’ll reply of course but not sure I can convince him. I’m afraid he gets some of his ideas from the Howie Phillips crowd.

  Dick Wirthlin came by with the tracking surveys. I’m up on job rating, the ec. etc. But on foreign policy—Lebanon I’m way down. The people just don’t know why we’re there. There is a deeply buried isolationist sentiment in our land.

  Decision was reached today to postpone the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia trip—probably til Spring & just do Japan & Korea in Nov. Congress was supposed to go home in Oct. but now they are staying thru Nov. There’s no way I could be gone for 3 weeks now. I’ve written Marcos explaining & Mike D. is going out there on the weekend to meet them all personally & explain.

  Saturday, October 1

  Radio broadcast—our job training program officially begins. Golf game laid on at Andrews A.F. Base—Don Regan & Geo. B. Then dinner party for Princess Margaret Rose.

  I’ve never played worse golf. For the 1st time I had actually forgotten the basics which like swimming I’d always assumed would never leave me. I bent my left arm on the back swing, kept my weight on my right leg & had a loose grip on the club. Well at least I realized all that before the game was over.

  The dinner party was great—everyone had a great time. Marvin Hamlish entertained. He was brilliant. The Wyatts & Claudette Colbert were our house guests.

  [Sunday, October 2: quiet day. Monday, October 3: swearing-in ceremony for Katherine Ortega as U.S. Treasurer; met with President Aristides Pereira of Cape Verde; issues lunch; addressed group for Minority Business Week; met with news directors; launched Combined Federal Charity Campaign in Rose Garden ceremony; met with Scowcroft Commission; with senators and congressmen on START strategy; reception for Supreme Court justices; worked out in gym; spoke at Heritage Foundation dinner.]


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